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Author Topic: My Lawyer called me today!  (Read 3679 times)

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Offline avirex

My Lawyer called me today!
« on: December 30, 2010, 12:45 AM »
i thought i had court on the 6th... NOPE

turned out i have court on the 4th, and i thought i would get sentenced that day to what day i have to go into jail.... NOPE

im going to jail that day....  so... as of the 4th os january, i will start my 60 day stretch.. my heart is pounding just typing this hahaha.. its an anxious, and nervous feeling mixed... GAHH!!   

Offline nino

Re: My Lawyer called me today!
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2010, 12:49 AM »
f@#! it :(
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Offline beer

Re: My Lawyer called me today!
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2010, 01:07 AM »
aw :(

drama queen iz back

Offline Madden

Re: My Lawyer called me today!
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2010, 01:34 AM »
Have you actually said what you're going in for? I hope that if you were protecting, via violence or by protecting friends, that  you are dealt with with a minimal sentence. I mean this truely. I hope that whatever you did was warranted and with a level head. I can totally understand doing illegal things on behalf of friends or for human principles. However, if you were a c@#! like 90% of people sentenced then I hope you learn your lesson. Either way, I can't wait for you  to get back as you make these forums worth reading. I am so drunk. Basically, if you deserved it then f@#! you, let's meet up and have a fight, or if not, I'll buy you a drink. WAT.
[NAiL`bOr] if u see me
[NAiL`bOr] ur gonna think im f@#!in weird man

Offline beer

Re: My Lawyer called me today!
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2010, 01:36 AM »
Have you actually said what you're going in for? I hope that if you were protecting, via violence or by protecting friends, that  you are dealt with with a minimal sentence. I mean this truely. I hope that whatever you did was warranted and with a level head. I can totally understand doing illegal things on behalf of friends or for human principles. However, if you were a c@#! like 90% of people sentenced then I hope you learn your lesson. Either way, I can't wait for you  to get back as you make these forums worth reading. I am so drunk. Basically, if you deserved it then f@#! you, let's meet up and have a fight, or if not, I'll buy you a drink. WAT.

man u lolmao XDD

drama queen iz back

Offline angus

Re: My Lawyer called me today!
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2010, 02:36 AM »
Good luck and be careful whit ur ass.. :/

Offline nino

Re: My Lawyer called me today!
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2010, 02:49 AM »
angus u f@#!ing silly, avi is going to jail to get free rapes,  ;D

sorry ae avi, we can lose the friend but never the joke xD
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Offline avirex

Re: My Lawyer called me today!
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2010, 03:03 AM »
yeah, i dont think i have said what i have done... only people that i think i have told is chicken, and devilage...   

i guess i can tell the story real fast, everyone knows im going to jail, might as well know why...

i have been arrested 3 times in 2010.

number1) about mid january, cold as a witches tit, im walking fairly far from home calling people for a ride, my cell phone dies.. but i had my cell phone charger... so i go inside a hotel, and ask the clerk if i can either plug my phone in long enough to make a call, use the phone there, or whatever.. i told her i just need to call for a ride, im a bit stranded... that black n@#!!! bitch told me no, and if im not a resident in the hotel i need to leave.. so i called her a c@#!.. and started to walk out.. she told me she will call the police, i told her.. f@#! off c@#!, call the cops.... and i walked... the cops came and grabbed me, they asked me where im coming from, i told them i was at the hotel.. and the arrested me, come to find out.. she told the cops i was throwing rocks at the window, as well as calling her names... so they gave me breach of peace, disorderly conduct, and interfearing with police (not idea where the interfearing came from, bastards) ---oh yah, dont feel like re-reading this, but i was drunk in this situation..

number2) me and a friend were at the bar, we split a piture of beer between the two of us, so you know damn well i was not drunk... and on the way out of there it was a pretty horrible snow storm... i believe this was at the very end of january, or start of feb. not sure... but anyway i went to take a right hand turn, and i slid into another car that was at the red light... T-boned her... and i took off, i knew i was not drunk personally, but a breath-alyzer would have labeled my drunk...some1 got my license plate, and i was called up, and told to turn my self in the next day... the police officer told meshe responded to like twenty something accidents that night, but i was the only one who left the scene... also, there were childen in the car, and i feel very bad about this, i scared the shit out of them.. but thankfully no1 was injured... my charge in this case was evading responsibility

number3) 4th of July my friend threw a beer bottle at this one guy, at a party... my other friend went after him (because it was his uncle that got hit) so now i turn around and see 2 of my friends fighting(i did not even know the beer bottle was thrown)... i go to try and break it up, and the guy who got hit, tackled me from behind... i was pretty drunk... and i rolled over ontop of him and beat the shit out of him, i blacked out while on top of him.. i just kept swinging... broke his nose and shit...   my charge here was disorderly conduct, breach of peace, and assault 3rd...

they wanted me to serve 18 months, but my lawyer got it dropped to 60 days, and a 1 year suspended sentence... meaning, i will get out after 60 days on probation, and if i f@#! up again, i will be serving 1 year, no questions asked... so i better be on my best behaviour when i get out...

but yeah, thats the story.. i made some mistakes, and each incident was a result of drinking, so i can only blame myself, and i do feel bad about this children being in that car that i hit.. but i dont believe i deserve to go to jail... but cant fight the funk!! im going tuesday!  >:(

Offline nino

Re: My Lawyer called me today!
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2010, 03:44 AM »
thats nothing avi, love brazil xD

i lost the count of time that i got my pistol and pointed out for those stupid peoples who like to fight

once was funny the pistol was in my car and i was comming back with my gf to this, then 3 stupid drunk guys were talking some shits  to me just w8ing me to make something to start a fight, i just said hey guys ill fight one per one and beat u up, just w8 ill leave my gf in the car then i did and got the pistol, and hidded it, and then when i was close to them i asked whos the 1st? then a big guy came in the position of fight to me, i pointed him the pistol and huahuaha'ed he satrted to run and ive shoot to the sky, in 2 sec i couldnot see them till today haha.

years ago in the farm, an slave came with bullshits cos i told him to get out of it , he was like wtf i wont leave it u have to pay me( i would do that) and bla bla bla. i told him i would pay in justice cos hes he came like ill kill u!!! then i fastly got the pistol and said now run , 2 shoots in the sky again, this f@#!er went to police and i lost my licence per 1 year ( but still using it for this time but carefully).

so i think if i were in usa i would get more than 2 months lol, Brazil FTW.

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Offline Husk

Re: My Lawyer called me today!
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2010, 05:00 AM »
lmfao XDDDDddddddd

Offline avirex

Re: My Lawyer called me today!
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2010, 11:28 AM »
hahahahha, yes nino..  in america, shooting a couple rounds into the air will more then likely get you a possible year per bullet.. lol

but nino, it would be a totally freak type thing, 1 in a million, u prolly have a better chance of lightning.... but

u should worry about that bullet falling ontop of somones head and killing them lol... u love Einstein, What goes up, must come down! hahaha or was that isaac newton? ;) haha 

a f@#!in stray bullet kills somone, brazil WILL put you in jail, u will never play worms again ;P

Offline Rok

Re: My Lawyer called me today!
« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2010, 11:47 AM »
1) Hope she rots in hell for that.

2) Well, that one you can blame on yourself, right? Here you don't neccesarily need to call the police in case of a car crash when there's no injured, people can settle it between themselves and their insurance companies or just pay cash for tiny damage :) In don't how it is in US though, but here you could get away with a beer or two in head, just being nice to the person you crashed in.

3) Could happen to anybody, I guess, though luck  :-X
chakkman> if rok was a girl i d marry the bitch lolz

Offline avirex

Re: My Lawyer called me today!
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2010, 11:54 AM »
yeah i hope she rot in hell too!! hahah thank u so much for that, i hate that n@#!!! bitch more then anything in the world... she knew i would not get in trouble for calling her a bitch or c@#! too much...  so she sweetend the deal, and make up some BS about throwing rocks at the window... i was drunk, but why the f@#! would i throw rocks at the window? wtf?.. dumb c@#!!! nino, get ur gun.. lets go after this bitch. huahha

Offline TheKomodo

Re: My Lawyer called me today!
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2010, 12:02 PM »
Why didn't you just tell the police to check the windows for marks?

Offline Ray

Re: My Lawyer called me today!
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2010, 12:21 PM »
Why didn't you just tell the police to check the windows for marks?
It's USA cops, don't forget that. I doubt they can tell the difference between two donuts, not to mention actual police work.

Avirex: well, this is pretty rough, and these were tough situations, I have to say that. Although number one... well, you probably should have stayed calm, even though I know it's easy to be smart afterwards, not even part of the situation... but I learned that rule the hard way myself as well. You probably should've said something like: "thank you for your kindness, I'll be sure to mention your outstandings services to all my friends", something like that, give her a smile and walk out of the hotel. Believe, that would have bugged her for countless nights, because she would've known that she was the idiot in that case... Anyway, too many words here. :)

I was only posting here to tell you, that taking responsibility for your acts and blaming yourself, is a huge thing in my eyes, a rare human quality, and you grew a big amount in my eyes with that.

Good luck man!

P.S.: if we do get together in the Playoffs of this season, would be nice to play the games before you go away.