June 06, 2024, 09:48 PM

Game #94537, Reported by HHC, Viewed 901 Time(s)

TUS Team17 CUP
Knockout, Round 4
December 09, 2011, 07:31 PM
Netherlands che ea meow
Gained 5 points
Poland dt ea FoS
Lost 5 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
1 - 3
2 - 7
Information Cup name: : #277: TUS Team17 CUP
Cup scheme(s):

Game Result: 2:0
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 411 time(s).
Game Map(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 9 time(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 7 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
mm`barman [gl hf]
[FUB`Casso] hf gl
[mm`barman] let the luckier player win
[TdC`HHC] hmm
wreckz*mm [let the biggest cock player win!]
[TdC`HHC] gamble paid off
wreckz*mm [the man with the big balls shall win!]
[wreckz*mm] fail
[TdC`HHC] ooooh
[mm`barman] ;o
[TdC`HHC] i watched an interesting chart the other day
[TdC`HHC] about people's penis length in europe
[mm`barman] bad luck
[TdC`HHC] netherlands was about 4th
[TdC`HHC] poland was last
[TdC`HHC] i think i should be fine
[wreckz*mm] ooooo bl bar
[wreckz*mm] it just makes me question what kind of sick things ur doing on the internet, hhc
[TdC`HHC] :(((
[TdC`HHC] just measuring my penis why?
[wreckz*mm] on webcam, or not?
[TdC`HHC] hmm
[TdC`HHC] yeah
[TdC`HHC] need to make a screenshot first
[mm`barman] holy hand crenade!
[TdC`HHC] right
[mm`barman] hhc!
[FUB`Casso] who was first '
[FUB`Casso] ?
[FUB`Casso] :D
[wreckz*mm] HHC was
[TdC`HHC] i need to focus
[TdC`HHC] darnit
[TdC`HHC] damn spectators
[wreckz*mm] oh but HHC, i was hoping you would tell me more about ur cock
[mm`barman] ctrl + f-everyone
[wreckz*mm] lol thats boring tho :D
[wreckz*mm] hhc is having vbl.. everything he has tried has failed :(
[TdC`HHC] that's not what your mom said
[mm`barman] lol
[wreckz*mm] true, my mom said the chart was right.. your meassured up 4th in the world
[wreckz*mm] hahaha
[mm`barman] in europe
[wreckz*mm] netherland big dick bastards
[mm`barman] darn
[TdC`HHC] yeah avi
[TdC`HHC] in all honesty
[TdC`HHC] they didn't show africa
[wreckz*mm] are you suggesting africans are hung?
[TdC`HHC] diee
[wreckz*mm] gj
[TdC`HHC] it's a fact
[wreckz*mm] well, i dont know if its a fact lol
[wreckz*mm] facts are only facts after you have done studies, and experiments...
[wreckz*mm] so now i wonder, what kind of experimenting have you done with an african penis?
[TdC`HHC] hm
[TdC`HHC] next question plz!!!
[wreckz*mm] did you spit, or swallow?
[TdC`HHC] spit?
[TdC`HHC] dont want no aids?
[wreckz*mm] good point, wish i had thought about that during my experiments
[wreckz*mm] brb though, ill go pee, get a drink, smoke a cigg, and be backk.. gl guyz
[TdC`HHC] k ty
[TdC`HHC] aaaah
[mm`barman] ackkk
[TdC`HHC] whew
[mm`barman] this does not look good
[wreckz*mm] lol
[mm`barman] aw you made it
[mm`barman] gg
[TdC`HHC] gg
[wreckz*mm] omg bar
[wreckz*mm] i mean hhc
[wreckz*mm] that was rude
[mm`barman] my first loss in this cup
[mm`barman] xd
[TdC`HHC] sorry :s
[FUB`Casso] gg

mm`barman [gl hf]
[TdC`HHC] nm
[FUB`Casso] hf gl
[TdC`HHC] ah
[TdC`HHC] you go :)
[TdC`HHC] sweet
[TdC`HHC] gl hf :D
[mm`barman] avirex always lights up last... that's how he rolls
[wreckz*mm] yeah, its my signature move
[wreckz*mm] i want to be remembered as that guy!
[TdC`HHC] bl
[mm`barman] f@#! f@#! f@#! f@#! f@#! f@#!
[FUB`Casso] bl
[wreckz*mm] atleast u hit him, bar
[mm`barman] lol I didn't know how did I make into the finals
[FUB`Casso] rofl
[FUB`Casso] !
[TdC`HHC] i hate you
[wreckz*mm] ur safe, bar
[TdC`HHC] seriously
[TdC`HHC] hi thar
[wreckz*mm] well guys, i have not had my cigg yet.. so ill brb.. gl to all the differnt sizes of dicks here
[wreckz*mm] gl, no matter the size
[TdC`HHC] oki oki
[wreckz*mm] even africans can have gl, np
[TdC`HHC] cya in a min
[wreckz*mm] k <3
[TdC`Deadly`b2b] casso le piace el cazzo
[TdC`Deadly`b2b] xd
[FUB`Casso] no haha
[FUB`Casso] don't use google translate
[FUB`Casso] xDD
[TdC`Deadly`b2b] i didnt
[FUB`Casso] :o
[TdC`HHC] goodies
[TdC`Deadly`b2b] i knew that phrase but dont know if its right
[TdC`Deadly`b2b] xD
[mm`barman] ah right
[FUB`Casso] you should use "le" with females
[FUB`Casso] "gli" with males
[mm`barman] porra you
[FUB`Casso] and i'm not a girl lol
[TdC`Deadly`b2b] oh
[TdC`Deadly`b2b] ok
[TdC`Deadly`b2b] i learnt something new :D
[TdC`Deadly`b2b] gli piace
[FUB`Casso] yes
[TdC`Deadly`b2b] yes? xDD
[FUB`Casso] nooo
[TdC`Deadly`b2b] jujaujuaj
[FUB`Casso] yes = the sentence is correct
[FUB`Casso] xDD
[FUB`Casso] not true
[FUB`Casso] aw
[TdC`Deadly`b2b] teach me more
[FUB`Casso] n
[TdC`HHC] well done
[mm`barman] thank you
[wreckz*mm] gj bar, ur now a pro
[mm`barman] finally
[mm`barman] I was waiting 12 years for that
[wreckz*mm] you have earned your red winds
[FUB`Casso] do you want to learn italian ? :o
[wreckz*mm] wings**
[TdC`HHC] hmm
[TdC`HHC] any ideas what to do with 2 suicide attacks?
[TdC`HHC] >:OO
[TdC`Deadly`b2b] long hard road before being pro
[wreckz*mm] hmmm... press space with them
[wreckz*mm] :D
[FUB`Casso] it's cool, try
[TdC`Deadly`b2b] yea cazzo i want
[mm`barman] kill 2 of your worms, you will have turn adv
[TdC`Deadly`b2b] pipeli
[FUB`Casso] my nick is Casso because I called my dog Cassandra
[TdC`Deadly`b2b] hahah
[TdC`Deadly`b2b] im just kidding you
[mm`barman] I AM LEADING
[mm`barman] GG
[wreckz*mm] ok, and now for the next game
[TdC`HHC] doh
[FUB`Casso] ye, i know xD
[wreckz*mm] bungeecid
[wreckz*mm] e
[wreckz*mm] bar thinks he is a mountain climber
[FUB`Casso] bl
[mm`barman] a
[wreckz*mm] ae
[mm`barman] a homing something
[FUB`Casso] now i have dinner
[wreckz*mm] huh?
[FUB`Casso] bb
[FUB`Casso] gl
[wreckz*mm] i thought u already had dinner
[TdC`HHC] t casso
[wreckz*mm] half an hour ago
[FUB`Casso] it was a false allarm
[FUB`Casso] hehe
[TdC`HHC] :D
[wreckz*mm] lol
[wreckz*mm] it was the smoke alarm
[FUB`Casso] i though my mom called me
[wreckz*mm] not the "pizza is ready" alarm :p
[mm`barman] pizza and popcorn
[mm`barman] :D
[FUB`Casso] yea
[wreckz*mm] what kinda of dinner do u have, casso?
[wreckz*mm] being the italiano that you are.
[mm`barman] pizza and spaghetti?
[FUB`Casso] pizza and steak
[wreckz*mm] does ur mom make enough food to feed 10 people, even though there is hardly that many ?
[FUB`Casso] spaghetti at lunch
[mm`barman] haha
[FUB`Casso] usually
[wreckz*mm] pizza and steak.. sounds like a good combo
[FUB`Casso] bye bye
[wreckz*mm] is ur mom hot?
[wreckz*mm] hold on casso, answer my last question plz
[FUB`Casso] kick me at the end of the game
[FUB`Casso] if i quit you risk to crash
[wreckz*mm] just type /afk
[wreckz*mm] u will auto light for next game
[mm`barman] pizza and steak?
[mm`barman] you must be half italian
[wreckz*mm] pizza and steak is special lol
[TdC`HHC] aah
[wreckz*mm] hhc IS a mountain climber
[wreckz*mm] ok, nvm
[mm`barman] he's a digger
[mm`barman] yo digga!
[wreckz*mm] a dutch n@#!!!?
[wreckz*mm] lol
[TdC`HHC] :o
[mm`barman] XDD
[wreckz*mm] are there any blacks in your guys country?
[mm`barman] nah
[wreckz*mm] countries***
[mm`barman] that would be too risky
[wreckz*mm] no blacks in poland? lol
[wreckz*mm] nice
[mm`barman] lol
[wreckz*mm] what about in netherlands?
[mm`barman] I was talking to myself
[mm`barman] about the tele
[mm`barman] there are few blacks in poland
[mm`barman] maybe 2 families in my city
[wreckz*mm] does everyone hate them?
[mm`barman] of 60k inhabitants
[wreckz*mm] do they speak polish?
[wreckz*mm] i just cant imagine a black person speaking polish
[wreckz*mm] hhc, are there blcaks in the nethz?
[mm`barman] I think he muted you
[TdC`HHC] lol nah
[TdC`HHC] and yeah there are blacks
[wreckz*mm] you must have to, because i asked you a question as well
[mm`barman] there are very few minorities in poland
[mm`barman] it's different in western europe
[wreckz*mm] that was hardly the question that i asked you :P
[wreckz*mm] i asked if the blacks can speak polski
[mm`barman] eh
[mm`barman] I'm not really focused on the chat :0
[mm`barman] I think they speak polish, yes
[mm`barman] uff, hard to maintain 3 worms
[wreckz*mm] that would be mega boring, if this turned into a draw.
[TdC`HHC] hmm
[TdC`HHC] nowhere to go
[mm`barman] crap
[wreckz*mm] bad hide
[mm`barman] not a big deal
[mm`barman] let's see what is he up to
[mm`barman] patsy?
[wreckz*mm] hes up to something
[wreckz*mm] gg
[TdC`HHC] gg
[mm`barman] aw
[mm`barman] gg
[wreckz*mm] clanner now?
[mm`barman] congratulations
[mm`barman] ;-)
[TdC`HHC] ty :D

Author Topic: Game #94537, Reported by HHC  (Read 864 times)

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Offline barman

Game #94537, Reported by HHC
« on: December 09, 2011, 07:35 PM »
Well played! I was already lucky to get into the finals x)
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barman's fails are best

Offline HHC

Re: Game #94537, Reported by HHC
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2011, 07:37 PM »
gg's bar  :)