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Author Topic: War Thunder - F2P  (Read 873 times)

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Offline TheKomodo

War Thunder - F2P
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:20 AM » - Use this link to register and download the game.

My mate introduced me to this game last week and I am completely hooked!

There are 2 types of gameplay, Tanks and Planes, I absolutely love the Planes!

The air combat is some of the best and most intense there is, it forces you to learn and use basic flight maneuvers and aerial tactics. Learning everything is difficult but also satisfying, I have so much to learn :D

It's free to play and unlike many other f2p games you don't have to spend tons of money to win, i've won a few games already and only played it for about 10 hours.

You can get the good stuff the old fashioned way with time and practise, there are however extras and exclusives you can get if you use real money.



I suggest subscribing to PhlyDaily and BaronVonGamez on YouTube if you like this game, they are very experienced and especially Baron knows so much about history of planes and parts etc.

Offline Husk

Re: War Thunder - F2P
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2015, 12:19 PM »
ok I found some stuff very cool in this game, considering it's a free game

one of the cool things I noticed it gives u option such as arcade, realistic or simulator.  for example arcade makes controlling the plane very easy, just point ur mouse somewhere and it flies there.

also whenever u hit someone there's a cool animation showing what damage u caused, also if a tank has an angled armor for example it causes bullets coming from a bad angle to ricochet

there are many planes and tanks to choose from, I don't know are the differences that huge, but I guess someone who knows more about that kind of stuff can tell them apart and enjoy them

I guess it's good!

Offline TheKomodo

Re: War Thunder - F2P
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2015, 12:56 PM »
Yeah Husk it's pretty neat.


The main difference between arcade and realistic is everything is automatic on arcade, for example you start off in the air, when you run out of ammo you reload automatically, you have an assist aim when you get close enough that helps you know where to shoot, in realistic mode you have no aim assist you must land on the friendly airbase for repairs, refuel and reloading ammo, you must also take off and landing manually using the gear up/down functions etc, also you must be careful with moving around as you can break wings by turning too fast at high speeds etc.

I am not keen on tanks to be honest, I enjoy watching Baron play tanks but for now I will stick to planes.

For planes there are 5 tier ranks, I II III IV and V, ranging from light early model propeller planes to badass jet fighters and heavy propeller fighters, the main difference between planes of the same kind you can use different bombs/ammo, also there are different types of plane, naval fighter/light fighter/fighter/jet/bomber etc, they are all useful for different tanks/styles of fighting.

I've been doing quite well this morning, i've finished in 1st place overall 5 times and 1st for my team about 10 more times, i've got most modifications for the planes I have currently, currently I am loving the P-36A Hawk / P-36C Hawk and P-36G Hawk fully modded, I also purchased the Thach's F2A-1 Buffalo which is fully modded, for ammo I always use stealth, in arcade mode you don't really need the tracers because you have the aim assist, but you can choose not to use the assist from what i've heard, some people tend to use default(tracers included) for a better indication of where they are shooting, but many players have said after playing AB(Arcade Battle) for so long they have a much better idea of where to aim in RB(Realistic Battle).

I've currently unlocked 5 Tier 2 planes and have just started researching Tier 3, just about to unlock my 1st Tier 3, but I won't move onto Tier 2 rank fights for a few weeks, I will do each for a few weeks I guess, I tried a Tier 5 after purchasing the Spitfire IX(USA) and got my ass handed to me lol, I did get some kills but nowhere near the success I have in Tier 1 with my fully modded planes :D

Re: War Thunder - F2P
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2015, 01:08 PM »
ne1 playing btw?

Offline Husk

Re: War Thunder - F2P
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2015, 07:49 PM »
yes my score was 13000 last time I played it, but I guess u should make own topic for it

Offline philie

Re: War Thunder - F2P
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2015, 10:35 PM »
ne1 playing btw?

i love it, but i try not to waste too much time with it..

Offline TheKomodo

Re: War Thunder - F2P
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2015, 02:28 AM »
Tier 2 - My best round yet :D

Offline Anubis

Re: War Thunder - F2P
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2015, 04:10 PM »
I have played Warthunder quite some time, and I enjoy the Tanks the most. I am also in the early access of Armored Warfare, a modern tank only game. Obviously I also played World of Tanks but it is by far the worst tank game of the 3 available imo.

I have T4, tanks close to Tier 5 tanks but just couldn't push the grind. It becomes REALLY grindy at the end and without a premium account you get screwed a lot at the end. So yeah, it's a good game but punishes you at the end for not spending money at it. :D