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Do you want Hysteria to be in Classic league?


Author Topic: BAN HYSTERIA FROM DEFAULT LEAGUE  (Read 42956 times)

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Offline chakkman

« Reply #120 on: February 11, 2013, 01:56 PM »
Free, i don't know why you are trying so hard to ban this scheme while, especially with your worms promotional thing in mind, it should well be in your interest that there is a scheme which appeals to beginners, as it is easy to learn, hard to master. Also take in your consideration that, as i said, hyst is the most popular scheme since 15 saesons, take it away, and you will also take a way a lot of activity from the classic league, as there will be quite a few people mainly playing it due to the scheme. And the last, most important point is, is that noone will win the classic league based on picking only hysteria. The points system doesn't allow either scheme or noob bashing. So i don't quite see the problem. Not sure about the details of the point system, but i'm quite sure someone who's only good at hysteria and loses anything else will hardly make it into the top 20, if even that. So this system always favours the allround players.

Offline Free

« Reply #121 on: February 11, 2013, 02:00 PM »
Give them their own hysteria league, I think majority would be more happy with the decision, the beginners and the more serious competitive players also (yes, hello we are here too). Activity wouldn't downgrade.

I really wouldn't want to show a effectively played Hysteria game as promotional purposes to general audience.

Offline chakkman

« Reply #122 on: February 11, 2013, 02:10 PM »
I really wouldn't want to show a effectively played Hysteria game as promotional purposes to general audience.

Hehe, i gotta agree with that. The last hyst clanner i watched was just awful. :) But then, i also find bng games boring to watch, others will disagree. *shrug* All down to personal preference i guess, and one cannot deny that hysteria required its special tactics and strategies as well. The fact that those are considered lame as hell in other schemes doesn't matter.

« Reply #123 on: February 11, 2013, 02:10 PM »
D1, you obviously didn't get the general message behind my idea, Random00 is one of the best overall players anyway so he doesn't get owned in proper skilled schemes. What I was trying to say that most of people that like hysteria (majority of beginners) would probably be more happy with just Hysteria league without getting owned by good all-rounders, your really f@#!ing the dot here D1. I took a quick look at maverick's played games also, mostly noob bashing.

Thank you for this paragraph, because with this paragraph alone, you contradict almost everything you've said so far in this thread, namely:

- it doesn't require skills to get good at this (clearly, Random needed skills, as you said)
- noobs pick hysteria to easily win against pros (clearly, they couldn't beat Maverick, as you said)

Your general idea is that you don't like chesteria (my term for killing your own worm at any and all turns you have available because che members used it a lot when I was playing them - sorry for che members who don't do this).
I don't like chesteria. As far as I'm concerned, it has killed what could have been a great scheme and I can tell you that this is not what Run had in mind when he made hysteria. This is why I made randomsteria and hosted cups for it (you know, DOING something, rather than just playing games, which is what you're proposing you do).
If you had actually read and understood my previous posts, you would have known this, but clearly, this is not the case.
But as much as I dislike chesteria, it currently is a part of hysteria and GOOD players know their way around it.
... until we get an alternative.

Offline Maciej

« Reply #124 on: February 11, 2013, 02:20 PM »

that's just one example of stupidness of this scheme. Easy ploped/killed  his 3 health worms to get advantage and telecow me each turn. Idiotic! You kill your worms to win a game. So tactic is who faster kill his worms to get advantage, if you call it tactic, I call you idiot. Where's fun? Where's fight?
Think for example about roper, would you accept clanner in which one of the player from team in his first turn just take crate and... surrender? Nothing against rules, same in hysteria, but in hysteria he doesn't have to surrender because plop is possible. For example I play clanner with less skilled roper because no more players online, and I say him to surrender, so we will get advantage. That's logical, but where's the spirit of the game?

Offline ANO

« Reply #125 on: February 11, 2013, 02:37 PM »
wait! Easy is a clear example of real stupidity. it's not about hyst auhuah

I like hyst, I hate t17 and it's also luckier then hyst in my opinion. And also, what about shoppa? and crates? What aboiut wxw crates? the only fair WxW was mine, the WxW bunga ( with not random weapons, but still wepons, the same principe as in elite).

Offline Maciej

« Reply #126 on: February 11, 2013, 02:49 PM »
wait! Easy is a clear example of real stupidity. it's not about hyst auhuah

I like hyst, I hate t17 and it's also luckier then hyst in my opinion. And also, what about shoppa? and crates? What aboiut wxw crates? the only fair WxW was mine, the WxW bunga ( with not random weapons, but still wepons, the same principe as in elite).

but in all of these schemes 1 mistake can make you loser, similar in roper (but not always). If you are real good in t17 you can always try to tie a game (with 7 girders it's harder but still). In wxw important is rope skill, in shopper too if you play on cave, hard map, but using the weapons too, pilling. Of course luck can help you, and schemes like ttrr, bng or elite will be always more skill-needed, but it's not most important. In wxw or shopper you can fall near the barrel or on mine and it's drama, because you lose hp. In t17 you can plop yourself by incident (your mistake!) and it's drama because of lost hp.
     But in hysteria you are happy when you lose hp, when you lose worms, and you even kill them on purpose. You can make hundreds of mistake and you are still in the game! Sick! That's why I call it lucky scheme.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2013, 02:52 PM by Maciej »

Offline ANO

« Reply #127 on: February 11, 2013, 02:57 PM »
I've played many hysts, I can't find it so lucky as you guys say specially comparing to Shoppa...
Sure it's not the super Pro scheme, only ttrr and bng and elite are, but also bng ( on depending the way is played by lamers etc can drive you crazy and angry!)
So, only ttrr can be considered a 100% league scheme and elite, really we want this?

As komo wrote before, try to beat Casso in 10-20 games, or someone else really good in this scheme. Will you call him Legendary Lucker? D come on!

And as others said in these topic, it's a more to allow beginners to play leagues.. or we want to play leagues only with our old asses and stop??? let's kids play, we almost have a family in this topic auhauh let's our sons play hysteria!
« Last Edit: February 11, 2013, 03:03 PM by ANO »

Offline Maciej

« Reply #128 on: February 11, 2013, 03:02 PM »
and maybe you could counterargument my posts before Ano? I'm really intresting what would you say about that.

For the first few years I didn't use to play league, because I was too weak, that's obvious. I didn't cry I can't win any game, just trained to get better.
Even in sport you don't get bonus if you are weaker, nobody cares about you. If you want to become competitive player train.

Offline ANO

« Reply #129 on: February 11, 2013, 03:17 PM »
Maciej, I was talking you too.

I mean, you are admitting that hyst is a retard scheme which everyone can play, like mine madness or "Armageddon" at WO... you have just to press a button!!!
Seriously, I don't think this.

You need to pile and to shot not like a beginner if you want to win it. Maybe less number of molotov should be better, of course, maybe not sitter shots too...

Do you always play shoppa in the caves? D
artillery is also in hyst as in shoppa, ,,, if you can't use jp and do good shots and bad tactic you lose as in shoppa you do.
There is lucky? not, there is too much piling business, you can avoid it too.
Is it less serious then elite and ttrr and bng? Yes, I do f@#!ing agree with you!
Do i like to play? yes, I like it.
This makes me noob? I don't give a shit.
Are you scarred about loosing games against noobs because of hysteria? really???????????
and why?
Why you might lose easier hysteria vs noobs then shoppa (normal map, lucky weapons... and remember, not all the noobs who play leagues can't do a decent drop!!! and taking the crates in easy maps is easy, you can then lose a game against a noob without any problem in this case.)

So, comparing a noob in hyst vs a noob in shoppa?

« Last Edit: February 11, 2013, 03:19 PM by ANO »

« Reply #130 on: February 11, 2013, 03:25 PM »

that's just one example of stupidness of this scheme. Easy ploped/killed  his 3 health worms to get advantage and telecow me each turn. Idiotic! You kill your worms to win a game. So tactic is who faster kill his worms to get advantage, if you call it tactic, I call you idiot. Where's fun? Where's fight?
Think for example about roper, would you accept clanner in which one of the player from team in his first turn just take crate and... surrender? Nothing against rules, same in hysteria, but in hysteria he doesn't have to surrender because plop is possible. For example I play clanner with less skilled roper because no more players online, and I say him to surrender, so we will get advantage. That's logical, but where's the spirit of the game?

How about giving us an alternative (aka doing something) instead of this continuous whining (aka just talking)?
This is an example of how hysteria can be awesome. You want that kind of game to disappear too. Second replay is one of the ugliest games I've ever played in hysteria, but at least it was short (and it ended with a nice turn that made his turn advantage tactics blow up in his face). Third replay, he did not get a chance to use chesteria at all.

Offline Maciej

« Reply #131 on: February 11, 2013, 03:30 PM »
You still didn't counterarg my minds. In shopper one mistake can make you loser, same in every other scheme except hysteria. There are tricks in hsyteria like in every other scheme, but they are mostly useless, because if you don't hurt that worm using 'uber pro' lg+jp+fly+punch you will do in next round using nade. In hysteria you can make only mistakes and still win the game afterall by accident petrol. In shopper even crates won't help you if you fall into pile or near the barrel/mine. I have seen hysteria where one player lost his 3 worms in first round and still was in the game (ironically got advantage...)
I like hysteria too, but only as funner.
And another arg about roper, how would you feel with that tactic? I really don't want ppl start to play like this. And they do in hysteria.

 come on Darkone, you quote my opinnion but don't give any counterarg, that's sick.
And it's nt whining from my side but just talking, giving args, while you can give nothing against them.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2013, 03:34 PM by Maciej »

« Reply #132 on: February 11, 2013, 03:33 PM »
I have seen hysteria where one player lost his 3 worms in first round and still was in the game (ironically got advantage...)

Then the player who didn't lose his worms made mistake after mistake after mistake in the rest of the game. The third replay against fenrys, he had 1 worm and I had 3. I won the game with all 3 worms remaining because I did not allow him to use turn advantage against me.

So again: no alternative given.

edit: also, you clearly have not watched the replays I linked you to, especially the third one against fenrys. I don't play a whole lot of hysteria, but still I managed to circumvent turn order abuse.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2013, 03:36 PM by DarkOne »

Offline Maciej

« Reply #133 on: February 11, 2013, 03:36 PM »
we could play some hysteria when you get 4 worms, and I get 1. I'm sure that I will first steal your 2 worms, before you kill my one.

« Reply #134 on: February 11, 2013, 03:37 PM »
You still will have lost then, though.