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Author Topic: [SOLVED] sorry to re-open a topic.  (Read 5035 times)

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Offline Free

Re: sorry to re-open a topic.
« Reply #60 on: September 30, 2011, 10:59 PM »
I came to think of the power that the hoster has over the game situation anyways... atleast in childish situations like Komo likes to create.

You know you can always MUTE a player so there's no real need to boot just because you find his messages annoying. Booting because of that should MOST OF THE TIME be punished IMO

Re: sorry to re-open a topic.
« Reply #61 on: October 01, 2011, 12:52 AM »
+1 to Peja

You tried mate.

Offline Gabriel

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Re: sorry to re-open a topic.
« Reply #62 on: October 01, 2011, 12:56 AM »
+1 to Peja

You tried mate.

lol at no reputation haha
Mole shopper is the worst thing in the world.

Offline avirex

Re: sorry to re-open a topic.
« Reply #63 on: October 01, 2011, 04:01 AM »
its amazing how we are 5 pages into a thread i was hoping would not be posted in by anyone but mods...

its also amazing how mods have not posted in it at all....

its also amazing komos clan mate have not been here at all to back him up in any way (wonder why)

i will not say amazing, because we all know its not.. but pretty funny that komo has about 5 post to every 1 community post in this thread....

thank you free, and all the others who agree that asking for a new map is not rude.... (pretty obvious)

and i would say its pretty amazing how komo says he is not the only one to complain about my sportmanship in clanners...... please, dont make statements that is not true...   i am always a good sport, and will always say gg, no matter how frustrating a loss can be.... everyone knows its you who is a bad sport...   all we have to do is look up your bng losses.... in fact... FoS will make a worms movie soon, of your poor sportsmanship and antics about anything regarding bng..... my personal favorite was when you made a big deal about CF picking bng because you were not there, calling them cheap, etc...  so yes, be on the look out for this movie coming to theaters near you!

and as far as applaud and smites: i have not done either, in weeks.. maybe a month, and MonkeyIsland can agree.... but just because you have been getting smited (for obvious reason) you feel i have been doing it, and smiting me any chance you get.   your a pathetic mess.... the funniest was when someone alias lalo, and you PM'd him in AG begging him to go smite avirex.. lol... get a hobby outside of worms, and ordering pizza delivery.

i hope everyone has enjoyed this read... now please mods, give cfc this bng win because we have no intentions of re-playing it... and lock this thread.

« Last Edit: October 01, 2011, 04:03 AM by avirex »

Re: sorry to re-open a topic.
« Reply #64 on: October 01, 2011, 05:03 AM »
lmao, you're actually making a movie about that?
  <-- my brain when I clan with avi

Offline TheKomodo

Re: sorry to re-open a topic.
« Reply #65 on: October 01, 2011, 06:04 AM »
Asking for a new map ain't an insult, it's an either start of an conversation or agreement. Not a boot to a playing member. 4 times in a row, and then you wonder why we left? :D

Free, you are right, if someone said "Can you change the map please?" it isn't an insult, but we both know avi didn't word it like that, I don't even think you realise the hatred avi has for me, you and Mablak don't even notice it, for nino, he just wants peace, but for avi, he's a c@#! to me, after CKC split he always has been and always will be, the way he spoke was out of line, if someone came up to you and spoke like that, you would either hit them or walk away or end up taking like a pussy, i'd bet my life on that.

I came to think of the power that the hoster has over the game situation anyways... atleast in childish situations like Komo likes to create.

You know you can always MUTE a player so there's no real need to boot just because you find his messages annoying. Booting because of that should MOST OF THE TIME be punished IMO

Free, that's bullshit, just because I kicked a played does not make it childish, WHAT ELSE CAN I DO?, literally, tell me ANYTHING I can do to get avi's attention in a situation like that where he won't feed me bullshit, and try to manipulate the game? I cannot "ignore" him, because then he wouldn't light up and we couldn't continue the game.

Given the circumstances I have a valid reason for doing what I done, morally I am right, just because so many other people like to give in to avi's demands when playing clanners/singles doesn't mean I f@#!ing have to ok...

If we could send all avi's chatlogs for pre-game and in-game to a really good psychiatrist, the verdict would come back "manipulative".

Free, how dare you acuse ME of being childish when avi was the one crying about a map, crying about how lame BnG is, crying about me, crying about a free win, swearing and cursing and eventually being the one to refuse to play, I wanted to finish the game, the proof is there.

And avi, i've actually asked cFc to stay away from this because unlike you, I don't need the support of all my clanmates and community mates, just because you outnumber me definately doesn't make you right.

And avi, you are doing the exact same thing right now, saying "ah give them the free win".

You are weak, you have no evidence to back up your claims, instead of trying to proof your ridiculous claims, you instead ALWAYS go off subject and talk like a 5 year old swearing, ranting and raving, talk about Karma, talking about how much you think my life sucks, you gonna make a video, seriously, WHAT THE f@#! DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH THIS GAME??? It's damn obvious you are wrong here cuz you keep talking about irrelevant crap because you have NOTHING good to say about this actual f@#!ing game cuz you have NO PROOF.

You don't have passion for WA, you only play this game for drama and attention/popularity.

I love this game, I love BnG, I will do ANYTHING I have to do to achieve what I feel is right, if you don't care then f@#! off.

Offline avirex

Re: sorry to re-open a topic.
« Reply #66 on: October 01, 2011, 10:47 AM »
Peja, the problem is you think I am posting this complaint just to annoy avirex or something.

That is NOT true, I am genuinly dissapointed in the way these complaints and a few other things have been handled, and very very concerned about avi's behavior in clanners, I am not the only clan/person to make complaints about his sportsmanship.

Please accept this is not about "komo and avi" this is about a TuS League match, all personal feelings should be set aside.

I have provided relative and important evidence to back up my story/side of the complaint, whilst avi has done nothing but call me cheap, fat, useless, waste of a life etc etc etc etc.

Yet you all sit there smiting me, calling me shit, no wonder I am going to post some swearing etc back, to get it through to you immature trollers.

my last post was based on this thread, i just did not post the quote, cuz im too lazy.... so who is the one talking about irrelevant crap? lol

and i am not posting any kind of proof... because you already did....     you posted a log that proves exactly what i have been saying all along, that i did not get rude until after the first boot....   what more do i have to do? the mods can read.... we dont have to discuss this another 5 pages, in fact.... i do not want to

i have already asked the mods to give cfc the win... we have no intentions on playing this game.... and it obviously means a great deal to you..... and at the end of the day, no matter how much i may pick on you and stuff, i would not want you to do any harm to yourself over this silly game.... i mean that komo...

so cfc wins...  victory is yours.

Offline TheKomodo

Re: sorry to re-open a topic.
« Reply #67 on: October 01, 2011, 02:47 PM »
you posted a log that proves exactly what i have been saying all along, that i did not get rude until after the first boot....   what more do i have to do? the mods can read....

[2011-09-23 01.55.12] [avirex`mm] new map komo
[2011-09-23 01.55.14] [cfc`madog] 150
[2011-09-23 01.55.16] [avirex`mm] f@#! ur saved repeat maps
[2011-09-23 01.55.16] [cFc`Komo`b2b] Yah I reseeded
[2011-09-23 01.55.17] [cfc`madog] 100 too low
[2011-09-23 01.55.20] [avirex`mm] no komo
[2011-09-23 01.55.20] [avirex`mm] new map
[2011-09-23 01.55.21] [cFc`Komo`b2b] It's different positions
[2011-09-23 01.55.23] [cFc`Komo`b2b] avi stfu
[2011-09-23 01.55.24] [avirex`mm] no komo
[2011-09-23 01.55.25] [cFc`Komo`b2b] It's our pick
[2011-09-23 01.55.25] [avirex`mm] new map
[2011-09-23 01.55.27] [avirex`mm] no komo
[2011-09-23 01.55.28] [avirex`mm] new map
[2011-09-23 01.55.31] ••• Booting player: avirex`mm

That is in order avi, I guess you are just too far up your own ass to realise "f@#! your saved repeat maps" is an insult, that was insulting, but what was more insulting was the "no komo" "new map" "no komo" "new map", like I said before, you talk like that to people in real life, where they can actually reach out and slap you, they will either hit you, walk away, or be too shy to defend themself, and give in to your manipulative bullshit, ANYONE who says different is outright lying.

I am not one to let people like you try and manipulate me or speak to me with such cheek.

I'd never walk away from someone like you.

I can't reach out and hit you.

So I kicked you.

Offline avirex

Re: sorry to re-open a topic.
« Reply #68 on: October 01, 2011, 02:54 PM »
are you done yet???

thats all you want to do is post back and forth, if i kept going, you would turn this into a 20 page thread.... thats why u were rewarded 2nd place for the troll award, right between zippo and doubletime... im sure next season you will be clenching the number 1 spot by a long shot...

i really hope your done now komo, no1 gives a shit about your posts, dont you get it??

you can have the win dude, ok? you won... your right, im wrong, you win, i lose, your better, i suck.. k??? can we drop it now?? you win man... you win!! you really really win!

Offline TheKomodo

Re: sorry to re-open a topic.
« Reply #69 on: October 01, 2011, 03:12 PM »
OOoooooo avi I am sooooooo offended :O:O:O You and your friends all voted together for me :O:O:O:O:O

Lol whoopdee doo pal.

Offline avirex

Re: sorry to re-open a topic.
« Reply #70 on: October 01, 2011, 03:41 PM »
uhhh........are you saying you did not deserve 2nd place???

anyway, are we done here? you win.

Offline TheKomodo

Re: sorry to re-open a topic.
« Reply #71 on: October 01, 2011, 04:01 PM »
No, I am waiting to see the verdict, bearing in mind I do not want a "free win" I want to continue, and even if cFc does get the win like that it won't be a free win because we played 4 games and about 2 hours of time consumed.

Offline avirex

Re: sorry to re-open a topic.
« Reply #72 on: October 01, 2011, 09:05 PM »
well the verdict is in asshole, because we dont want to play you...

you can have the win, you earned it

Offline Devilage

Re: sorry to re-open a topic.
« Reply #73 on: October 01, 2011, 09:34 PM »
FFS get a room u guys, wtf! srsly.

Smoking proud.

Offline avirex

Re: sorry to re-open a topic.
« Reply #74 on: October 01, 2011, 09:55 PM »
lol he does not understand that he wins.