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Author Topic: Tree Fiddy  (Read 7583 times)

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Offline theredi

Re: Tree Fiddy
« Reply #30 on: November 04, 2011, 12:37 AM »
very wise words cue, also from peja, mi and random, maybe together we will be able to demolish that wall in komo`s head, i believe we can, but its only HIS choise tbh and i dont think he really wants it, but lets keep trying as he seems to really cry for help but no1 really know how to help him, he must do it by himself, just what abna said: 'You can point it hundreds time, it won't change until people realize it by themselves."

"I won't point them, but there are some people who makes a lot of troubles on TuS and Wormnet; enough to change some people mind."

so u assume that the best way to beat these ppl is to become one of them?? is it your excuse for komo became one of them?? if he really would be smarter, he wouldnt i think but like i always repeat: i might be wrong
« Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 12:41 AM by theredi »

Re: Tree Fiddy
« Reply #31 on: November 04, 2011, 12:45 AM »
@Cue, I'll follow your believe, so ... what if some people makes trouble in your "enjoy travel" ?
What if from a nice atmosphere, nice people, nice behaviour and nice games (including many people, not only you); they bring flames and insults (until "fights" as we have nowadays) ?
Would you just stop Worms/TuS and let it go ? Or would you fight to get our right back ?

How would someone fighting stop me from enjoying using my arrow keys and spacebar to make an animated worm rope around a maze?

Offline Abnaxus

Re: Tree Fiddy
« Reply #32 on: November 04, 2011, 12:56 AM »
For me, Worms is a community. And if the community is broken, I won't enjoy Worms anymore (as it happenned on our French community).
Isn't it the same for you ? Don't you prefer playing with people you know and like than playing with people who break this community ?

There are different cases (about the troublemakers):
- Ignore them in the case it involves you, and only you.
- Fight them if they try to change things to a worst way.

About the ignore thing, it's cool and probably the best way.
But, if the ennemy propaganda works and brings your old mates against you, that's not cool anymore.
If everytime you post something (smart or dumb), you're getting flamed by many people (including mates & newcomers), that's not fun anymore.
So yeah, you could just let it go and leave the place going worst and worst. But if you really like something, you won't let it burst.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 12:58 AM by Abnaxus »
Watashi wa, jinmei ni iku sa reru ka o kakunin surunoni nagai jikan o matteita.
Shikashi, tada nariyuki o mimamoru.
Jikan dake to iudarou gen'in to naru.

May the force be with you.

Offline TheKomodo

Re: Tree Fiddy
« Reply #33 on: November 04, 2011, 01:24 AM »
redi, me and you are alike, we are both an incredibly tiny part of this universe, we both bleed, and we will both die, knowing this, I don't care what you think cuz we'll both die anyway, only difference is you will go through life being more "upset" than me because you are a pussy and don't realise how pathetic most people actually are (on the inside), cuz let's face it, 99% of people "act" like they are good, but everyone has their dark secrets behind closed doors, and you misplace your trust, and you will be used and abused.

For example, you are part of a pointless group of people who go around thinking because their tag says "FoS" and that is an abbreviation for "Freedom of Speech" that you can all literally go around saying and doing what you wish, you all band together and pick on people who don't have as many "friends" sharing their opinion and make them look like they are wrong, or pathetic people, and more and more people are starting to realise what a bunch of immature schoolboy spoiled little brats you really are. Everytime someone disagrees with one of FoS' members tons of you appear out of nowhere and start trolling that person, they usually give up because even if they are right, you have the uncanny ability to make people feel otherwise by outnumbering them, then you have Peja, who openly admitted he respects pedophiles, and the admins here done NOTHING about that, which imo is the worst thing anyone got away with on this website.

DoubleTime outright defied the rules, there was evidence, and even with the RULES OF TUS stating people will be banned for aliasing, MI had this to say:

"The thing about doubletime is a bit different. He will indeed get a punishment. But the problem is, nothing will stop him from coming as an alias again. Some players like soldier got banned and they simply asked me to unban them. In doubletime's case, he registers fake accounts like mushrooms and then after a while, come back "haha it was me!". The only reason I haven't banned him right away is this. I didn't say this to public for obvious reasons."

What obvious reasons? That you are too soft? I see absolutely NO issue with following and executing your own damn rules, it's YOUR website, anyone who can't accept that is selfish. How can you not see that by letting him do this, you just let him think he has permission to do as he pleases, and not only does this affect him being able to annoy multiple people on Wnet but do you honestly think this behaviour should be tolerated just because "he registers fake accounts like mushrooms" instead why don't you stop him from doing that also, and if you don't know how, try and figure it out at least?

I would be much happier having him register some fake accounts, just knowing that justice was done and that you done the right thing, and that the rules I signed up for on this website apply to everyone else, everyone should be treated the same.

And I just know you will come out with more bullshit to justify your weakness, but you know what, for the cost of trying to avoid a bit of trouble it's gonna end up eventually besting you, you should deal with it while the problem is not too overwhelming yet, I mean wtf, DT is a noob compared to you, I would feel f@#!ing ashamed if I was in your shoes for that...

Cue, all I can say to you is I am happy for you, and glad you still have happiness here, especially with the crap you have put up with recently in your life, that's impressive.

Re: Tree Fiddy
« Reply #34 on: November 04, 2011, 01:25 AM »
Sorry ab but there never was a real french community :).

@komo: I don't know the detail but I know that if anyone want he could make fake account here without MI being able to notify. MI can't do much a thing about that and I guess that's why he didn't notify his alias before.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 01:31 AM by zippeurfou »

Offline TheKomodo

Re: Tree Fiddy
« Reply #35 on: November 04, 2011, 01:49 AM »
MI: *bans doubletime*
DT: *registers fake account, gets owned*
DT: *"ahahaha it was me all along!"*
MI: *deletes fake account, you were still banned and couldn't play with your actual name, haha*

Much better than letting him do as he wishes.

Offline Peja

Re: Tree Fiddy
« Reply #36 on: November 04, 2011, 01:53 AM »
l then you have Peja, who openly admitted he respects pedophiles, and the admins here done NOTHING about that, which imo is the worst thing anyone got away with on this website.


this debate really showed your true face komo. your ignoring facts and keep living in your world.
btw what you are doing here is some kind of libel.

all i said was i  got respect for pedophiles who are a fighting against their mental health problem. like i got respect for every person who fights against their mental problems.
its not my problem when you are talking about things where you got no clue.

i offered you the chance to clear this topic and talk about it in a calm way.(several times) but you said no.
its no problem for me, to leave the things where they are.

but it is a problem for me when u talk bullshit in public here. if you wanna talk about it we can do it, but if not: stop this defamation
VoK: i have now beer so my rope will be perfect.
 VoK: will do ttrr every map under 30s

Offline TheKomodo

Re: Tree Fiddy
« Reply #37 on: November 04, 2011, 02:18 AM »
You didn't Peja but whatever.

Offline Gabriel

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Re: Tree Fiddy
« Reply #38 on: November 04, 2011, 02:58 AM »
bah stop fighting, this way our community is not going to live along
« Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 03:01 AM by Gabriel »
Mole shopper is the worst thing in the world.

Re: Tree Fiddy
« Reply #39 on: November 04, 2011, 04:32 AM »
worm and learn

Online MonkeyIsland

Re: Tree Fiddy
« Reply #40 on: November 04, 2011, 08:04 AM »
Komo when it comes to DT, out of all league admins, I should get a medal for handling him. DT thinks any attention is good attention (© D1) and I managed to limit him to minimum that apparently he is trying so hard on shoutbox. But thanks to you, you opened more possibilities to him.
On the other hand, out of all league admins, I should get a medal of shame for handling you. I should have mute you long time ago, so that hopefully it forces you to take a break, for your own sake, for your own reputation. But no, I let you go around and say "passionately" about anything you want, insult anyone you want passionately, make fun of other people's point of view passionately. You just won't stop hitting it harder in order to clear yourself, unfortunately you go more down. Do you think I learned my lesson?
*Whatever a man does out of frustration, makes his world even darker.*

@Abnaxus, Here's my opinion, cheesy if you will: There's just few people who bring flames, but interestingly they make it so huge that people think all the community is full of drama. All this 4 years in this community I enjoyed being/playing with you guys. I never even got myself involved with unpleasant people. They don't know the way to go under my skin so simply I don't see them.
Due to massive misunderstandings: MonkeyIsland refers to an island not a monkey. I would be a monkey, if my name was IslandMonkey meaning a monkey who is or lives on an island. MonkeyIsland is an island which is related to monkeys. Also there's been a legend around saying MonkeyIsland is a game. So please, think of me as an island or a game.

Offline barman

Re: Tree Fiddy
« Reply #41 on: November 04, 2011, 11:06 AM »
I like the majority of wormers and I think they're cool dudes.
All this 4 years in this community I enjoyed being/playing with you guys. I never even got myself involved with unpleasant people. They don't know the way to go under my skin so simply I don't see them.
Yeah same here, I think being nice to others helps a lot :d
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barman's fails are best

Offline theredi

Re: Tree Fiddy
« Reply #42 on: November 04, 2011, 12:03 PM »
only difference is you will go through life being more "upset" than me because you are a pussy and don't realise how pathetic most people actually are (on the inside), cuz let's face it, 99% of people "act" like they are good, but everyone has their dark secrets behind closed doors, and you misplace your trust, and you will be used and abused.
oh man now i start to feel even more sorry for u...
why u think my life will be more upset? u cant enjoy little things, thats really upset and miserable for u,
i just cant believe in ur hipocrysy, blindness and sick twisted mind, u can think that im the pussy here, i dont really care when u say this coz in fact u really PERFECTLY DESCRIBED YOURSELF, BUT U THINK ITS INVERSELY, dunno why i still bother myself to answer to u but i still got hope in ppl, not like u,
and im totally aware how pathetic people actually are and u are on of them, but im also aware that they have the right to be that way, and u cant and will never understand this,
this part is the best: "cuz let's face it, 99% of people "act" like they are good, but everyone has their dark secrets behind closed doors,"
ofcourse they have and so what, it gives u a wright to act like c@#! to them? nope

i know u want to provoke me to insult u, but u wont, im bigger than ur bullshit man, im not proud of it, i really wanna help u, but u are non reformoval

just answer to my last post:
i just cant understand a man who keep saying that everyone around is a c@#! while being the biggest c@#! around, keep talking about honour and principals but rage quit from the game coz run out of teles, keep crying about insulting each other while calling everybody an idiot, keep talking how he loves to help ppl and is full of empathy but says that he wish he hadnt help ppl only coz they didint say tx to him, says that his allergic to bullshit, while bein a bullshit himself, EXPLAIN IT TO ME KOMO PPLZZZZZZZZZ

and about being in fos, i know u will never admit it but deep down u really regret that u are not one of us and that u know u never will, thats the true reason why this bothers ur pathetic ass so much... dont write me a 1000 words essay about how much u dont wanna be one of us coz it will only prove my point...

u are so predictible but u think u are not...

and dont tell me that u never abused anybody, its so pathetic, u keep accusing ppl of things u do by yourself, its unbelievable hipocrysy to me, where ppl like u come from????
« Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 12:11 PM by theredi »

Offline Abnaxus

Re: Tree Fiddy
« Reply #43 on: November 04, 2011, 12:30 PM »
Sorry ab but there never was a real french community :).
Ever heard of WLC (Worms Land Championship) ? Most of the french players were there enjoying the league or the simple tourneys we organized.

ofcourse they have and so what, it gives u a wright to act like c@#! to them? nope
If a guy rape and kill your daughter, will you let this guy alive ?
If someone hurts another (as first), he breaks an important rule: so you can too toward this guy (since he's not protected by any of your rules anymore).
Except if you don't have such a rule, in which case, I'll call you a bastard (works for anybody).

All this 4 years in this community I enjoyed being/playing with you guys. I never even got myself involved with unpleasant people. They don't know the way to go under my skin so simply I don't see them.
You wanna know why you're immune ?
I'm pretty sure it's cause you made this website and most of the people here like you.
So if somebody try to flame you, they get a hard back from other people (or you can simply ban him, which is a real answer to flames).
Imo, that's the only reason why you've never been involved in such problems. It's just sad you couldn't notice it...

Plus it's not only about you getting involved.
When you see someone getting flamed without any reasons, you're supposed to help him.
You're the only one getting the rights/power to do so.

What obvious reasons? That you are too soft? I see absolutely NO issue with following and executing your own damn rules, it's YOUR website, anyone who can't accept that is selfish
Komo got 200 points there. (Not as if I already told you so MI.)

bah stop fighting, this way our community is not going to live along
Here comes my other PM to you (you didn't answer btw).

Komo when it comes to DT, out of all league admins, I should get a medal for handling him. [...]
On the other hand, out of all league admins, I should get a medal of shame for handling you.
A medal for being wrong ?
I'm sorry, but that just means you didn't do your admin job. Except if you like the way it is going, but hey, I'm repeating myself there...
(I'd still like to have an answer about this last part, so I can stop arguing with you in case it's a "yes".)

I guess Komo is just pissed of this situation, as I used to be.
Now I saw it was everywhere the same thing, I don't even bother anymore and let everything die until we'll get a revolution (in which I'll take part).
« Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 02:14 PM by Abnaxus »
Watashi wa, jinmei ni iku sa reru ka o kakunin surunoni nagai jikan o matteita.
Shikashi, tada nariyuki o mimamoru.
Jikan dake to iudarou gen'in to naru.

May the force be with you.

Re: Tree Fiddy
« Reply #44 on: November 04, 2011, 01:40 PM »
So ridiculous this conversation.

Some people just seem to end up in flame conversations and some don't.  MI just doesn't get himself into these flame wars, it's got nothing to do with him having protection from supporters or anything like that. 

It's all about personality.

Some people are just very good at interacting with other people.  And some aren't.

The other day I played against an infamous player name beginning with Z, for the first time in a long while.  The first thing I got was an insult about my clan, an insult about my playing ability.  It was pretty nasty.  But I was enjoying roping my worm around the maze and did the opposite of what was expected....I asked him about his career and education and made pleasant conversation.

Some people would get on the forums and start a thread and then spend ages justifying their position with elongated posts which just make everything worse and give the wankers even more attention and make them worse.

How can some people just enjoy worms, enjoy the community, enjoy chatting to mates and socialising with other wormers, express themselves on the forum in the way they want without feeling frustrated?

Yet there's some people who just think that the game has changed for the worse, that everyone is an unappreciative wanker, that there's a decline in standards, that the game is full of cheaters etc etc.

I think it's just so amazingly weird that people can be involved in a community that they hate so much.


This is the best community in the world.  Yeah, it represents real life, some people are nicer than others, some people you wouldn't hang around with and some you will.  Accept it.  Some people don't appreciate acts of kindness, some do....Welcome to the planet earth.  This is human nature, not worms.