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Author Topic: A New Real Private Fun League.  (Read 3506 times)

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Re: A New Real Private Fun League.
« Reply #30 on: September 12, 2010, 08:27 PM »
It's great, but as almost every clan do the same, we have only the noobs left ... which is, on time, boring.

You are totally wrong on this one. I dont play TUS (only clanners ocassionaly), or any other league besides a2b which isnt too active, and i dont remember when i had more problems in having good fun game with known people. All i need is to host a game and when it doesnt work i ask some mates, thats all.
<Ramone> we're just nicknames
<Ramone> isn't that sad..

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<Johnny`> Sonova

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Offline Husk

Re: A New Real Private Fun League.
« Reply #31 on: September 12, 2010, 08:49 PM »
By cheapers I mean for example throwing 3sec nades and repeating them all the time while the opponent try not to be so scouring.

that actually happened to me few times, i try to do all kind of shots in bng, and opponent (not even a league game) just keeps 3s with me whole game, maybe he got his fun out of doing so. it was annoying for me because i was having time off from league lol, so i wanted relaxing match, but these occasions are quite rare

Offline TheKomodo

Re: A New Real Private Fun League.
« Reply #32 on: September 13, 2010, 06:33 AM »
Random, I do agree with alot of what you are saying, we all know you ejoy the occasional funner, but you can't have a go people thinking you only play for the win, because with what statistics show, you being number 1 on TuS, highly above anyone else, for as long as you have been, and continously dominating WO, now while this being said, it isn't a bad thing, because you are one of the calmest and fairest players with great sportsmanship and I honestly couldn't think of anyone else who deserves that spot more than you, and I am glad it's such a fair player who IS #1.

And also, don't say playing for the win destroys the fun in BnG, it only destroys the fun in BnG with players who can't do more than 3s grenade and 4s grenade, everyone on a2b enjoys there game and has alot of fun, every single a2b game i've watched replays for everyone respects each other, has long conversations and laughs with each other, and they want to win.

To BnG like most of the players in a2b, it is ALOT harder to perfect than any other scheme, if you are playing with variety AND being consistent at the same time, and this DOES put alot of people off playing BnG.

And even I admit, BnG's with just 3s and 4s repeats etc is the most boring thing to witness on WA for me... But play it like we do, and it's awesome :)