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Author Topic: Rulebreaking.  (Read 4793 times)

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Offline TheKomodo

« on: February 22, 2011, 08:01 AM »
MI, what is the point of continuing a game, if your opponent outright breaks the rules and will not carry out the punishment required for the rule they broke?

It doesn't say in any part of the official rules page you must continue to play if an opponent breaks a rule and then complain in forums afterwards.

If someone is playing a League game, the opponent breaks a rule and does not take the punishment required, the victim should be able to quit that game and refuse to play(void it), or request a rematch.

For example, I play a BnG with someone, the score is around 96hp for me, and 80hp for them, they throw a grenade and it sits, takes 45 damage from me, I have been pushed into a hide where I just can't fire back at them, and they refuse to hit their worm for the same damage, if I carry on and he wins, because he broke the rules and didn't take the punishment, the game will be voided anyway when I complain if he reports because I quit, so I should be able to quit right there and save myself time and keep myself from getting angry at the other guy, as far as I am aware, this has happened a few times on TuS, where players have quit because the other wouldn't stop breaking rules or accept the punishment for a rule they broke, and it was perfectly fine when they complained after the person reported a win cuz they quit.

Recently in a BnG complaint I told a friend of mine if a player breaks rules and won't take the punishment they can quit because the game will be voided, and one of the MODS told me not to give others fake advice and stop backseat moderating lol, he also said something like "you must continue to play and let MODS decide" which isn't even in the legitimate rules anywhere on TuS. I was only trying to help a friend to save him from future frustration by giving him advice that is actually correct..?

So I guess my question is, if someone breaks rules, and does not take the punishent required, are you allowed to quit and the game becomes void, or quit and request a rematch?

Online MonkeyIsland

Re: Rulebreaking.
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2011, 08:17 AM »
It depends on the rule that has got broken.

In some cases, like sitters in BnG you can't always tell it was a sitter or not. Same happens in AFR rule in shopper or accidental knockings in default games. So quitting/messing-up the game is not a good idea. That's why we say comtinue the game and let the mods decide.
Due to massive misunderstandings: MonkeyIsland refers to an island not a monkey. I would be a monkey, if my name was IslandMonkey meaning a monkey who is or lives on an island. MonkeyIsland is an island which is related to monkeys. Also there's been a legend around saying MonkeyIsland is a game. So please, think of me as an island or a game.

Offline TheKomodo

Re: Rulebreaking.
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2011, 08:58 AM »
Ok that seems fair enough if it's hard to tell, but what about when it's blindingly obvious?

Like in a Roper a perfect block? Or a sitter than obviously stopped for 1s or longer?

Offline Abnaxus

Re: Rulebreaking.
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2011, 11:22 AM »
If someone cow and refuse to take the punishment (continuing or not cowing):
- If you leave, they'll say you should have continued. So you earn a lose.
- If you stay, they'll say you stood during the whole game, so you earn a lose. As argument, they get "if you had won, you wouldn't have reported the complaint".

And in the best case, the game is voided (even if you were clearly winning). So in any case, the cower is right.

PS: For sure it'll depends on players. If an unknown player complaints about a highly known and liked guy, this last will get a win.

PPS: TuS rules system sucks.
Watashi wa, jinmei ni iku sa reru ka o kakunin surunoni nagai jikan o matteita.
Shikashi, tada nariyuki o mimamoru.
Jikan dake to iudarou gen'in to naru.

May the force be with you.

Offline TheKomodo

Re: Rulebreaking.
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2011, 11:23 AM »
Nah that's wrong Ugo, it's happened where players have left game, and was voided cuz rulebreaker who didn't accept consequences.

Offline Husk

Re: Rulebreaking.
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2011, 11:35 AM »
If someone cow and refuse to take the punishment (continuing or not cowing):
- If you leave, they'll say you should have continued. So you earn a lose.
- If you stay, they'll say you stood during the whole game, so you earn a lose. As argument, they get "if you had won, you wouldn't have reported the complaint".

marry me! :D

Offline Guaton

Re: Rulebreaking.
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2011, 04:34 PM »

PS: For sure it'll depends on players. If an unknown player complaints about a highly known and liked guy, this last will get a win.

PPS: TuS rules system sucks.

ye , thats the karma effect  , if ur karma is high , u can cheat on TuS , like using Alias and playing a lot of games singles and clanners , without be banned ...

or the cows in games :P

Offline Husk

Re: Rulebreaking.
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2011, 04:38 PM »
true true xDDDDDDDDdddddddddddd

Online MonkeyIsland

Re: Rulebreaking.
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2011, 05:19 PM »
lol drama, drama, drama.

Instead of trash talking, show us an example of our failure as a moderator. We never claimed that we are perfect in moderating but that kind of talking is just drama.

PS: For sure it'll depends on players. If an unknown player complaints about a highly known and liked guy, this last will get a win.

This is one of the examples that proves you wrong. I could go on and show examples for every of your arguments.

PPS: TuS rules system sucks.

I really like you Abnaxus so don't read this in a wrong way: It is actually your point of view which sucks.
Due to massive misunderstandings: MonkeyIsland refers to an island not a monkey. I would be a monkey, if my name was IslandMonkey meaning a monkey who is or lives on an island. MonkeyIsland is an island which is related to monkeys. Also there's been a legend around saying MonkeyIsland is a game. So please, think of me as an island or a game.

Offline Abnaxus

Re: Rulebreaking.
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2011, 05:30 PM »
As example there are the games why I stopped playing TuS ?

I remember a T17 against `ps who used a wrong scheme.
There was a way to make it right during the game, but they didn't (and won thanks to this).
No punishment has been made.

There was other games from other players where the same happenned.
But I won't bother searching in the forum for those games.

PS: I remember a time when I was back after a break.
After reading the forum once, I sent you PM about the case you weren't banning bad behaving people from league: this one was totally objective.
Giving a second chance, then "killing" a recidivist is a bad point of view ? Well, this one is your.

The only way to train mangy dogs is a strict behaviour.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2011, 05:41 PM by Abnaxus »
Watashi wa, jinmei ni iku sa reru ka o kakunin surunoni nagai jikan o matteita.
Shikashi, tada nariyuki o mimamoru.
Jikan dake to iudarou gen'in to naru.

May the force be with you.

Offline Devilage

Re: Rulebreaking.
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2011, 09:18 AM »
Actually not the best example man, they agreed to play another time because I had to go, and yet they reported coz we took another clanner, I didn't know they were still around, didn't look WN's lobby I know I started to mess around but I said, " I gotta run" after that and we were still leading...So my point was that they only reported the not finished game coz they saw us playing another clan instead of playing the rematch with them, I even told him "Oh didnt know u were around let us finish this pick and we will get u on AG, And he said f@#! this I'll report, I accepted and gave the game coz dub and nino started a silly flame...They reported an UNFINISHED GAME and  they AGREED to rm another time, so best thing to do is erase the game isnt it?  coz it's a fake win report.

Smoking proud.

Offline Peja

Re: Rulebreaking.
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2011, 10:01 AM »
hey evil devil, ur u talkin about our shopper when i was in cd?
VoK: i have now beer so my rope will be perfect.
 VoK: will do ttrr every map under 30s

Re: Rulebreaking.
« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2011, 02:31 PM »
Abnaxus: SoiDH

Also, here's an idea if your opponent cows.

"skip turn or I will make a complaint". The objection that "you wouldn't have complained otherwise" is now immediately gone.

Sometimes the solution is simple, as long as you take a little responsibility for your own actions and think for yourself. Plenty of cases where they said they will make a complaint (and consequently tell them they're going to be banned, though I'm not sure how they can tell ;))
Truth is, for most complaints you wouldn't need a mod if people could just start being mature and come to a compromise. Unfortunately, there seems to be a trend in internet behaviour towards "I'm right, the rest of the world isn't!".

Of course, these are just general statements, but someone feels I'm talking about them, then perhaps they should start thinking about how they handle their online problems compared to real life.

Offline Abnaxus

Re: Rulebreaking.
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2011, 06:09 PM »
Abnaxus: SoiDH

Anyway, even when you give a simple solution to it, opponents can refuse it (it's what happenned).
So what if everything is as simple as a "I don't want" ?
There must be rules, and punishments for rulebreaking. That's all.
Watashi wa, jinmei ni iku sa reru ka o kakunin surunoni nagai jikan o matteita.
Shikashi, tada nariyuki o mimamoru.
Jikan dake to iudarou gen'in to naru.

May the force be with you.

Offline Devilage

Re: Rulebreaking.
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2011, 07:37 PM »
Yes I'am, read Mi's post dude wtf

Smoking proud.