June 01, 2024, 12:25 AM

Game #179798, Viewed 162 Time(s)

Classic #41
November 02, 2014, 09:57 PM
Fairly Competent 1692 in BnG before the game. Gained 24|9 points
Absolute Beginner 808 in BnG before the game. Lost 14|9 points

Game Rate
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Players history
1 - 0
4 - 0
15 - 7
44 - 28
Information Game scheme: BnG
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
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Game Chat(s)
[che`Korydex] hf
[cfcdaiNa] hf
[che`Xrayez] oops forgot it's bng
[UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae] :D
[UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae] its not elite
[UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae] X-ray fellas
[che`Xrayez] xdd
[ZaLO`] damn Adnan
[ZaLO`] it reminds me our 90 min bungee
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: ando terminando d comer
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: xd
[UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae] indeed
cfc`ars..cfcdaiNa: yo vengo de levantarme xD
cfc`ars..cfcdaiNa: creo q para la proxima skipear�� un turno
[ZaLO`] Adnan, who do u think will win?
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: pq
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: ?
[UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae] I think I think
[UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae] it gonna be
[UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae] 8)
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: mierda, se me paso un turno pff
[UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae] cf... Che!!
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: me fui a buscar gaseosa xD
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: ya, ahora me los jodo
[UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae] but still
[UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae] unknown
ZaLO` [Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen today we look at two Experienced teams]
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: uu
ZaLO` [on our left we can see cfc members who have rough attacks quite often]
ZaLO` [on our right there is che clan who has shown a few stuff in their career]
[UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae] yeay!!
[UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae] *claps*
ZaLO` [lets see what can we see in this emotionous Pearl Harbour]
[UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae] woo
ZaLO` [Brilliant Shot !]
ZaLO` [coming from Fella]
[UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae] ZalOmentary
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: bah...
[cfc`ars] casi
ZaLO` [Our media doesn't tell us]
ZaLO` [which worm is whose]
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: listoando con sonido y ya termine d comr ;p
ZaLO` [but our cameraman is in his best]
[UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae] ae
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: no he mirado wn xD
ZaLO` [Brilliant 2nd hit]
ZaLO` [coming from the Che member]
ZaLO` [such a good form today !!]
cfc`ars..cfcdaiNa: yo estaba igual sin sonido xD
ZaLO` [is this the beginning of the end? we will see SOON!]
[UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae] :O
ZaLO` [what is happening with this Young talented boy]
ZaLO` [he probably spent his best with such an art ]
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: lo tengo a ivan si no me dan xd
ZaLO` [but we can't forget the cfc team that]
[UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae] Ivan is so durak
ZaLO` [not once did suprise us !]
che`Xrayez is Komito Junior
ZaLO` [we can say that this forest is quite bombastic *badum tss*]
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : That right zalO, they must show some talented shots
[UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae] Thats*
ZaLO` [wise words Adnan, our studio is placed quite close to these Warriors]
ZaLO` [such a good Try !]
ZaLO` [coming from a determined cfc Soldier]
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: a la mierda
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: y porq hay tanto expectador wtf
ZaLO` [what is happening with this young talented booy]
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : That's amazing
ZaLO` [Thats right Adnan !]
cfc`ars..cfcdaiNa: casi ni reviso
ZaLO` [no situation seems to scare him]
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: ya, ponte a notchear xd
ZaLO` [lets consult our expert who knows Che warriors personally]
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : No pressure either, such a talented boys ;)
che`Xrayez [laptopfapfaggothasfatgoat]
ZaLO` [' Professor, what do u think about the upcoming result? ']
ZaLO` [Professor: I believe in these guyz, but they must be careful u know ]
ZaLO` [thats nice, so lets move to our Magnificent Battlefield]
ZaLO` [we can see in Fellus fight that his right arm]
ZaLO` [has beed damaged]
[cfc`ars] ?
[UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae] Aww
ZaLO` [damn what is happening her !!]
[che`Korydex] rh
[cfcdaiNa] wel... rh i guess
ZaLO` [Our Referees are shocked]
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : Professor... what's goin on?

[cfcdaiNa] hf
cfc`ars..Fenice: exactly
[che`Korydex] hf
[che`Xrayez] funz
[Fenice] thx
[UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae] ur welcome
ZaLO` [Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome again after Commercial Break !]
[che`Xrayez] how do you know that you is really you?
[che`Korydex] cfc dies on 51 and 72
ZaLO` [We are back after some technical problems]
[UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae] I am still discovering about that
[UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae] xrayez
ZaLO` [connected with some packet]
[che`Korydex] who had 128?
[cfc`ars] este hijueputa si habla mierdas XD
[che`Korydex] daina?
[cfcdaiNa] roperz
[che`Korydex] ah ok
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : Yeah... that gonna be some packet of chips Nuheheheee
Fenice..cfc`ars: mae xDDDDDDDD
ZaLO` [congratz for Daina]
Fenice..cfc`ars: ud le dijo q me dijera eso...
ZaLO` [for this magnificent beginning]
cfc`ars..Fenice: q?
ZaLO` [but che warrior wants to pay back !]
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: wn, no doy una ... q bronca
[che`Xrayez] why I'm not you, and you're not me?
ZaLO` [will this game be a next Thriller?]
ZaLO` [such a wonderful start]
ZaLO` [coming from Ars]
cfc`ars..cfcdaiNa: ya te sale la komita dentro
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: buena esa
ZaLO` [is this supposed to be the crash of titans from Che team?]
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : Yeah xrayez warrior, we don't know who we were before existance
[che`Xrayez] why did we born exactly when we born?
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: bleh....
[che`Xrayez] why not other time?
cfc`ars..cfcdaiNa: holi
ZaLO` [Adnan gives us the expertize on the origins of our Heroes from the battlefield]
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : Thats a mystery, brave warrior
cfc`ars..cfcdaiNa: ay mierda
Fenice..cfc`ars: whatsapp
[cfc`ars] hide :o
ZaLO` [che clan serves a serious threat]
ZaLO` [to Cfc clan]
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: repit
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: repit
ZaLO` [I guess the trees may cry in a while]
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: esoo
Fenice..cfc`ars: whatsapp hijueputa
[che`Xrayez] is life illusion?
ZaLO` [Such a Beutiful SHOT !]
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: y estos qls q? XD
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: q hablan solos q chucha
Fenice [life's an optical illusion]
ZaLO` [gratz for this young talented sniper from CFC]
[cfcdaiNa] phew
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : Dunno warrior, may be we could reborn in another body.
cfc`ars..cfcdaiNa: si lol XDD eso dec��a
[cfc`ars] ESOOOO
cfc`ars..cfcdaiNa: komiiiitaaa
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: ;D
cfc`ars..cfcdaiNa: KOMITAAA
ZaLO` [we look at the serious stuff of shots while the Xrayez thinks about the sense of his life and falls down the hol !]
[che`Xrayez] yaya
ZaLO` [so many Emotions going on ther !!]
Fenice..cfc`ars: q opinas de eso q te mand��?
[cfcdaiNa] se movio wn xd
ZaLO` [Adnan, out expert will say a word about the health conditions of today's warriors]
cfc`ars..Fenice: holi
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : We should found the thing to control the thing called ''Soul''.
cfc`ars..Fenice: daina no le se le olvida nada lol
[che`Xrayez] what if I copy myself, will my soul remain in original body?
ZaLO` [Professor Adnan, how does it apply to the show we are spectators of?]
[cfcdaiNa] hmmmm
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: voy a zookear
[che`Xrayez] scared x;
[cfc`ars] ;P
[cfcdaiNa] risky :p
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : That'll be dimensional xrayez in my opinion
ZaLO` [no risk no fun, as they say]
Fenice..cfc`ars: le digo?
ZaLO` [another part of a forst]
cfc`ars..Fenice: No.
Fenice..cfc`ars: de forma "sutil"?
[che`Xrayez] some say that atoms came from nowhere into our universe
cfc`ars..Fenice: No.
ZaLO` [has been destroyed by the brave warriors from South America]
cfc`ars..Fenice: hijueputa
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : Like in another dimension, Chelsea will be Legendary Unlucker
Fenice..cfc`ars: entonces digame una excusa, ud me embarco xDD
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: una ma
[che`Xrayez] an infinite amount of universe yaya
cfc`ars..cfcdaiNa: uuh
ZaLO` [fella is getting his face]
cfc`ars..cfcdaiNa: tiene q abrir ese igual
ZaLO` [hit brutally soon]
cfc`ars..Fenice: dele alt + f4 xDDDDDDDDD
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : Ya ya indeed... brave xrayez
ZaLO` [what will happen next? the people on the hall are astonished]
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: esq el otro esta mas difiicil
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: gj
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: me lo dejaste listo
Fenice..cfc`ars: nombres
Fenice..cfc`ars: soy un amuleto de la suerte
ZaLO` [Fella is under serious threat]
[che`Xrayez] DAMN`Shot
[cfc`ars] im feeling that nade will bounce back to me rofl
ZaLO` [coming from the left wing]
cfc`ars [MonkeyIsland]
[Fenice] mae jose aca me están interrogando
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: injusticia
[cfc`ars] holi
ZaLO` [the right wing of our warriors does not leave any efforts to win this game]
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : Thats a great mystery we didn't discovered yet, zalO
[cfc`ars] dele alt + f4
[che`Xrayez] jaja
[cfc`ars] alt + f4 YA
[Fenice] lol
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: sabia lol
[Fenice] xDDDDDDDD
ZaLO` [A very unlucky attempt to attack]
ZaLO` [cfc clan]
[Fenice] no, vine a estar aqui porq nadie hostea algo interesante
[cfcdaiNa] solo le dije hola a fenice XDDD
[cfcdaiNa] nada mas
[cfcdaiNa] y le dije hablemos y no quiere
[Fenice] jose me tiene amenazado
[Fenice] no puedo hablar, y eso q el fue el q me embarcó
[Fenice] xD
[cfc`ars] mae fenice... alt + f4
[cfc`ars] xD
ZaLO` [so far the cfc clan has switched the dominatio]
[Fenice] mae jose estás nervioso?
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : Costa rica conservation indeed
ZaLO` [coming from Skillfull warrior Daina]
[cfc`ars] esa es la respuesta para cuando daina anda investigando algo
[che`Korydex] packet plz
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: muevete asi tenis mas angulo o abrete?
[Fenice] mae y cual es el miedo? xD
[che`Xrayez] barf packet plz ;x
cfc`ars..cfcdaiNa: eso iba hacer pero el wind me lo impidi�� xD
ZaLO` [what is happening here what is happening]
Fenice..cfc`ars: mae q ganas de decirle para ver la basureada eterna q te dar�� xD
ZaLO` [cfc clan remained UNTOUCHED]
ZaLO` [from the very beginning]
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : Che warriors are demanding for skip packet error.
ZaLO` [Professor Adnan, isn't it like a Dream-like start?]
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : It's a dimensional error
ZaLO` [what is your Expertize on that phenomenon]
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : Bad luck came by dimensional error.
[cfcdaiNa] vn
ZaLO` [You want to say that pro became not pro, and non pro became pro, Professor?]
[cfc`ars] report that
Fenice [daina and arsgoetia are so cute together]
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : Indeed
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: wn, hemos ganado el game en 10 min xd
cfc`ars [Fenice f@#! u]
ZaLO` [I hear some of my collegues saying words about Daina and Arsgoetia being cute that doesn't come from my words]
[Fenice] xDDDDDDD
[cfc`ars] xDDDDD
ZaLO` [Looks like the commentary section is being invaded !]
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : They suck away their luck like astroid in a black hole
ZaLO` [Our studio must switch to the official Commentary system that is transmissed by Zalo]
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: obvio xd
[cfcdaiNa] ups
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : and some scientific explainations by Adnan.
ZaLO` : There goes the official voice after some technical problems in the Studio
ZaLO` : Welcome back after the interesting commercial of Coca-Cola
ZaLO` : lets come back to our warriors
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: igual
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: da igual si vive el otro solo
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: lo matamos facil
ZaLO` : It's amazing how cfc clan keeps fighting
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : Warrior Xrayez is struggling
ZaLO` : as they say, the best defence is a good Offence !
[che`Xrayez] :}
[cfcdaiNa] la misma lol
ZaLO` : it still doesn't say how can cfc warrios remain untouched
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : He must make some talentedmoves
[cfcdaiNa] bueno asi no se hidea ahi
ZaLO` : yes Adnan, there must be something
ZaLO` : that brings this talented young man, down
ZaLO` : will Cfc warriors be the new champions of
ZaLO` : this evening?
cfc`ars..cfcdaiNa: me da muchisima gracias estos xD
[ZaLO`] our Studio has done a questionnair
[che`Korydex] rh fuked our game
ZaLO` : according to our results
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: casi la hago
[che`Korydex] sadly
ZaLO` : 87% of people in the studio
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : He's a brave talented warrior, he must do something, something, Unexpected.
cfc`ars..cfcdaiNa: pens�� q te ten��as fe xD
ZaLO` : think that cfc will be the winner
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: q aburrido andan estos qls xD
ZaLO` : 7% of our members say that che will be the winner
[che`Korydex] lol
ZaLO` : 6% of questionaired people have no opinion
ZaLO` : that is a very worrying sign to these poor guyz
[che`Xrayez] careless pigs
ZaLO` : on our right
ZaLO` : amazing granade !
ZaLO` : that didn't hurt anyone
[cfc`ars] where's the ''yellow guy'' ?
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: a la mier
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: ahora si que NO fallo
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : Ivan-durak, save your warrior.
ZaLO` : the Yellow guy has been transmissed into Green vibrations since someone invaded our studio and started writing comments
ZaLO` : Mr Adnan, thats a miracle
[che`Korydex] vibrations?
[che`Korydex] u talking about string theory?
[cfc`ars] powa
ZaLO` : how can people not take a 1 hp after 20 minutes of play?
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : Space-Time Vibrations
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: no llegas con esa mira
[cfc`ars] oh well anyway was bad
[che`Korydex] cmon
ZaLO` : Yellow guy is now transmissed with the official speaker called Zalo
ZaLO` : and yes no HP THIS TIME !
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : warrior Korydex is struggling
[cfc`ars] fenice hijueputa, lo veo callado
ZaLO` : our viewers are shocked with Kodydex's results
[Fenice] no hay nada mas molesto q maes de 15 años jugando de cientificos o inteligentes
cfc`ars..Fenice: l
ZaLO` : Amazing rape coming from Cfc Clan
[cfc`ars] están chistosos
ZaLO` : what a form !
[che`Xrayez] first blooood
[cfcdaiNa] gj
ZaLO` : coming from che vicitms
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : Looks like Che is back to business/
ZaLO` : ops, sorry for that, Its written ' che warriors '
ZaLO` : a desperate or non-desperate shotgun
[cfcdaiNa] perfect
ZaLO` : Adnan, what do u think, what do Che need to do
[cfc`ars] ow yeah
[che`Korydex] srsly
[cfc`ars] 49
[che`Xrayez] whata
cfc`ars..cfcdaiNa: KOMITA
[che`Xrayez] botaimbot
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: hahahha
ZaLO` : Daina is a True Monster
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: :D:D
ZaLO` : this night
ZaLO` : She may have some business to avenge
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : They have to make then fly and plop away, that's their last resort.
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : them*
[che`Xrayez] #bngdrochers
ZaLO` : THats right Adnan thats right
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: nah yo lo jodo
ZaLO` : Professor
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: el otro ahora tiene medio hide XD
ZaLO` : would u accuse Daina of using Cheats? WHat an accuracy !
[che`Korydex] lol
[Fenice] xD
[che`Xrayez] ldasd
[cfc`ars] bl
[che`Korydex] forgot about this shit
ZaLO` [Mr Zalo, u can see the show here]
cfc`ars [Comeback is real]
ZaLO` : yes Professor but
[cfcdaiNa] gg
[cfc`ars] gg
[che`Korydex] yea g...
ZaLO` : I still can't believe my eyes
[che`Xrayez] x;d
[cfc`ars] buena igual xD
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : Korydex is down
ZaLO` : It's just amazing
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: toy cagada d la risa
[che`Korydex] what a game
ZaLO` : how this game results
cfc`ars..cfcdaiNa: XDDD
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : Porr warrior, he fought bravely...
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : Poor*
ZaLO` : Bravely but not well he he
ZaLO` : My commenting behaviour tells me
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : Right ZalO
ZaLO` : that This comment will be censured
ZaLO` : due to the offensive towards the Che clan
[cfc`ars] xDDDD
ZaLO` : but I think 97% of people in the studio agree that
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : Woaw
ZaLO` : this game is a true proof of sth
ZaLO` : and YET ANOTHER proof that
[che`Xrayez] lol hyst
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: hahaha
cfc`ars i can't believe how good my partner is
ZaLO` : the cfc clan is on his way to victory
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : Xrayez is taking a risk, will he be victorious?
ZaLO` : Yes Daina and Ars must have been taking additional training everytime before doing their Homework at highscool
ZaLO` : we contacted with the parents of our winners in the studio !
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : Such bravery I never seen Warrior Xrayez!!
ZaLO` : Mum of these warriors, what do u think about this game
[cfc`ars] uuh
ZaLO` [Mum: he he, they are awesome]
[Fenice] lol
[che`Xrayez] :}:}
cfc`ars daina is on fire
ZaLO` : do u think that Daina or her Partner will lose or nope?
ZaLO` [Mum: pfff ofc no]
ZaLO` [Mum: I believe in them so much]
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : If Xrayez keep fighting like this, then Che would gotta have chance to win it!!
ZaLO` : looks like u are right Adnan but what can he do?
[che`Korydex] bouncy from that pix on the left
ZaLO` [Mum: damn... GET THIS MOTHERf@#!ER]
ZaLO` : Mrs... plz calm
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : That's right warrior Kory.
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: ups
ZaLO` : its not a place for such behaviour
[che`Xrayez] what pix?
ZaLO` [Mum: okay....]
[che`Korydex] on ur left
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : Yea Mam, Show some humanity here.
[cfc`ars] xD
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: awebonao xD
cfc`ars..cfcdaiNa: quiero q tu lo mates
cfcdaiNa..cfc`ars: aersi le doy
[Fenice] con una zooka no van a darle
[che`Xrayez] on my right maybe?
ZaLO` [Mum: I don't care... KILL IT !! KILL KILL KILL]
[cfcdaiNa] tiene 2 pixeles
[cfc`ars] yo si
[cfcdaiNa] pa la zook
[che`Korydex] nono
ZaLO` *removes the mum from the studio*
[che`Korydex] down to left
[cfc`ars] Fenice hijueputa
[cfc`ars] por q estás tan callado ?
[che`Xrayez] nah it's safer here
[Fenice] pero es mas facil con una nade de 5 xD
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : Woowh!! That was mad cow, isn't it zalO?
[Fenice] mae no se que decir, soy timido
[cfc`ars] digame fenice
[cfc`ars] con q quiere q lo mate?
[cfc`ars] con nade, ? zooka?
ZaLO` : mad cow Professor Adnan? who do u mean?
[cfc`ars] q tipo de nade
[cfc`ars] diga rapido y lo mato
[Fenice] zooka de 5 lg
[Fenice] -van a anular este juego por "ayudar" al clan-
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : That lady who was disbehaving like an animal.
[cfc`ars] xD
ZaLO` : Adnan, looks like our hero will remain here for a while
[cfc`ars] no es ayuda, es una petición
[che`Xrayez] on fire yaya
ZaLO` : that comes from this guy who I don't even know who he is
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : Power of Warrior Xrayez indeed... what a bravery
[che`Xrayez] gg'ed
[cfc`ars] booom
[cfc`ars] gg
[cfcdaiNa] gg
[cfc`ars] 54
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : ITS OVER
[Fenice] quien hizo eso?
[cfc`ars] yo
[cfcdaiNa] komo
[Fenice] q suerte...
UC`Mega`Adnan`Ae : CHE IS GONE
[cfc`ars] xDDDDDDDDD

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