April 26, 2024, 01:07 PM

Game #222444, Viewed 392 Time(s)

Sunday Aerial #6
Knockout, Round 1
November 12, 2017, 08:38 PM
Netherlands che ea meow
Gained 5 points
Serbia HCP alCo BrS
Lost 5 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
0 - 1
1 - 0
Information Tournament name: : #1029: Sunday Aerial #6
Tournament scheme(s):
Game Result: 2:1
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 1103 time(s).
0 members and about 1103 guests have downloaded this game.
Game Map(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 10 time(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 11 time(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 7 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[Vojske] hf
[HHC] bl man
[HHC] hf
[Vojske] shitty placemants
[HHC] yeh
[HHC] :?
[HHC] bl
[Vojske] ah
[HHC] :/
[Vojske] ops
[HHC] dumdidum
[Vojske] wow
[Vojske] n drop
[HHC] t
[Vojske] another one
[HHC] phew just in time
[HHC] t
[HHC] wow
[HHC] ns
[Vojske] t
[Vojske] almost
[HHC] damn
[HHC] booom
[Vojske] xDD
[Vojske] ka boom
[HHC] damn scissor
[Vojske] huh
[HHC] wow
[Vojske] vn !
[HHC] t
[HHC] just luck :o
[HHC] gs
[Vojske] t
[HHC] not double damage :(
[Vojske] uhhhh
[HHC] eeee
[HHC] damn
[HHC] uuu
[Vojske] ufff
[Vojske] close xD
[HHC] ow nt
[Vojske] JSdpmasd
[Vojske] hide.
[HHC] phew
[Vojske] gg
[HHC] :<
[Vojske] uffff
[Vojske] i just dont wanna die :D
[HHC] hmm
[Vojske] lol
[HHC] dumb zook
[HHC] damn
[HHC] gg
[Vojske] gg
[Vojske] good one
[HHC] ya
[Vojske] cya !

[Vojske] hf
[HHC] i skip or?
[HHC] hf
[Vojske] play
[Vojske] xD
[HHC] :D
[HHC] gogog
[HHC] :D
[Vojske] nice hide
[HHC] ah nah
[HHC] whyyy
[Vojske] a lot of mistakes
[HHC] doh
[HHC] yeh
[Vojske] damn sheep
[HHC] phew
[HHC] big enough?
[HHC] i hope
[HHC] woa
[Vojske] niceee
[HHC] gotya :D
[HHC] t
[Vojske] alive/
[Vojske] no x
[HHC] nop
[HHC] ty grass :/
[Vojske] :DD
[HHC] gj
[Vojske] t
[Vojske] n
[HHC] t
[Vojske] baam
[HHC] ouch
[HHC] n1
[Vojske] y
[Vojske] t
[HHC] doh
[HHC] aahh too early
[HHC] damn
[Vojske] uhh
[Vojske] nt
[Vojske] sakmas[dkls
[Vojske] xD
[HHC] hit me xD
[Vojske] ye
[Vojske] xd
[Vojske] dont sure
[Vojske] what i want
[Vojske] too fat worm
[HHC] close
[Vojske] n1
[HHC] t
[HHC] n1 if you win this
[HHC] but mayb sd
[Vojske] ah im already dead
[Vojske] i see clear shot
[HHC] gg
[Vojske] gg
[HHC] neeextt
[Vojske] wait sec
[HHC] k

[Vojske] hf
[HHC] hf
[Vojske] skip ?
[HHC] aaaah
[Vojske] not the best hide :D
[HHC] that hide xD
[HHC] now i have bad hides
[Vojske] ye :S
[Vojske] ttt
[HHC] daaamn
[HHC] aahh phew
[HHC] no double
[Vojske] XDD
[Vojske] oh cmon
[HHC] it has really small range
[Vojske] x3
[Vojske] ,,,
[HHC] plop
[Vojske] easy one xD
[HHC] ns
[Vojske] t
[HHC] wow
[Vojske] closeee
[HHC] gj
[Vojske] t
[Vojske] wow
[Vojske] vn
[HHC] t
[HHC] :o
[Vojske] afkosanfpoasfas
[Vojske] n
[HHC] t
[HHC] damn
[HHC] aahh baad
[Vojske] g1
[HHC] t
[HHC] gg :x
[Vojske] rly
[Vojske] gg
[Vojske] cyaa
[HHC] cya :D

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