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Author Topic: Traffic, commuting bicycles and attitude  (Read 1758 times)

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Offline SpideR

Traffic, commuting bicycles and attitude
« on: May 07, 2013, 03:20 PM »
I received this email from a friend and watched this video...

... about positive attitudes in everyday traffic along the streets in Russia. I am not very sure, but I think that somewhere, a law stated that cars must have a camera recorder in its windshield and these are a compilation of videos showing nice attitudes.
I thought that there are a lot of people from Russia here that could say something about this and I'd like to ask you:

How is it like to be in your city? Where it is?
How do you commute in your everyday activities?
Do you use bicycle? Bus? Car? Plane? A ninja rope?
How is the political perception of alternative transportation where you live?

I study these themes at college and thought this would be a nice place to collect some experiences from many different places.

What do you say?

Offline HHC

Re: Traffic, commuting bicycles and attitude
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2013, 04:22 PM »
Don't think those dash cams are bought to capture nice attitudes  :D

I only have a bike, and for long distances I use the bus or train. Saves a lot of money on car-shit and here in the Netherlands all is near anyway.

Re: Traffic, commuting bicycles and attitude
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2013, 04:27 PM »
I received this email from a friend and watched this video...

Nice video! There are MUCH more negative russian videos on youtube tho :)

I am not very sure, but I think that somewhere, a law stated that cars must have a camera recorder in its windshield.

Haha, no. Many drivers install car cameras because of stupid laws and policemen who prefer to grab drivers' money rather than prevent vialoations. There are some other reasons, but today people just install cameras because all do it :D

How is it like to be in your city? Where it is?
How do you commute in your everyday activities?
Do you use bicycle? Bus? Car? Plane? A ninja rope?
How is the political perception of alternative transportation where you live?

I can only say our roads sux... All good roads are in Moscow, the best option is to drive some off-road vehicle or a helicopter xD

dt`wreckz: zooks are effected my win

Offline TheKomodo

Re: Traffic, commuting bicycles and attitude
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2013, 08:00 AM »
What a beautiful video man, my eyes even got a bit watery ! Made me feel really good after a bad week at work :) Thanks  ;D

Offline avirex

Re: Traffic, commuting bicycles and attitude
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2013, 10:16 AM »
i can only guess some of that stuff is just staged.. maybe as fillers for the guys YouTube video? haha

c'mon... the ladies baby stroller start wheeling away from her into the road? really??

a guys in the middle of a busy intersection, falling down from his crutches, and cant seem to get up??   ehh...

all though i do believe some to be true... obviously, but what about the guy that hopped out his car to clear the snow from another guys car...obviously visibility would be low, due to the snow.. and you would have no idea what this creepy guy is doing in the back of you car...

 im not sure what its like in most countries.. but i would think... is he spray painting something??? popping tire??? scratching???? stealing my license plate??? lol... i would get out of the car with a temper..

does that action seem odd to anyone else?? or just me?

Offline Rok

Re: Traffic, commuting bicycles and attitude
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2013, 10:29 AM »
i can only guess some of that stuff is just staged.. maybe as fillers for the guys YouTube video? haha

c'mon... the ladies baby stroller start wheeling away from her into the road? really??

Are you one of those people who post "fake" on youtube videos?

This things happen. A baby got killed this way not far away from where a live.
chakkman> if rok was a girl i d marry the bitch lolz

Offline avirex

Re: Traffic, commuting bicycles and attitude
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2013, 10:38 AM »
nah, im one of those people that do not go on YouTube, theres only 2 things i do with my internet time...  watch porn, and play worms... im not sure which i do more of.

so, i guess its possible a baby can roll away from their parent... lets shoot those f@#!ing parents... cuz they suck... 

ok that was harsh... lets clip their balls, or tie their cords....cuz they suck...

but thats just MY OPINION, you are entitled to YOUR OPINION as is the rest of the world, but this is just MY OPINION that some of those clips have potential to be fake, all though i do respect YOUR OPINION, i wish you would RESPECT mine.... couldnt resist saying that :X devil on my shoulder
« Last Edit: May 08, 2013, 10:41 AM by avirex »

Offline Hussar

Re: Traffic, commuting bicycles and attitude
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2013, 10:56 AM »
Cool video, i saw it earlier.

I am a driver most of the time but i allweys pay attention to people who are walking near the street,
and if its possible am trying to help others drivers if they have problems with they car, for example
when they stuck..

and ofcors am passing up granny's on road and nice chicks  ;D

"always try to be a good"

Offline SpideR

Re: Traffic, commuting bicycles and attitude
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2013, 01:26 PM »
What I meant with this topic is not all about this video, it's about the perception of the street traffic and your mobility. This is just one amazing example, harder to find (I guess we would find more accidents with thousands of views in youtube than gentle actions videos).

I use bicycle most of the time here in Rio de Janeiro for commuting to college and work, I've made my own road bike, this is a beautiful city to ride, always summer like with bikini sights. :) I also have the possibility to use a car but I avoid it to the most, I even left it at my parents house recently. For now I only use bus, subway and the city's public bicycles.

Not everything is just a sweet dreams tho. The traffic almost killed me sometime ago when I got hit by a stupid bus driver, I stayed like a week in the hospital (...) It's sometimes wild here. There is an evidence of lack of trainament with these professionals here, who receive a low salary and work double function sometimes. Recently this reality have been over-exposed here in newspapers and tv. This violent attitude in the traffic, not only by professionals, but by everyone in a way, is one thing that claims for big changes around here. A lot of cycling groups, critical mass and stuff like that, which are going on in here and represents this perception.

Although many people prefer to go blind, "entitled to THEIR OPINION", it only represents the current flow of ignorance, egoism and crisis in the world. Thoughts must be shared, ideas promoted and solutions spread.

What happens at your city? How is it like?

Offline Prankster

Re: Traffic, commuting bicycles and attitude
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2013, 01:28 PM »
Next time I help an old lady going across the road, I'll plug in my earphones and put on this music. Might even give one side of the earphone to her :DD

Re: Traffic, commuting bicycles and attitude
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2013, 01:29 PM »
avirex, there are no "staged" videos. Who would like to watch a man helping granny anyway? xD All videos are made in different years and cities, that's just a compilation...

dt`wreckz: zooks are effected my win

Offline Masta

Re: Traffic, commuting bicycles and attitude
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2013, 02:43 PM »
« Last Edit: September 19, 2022, 06:36 PM by Masta »

Offline Rogi

Re: Traffic, commuting bicycles and attitude
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2013, 03:18 PM »
a lot of people use car for getting college, work. I wish, bicycle is not popular like a transport, it could be give more empty roads. One of reasons is you can't to park your bike, someone can just steal it xD If in europe you able to leave your things on the street and ne1 will take it, in russia it would be stealed for 5 minutes xDD it's sucks.
Secondary, some ppls use bike or moped, and i dont know why, but most drivers of car have top priority - "road for cars, gtfo bicycle and motocycle"

+, like said statik, our roads sucks, but more in suburb of city. In centr of city it's not so ugly.

Also, metro and public transport are very popular here. Sure, sometimes you must push 100500 old women in the train, to be able be in train. But i used to do it xD

About attitude on roads i cant to say something, all peoples are different, someone will give u a ride, and someone will throttle full.

ah yeah. I hate cars. pileups... environmental pollution... :S  Better to use rope... xD
sorry for shity english  :P :P
« Last Edit: May 08, 2013, 03:24 PM by Rogi »
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Calm the hell down.|

Re: Traffic, commuting bicycles and attitude
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2013, 04:27 PM »
More true russian roads outside of Moscow/St.Petersburg :D It's funny (actually not) how every spring asphalt vanishes with snow:

dt`wreckz: zooks are effected my win

Offline avirex

Re: Traffic, commuting bicycles and attitude
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2013, 11:22 AM »
spider, then MY OPINION thing was just a joke.. an inside joke... a bad joke... but none the less, just a joke :(

in america, cars are the main form of transportation, i have not had a license for the past year because i lost it for some stupid shit i wont get into... (recently got my license back) but being i did not have a license, and did not want to take ANY risk to get pulled over, i noticed how much better i drive.. my state should have required me to continue without one!! lol the roads would be a safer place... ;p

srsly tho i hope to continue with those safe driving habits, even though im legal now and dont have as much risk of being pulled over...

as for other drivers, they are reckless, people cut you off, then have the nerve to flip you off as if it was your fault... there most likely is not a driving experience with out some middle fingers involved ;D

bicyclist are also, not very safe here, within this year a 15 year old boy was struck by an off duty, drunk police officer, and killed... his father was also a police officer, so he responded to the scene and tried to cover it up, as if his son was not drunk, and it was the kids fault...  (this is a big thing in my area atm, thats why i mention this) but there is much more...  shit, i have had some drunk f@#! drive directly into my house... was when i was a kid, but yeah.. true story..

and, you may think im making this up to enhance this post, but yesterday after work some asshole rear ended' the f@#! out of me (i was not driving, i was passenger) on the highway... we were at a dead stop in traffic, and i dunno wtf he was doing but he barreled into the back end of us... i was in a big work van, so i was really ok, i could not imagine being in a small car and that happening... i would have been f@#!ed up!!

drivers suck all over the world i spose.. except apparently in russia :D

i noticed you said bus drivers work "double functions" do you mean 2 shifts back to back?? that is against the law in america... for any driver... and especially truck drivers.. they have to have a log book that records their rest stops, and sleep activity and be able to produce it to the police if ever stopped or they are in big trouble....   yeah thats no joke.. i would imagine that rule started the same way its going on in brazil...
« Last Edit: May 09, 2013, 11:24 AM by avirex »