New League has started!We are using the TRL League to begin a new League idea!
You will report your games VIA the TUS Rotated League section.
These are the 3 schemes you will be using this Season and the information you need to play fairly:
3 schemes each Season, based on the 3 different types of gameplay starting with:
Artillery:Grenade WarsPhysical:Big Batty RRStrategic:EliteClick on the scheme names above to visit their pages and read their rules!
Playoffs:Playoffs will be 4 players or 8 players, depending how many make the cut. More players = bigger PO.
In Playoff matches ALL 3 schemes will be played, regardless if you are already 2:0 ahead!
Scores will either be 3:0 or 2:1 in Playoffs.
Playoff requirements will be the usual TUS League requirements.
Streaming:I do apologize if it upsets anyone!
However it is mandatory that the Playoffs are streamed live!
It will mostly be the CWA channel -, there will be other streamers also!
You can also stream your own match if you want!
As long as we can showcase all you awesome players competing on YouTube after so we can make this game look worthy again!
Prizes:This is the prize pool for Singles:
1st - £752nd - £25There is no prize pool for Clanners yet, potentially in the future if there is enough interest and revenue.
Pick Rules:Quote
First, you need to find a partner. Then you decide which kind of league you want to play: Classic or Free. Both of you have to pick one scheme and play those two games. The higher season rating must pick first.
Before the first game start, both of you have to tell what your username on the site is. Missing to do this might have your games infirmed.
Both players/clans need to agree on the map. If you light up, you agree on the map. Using auto-light up is strictly forbidden. If the opponent picks a non-default sized map without informing you, you can still request a normal sized map at the start of the game and interrupt the game. If the scheme has manual worm placement, you must make the request before the first turn of the game. If the scheme has random worm placement, you must make the request before the second turn of the game.
After you finished the games, and the games result is 1-1, you can agree on playing a third game.
EVERY GAME MUST BE REPORTED! This means DoN (Double or Nothing) games are highly forbidden!
It's the same as TUS except obviously include TRL, if you cannot agree who gets 1st pick, then the higher ranked player gets to choose who picks first.
Game Limit:You can play 10 games of each scheme per player each Season.
So for example 10 Grenade Wars, 10 Big RR and 10 Elite for Sbaffo vs blitzed.
After that, they need to find new opponents.
If you want a more detailed explanation you can visit this thread: