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Author Topic: Little help here?  (Read 609 times)

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Offline Mega`Adnan

Little help here?
« on: August 06, 2015, 10:31 AM »
Ahoy guys!
I was trying to install Windows 10 on other PC. At first, it shows Windows 10 logo only, with loading files. But when setup starts, the screen goes black and shows the message "Out of Range". It's also the same with Windows 8.1 setup. But Windows 8 setups works fine. So, anyone knows how to change resolution of setup, or anything special needed? Please? ::)
Graphics card of other PC is "ATI FireGL v7100".

Adnan, you are Mega, not Micro and not even faint  :D So fight till the end please.

Offline Mega`Adnan

Re: Little help here?
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2015, 10:35 AM »
And oh yeah, I tried with 3 types of LCD screens, but result still the same. ;(

Adnan, you are Mega, not Micro and not even faint  :D So fight till the end please.