May 25, 2024, 01:42 AM

Game #174160, reported by MonkeyIsland, Viewed 1092 Time(s)

gooder bungee wery gooder
Knockout, Round 2
July 29, 2014, 08:23 PM
Iran dP REM NfBX
Gained 5 points
Netherlands TdC NfBX S17
Lost 5 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
3 - 3
5 - 5
Information Cup name: : #663: gooder bungee
Cup scheme(s):
Game Result: 2:1
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 2416 time(s).
Game Map(s)

Bungee Race by Syc0, Bloopy
1920 x 696, PNG, 51.73 KB, Downloaded 9272 time(s)

Bungee01 by Hakfinn
1920 x 696, PNG, 24.39 KB, Downloaded 8103 time(s)

Bungee Race by Hakfinn
1920 x 696, PNG, 10.08 KB, Downloaded 8035 time(s)

Hell worms2 by xLo
1920 x 696, PNG, 41.17 KB, Downloaded 8013 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Have fun and all that stuff
[dP`MonkeyIsland] seems like a sucky map
[dP`MonkeyIsland] Have fun, but no good luck
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] :(
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] how rude!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I mean
[dP`MonkeyIsland] my wife is shocked by your speech
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] How appropriate, you bungee like a cow!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] nice
[dP`MonkeyIsland] just stay there like a good kid
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Only if you drop down like a good kid ;)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] That's not how
[dP`MonkeyIsland] I think I made it worse
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I wouldn't mind :)
[dP`MonkeyIsland] lol
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] woot!
[dP`MonkeyIsland] sigh
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] that's easier
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] hi
[dP`MonkeyIsland] not so fast bucko!
[dP`MonkeyIsland] yea waste time honey
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Just giving you a better chance
[dP`MonkeyIsland] xDDD`
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Statistics say you need all the advantage you can get ;)
[dP`MonkeyIsland] I'll make new statistics!
[dP`MonkeyIsland] nice
[dP`MonkeyIsland] totally luck though
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Carefully balanced power!
[dP`MonkeyIsland] comoin
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Just because you don't notice the skill doesn't mean it's not there :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] (OK, it was luck)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] (Don't tell anyone!)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] You have that first jump down all right
[dP`MonkeyIsland] They will read this chat silly
[dP`MonkeyIsland] now everyone knows you are nothing but a lucker
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] twang
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] NOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Does this mean I should join Chelsea's clan?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] LuckyIsland :)
[dP`MonkeyIsland] Chelsea is not 100% lucky
[dP`MonkeyIsland] he actually is skilled
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Oh
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Well, guess I'll stay with TdC then
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] *cough*
[dP`MonkeyIsland] denied
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] same
[dP`MonkeyIsland] I'm leading though
[dP`MonkeyIsland] but 8 seconds
[dP`MonkeyIsland] by*
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] minus one turn
[dP`MonkeyIsland] monkey see
[dP`MonkeyIsland] monkey do
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I thought you were an island
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] or a game
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Anything but a monkey
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Maybe a babboon
[dP`MonkeyIsland] Yea but I meant you
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] denied.
[dP`MonkeyIsland] you saw what an island did and you copied it. That makes you the monkey
[dP`MonkeyIsland] a lucky one
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I'm not a monkey! I'm an ape-ish sort of species.
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Nice luck :)
[dP`MonkeyIsland] Apeone
[dP`MonkeyIsland] damn can't find your line to copy-paste
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Which one?
[dP`MonkeyIsland] ` boss
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] nice
[dP`MonkeyIsland] maybe you need to forfeit?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Nah
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] You're gonna get stuck at the end
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] LoL, I just saw the final jump
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Sorry, I didn't realise it was this map
[dP`MonkeyIsland] think about it. You are stuck on that spot for a long time. Who knows when you will get out?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] 2 years before you finish the last jump :)
[dP`MonkeyIsland] If you quit now, you can save time and enjoy your time doing something which you are good at
[dP`MonkeyIsland] ugh
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] But then I wouldn't get there.
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] So now I just have 2 years to finish this map.
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] You better pick the next map :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Style!
[dP`MonkeyIsland] lol
[dP`MonkeyIsland] nice luck
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I don't even know how to spell luk!
[dP`MonkeyIsland] wow and they let you play doctor
[dP`MonkeyIsland] lol stuck with style? xD
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Yes.
[dP`MonkeyIsland] LOL
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Of course they do!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Doctors shouldn't rely on luk.
[dP`MonkeyIsland] I don't need your pity!!!
[dP`MonkeyIsland] :D
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I don't pity your need!!!
[dP`MonkeyIsland] I'm concerned about your worm's vocal cords
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Don't worry, I can just replace it.
[dP`MonkeyIsland] comon
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] regular jump!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] against the thingey
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Hi, wall.
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I'm getting the feeling that particular swing isn't going to cut it for me
[dP`MonkeyIsland] The part of my brain about decision making is so powerful
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Powerfully wrong!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Not as wrong as mine, apparently.
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Hmm
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Perhaps a regular jump?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Nope.
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Hmm.
[dP`MonkeyIsland] comon use your chance
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] And be accused of being a bad loser again? :)
[dP`MonkeyIsland] :D
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Perhaps try walking a bit further left
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] with the tail hanging down
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] hmm
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Did he test this map?
[dP`MonkeyIsland] probably a pixel jump
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] bleh, I hate those
[dP`MonkeyIsland] so you knew you can't beat me in bungee you tried to beat me in battle race
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I skipped turn, but you wouldn't take it
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] battlerace is such a bullshit reason to lose time in bungeerace =/
[dP`MonkeyIsland] how many turns you think I needed?
[dP`MonkeyIsland] what an absolute luck!!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I'd have to check
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] 10-20?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I sure hope he didn't mean for us to bungee up there
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Hi
[dP`MonkeyIsland] Hi
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] One thing's for sure
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] This is gone from my hard drive after this game
[dP`MonkeyIsland] Map is made by hakfinn?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] How many turns did you lose on this before I got here?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] yeah
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] banning him from TUS? :)
[dP`MonkeyIsland] yea
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Hi
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I propose I skip 15-ish turns (the amount you lost)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] and we continue teleporting to the top of the green thing
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] LOL
[dP`MonkeyIsland] LOL
[dP`MonkeyIsland] how did you do that?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] normal jump
[dP`MonkeyIsland] lol
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] normal jump againt the little island
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Must've gotten a lucky sub pixel allignment
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I said normal!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] argh
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] this part is so bullshit :)
[dP`MonkeyIsland] Hakfinn and Crash (bull) were close friends that time
[dP`MonkeyIsland] that part is probablyt Crash's idea :D
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Don't talk to me like I don't know WN history! :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Jerry and bull joined fb at around the same time
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] But yeah
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] the final jump is difficult enough as it is
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Nice
[dP`MonkeyIsland] cinib
[dP`MonkeyIsland] cinib = comon
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] What do you think about my proposition?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] What?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] How!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Twice!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] In a row!
[dP`MonkeyIsland] decoded it!
[dP`MonkeyIsland] if you were smart enough you would have pay attention
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I've had to pay attention all day, just to not kill people!
[dP`MonkeyIsland] hehehe
[dP`MonkeyIsland] damn you will see it now :/
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] heh
[dP`MonkeyIsland] :D
[dP`MonkeyIsland] lol
[dP`MonkeyIsland] uggh
[dP`MonkeyIsland] LOL
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Hi!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Hi!
[dP`MonkeyIsland] Coffee?
[dP`MonkeyIsland] lmao
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I don't really drink coffee
[dP`MonkeyIsland] Beer?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] When was the last time we used a bungee?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Other than that one time you got up there
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] dammit, didn't pay attention :D
[dP`MonkeyIsland] LOL
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] space fail :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Ah, no worries, I still have slightly less than 2 years to make that jump
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] nice landing :)
dP`MonkeyIsland is pro
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] weeeeeee
[dP`MonkeyIsland] style!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Damn straight!
[dP`MonkeyIsland] :/
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] weeeeeeee
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I'm gonna try something else
[dP`MonkeyIsland] good job little buddy
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Thanks!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] For that, I'm going to give you 10 extra turns to finish for a draw if I make it first :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] weeeeeeee
[dP`MonkeyIsland] heheh
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Oh, there's an idea
[dP`MonkeyIsland] I really doubt hakfinn thought I that
[dP`MonkeyIsland] of*
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] :)
[dP`MonkeyIsland] whoa
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Doesn't mean it can't work!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I see more potential that way tbh
[dP`MonkeyIsland] COMON
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] 10 turns!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] gogogo!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] And I mean 10 bungee jumps
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] you can teleport
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] 1 down
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] 2 down
[dP`MonkeyIsland] sadistic bitch!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Mwuahhahahaha :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] OK, no counting :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] gogogogo!
[dP`MonkeyIsland] weee
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] :)
[dP`MonkeyIsland] 3*
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Seems only fair with the bullshit battleracing
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] aww
[dP`MonkeyIsland] almost
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I have one of these type of jumps in the-bungee-race-map-that-I'll-never-finish-making
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] only, you need to jump WAY up
[dP`MonkeyIsland] Hi!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] yay! draw :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] 'lo
[dP`MonkeyIsland] It is your win actually
[dP`MonkeyIsland] gg
[dP`MonkeyIsland] 1 to 0 for you

[dP`MonkeyIsland] hf
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] u2
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] No mine jumps :(
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Not bad.
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Bad :)
[dP`MonkeyIsland] Bad v2
[dP`MonkeyIsland] Good.
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] weeeeeeeee
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Stylish, but bad.
[dP`MonkeyIsland] you are a doctor not a stunt
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Don't destroy my dream like that!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Nice
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Now stay there
[dP`MonkeyIsland] where?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] See, this is how you mess up
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Well, you can move back too, if you prefer that :)
[dP`MonkeyIsland] I'm floating!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] And you don't even need that
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Because you can hold your breath for 10 minutes
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Style.
[dP`MonkeyIsland] A doctor taught me that
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] tada?
[dP`MonkeyIsland] Good.
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Thanks.
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] My tactics are working
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] First, I mess up big time, lull you into a sense of ease
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Then you start slacking off
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] and I go for the kill
[dP`MonkeyIsland] let me know when you are going for the kill :D
[dP`MonkeyIsland] LUCK!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] STYLE!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Bad style, but style nonetheless
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] You're missing the point!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] The kill comes when you don't expect it
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] What's the point of the tactics if I let you know when it's coming?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Good job
[dP`MonkeyIsland] when it has come on me, let me know
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] come on you? :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] You sure you want to phrase is like that?
[dP`MonkeyIsland] your tactics
[dP`MonkeyIsland] hehe
[dP`MonkeyIsland] your on some girl's roof
[dP`MonkeyIsland] screeming, don't you have any shame?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Apparently not!
[dP`MonkeyIsland] you're*]
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Style!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] screaming*
[dP`MonkeyIsland] sigh
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] aww
[dP`MonkeyIsland] wasting too much time for this lame worm to come
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] A smooch too soon
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Well, you don't have to wait
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Unless my tactics lulled you in a sense of ease!
[dP`MonkeyIsland] stay there
[dP`MonkeyIsland] this is an official warning
[dP`MonkeyIsland] know your place
[dP`MonkeyIsland] good boy
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] click :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Good luck finding someone to handle cups if you kick me!
[dP`MonkeyIsland] I bet you pass this final obstable with your first attemp
[dP`MonkeyIsland] t
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Nah, second
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I wouldn't presume to rock it olschool :)
[dP`MonkeyIsland] hehe
[dP`MonkeyIsland] Both game I lead to the end. What does it tell you?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] That you're a choker?
[dP`MonkeyIsland] grrrrr
[dP`MonkeyIsland] That you feed off people's bad lucks
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Oh, that.
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Better hurry up!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Oh, there you go :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Can I still finish?
[dP`MonkeyIsland] yep
[dP`MonkeyIsland] 10 TURNS! :D
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] 1 down? :)
[dP`MonkeyIsland] tick tick tick tick ...
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] it's tick tock, silly!
[dP`MonkeyIsland] That's a clock with pendolum or how that is spelled
[dP`MonkeyIsland] this is just a watch
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] pendulum
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] woot!
[dP`MonkeyIsland] keep some of those fails for the final round please
[dP`MonkeyIsland] don't spend them all here
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] You have found out my plan!
[dP`MonkeyIsland] denied!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] wow
[dP`MonkeyIsland] lol
[dP`MonkeyIsland] nice save :D
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] thanks :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] pff
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] how many more tries do I have?
[dP`MonkeyIsland] I think you have ran out
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] oh, ok

[dP`MonkeyIsland] baaaaaad
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] mwuhahahaha?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Thought I'd pick one that doesn't have too much battlerace
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Pain.
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Luck
[dP`MonkeyIsland] remember I was a bungee noobie and playing this map. The pain scarred my bungee soul
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Same here :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] The thing about soul crushing maps is you need to finish them.
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Crush them back!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Crush them back, DarkOne!
[dP`MonkeyIsland] Do you find it fun to walk into a worm's digestive system?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Well, off to a flying start again :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Not particularly
[dP`MonkeyIsland] pff
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Wow, this is so bad :D
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I should get my worms teams in this steam account, too
[dP`MonkeyIsland] I'm in!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] G'job
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] What the hell am I doing? :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!?!?!?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Hi.
[dP`MonkeyIsland] wb
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I never left! You did!
[dP`MonkeyIsland] stay in the digestive system
[dP`MonkeyIsland] you are a doctor ffs
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Like that?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] You know, I chose radiology so I wouldn't have to put my finger up people's butts anymore
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Well, among other things
[dP`MonkeyIsland] comon
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Hi
[dP`MonkeyIsland] So it is either put your fingers up people's butt or radiology?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Well, there are other options
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Could've been dermatology
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] But those people aren't real doctors!
[dP`MonkeyIsland] Why we are stuck here?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Because we want to be.
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Right?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] See?
[dP`MonkeyIsland] boss!
[dP`MonkeyIsland] I'd appriciated if you stayed there for a while
[dP`MonkeyIsland] practice some bungee tricks
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Sure
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] appreciate*
[dP`MonkeyIsland] wth
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I call that trick the "wow, that was horrible"
[dP`MonkeyIsland] The stunt I pulled?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] No, the trick I was practicing
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I call that trick the "not as bad as the previous one"
[dP`MonkeyIsland] Stay there. Remember! practice!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Why don't you practice this one, then?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] it's a tricky one
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] you can teleport back to practice :)
[dP`MonkeyIsland] Mine was sexy. Yours was messy
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Don't worms reproduce asexually?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] means your jump was counterintuitive
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Besides, that jump was, like, totally awesome
[dP`MonkeyIsland] I can't believe you are catching up
[dP`MonkeyIsland] Stay there! HEY!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] leading by 3 pixels
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Beginner's luck
[dP`MonkeyIsland] hehe
[dP`MonkeyIsland] Just stay there. You need to cool down
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Well, it's raining outside, so I'm hoping cooling will happen
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] best stay there
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] it's dangerous on the right
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] water and all that
[dP`MonkeyIsland] Good. Do that a dozen
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] You do that yourself :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] You're doing a marvellous job so far
[dP`MonkeyIsland] phew
[dP`MonkeyIsland] Good now bang your head and stay there.
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] hmm, less power
[dP`MonkeyIsland] Classic bungee practicing
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] or at least less altitude
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] luck!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] aww, so close
[dP`MonkeyIsland] UFFF
[dP`MonkeyIsland] BACK OFF
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I once made that jump :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] that works :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Probably won't make it in one turn
[dP`MonkeyIsland] History repeated itself!
[dP`MonkeyIsland] COMON
[dP`MonkeyIsland] COMON
[dP`MonkeyIsland] fall you bastard
[dP`MonkeyIsland] drown
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] LOL
[dP`MonkeyIsland] -.-
[dP`MonkeyIsland] lol
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] :P

[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] "This map sucks"? :)
[dP`MonkeyIsland] hf
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] hf!
[dP`MonkeyIsland] weird map
[dP`MonkeyIsland] you are red flames
[dP`MonkeyIsland] Aren't you dead?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] weee
[dP`MonkeyIsland] nice
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I'm immune to fire
[dP`MonkeyIsland] elegant!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Just wanted to point out
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] You needed an american to get there
[dP`MonkeyIsland] lol
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] nice
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Now keep practicing here
[dP`MonkeyIsland] shame
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] bleh
[dP`MonkeyIsland] cheat!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] No elegance for me, apparently
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] jeez
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] what did you put in my drink? :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] hi!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] That was both elegant and not useful for me
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] bah
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Well, at least there'll be a winner
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] gg
[dP`MonkeyIsland] gg
[dP`MonkeyIsland] bl there
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] nonsense, you were faster :)
[dP`MonkeyIsland] Just fyi, this map sucked too ;)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] ;)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] At least I win the coolest finish trophy :)
[dP`MonkeyIsland] This is a lesson for you to always look for America's help
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] to invade Iran?
[dP`MonkeyIsland] That's Iraq

Author Topic: Game #174160, reported by MonkeyIsland  (Read 1045 times)

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