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Messages - Zemke

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 10
Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #1219, In the honor of Bytor.
« on: October 27, 2023, 02:45 PM »
Stretching groups shouldn’t be of your concern since you haven’t made it past that stage anyway. ;)

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #1219, In the honor of Bytor.
« on: October 25, 2023, 03:56 PM »
Haha, yeah. :D
Let’s see if he’ll have been hindered by skill or behavior.

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #1219, In the honor of Bytor.
« on: October 25, 2023, 12:01 PM »
Nope, TUS has rules about that.
You’ve just been given a chance to apply them.

Leagues General / Re: ttl season 3?
« on: October 17, 2022, 01:58 PM »
MI should do it before ESL #2 season is over making room on Worms League for TTL to be hosted there. ;)

ESL | Experimental Schemes League / Re: ESL Playoffs #1
« on: October 17, 2022, 01:55 PM »
Playoffs are now available on the Worms League website:

Never won anything huge but I vividly remember a victorious FTM Intermediate tourney, haha. :D
It’s a fond memory. I was just lurking on the sofa not expecting to make it far but I assume that gave me the kind of right composure.

Also took the opportunity to dig in the past and apparently I managed to win silver with the help of Kayz in an Intermediate 2vs2 at the 2011 Olympics. Who the hell are Chip and Dale, by the way?

Then also noticed I defeated Tita at the 2014 Winter Olympics which should count for something.

I happened to end up first in TUS Free season 2. But I must’ve used tactics because I certainly wasn’t better than either Darío or Koras.

My best ONL finish ever was 9th in 2009. And I think that was also the time when I peaked—at least in Intermediate scheme. End of 2009 was when I started playing significantly less and started working on CWT.

So, I ain’t got much to offer but I’m pretty sure every winner of CWT since 2002 is very proud of his achievement—rightly so. That would be Xaositect, Jigsaw, Fantomas, Dario, Random00, Johnmir, Mablak, FaD, chuvash, Rafka and Tade.

Announcements / Re: TUS Mobile Application
« on: June 25, 2022, 05:05 PM »
The idea is to have a public TUS API not me having access to specific information.

Announcements / Re: TUS Mobile Application
« on: June 24, 2022, 04:32 PM »
I maybe got an idea but I don’t know if it applies to your specific projects for making native mobile apps.

Since TUS has become somewhat of a central go-to point for everything related WA community I was thinking that other WA related projects could integrate some of the data coming from TUS. I was thinking that the mobile apps might take advantage of the backend that already exists for TUS. And maybe some of that API could be exposed to third-party consumers.

For example retrieve general user data from TUS like clan and country or also use an account on TUS to sign-in on other sites (OAuth). Of course the websites that could make use of this already exist and I’m not assuming many websites coming up in the future but oh well … that’s our community, right? It’s all for the funs. I’m owning CWT and WL and I would certainly use that API.

Wormkit Modules / Re: [Module Idea] Weapon usage tracker.
« on: June 24, 2022, 04:21 PM »
Just want to add this by pointing out that I made this:

As you can see it is a proof of concept of detecting objects in real time. Therefore it can be worked up upon to track weapon usage. And all of that without it being a WormKit module. That of course opens the way of cheating which—as has become clear during the course of this forum thread—is not wanted.

The original idea of my software was that it could automate weapon tracking as in CWT live streams on Twitch. Like here in the bottom left:

Therefore the idea would be to do the processing on a server that has authentication via Twitch. Resulting in only being able to use this software while live streaming. One wouldn’t then be able to use the software without it being publicly known. Alternatively the server could just track usage without Twitch authentication.

I think I could make it work. The proof of concept is successful—the complicated part done. It would require lots of work to extend it to be able to recognize all the objects (weapons), though.

By the way, to the people thinking about just extracting the log during live play to check weapons usage are unfortunately missing a point. For instance it logs Ninja Rope use for every shot fired even if it didn’t reduce ammunition. Like when firing into empty space. Also, it would require the “software” to join the game making it harder to host the software because it would need to be able to run WA then join the game etc.

Starting with just a quick preface that’s skippable: The screen shots show exemplary data exported from NNN that I used as testing data. Still, don’t take anything for real—it might be modified. chuvash for example never made that game comment. The data is out there in public so I felt right to grab it. Sorry if that offends anybody. This website (Worms League) has never been public so far and it’s screen shots from my private development environment.
Having mentioned NNN, this website is entirely unrelated. I have to say and gladly do so, though, that the looks of this website are based on a draft for a website Darío made some 20 to 25 years ago for an unrelated project. I have his permission.

That’s that. If you want to read more details on the site you might just read up on the conversation I had with SIBASA and KRD in Discord but I’m going to do some write-up now:

The website is almost your typical registration with email/password combo and then a form to upload replays and report games with then calculations done by a ranking system to generate the ladder. There’s extra nitty-gritty with some stats and maps (proudly powered by WAaaS) and commenting games.

The ranking system is too complex to give a definitive explanation here. But here’s some idiomatic orientation of what’s behind it: It takes your won rounds and streams that through what I call “relativizers” which means it puts this rather absolute number of won rounds into relation. The relations are factors like quality of opponent. Yet again I tested it against the NNN season rankings and it performs similarly. Though, I’d say WL rewards activity a little more.

Working on the website was started before ESL came up and I had no original idea of what WL would eventually become. As I now realized I’m inching closer to completing it for initial release I was wondering what scheme to start with and then I saw ESL. I’m not 100 % ready for release, but existing games could be added to the site later on.

I was really excited to see what schemes people came up with by the way. So, ESL is a great idea and I’d be happy to play supportive role.

He talks about it here.

Map with a message. I like it very much!

Leagues General / Re: Activity
« on: May 09, 2022, 04:19 PM »
There's new data available for NNN. It differs from data I had attained many years ago. I therefore kept both data in the new graph which is attached here and updated in the original post.


Leagues General / Activity
« on: May 09, 2022, 10:18 AM »
I assume we all feel activity declining for the last decade. I did the math.

Again without Classic league as it distorts the view.

Zooming in on more recent years.

Here's NNN league activity. Some data is inaccessible unfortunately. I have attained conflicting versions of data, so there are two plots.

These graphs as an attachment:


The script that made these graphs:

Code: [Select]
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from datetime import datetime as dt, timedelta
from functools import reduce
import re

def fmt_dt(s):
  return dt.strptime(s, '%B %d, %Y, %H:%M:%S')

with open('tus.tsv', 'r') as f:
  ll = [x.split('\t') for x in]

R = {l[0]: [] for l in ll }
for l in ll:
  start = fmt_dt(l[2])
  end = fmt_dt(l[3])
  g = sum([int(re.sub('[^\d]', '', s)) for s in l[4].split(', ')])
  dur = (end-start).days+2
  R[l[0]].append((start+(timedelta(days=dur/2)), g/dur, 2))

for k,v in R.items():

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

mx_y = 0
for l,vv in R.items():
  xs = [v[0] for v in vv]
  ys = [v[1] for v in vv]

  plt.plot(xs, ys, 'o-', label=l)

  mx, mx_i = -1, -1
  for i,(x,y) in enumerate(zip(xs, ys)):
    if y > mx:
      mx = y
      mx_i = i
  mx_y = max(mx, mx_y)

  label = "{:.2f}".format(y)
  plt.annotate(round(mx, 1),
               textcoords="offset points",

plt.yticks(range(0, int(mx_y), 5))
xticks = sorted(list(set([a[0] for b in R.values() for a in b])))
xticks = (reduce(lambda acc, v: acc + [v] if len(acc) == 0 or (v-acc[-1]).days > 300 else acc, xticks, []))
plt.xticks(xticks, [d.strftime("%m/%y") for d in xticks])
plt.grid(True, linewidth=0.5, linestyle='-')
plt.xlabel('season mid (month/year)')
plt.title('Average games a day per season')

plt.annotate(' (May 7, 2022)',
             xy = (1.0, -0.1),
             xycoords='axes fraction',


Data from in TSV format:


Leagues General / Re: A next TRL season scheme suggestion?
« on: May 03, 2022, 04:29 PM »
You can play ZaR Roper here:

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