April 26, 2024, 12:06 AM

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Challenges Comments / Re: Challenge #892, NdSC #42
« Last post by Masta on April 22, 2024, 07:41 PM »
Here is a video of the swoosh at the slowest playback speed. You can see this for yourself by pressing Shift + 0 + 9
Challenges Comments / Re: Challenge #892, NdSC #42
« Last post by TheKomodo on April 22, 2024, 07:12 PM »
That's not how the game works, you are wrong.

What do you mean that's not how the game works you just literally quoted Deadcode saying that's HOW the game works!

I am not debating how it works with the rope never being the same angle at which the next rope will be shot. I'm saying what I've always regarded as a swoosh and it's not what Shtaket did here. The frame that Triad showed, if you release the drill ON THAT FRAME, it is not a swoosh because the last frame of the rope that you saw is actually extending outwards from the middle to the left. If it was a swoosh it would be extending from the middle to the right AS you press the spacebar/enter button.

It is not just the angle the rope shoots that dictates what a swoosh is, it's also the position of the rope as you shoot. It is not a proper swoosh, period.

Challenges Comments / Re: Challenge #892, NdSC #42
« Last post by Masta on April 22, 2024, 06:42 PM »
By my definition, the last frame you see the actual rope is what counts.
That's not how the game works, you are wrong.
The last rope angle rendered before releasing the rope is never the same as the angle at which the next rope will be shot, unless the rope is perfectly still when released. This is because the rope internally undergoes a frame worth of motion before being released.
Challenges Comments / Re: Challenge #892, NdSC #42
« Last post by TheKomodo on April 22, 2024, 06:24 PM »
@Triad & Shtaket - Decided to play for 20 minutes just to tie. :P

This map is actually A LOT easier than I remember, it's really nice! Could definitely get a PG here I've had 3 and 4 bulls in a row a few times and not even fully in the zone yet.

Even by your own definition it was a swoosh, and you were wrong to assume that the rope would not go past perfectly vertical.

No, you're wrong.

By my definition, the last frame you see the actual rope is what counts. In the TA that I showed, the last frame of the rope was the same as in Triads picture, I released it on the next frame so there was no rope after that so it wasn't facing the right at all it was diagonally left.

It just so happened that there's a, let's call it "crossover point" where it sort of skips from the left side to the right between frames.

It definitely WAS NOT travelling on the right side of the extension though when actually pressing the button. Yes, the rope was shooting right, but the flagpole itself was still on the left side making it, actually an entirely different move in my opinion.

This is not an arch or mexi nor is it a swoosh, it's something else inbetween, something you can only achieve during ONE perfect frame. Since Shtaket sort of found this, he can name it lol.
Challenges Comments / Re: Challenge #892, NdSC #42
« Last post by Masta on April 22, 2024, 05:52 PM »
there is no "official" way of doing any move on the rope, its basically what people agree on.
I agree, but that isn't what I'm disputing.

Yeah but at best it would be totally vertical, and still not a swoosh.
My definition of a swoosh though, is when the rope is past the perfect vertical point moving downwards

I found the rope attachment position and the worm position at the frame of rope release by looking at the game's memory values.
Rope attachment position: 3100.1880340576171875 pixels
Worm position:            3103.64398193359375   pixels

As you can see the the worm is more than 3 pixels further to the right than the rope attachment position.

What this means is that the rope can't be perfectly vertical, in fact it's angled slightly to the right. You should be able to see this for yourself using TA by not releasing the rope.
Even by your own definition it was a swoosh, and you were wrong to assume that the rope would not go past perfectly vertical.
Leagues General / Re: Change BnG to No rules bng
« Last post by TheKomodo on April 22, 2024, 05:20 PM »
If you aren't going to do pure NrBnG, then just leave it how it is. It has to be absolutely no rules, or you are completely missing the point of NrBnG.

I disagree with Sbaffo saying Classic BnG is boring, I still really enjoy it, though the problem is that too many people complain... The point of pushing no rules BnG is to get rid of the stigma surrounding elitist BnG players over time, so that people can feel comfortable playing any style they want.

It's something that's going to take a while to accept, the implementation isn't going to be completely smooth, but it'll be worth it in the long run.

Worst comes to worst... Make NrBnG the standard, and let players play a2b/TUS Classic/BnG Akimbo if they want an alternative. But PO MUST be played with the official scheme.
Leagues General / Re: Change BnG to No rules bng
« Last post by Sbaffo on April 22, 2024, 05:06 PM »
Just remove every rule, classic bng has turned really boring right now
Files Comments / Re: File #3003, EarthBound Fanfares
« Last post by Dude02 on April 22, 2024, 04:58 PM »
I played Earthbound after watching this video. And since then it's one of my favourite games. I also knew about Ness character in Super Smash Bros. (Nintendo 64)


I also didn't know about it until I played super smash bros brawl on Wii and saw Ness as a playable character. I didn't play it until much later, when everyone on youtube talked about how inspiring and influential the game is. I was not disappointed!
Leagues General / Re: Change BnG to No rules bng
« Last post by Triad on April 22, 2024, 04:30 PM »
So, basically, a more detailed poll would be like this:

  • TELEPORTS (⚠️Darksiding must be clearly defined⚠️)
    • ❌Invading, ❌Darksiding, ❌Telecides.
    • ✔️Invading, ❌Darksiding, ❌Telecides.
    • ✔️Invading, ❌Darksiding, ✔️Telecides.
    • ❌Invading, ✔️Darksiding, ❌Telecides
    • ✔️Invading, ✔️Darksiding, ❌Telecides.
    • ✔️Invading, ✔️Darksiding, ✔️Telecides.
    • ✔️Reaim.
    • ☢️Auto reaim.
      • Input > Anti-lock Aim
      • RubberWorm > RubberWorm anti-lock aim
    • ❌Reaim.
  • SITTERS (⚠️Sitters must be clearly defined⚠️)
    • ❌Sitters.
    • ✔️Sitters.
  • BANNED SHOTS (❌ = Banned, ✔️ = Allowed)
    • ❌5-sec, no-LG, min-bounce nades, ❌1-sec nades, ❌Straight zooks.
    • ✔️5-sec, no-LG, min-bounce nades, ❌1-sec nades, ❌Straight zooks.
    • ❌5-sec, no-LG, min-bounce nades, ✔️1-sec nades, ❌Straight zooks.
    • ❌5-sec, no-LG, min-bounce nades, ❌1-sec nades, ✔️Straight zooks.
    • ✔️5-sec, no-LG, min-bounce nades, ✔️1-sec nades, ❌Straight zooks.
    • ✔️5-sec, no-LG, min-bounce nades, ❌1-sec nades, ✔️Straight zooks.
    • ❌5-sec, no-LG, min-bounce nades, ✔️1-sec nades, ✔️Straight zooks.
    • ✔️5-sec, no-LG, min-bounce nades, ✔️1-sec nades, ✔️Straight zooks.
  • FUSE
    • 5-sec.
    • 9-sec.
    • ❌Anti-lock power.
    • ✔️Anti-lock power.
    • ❌Circular aim.
    • ✔️Circular aim.

Let me know if I missed anything.

Edit: Thank you Senator for informing me about other options I forgot.
Leagues General / Re: Change BnG to No rules bng
« Last post by Peja on April 22, 2024, 04:23 PM »
Well, no rules doesn't mean people won't complain about your playstyle (see Hysteria). We could simplify the rulebook though and get rid of "unnecessary" rules. The rule set suggested by KRD is a good base for that process:

reaim and any hide + shot restriction should be removed imo. you dont have such things in other schemes in this league.
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