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Cue, I posted it cause I thought it would intereset you guys, I don't take a side here.. so I dont need to defend any position
I just thought it's nice to share how scienece evovles, I'm not trying to get people to buy it or something


--- Quote from: Almog on April 14, 2011, 06:26 PM ---Cue, I posted it cause I thought it would intereset you guys, I don't take a side here.. so I dont need to defend any position
I just thought it's nice to share how scienece evovles, I'm not trying to get people to buy it or something

--- End quote ---

Ahhh, sorry dude. 

I thought your amazement in the first post was an indication of your support for the product and it's claims (or lack of them)

Yeah, science is an interesting subject to me.  I only wish I was brainy enough to understand it!


this product reminds me of pure THC oil from the hemp plant... except hemp oil actually works.... on everything


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