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Messages - spalding

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: Hello W:A
« on: February 18, 2016, 11:51 AM »
Hm, im curious what changed in last time, spalding. As I said, didnt play much poker last years.

technology has developed a lot and playing by "feel" won't cut it anymore. There are GTO solvers now that most high stakes players use making the game a lot more mathmetical than before. GTO means game theory optimal, you basically try to play a strategy that cannot get exploited (taken advantage of). this is why players who mainly relied on their intuition and feel like phil ivey struggle nowadays.

General discussion / Re: Hello W:A
« on: February 16, 2016, 06:11 PM »
luck in the short run, skill in the long run, just like most games.

General discussion / Re: Hello W:A
« on: February 16, 2016, 05:20 PM »
the problem is to get to the point where you don't lose money online would require hundreds of hours if you start from scratch and without knowing your current skill level it's really hard to give tips. a few years ago one could just recommend  a few books but all these books are outdated nowadays and you actually have to pay for good coaching videos. almost everyone loses money playing poker so you should probably just play some play money and have fun :).

To give you an idea of how much poker has changed in recent years. 3 or 4 years ago Phil Ivey was considered the best player. Last year he was down 1mio+ and games actually formed around him at the highest limits and ppl would stop playing once he left the table.

General discussion / Re: Hello W:A
« on: February 16, 2016, 03:49 PM »
Iam curious about that thing of play poker for a living... how that really works? u just started with a few amount of money and now u every month take ur "profit" playing? to pay ur bills?
pretty much. wouldn't recommend it anymore though, online poker has been on a decline and it has gotten pretty tough :). I was fortunate enough to have an old c&c clan mate coach me who was top 3 at heads up (1v1) poker so it was pretty easy for me.

General discussion / Re: Hello W:A
« on: February 15, 2016, 08:35 PM »
Hey Walrus, long time no see :), I didn't get your msg for some reason. I got one by anubis so maybe you can double check? :p

General discussion / Re: Hello W:A
« on: February 12, 2016, 06:02 PM »
Oh so many old faces :) hey guys!

@ SPW : I only clear quests on hearthstone nowadays. Had a bet with another poker player that I'd get rank 1 legend within 1 month and after that I got kinda bored of constructed and just goof around in arena after getting legend usually (havent played much HS the last two months, back to poker! :)). Feel free to add me though and I can sweat you a bit and give you some tips if you want.

as for me, I've been playing poker for a living for 10 years now but still gotta play some online games every now and then :p

edit: Hi Kai :D, iP time was so much fun hehe

General discussion / Hello W:A
« on: February 12, 2016, 04:14 AM »
Greetings, travellers, so I've not really been keeping up with worms very much when I moved on to other games (c&c/starcraft/hearthstone) and just wonder how everyone is doing? :). Are there still active leagues? How easy is it to get a non ranked game at around 8 PM GMT? Might whipe the dust off my cd and play a few games. PM me your skype if I know you and you want to play. Was browsing a handful of threads and seems like Mablak became really good which I'm not very surprised by hehe, he seemed to steadily improve when I quit! Will be interesting to see how much this game has evolved over the years, heard Elite for example has come a long way.

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