June 06, 2024, 11:10 PM

Game #145814, reported by Berria, Viewed 571 Time(s)

Classic #32
May 07, 2013, 02:27 AM
Inexperienced 1187 in BnG before the game. Gained 26|30 points
Absolute Beginner 983 in BnG before the game. Lost 30|30 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
1 - 0
1 - 0
6 - 0
6 - 0
Information Game scheme: BnG
Scheme pick: Loser's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 113 time(s).
Game Awards
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Game Map(s)

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1920 x 696, BIT, 2.45 KB, Downloaded 19 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[iNfdeejay] I exit analyze
[iNfdeejay] more
[iNfdeejay] and it doesnt take 2 hours
[inf`GreatProfe] u can clanner with kaleu, he's on
[iNfdeejay] against who?
[iNfdeejay] lol
[inf`GreatProfe] i'll g2g after that game
iNfdeejay..ArsGoetia`inf: if they win this..
ArsGoetia`inf..iNfdeejay: they won't lol
[inf`GreatProfe] hm
ArsGoetia`inf..iNfdeejay: u saw why ?
[fS`xAhiAzx] jajaja
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] opa
[fS`xAhiAzx] ?
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] :D
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] ;)
[ArsGoetia`inf] haha
[fS`xAhiAzx] wtf?
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] idk
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] xD
[iNfdeejay] its new season
[iNfdeejay] new schsmeme
[iNfdeejay] ..
[fS`xAhiAzx] -_-
[iNfdeejay] scheme
[iNfdeejay] so you cant use notches
[fS`xAhiAzx] aaaaa
[fS`xAhiAzx] ok
[inf`GreatProfe] -.-
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] omg
[inf`GreatProfe] hm?
[ArsGoetia`inf] ??
iNfdeejay..inf`GreatProfe: and i cant play with kaleu
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] damn scheme
[ArsGoetia`inf] xD
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] xD
iNfdeejay..inf`GreatProfe: since i host.
inf`GreatProfe..iNfdeejay: why?
[fS`xAhiAzx] que dolor de picha
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] omg
[inf`GreatProfe] carefull guys
[ArsGoetia`inf] dude u can't full power xD
[inf`GreatProfe] it's new scheme
[ArsGoetia`inf] its funny too see when power is going down
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] i now i understand xD
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] nt
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] xD
[inf`GreatProfe] hehehee
[ArsGoetia`inf] lol
[inf`GreatProfe] guys, i guess u have more chances in ttrr xD
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] close play after that
[inf`GreatProfe] xd
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] xD
[inf`GreatProfe] hhehehehe
[inf`GreatProfe] it's cilada
[inf`GreatProfe] xd
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] xD
[iNfdeejay] job
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] lol
[inf`GreatProfe] thx late
[ArsGoetia`inf] hmmm
[fS`xAhiAzx] again
[fS`xAhiAzx] -_-
[inf`GreatProfe] iiiiiiiuuuuuu
[inf`GreatProfe] pixels, pixels everywhere
[inf`GreatProfe] pixels here
[inf`GreatProfe] pixels there
[inf`GreatProfe] pixels
[inf`GreatProfe] pixeeeeeeeels
[inf`GreatProfe] i did an opera man
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] ehm
[inf`GreatProfe] xD
[inf`GreatProfe] xd
[inf`GreatProfe] maximus pro
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] n
[ArsGoetia`inf] vn xD
[inf`GreatProfe] thx
[inf`GreatProfe] xD
[inf`GreatProfe] even komito could do that
[inf`GreatProfe] couldnt*
[fS`xAhiAzx] xDD
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] ehy
[inf`GreatProfe] boom cha
[iNfdeejay] XD
[inf`GreatProfe] put ur hands to the left \o
[inf`GreatProfe] and after to the right
[inf`GreatProfe] i sinnnngggg
iNfdeejay..inf`GreatProfe: profe great has 200 still XD
[inf`GreatProfe] dont you want a girl hot like me?
[inf`GreatProfe] dont yu want a girl funny like me
[inf`GreatProfe] dont chaaa
[inf`GreatProfe] lalalala
[inf`GreatProfe] dont chaaa
[inf`GreatProfe] i'm better singing
[inf`GreatProfe] do they ignore me in the chat?
[fS`xAhiAzx] xDDD
[inf`GreatProfe] xDDDDD
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] hhh
[ArsGoetia`inf] everyone does
[ArsGoetia`inf] xDD
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] hhhh
[inf`GreatProfe] xDDD
[ArsGoetia`inf] nooo
[ArsGoetia`inf] why no one said ''n'' ? D:
[inf`GreatProfe] i'll darkside to finish the game with 200
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] n
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] xD
[inf`GreatProfe] i didnt see ur move
[inf`GreatProfe] anyway all ur moves are nice
[ArsGoetia`inf] didn't? XD
[ArsGoetia`inf] was nice actually xD
[ArsGoetia`inf] i love trap shots
[inf`GreatProfe] nice bounce btw
[ArsGoetia`inf] look at 18 min
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] lopl
[inf`GreatProfe] now the move of the moves
[inf`GreatProfe] my new move called
[inf`GreatProfe] "new move"
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] nt
[fS`xAhiAzx] por la patria
[ArsGoetia`inf] won't
[inf`GreatProfe] that my
[inf`GreatProfe] new movie!!
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] f@#!er shot
[inf`GreatProfe] hahahaha
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] that is Spartaaa xD
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] damn 4sec
[fS`xAhiAzx] n
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] xD
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] thnx
[ArsGoetia`inf] por dicha no me puse ahi
[inf`GreatProfe] ropz shot
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] gogogogo
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] xD
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] gg
[inf`GreatProfe] ae
[inf`GreatProfe] 10k of bounces
[fS`xAhiAzx] no rules?
[inf`GreatProfe] what kind of rule u want?
[fS`xAhiAzx] time
[fS`xAhiAzx] 5 + lg
[inf`GreatProfe] i did 4
[fS`xAhiAzx] 4 + boing
[inf`GreatProfe] no, 4s hasnt rules
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] gg
[inf`GreatProfe] gg
[inf`GreatProfe] 24 minutes, its not a bad bng game time
[inf`GreatProfe] xd
[fS`xAhiAzx] telecow dxDDD
[inf`GreatProfe] xD
[fS`xAhiAzx] toma x la patria
[inf`GreatProfe] nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[inf`GreatProfe] f@#!eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr
[fS`xAhiAzx] no saldras ileso
[inf`GreatProfe] YOU ARE A f@#!ING f@#!ER
[inf`GreatProfe] XDDDDDDDD
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] mother f@#!er in insult in chat
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] f@#!ing f@#!
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] no insult *
[inf`GreatProfe] huaehuaehua
[ArsGoetia`inf] 2 more ?
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] i have insults damn
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] no
[ArsGoetia`inf] roper / rr ?
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] no
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] have go
[inf`GreatProfe] 65 more?
[ArsGoetia`inf] ok ok
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] will open pc 28/5
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] :D
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] maybe try next days
[fS`xAhiAzx] tomen palyos
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] gj
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] n
[fS`xAhiAzx] playos
[inf`GreatProfe] u are calling me for treta
[fS`xAhiAzx] for spaaarta
[ArsGoetia`inf] time to finish him
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] lol
[fS`xAhiAzx] run forest
[inf`GreatProfe] i'll run
[inf`GreatProfe] for the happiness
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] gg
[ArsGoetia`inf] omg
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] xD
[ArsGoetia`inf] it probably will not work
[fS`xAhiAzx] spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarta
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] xD
[fS`xAhiAzx] wooooooooooooooooah
[iNfdeejay] lol i forgot this was even happening
[iNfdeejay] xD
[inf`GreatProfe] xD
[inf`GreatProfe] dee, how do u want the last shot?
[inf`GreatProfe] sunnyside up
[inf`GreatProfe] or what
[ArsGoetia`inf] i never understood why the last worm takes too long to kill
[iNfdeejay] over easy
[iNfdeejay] xD
[iNfdeejay] oo
[inf`GreatProfe] 3 points
[fS`xAhiAzx] spaaaaaaaaaaarta
[iNfdeejay] xD
[inf`GreatProfe] xDDDDDDD
[fS`xAhiAzx] spaaaaaaaaaaaaarta
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] gg
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] xD
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] gg
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] goggoogogg
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] AHiaz
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] f@#!ing him
[inf`GreatProfe] go ahiaz!
[inf`GreatProfe] f@#!ing us!
[fS`xAhiAzx] spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarta never dies
[fS`xAhiAzx] spaaaaaaaaaaaaarta
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] lol
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] said
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] that is Spatyaaaaaaaaaaa
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] Sparta *
[inf`GreatProfe] boom boom boom
[inf`GreatProfe] gotta get that
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] see lag
[inf`GreatProfe] boom boom boom
[iNfdeejay] gotta get that boom boom pow
[inf`GreatProfe] xDDDDDDD
[fS`xAhiAzx] spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaartaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[inf`GreatProfe] we are tryin to find the bonus level in thair map
[inf`GreatProfe] gg
[fS`xAhiAzx] Xddd
[fS`xAhiAzx] xDDD
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] gg
[ArsGoetia`inf] gg
[fS`xAhiAzx] GG
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] xD
[iNfdeejay] ahjaueuhahue
[iNfdeejay] TTRR 5th?
[ArsGoetia`inf] who reports ?
[iNfdeejay] xD
[iNfdeejay] me

Author Topic: Game #145814, reported by Berria  (Read 290 times)

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Offline Hussar

Game #145814, reported by Berria
« on: May 07, 2013, 09:51 PM »
funny plop 3.15

Offline ArsGoetia

Re: Game #145814, reported by Berria
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2013, 12:55 AM »
vn :o
[GrW`AnGsT-tgH] hey, have you noticed that Komo always makes the maps a little smaller on one side?
[``GrW-ROp3Rz`] yes, I think that is cross-eyed