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Author Topic: No Rules BnG - It's the right thing to do.  (Read 13903 times)

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Offline Ramone

Re: No Rules BnG - It's the right thing to do.
« Reply #165 on: February 15, 2012, 11:35 PM »
Ramone, how could it possibly downgrade quality and needed skills when you are adding insane variety and tactics as a possibility? Have you ever tried this scheme? For example, your "cool shots" can beat simple players, only because you have rules that protect you from basic shots, basic shots that no offence, but you suck at in regards to consistency, you would lose more games in NrBnG than you would a2b, this is just a guess, I may be wrong, but I am very confident in what I just said and I know it would be extremely difficult for you to prove me wrong.

Why are you so scared of "easy shots"? If they are so easy, then shouldn't you be able to do them? It's natural you automatically assume NrBnG will consist of repeats etc, and to an extent you are right, people will try this, there are some players who would do 1 shot an entire game to beat a noob that has never played before, but if that person tried that shit on me, they would get annihilated, I would hide under some tree they need to have knowledge of how to use the grenades afterbounces with max bounce etc to hit me, knowing if they DO hit me, the chances are it will be less than 50% damage, unless they get EXTREMELY lucky, now, assuming they missed, I can now come out a bit and hit them, and now I have the lead, if they try it again the same thing will happen, why? Because I know how to "trick BnG", so you are wrong Ramone, this would make BnG more skillful, more trickshots with the best players.

Think about it, some "lame" shot players might make the playoffs, but will get crushed by those who truly know how to use the grenade, any style, anywhere, any chance.

You are just scared of change and I don't blame you, I was the same way once, and WAY more passionate about BnG/trick shots/fair play than you or anyone in b2b.

Just as an experiment, why don't you host some NrBnG's, against complete noobs, they will try some easy shots, but after a few games with a "lamer" watch how they change their style once they realise that it doesn't work against a true BnG player, trust me, cuz if they don't they are stupid and will more than likely lose, and if you make the PO's you will be able to have your nice games with the other nice players. And if you are not good enough to beat a "lamer" then guess you are the one who needs to improve your skill huh?

In fact Ramone, "trick shots" are the ones that actually bore me, especially when most of the people who think they own at trick shots take multiple attempts and hit less than 10% in a whole game, that's pathetic, not skill.

U don't get me. U are talking about percentages, consistency, beating up other players, PO's and other shit. But U should know that I don't give a shit about competitive way of BnG playing. Especially not on tus league. Also, majority of b2b community have never gave a shit about competitive side of BnG, b2b as a community was born and raised on funners.. My enjoying in BnG is not in consistency, percentages and wins, it's in my wine that I'm drinking while playing, in conversations and laughs with friends, in playing relaxed and trying to do a nice shots.. That's all I need from it. And I understand that U got bored of it, so it's all fine, do what U wanna do, but don't try to break b2b and don't shit on b2b while U do it. At least be that much respectful and decent.

And I admit, I have nothing to do in this topic since I don't play tus league, I guess all that I wanted to say here is that thing above.

Offline avirex

Re: No Rules BnG - It's the right thing to do.
« Reply #166 on: February 16, 2012, 02:00 AM »
its funny how ramone and prankster are attacking komo...

you guys used 2 be the biggest komo wanna-bes on w:a hahaha

anyway, this thread has gone way off topic... ramone, im glad you realize you have nothing to do with this thread, ttyl.

i dont think it would be a bad idea to make nrbng a variation to the scheme, and the person picking the scheme can decide if he wants regular bng, or nrbng.... just like w2roper (which is becoming more and more popular) 8]

i know one things is for sure, with nrbng, it would be a shit ton less drama, and i think appeal to a wider variety of people... right now most people cringe at the thought of sitting through an entire game of bng, but with nrbng, i think it could be fun...

and im not sure why everyone says its gonna be less skill... its going to be more skill, bng now your shooting at the same exact spot every turn.... after my first turn i know my 3second angle, and after each low wind, i can remember it, and if i failed first time... each repeat wind will be a hit...

with unanchored bng you will not be able to memorize your angles and powers for each shot, because the worm will be constantly moving..  and unless your dumb enough to sit in the middle of a grenade hole...  sitters will not be all that effective...

its obvious that the people that are against it, are the people that have no tried it (just like the w2roper thread)

Offline Husk

Re: No Rules BnG - It's the right thing to do.
« Reply #167 on: February 16, 2012, 07:21 AM »
they r only attacking komo because komo is being a f@#!ing twat

Offline Prankster

Re: No Rules BnG - It's the right thing to do.
« Reply #168 on: February 16, 2012, 07:28 AM »
I never was a Komo-wannabe, only stand by his right. I understand nrbng, might even support it. But he doesn't let people to use their time, and treat them like shit, while can't admit when he pulls a wrong string in an argument. I admit I'm guilty in making this thread off-topic, but 1.: I've already said that nrbng would need a new topic; 2.: yea, this time I just didn't want to let him think that he's never wrong. Topic was full of crap already anyway and we still didn't discuss what the scheme should exactly be like. There were a few different ideas, what's up with them now? Well it looks like others doesn't care about this that much.. :)

Offline TheKomodo

Re: No Rules BnG - It's the right thing to do.
« Reply #169 on: February 16, 2012, 07:43 AM »
I am not paranoid, just trying to get it right. Who do you call pathetic? Someone theoretical? How does that come into your argument? Since you were talking to Ramone, what else can I think of than that you are calling it on b2b?

Look exactly what I say, look closely, this is the last time I will talk about this:

bore me, especially when most of the people who think they own at trick shots take multiple attempts and hit less than 10% in a whole game, that's pathetic, not skill.

Did I call anyone pathetic? I'll answer that for you, no, I didn't, I said, thinking you are good because you hit one shot out of multiple attempts, is pathetic, not skill.

U don't get me. U are talking about percentages, consistency, beating up other players, PO's and other shit. But U should know that I don't give a shit about competitive way of BnG playing. Especially not on tus league. Also, majority of b2b community have never gave a shit about competitive side of BnG, b2b as a community was born and raised on funners.. My enjoying in BnG is not in consistency, percentages and wins, it's in my wine that I'm drinking while playing, in conversations and laughs with friends, in playing relaxed and trying to do a nice shots.. That's all I need from it. And I understand that U got bored of it, so it's all fine, do what U wanna do, but don't try to break b2b and don't shit on b2b while U do it. At least be that much respectful and decent.

I am talking about percentages, consistency, beating up other players, PO's and other shit, because this is a League which involves all of those things.

You brought b2b into this, not me, never forget that please.

they r only attacking komo because komo is being a f@#!ing twat

Some people don't like the truth, tough luck.

Offline Husk

Re: No Rules BnG - It's the right thing to do.
« Reply #170 on: February 16, 2012, 08:10 AM »
I only said u were being a f@#!ing twat because I noticed a bit of contradiction in the air. And u calling pathetic everyone who try trickshots and fail them, but we try them because they r so much fun.

[ontopic]go nrbng trl season![/ontopic]

Offline TheKomodo

Re: No Rules BnG - It's the right thing to do.
« Reply #171 on: February 16, 2012, 08:14 AM »
Well that sounds better at least.

Offline MonkeyIsland

Re: No Rules BnG - It's the right thing to do.
« Reply #172 on: February 16, 2012, 08:24 AM »
Why is it so hard to discuss about a scheme without pouncing on each other? I'm not getting this.

Back to topic,
I don't have any problem with schemes getting changed. But what I see a lot, is that people wanna change it over theories which is a good start but why act on it when we could have many replays demonstrating how it would be? Going on, we have cups, tourneys, TRL (also I'm thinking about having a test league that kicks in whenever we have a new scheme to test) that the schemes can be tested on first.
That will give everybody much more clear view that prevents pulling each others' hair because of your point of views.
Due to massive misunderstandings: MonkeyIsland refers to an island not a monkey. I would be a monkey, if my name was IslandMonkey meaning a monkey who is or lives on an island. MonkeyIsland is an island which is related to monkeys. Also there's been a legend around saying MonkeyIsland is a game. So please, think of me as an island or a game.

Offline Husk

Re: No Rules BnG - It's the right thing to do.
« Reply #173 on: February 16, 2012, 08:42 AM »
thanks mate, u damn sure found my weak spot (:

Offline Prankster

Re: No Rules BnG - It's the right thing to do.
« Reply #174 on: February 16, 2012, 09:31 AM »
No, Komo, you look at your words. You are all about how important they are, the exact way you wrote them, so look at them.
You were not calling anyone pathetic only because there aren't any people who think they own /now you changed this to "think they are good", which is not the same, but whatever/ with trick shots. And if there aren't, your argument was nonsense.
The funniest thing is, that this isn't even a very important bit to this topic, you could have handled it with Ramone /or me/ so much easier! Admit you were wrong in any kind of way? No way, you want to think you are perfect so much that you can't let go the smallest thing because of what you should realize that you are not.
You will even deny this, because this way of thinking wouldn't be perfect, or am I wrong?

Offline TheKomodo

Re: No Rules BnG - It's the right thing to do.
« Reply #175 on: February 16, 2012, 10:06 AM »
Anyway, MI, I have started a Cup for 1rBnG, hopefully it will be accepted and we can get a 1st impression from that :)

Re: No Rules BnG - It's the right thing to do.
« Reply #176 on: February 16, 2012, 11:49 AM »
Id say lets finish the cup and then if activity will be satisfating we can make new topic and put everything on table. The test league proposal sounds good too since not everyone in tourney will have a chance to play enough games to decide anything. That would vouch for activity as well and tell if people really like it. Theres no hurry to push it into classic league / TRL too soon.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2012, 11:55 AM by lacoste »
<Ramone> we're just nicknames
<Ramone> isn't that sad..

<Johnny`> !fart
* Johnny` has farted out 0 Scoville units.
<Johnny`> Sonova

My W:A related channel:

Offline Abnaxus

Re: No Rules BnG - It's the right thing to do.
« Reply #177 on: February 16, 2012, 12:16 PM »
bore me, especially when most of the people who think they own at trick shots take multiple attempts and hit less than 10% in a whole game, that's pathetic, not skill.

Did I call anyone pathetic? I'll answer that for you, no, I didn't, I said, thinking you are good because you hit one shot out of multiple attempts, is pathetic, not skill.
I missunderstood you. My bad.  :-X
Now I do, I kinda agree with you. ^^'

Back to the topic, I guess Husk had a good proposition.
Putting it on TRL (or in TestLeague if you add it MI) is a great idea.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2012, 12:18 PM by Abnaxus »
Watashi wa, jinmei ni iku sa reru ka o kakunin surunoni nagai jikan o matteita.
Shikashi, tada nariyuki o mimamoru.
Jikan dake to iudarou gen'in to naru.

May the force be with you.

Offline avirex

Re: No Rules BnG - It's the right thing to do.
« Reply #178 on: February 16, 2012, 12:55 PM »
Mi, is it possible to ban people from a single thread.. Maybe when important topics come up, you should sticky them with a warning people will get named for being off topic or deuches...

Anyway nrbng would be nice.. After the w2roper season of course.. :)

Its getting old that people voice strong opinions about things they have never tried...

Heres a good analogy, its like people saying gay is a nasty thing, well spend one night with crazy before you make that opinion! He will surely change your mind 8)

Offline Prankster

Re: No Rules BnG - It's the right thing to do.
« Reply #179 on: February 16, 2012, 01:08 PM »
Getting moderating rights for the topics you opened could be a solution.

Btw, avirex, do you know that from experience?
« Last Edit: February 16, 2012, 01:40 PM by Prankster »