Acronym: Rainstorm
Name: Rainstorm v1.1
Type: Battle,
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Time: October 21, 2023, 10:00 PM
A variation of the "normal" scheme made for 2-3 human players of average skill.
Originally made for private use but we decided to share it for HostingBuddy and possibly some other players to experiment.
(Why "Rainstorm"? Because we love Risk of Rain rogue-like series and this is certainly not a Monsoon difficulty level)
Tested and tuned for v3.8.1 of the game.
We usually play it on a non-flat open space random maps with 2-3 teams 8 worms each (so 16-24 worms on a map).
The key features (differences from "normal") are:
— all weapons have finite ammo (no more than 3) except melee attacks, for better variety
— Sudden Death is earlier (10 minutes instead of 15) and includes only a moderate water rise
— no weapon or utility crates but triple chance of a first-aid kit
— girders replaced with a single girder starter pack since it's funnier for us
— there is a single slightly weakened banana bomb after 11 turns (to make sudden death more explosive)
— a couple of RubberWorm tweaks for Sudden Death, health crate collection, and resetting the aim (while helping with the girders)
At the same time:
— team/super weapons are still allowed since it's also fun
— standard weapon delays are preserved
The only thing we couldn't agree on is the worm placement — a couple of worms randomly placed at the very edge might kill the balance (especially in duels) and a certain amount of fun. However, placing 16 (let alone 24) worms manually takes hell of a time. Another way to compensate for this would be to allow Worm Select during the entire round (including Sudden Death), but this might make the game too easy and, again, less fun.
Thus, it's up to you to leave everything as is (random placement and no Worm Select) or turn something on (not the both options though).
Version history (since publication)
v1.1 -- removed utility crates, increased chance for first aid kits
v1.0 -- first version