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Author Topic: People Avoiding schemes..  (Read 3264 times)

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Offline avirex

Re: People Avoiding schemes..
« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2013, 08:09 PM »
i did not know you had a worst scheme komo? :DD

this has been discusses several times... 

there is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for default only, or roper only, as long as you make it clear thats all you want/willing to play before anything starts...

playing your schemes first, then telling your opponent his options are limited is pretty rude, and bullshit, i think everyone can agree on that...

but, if im in AG with titahemp, or nino.... neither of them want to play any kind of rope scheme... does that mean they cant enjoy clanner games?? i dont think so.. if there is no other dt online, i have no problem looking for "default only" clanners with them...  of course, it may be harder to find a clan to accept, but thats the price we pay.

long story short: make it clear what your willing to play, and what you dont want to play... when you give limited scheme options, you will get limited opponents.

if you dont make it clear what you dont want to play, and refuse your opponents pick... you should forfeit the win, and lose the game. gg nub

Offline TheKomodo

Re: People Avoiding schemes..
« Reply #16 on: November 12, 2013, 08:17 PM »
there is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for default only, or roper only,

I honestly think you are just degrading the skill level of the community by allowing this and encouraging it.

If you don't want to play a pick fine, but your clan as a whole should be forced to play it.

Offline avirex

Re: People Avoiding schemes..
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2013, 08:38 PM »
its not that TUS is allowing it, or encouraging it... your the only one who is saying that...

there is no way to stop it, and its not a big enough problem to even care...

1)can anyone tell me the list of players that request not to play certain schemes? i been playing tus singles pretty frequently, and have not come across one yet.

2)once we have this very small list of players that deny schemes, what do you suggest to do with them komo??

« Last Edit: November 12, 2013, 08:40 PM by avirex »

Offline TheWalrus

Re: People Avoiding schemes..
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2013, 10:47 PM »
Asbest is a word, though: Not all words are necessarily english, you know! But perhaps you know it better as asbestos. But there's more irony than just the spelling.
So his name is based on asbestos, better known as the material used to insulate pipes before people realized it could give you cancer.  Asbest is, in fact, in name and in principle, a cancer to the worms community?  Irony?

Offline TheKomodo

Re: People Avoiding schemes..
« Reply #19 on: November 13, 2013, 01:01 PM »
Clans shouldn't be allowed to ask for specific schemes, regardless what the reason is, if you don't want to play certain schemes, then recruit players who DO enjoy those schemes you don't enjoy.

If all clans took this on board, there wouldn't be a problem, clans who tried to avoid schemes would gain a bad reputation, and everyone could just avoid playing them, and they would have to eventually play if they want to compete.

It isn't rocket science, all it would take is a team effort, but people are too selfish aren't they...

Offline ANO

Re: People Avoiding schemes..
« Reply #20 on: November 13, 2013, 01:20 PM »
The Walrus 4 President!!! This is the point.

Asbest or "AS BEST", was just an example.

My sentence was a parable of life. You should learn more from me.

People avoid schemes because are not able to respect.
When I was a kid there was a spoiled kid, who always had nice soccer-balls, then he was use to say:
"THe ball is mine and I decide what we play".
As you can imagine this kind of assholes don't survive in real life, neither their balls.
And do you know why?
Because it doesn't matter how nice are your balls if you have not someone who wants to play with those.

Offline avirex

Re: People Avoiding schemes..
« Reply #21 on: November 13, 2013, 06:36 PM »
komo, what your suggesting would be great, if we had a large community...

but because we have a small community, we take the games we can get...

its pretty rare that dt has 2 members on at any given time, nevermind 3...

should dt not clan when its just me and tita?? that will decrease the activity even more on tus...

or should we increase the activity, and find a clan thats willing to play by our stipulations of default only???

its not rocket science indeed, try to wrap your mind around these concepts brother.

Offline harpy

Re: People Avoiding schemes..
« Reply #22 on: November 13, 2013, 06:41 PM »
me vote +1` abnornal shemes go to clasick )

Offline TheKomodo

Re: People Avoiding schemes..
« Reply #23 on: November 13, 2013, 07:13 PM »
komo, what your suggesting would be great, if we had a large community...

but because we have a small community, we take the games we can get...

its pretty rare that dt has 2 members on at any given time, nevermind 3...

The community is big enough for this not to be a problem, the problem is most people care too much about having great statistics.

It's the people who cause the problem, not the amount of people.

Personally I think alot of clans have too many members, and not that it bothers me but clans like dt who take the best players & clans like CF who have some of the best players but don't even play...

Maybe if these clans cared less about winning, and more about enjoying the game as a whole, it'd be better.

Offline Peja

Re: People Avoiding schemes..
« Reply #24 on: November 13, 2013, 07:16 PM »
Personally I think alot of clans have too many members, and not that it bothers me but clans like dt who take the best players & clans like CF who have some of the best players but don't even play...

Maybe if these clans cared less about winning, and more about enjoying the game as a whole, it'd be better.

so cf players should be inactive in other clans and dt grabs the best players. yeah lately they recruited ren xD.want me to quote you from his aef tryout topic?
VoK: i have now beer so my rope will be perfect.
 VoK: will do ttrr every map under 30s

Offline TheKomodo

Re: People Avoiding schemes..
« Reply #25 on: November 13, 2013, 07:19 PM »
Peja I am not saying it's something to be ashamed of, I am just saying, that's how it is.

Offline Peja

Re: People Avoiding schemes..
« Reply #26 on: November 13, 2013, 07:35 PM »
im with you on this avoding thing btw.  but on the other hand i dont see much need to change anything. i barely see people only asking for specific schemes, still its awesome to watch the profile of this guy and his overall rating: .
 bloody hell even avirex plays hysteria. to agree to play specific schemes shouldnt be forbidden though, its just stupid. see it as an agreement between 2 players instead of avoiding, maybe it helps.
VoK: i have now beer so my rope will be perfect.
 VoK: will do ttrr every map under 30s

Offline TheKomodo

Re: People Avoiding schemes..
« Reply #27 on: November 13, 2013, 08:44 PM »
Peja I don't mind if both clans are more than happy to avoid a scheme.

If a clan asks to avoid a scheme and the other clan says no, they should HAVE to play that scheme.

If a clan asks to avoid a scheme and the other clan says yes, they sure, no problem.

But you should not be allowed to avoid a scheme unless both parties agree.

Offline avirex

Re: People Avoiding schemes..
« Reply #28 on: November 13, 2013, 10:34 PM »
its like talking to a wall......





ps: dt takes the best players? lol...  anything else you want to bitch about?? 

side note: im so glad your back komo, these forums needed drama in a big way, welcome back brother!

Offline TheKomodo

Re: People Avoiding schemes..
« Reply #29 on: November 14, 2013, 02:01 AM »
When did I ever once talk about giving away free wins? Are you even reading the same f@#!ing thread I am posting in?

I haven't been away, i've been visiting these forums almost everyday, there has just been nothing worth posting about.