June 05, 2024, 08:54 AM


What new weapon/utility would you add to hysteria scheme? (voting for existing weapon/utility means that you want to limit it down)

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Author Topic: New weapons in hysteria  (Read 6082 times)

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Offline Xrayez

Re: New weapons in hysteria
« Reply #45 on: January 27, 2014, 07:06 PM »
Oh, yea... You can add an Air Strike (5 delay as in Inter), because F6 is empty yet.
Minestrike you meant?
Nope, Air Strike, it's more common, I guess.

Imagine 1v1 worm's fight. One darksides, one lightsides. The one who darksides has even more control over lightsider, imo, coz lightsider can't shoot zookas properly, or even hard to petrol in some cases. So my opinion is to use minestrike instead  ;)

Offline Korydex

Re: New weapons in hysteria
« Reply #46 on: January 27, 2014, 07:16 PM »
Oh, yea... You can add an Air Strike (5 delay as in Inter), because F6 is empty yet.
Minestrike you meant?
Nope, Air Strike, it's more common, I guess.

Imagine 1v1 worm's fight. One darksides, one lightsides. The one who darksides has even more control over lightsider, imo, coz lightsider can't shoot zookas properly, or even hard to petrol in some cases. So my opinion is to use minestrike instead  ;)
I dunno, maybe it would change this situation somehow... But if you think Air is too powerful, maybe mine, ye. :D

Offline Rogi

Re: New weapons in hysteria
« Reply #47 on: March 03, 2014, 06:20 PM »
how much years this topic will live, while you, dear gods of hysteria will decide which the new wpn in hysteria will be lol
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Calm the hell down.|

Offline Xrayez

Re: New weapons in hysteria
« Reply #48 on: March 03, 2014, 06:44 PM »
how much years this topic will live, while you, dear gods of hysteria will decide which the new wpn in hysteria will be lol

I'm not MI  :D And I'm working on scheme, yeye  :) But I think new scheme will never replace classic one, though

Offline francot514

Re: New weapons in hysteria
« Reply #49 on: March 12, 2014, 09:11 PM »
Kamikazi will be good in hysteria...

Offline TheWalrus

Re: New weapons in hysteria
« Reply #50 on: March 13, 2014, 12:49 AM »
how much years this topic will live, while you, dear gods of hysteria will decide which the new wpn in hysteria will be lol
Hopefully not much longer, seeing as the most recent ideas involve airstrikes ??? The only worthwhile addition to me would be moles drills ect to f@#! up peoples stupid darkside hides or something like that.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2014, 12:51 AM by TheWalrus »

Offline Xrayez

Re: New weapons in hysteria
« Reply #51 on: March 13, 2014, 09:03 AM »
Here's some decent idea, use of sheep in hysteria, in the attachment  :-\

Playback at 4:38: Sheep strikes darksider. Sheep is almost identical to grenade, but it is extremely useful in tight places against turn advantage  :D
And yeah, Sheep + LG is not so dangerous as you might think, yaya

P.S. I'm still working on the scheme, hehe

P.P.S Airstrikes are bad idea, I realized that already xD

Offline avirex

Re: New weapons in hysteria
« Reply #52 on: March 14, 2014, 01:48 AM »
The best thing to do for this community is not try to improve hysteria, but remove it from classic scheme... hysteria is going to ultimately kill the game we all love so much..

when most of us started our worming career, we thought worms was all fun and games, and got a big laugh out of shooting the bazooka, and uzi... and yes, no doubt that caught our attention, and kept our interest for a short time.. but if we had not discovered roping, and elite while playing online games, lets face it... no one would have stayed on worms for as many years as we have, some of us have over 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and more years invested...

it used to be that the newbs would come online, start out with normal games, then discover shoppas, then move on to wxw, then move on to ropers, and ttrr's, and have the drive to learn, and be the best!!

now newbs just come online, discover hysteria, and never want to invest the time into learning to rope, because hysteria is a 'fun' scheme, and they have the ability to beat legends, and pros in a very short time period of learning...  so the newbs just invest all their time into hysteria, and consider themselves forever legends (look at chelsea for example)

the major problem with this is, (im sure you see where im going with this) the scheme hysteria is not a scheme that will capture wormers for many many years!!! if we are lucky we will keep the newbs in the community for a year or two, then they will get completely sick of it.. and never come back to worms...

roping is the real deal, it has kept multiple players on wnet for decades, and still going... hysteria will never do that, and for this reason, hysteria is going to single handedly kill this game!!!

so if anyone loves the wonderful game of worms armageddon!! we need to act now, and act quick!!! remove the scheme from TUS classic, remove it from any worms related website, and never host another hyst in wnet every again, we can have deadcode and cybershadow release an update that will delete any hyst scheme file in everyones scheme folder, and we need to forget this scheme ever existed...  its the only thing we can do!! be strong wormers!!   say no to hyst!

sorry for long post :D

« Last Edit: March 14, 2014, 01:56 AM by avirex »

Re: New weapons in hysteria
« Reply #53 on: March 14, 2014, 02:22 AM »
There is no reason why cluster, handgun, drill, prod and mortar shouldn't be added. They're all weak enough that a newbie will gain no advantage from spamming them. And also take some skill to use effectively.
Girders and Freeze add great strategical value to the game, as well as somewhat diminish telecowing.
Other relatively weak weapons such as skunk, suicide bomber, dragon ball, Uzi, longbow, battle axe and kamikaze could be added too although the impact they would have on gameplay would be far greater due to poison and the huge anti darksiding potential of kamikaze. 1x-2x mole could be added too for that same purpose.

Hotkeys wouldn't be a serious problem seeing as most of those don''t interfere with the weapon hierarchy. There is no need to have only one weapon per row either, not in 2014 when many players can easily press half a dozen buttons within a single second.
Hysteria doesn't necessarily have to be designed around brevity, it's about making the most of your little time, and if you're skilled enough to select Jetpack + LG, cluster 2 second MAX Bounce all in one turn then so be it.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2014, 02:25 AM by Pixy »
Here comes the snow

Offline AnGsT

Re: New weapons in hysteria
« Reply #54 on: March 14, 2014, 04:42 AM »
There should be only 2 or 3 petrols.... I hate that ppl that is launching it every turn with the same f@#!ing angle  >:( lol
Kamikaze and firepunch could be nice...

The best thing to do for this community is not try to improve hysteria, but remove it from classic scheme... hysteria is going to ultimately kill the game we all love so much..

when most of us started our worming career, we thought worms was all fun and games, and got a big laugh out of shooting the bazooka, and uzi... and yes, no doubt that caught our attention, and kept our interest for a short time.. but if we had not discovered roping, and elite while playing online games, lets face it... no one would have stayed on worms for as many years as we have, some of us have over 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and more years invested...

it used to be that the newbs would come online, start out with normal games, then discover shoppas, then move on to wxw, then move on to ropers, and ttrr's, and have the drive to learn, and be the best!!

now newbs just come online, discover hysteria, and never want to invest the time into learning to rope, because hysteria is a 'fun' scheme, and they have the ability to beat legends, and pros in a very short time period of learning...  so the newbs just invest all their time into hysteria, and consider themselves forever legends (look at chelsea for example)

the major problem with this is, (im sure you see where im going with this) the scheme hysteria is not a scheme that will capture wormers for many many years!!! if we are lucky we will keep the newbs in the community for a year or two, then they will get completely sick of it.. and never come back to worms...

roping is the real deal, it has kept multiple players on wnet for decades, and still going... hysteria will never do that, and for this reason, hysteria is going to single handedly kill this game!!!

so if anyone loves the wonderful game of worms armageddon!! we need to act now, and act quick!!! remove the scheme from TUS classic, remove it from any worms related website, and never host another hyst in wnet every again, we can have deadcode and cybershadow release an update that will delete any hyst scheme file in everyones scheme folder, and we need to forget this scheme ever existed...  its the only thing we can do!! be strong wormers!!   say no to hyst!

sorry for long post :D

Laughing my ass off.

Offline Triad

Re: New weapons in hysteria
« Reply #55 on: March 14, 2014, 11:41 AM »
The best thing to do for this community is not try to improve hysteria, but remove it from classic scheme... hysteria is going to ultimately kill the game we all love so much..

when most of us started our worming career, we thought worms was all fun and games, and got a big laugh out of shooting the bazooka, and uzi... and yes, no doubt that caught our attention, and kept our interest for a short time.. but if we had not discovered roping, and elite while playing online games, lets face it... no one would have stayed on worms for as many years as we have, some of us have over 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and more years invested...

it used to be that the newbs would come online, start out with normal games, then discover shoppas, then move on to wxw, then move on to ropers, and ttrr's, and have the drive to learn, and be the best!!

now newbs just come online, discover hysteria, and never want to invest the time into learning to rope, because hysteria is a 'fun' scheme, and they have the ability to beat legends, and pros in a very short time period of learning...  so the newbs just invest all their time into hysteria, and consider themselves forever legends (look at chelsea for example)

the major problem with this is, (im sure you see where im going with this) the scheme hysteria is not a scheme that will capture wormers for many many years!!! if we are lucky we will keep the newbs in the community for a year or two, then they will get completely sick of it.. and never come back to worms...

roping is the real deal, it has kept multiple players on wnet for decades, and still going... hysteria will never do that, and for this reason, hysteria is going to single handedly kill this game!!!

so if anyone loves the wonderful game of worms armageddon!! we need to act now, and act quick!!! remove the scheme from TUS classic, remove it from any worms related website, and never host another hyst in wnet every again, we can have deadcode and cybershadow release an update that will delete any hyst scheme file in everyones scheme folder, and we need to forget this scheme ever existed...  its the only thing we can do!! be strong wormers!!   say no to hyst!

sorry for long post :D
I agree that rope keeps people in worms. But removing hysteria from worms is much 1984, such George Orwell-ish, very big brother. xd I convinced my classmate to start WA. First showed him intermediate, cause its main shit in wa you know. Then showed shopper. He liked shopper. Because learning rope was more fun than learning default for him. After he learn shopper will teach WxW, Roper, Big RR to him. Meanwhile i will teach him ground schemes. I guess if i teached him hysteria first he may not interest with rope later.

But its not like if you not play any rope schemes, you will quit WA someday. For example chuvash plays ONL and TEL only, as far as i know.

Offline Husk

Re: New weapons in hysteria
« Reply #56 on: March 14, 2014, 11:58 AM »
hyst is the best thing happened to classic league imo xD

Offline Chelsea

Re: New weapons in hysteria
« Reply #57 on: March 14, 2014, 12:11 PM »
hyst is the best thing happened to classic league imo xD

you are 100% sure  ;D

btw. gtfo avi noob :D

Re: New weapons in hysteria
« Reply #58 on: March 14, 2014, 01:24 PM »
hyst should be played with 1 worm in team and instant sd

dt`wreckz: zooks are effected my win

Offline Xrayez

Re: New weapons in hysteria
« Reply #59 on: March 14, 2014, 02:02 PM »
hyst should be played with 1 worm in team and instant sd

Or at least 2 fat worms, manual placement