Challenges > Challenges

Map: Cueshark3proper in challenge #119

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what s happened?
has h eplayed with xSpeed? or something like that? or what?

Probably, ANO.

Check his league replays, there are only 4. Quite an amazing progress he made (even if the replays are 3 years old) for a guy who's rarely seen around.

Edit: nvm, there's no replay anymore to compare with.

If his replays are removed, so should his submittions to his previous challenges. I would advance from a 6th place to 5th place in challenge #118 :P

Nouuu, I wanted to watch them xD
Wally Wally... bahhhhh Bad guy, badddddd, slap yr ass-


--- Quote from: ANO on November 21, 2011, 12:00 PM ---Nouuu, I wanted to watch them xD
Wally Wally... bahhhhh Bad guy, badddddd, slap yr ass-

--- End quote ---
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