Schemes > Schemes

Scheme #1041, TTRR Ultimate submitted by Xrayez


With this scheme I started to play TTRR more lol

reminds me RRC (Rope Race Challenge) scheme from UC site :D there is big rr challenges in UC, with a ttrr scheme include sdet, fdpt, ldet etc to play all map in one turn.

Using /ldet (Loss of control doesn't end turn) is highly not recommended in ttrr practising! Because your brain gets used to failing without loosing a turn, and you'll loose this feel when you are afraid of fail. This makes your reaction slower and you slowly loose the chute reflex
All other seems okay, antisink is good too.


--- Quote ---In case you want modify scheme's properties:
--- End quote ---
I predicted this one  :D
And if someone wants to be pro, then he need to be self-disciplined (not to fail i mean) IMHO  8)

That is frickin' awesome!   :'(


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