June 11, 2024, 04:26 PM

Game #194098, reported by MarianRV, Viewed 2156 Time(s)

TRL #24
July 03, 2015, 12:45 PM
Romania UC PCMR dS
Below Average 1395 in TRL: Darts before the game. Gained 27|21 points
Croatia HCP alCo
Absolute Beginner 964 in TRL: Darts before the game. Lost 21|21 points

Information Game scheme: TRL: Darts
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 461 time(s).
Game Awards
This game hasn't been nominated for any awards.
Game Map(s)

Angry Darts Remix by sHaDoWMaN, Skum
1920 x 696, PNG, 33.57 KB, Downloaded 1232 time(s)

Cats ! by TheKomodo
3200 x 1856, PNG, 1.16 MB, Downloaded 1222 time(s)

VegeDarts by sHaDoWMaN
3200 x 720, PNG, 88.86 KB, Downloaded 846 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[UC`Piki1802`dS] Gooder fun!
[Sensei`hcp] hf
UC`MarianRV`pH..UC`Piki1802`dS: somehow I regret not reporting yesterday's game after loss vs sensei :/
[UC`MarianRV`pH] gl,hf
UC`MarianRV`pH..UC`Piki1802`dS: wanna TRL after this? xD
UC`Piki1802`dS..UC`MarianRV`pH: remember tho what I did
UC`MarianRV`pH..UC`Piki1802`dS: what u did
UC`Piki1802`dS..UC`MarianRV`pH: saved you another -80 pts lol
UC`MarianRV`pH..UC`Piki1802`dS: that's why I didn't report
[UC`MarianRV`pH] ofc..
UC`Piki1802`dS..UC`MarianRV`pH: then dont regert u profited
[UC`MarianRV`pH] coukdn't start worse
UC`MarianRV`pH 200
[UC`Piki1802`dS] sensei legendo kako si
[UC`Piki1802`dS] yesterday played awful whole day
[UC`Piki1802`dS] vn
Sensei`hcp 1000
[UC`MarianRV`pH] ...
[Sensei`hcp] ty
[UC`MarianRV`pH] -65 pts,here I come
[Sensei`hcp] piki, pozdrav macane
[Sensei`hcp] kako je
[UC`Piki1802`dS] ma dobro je uvjek moze bolje
[UC`Piki1802`dS] kako tamo
UC`MarianRV`pH 700
[Sensei`hcp] sve znam
[Sensei`hcp] isto tako
[UC`Piki1802`dS] jedva cekam da dodem opet dole
Sensei`hcp 1900
[Sensei`hcp] jesi na moru ili?
[Sensei`hcp] mozemo popiti pivu :)
[UC`Piki1802`dS] ma moram jos da cekam haha
UC`MarianRV`pH 1600
[UC`Piki1802`dS] pocinje tek sljedece sedmice
[UC`Piki1802`dS] ee sad moram nesto da ti priznam
Sensei`hcp 2800
[UC`Piki1802`dS] kada vec spominjes pivo ja jos ne smijem piti xd
[Sensei`hcp] hahah
[Sensei`hcp] nemoj zezat
[UC`Piki1802`dS] pa da
[Sensei`hcp] a sto je? toliko mlad?
[UC`Piki1802`dS] sa 15 je illegalno xd
[Sensei`hcp] a zato ti pricas toliko haha
[Sensei`hcp] tek 15 :)
[UC`Piki1802`dS] hahahhahahahah
[UC`Piki1802`dS] jbg svima bude kao neki shock
Sensei`hcp 3200
[UC`Piki1802`dS] uvjek ljude misle da sam stari
[UC`Piki1802`dS] ajd mozda nesmijem pivo ali sam mogao ponjeti joint haha
Sensei`hcp 3700
[UC`Piki1802`dS] mislim mozda ja ne smijem pivo
[Sensei`hcp] marian? your score? you trying to steal or? :)
[UC`Piki1802`dS] he gave up
[UC`Piki1802`dS] xd
UC`MarianRV`pH 3700
[Sensei`hcp] HAHAHHAHA
[UC`Piki1802`dS] my ass lol
[UC`MarianRV`pH] 2300-2800-3700
[UC`MarianRV`pH] my last 3 scores
[UC`Piki1802`dS] sw ur worms
[UC`MarianRV`pH] he f@#!ing won anyway
Sensei`hcp 4600
[UC`MarianRV`pH] gtg after this match,we can resume tomorrow maybe
[Sensei`hcp] nope
[UC`Piki1802`dS] pazi sada
[UC`MarianRV`pH] can't stay'
[UC`Piki1802`dS] kaze da mora ici
[UC`MarianRV`pH] sry,gtg
[UC`Piki1802`dS] to samo govori jel mu ne ide danas
[UC`MarianRV`pH] you won this round
[Sensei`hcp] hehe, m8, i'll report this if you go
[UC`MarianRV`pH] it's bo3
[UC`MarianRV`pH] we can resume later
[Sensei`hcp] cause i can't play tommorow
[Sensei`hcp] working whole day
[UC`MarianRV`pH] then after 2 days
[UC`MarianRV`pH] just note somewhere,like I do
[Sensei`hcp] don't be a bitch and stay 10 more mminutes
[UC`MarianRV`pH] can't
[UC`Piki1802`dS] oooh xD
Sensei`hcp 5000
[Sensei`hcp] haha marian ok, my win ;)
[UC`MarianRV`pH] don't report...
[UC`MarianRV`pH] It's just that I have to go
[UC`MarianRV`pH] blame my parents...
Sensei`hcp 5200
[Sensei`hcp] you're lying
[UC`MarianRV`pH] I'm not
[Sensei`hcp] you're afraid of losing
[Sensei`hcp] and you're go practice maps
[Sensei`hcp] because you're a little bitch.
[UC`MarianRV`pH] wtf...
[Sensei`hcp] now stay 10 minutes
[Sensei`hcp] or you lose
[UC`MarianRV`pH] can't
[UC`MarianRV`pH] f@#!ing bitch
[UC`MarianRV`pH] k
[Sensei`hcp] kk bb ;)
[UC`Piki1802`dS] asd f@#!er bitch
[UC`MarianRV`pH] I stay'

[UC`Piki1802`dS] Gooder fun!
[Sensei`hcp] you're out of this game :O
[UC`MarianRV`pH] I'm gonna quit
[Sensei`hcp] :O we're all gonna cry when that happens :(
[UC`MarianRV`pH] yea hell no
[Sensei`hcp] who gives a f@#!..
[UC`MarianRV`pH] no one cares
[UC`MarianRV`pH] except about 10 players,this community is shit
[Sensei`hcp] yeah, i agree with that ;)
[UC`MarianRV`pH] also losing to newcomers
[UC`Piki1802`dS] youre one yourself
[UC`MarianRV`pH] after playing darts for about 1 year,I feel useless
Sensei`hcp 16
[UC`Piki1802`dS] ROFL
[UC`Piki1802`dS] lijepo si to napravijo haha
[Sensei`hcp] hvala
UC`MarianRV`pH 20
[UC`MarianRV`pH] enough...
[UC`Piki1802`dS] roofl
[UC`Piki1802`dS] I did that against triad
[Sensei`hcp] shitty map :)
UC`MarianRV`pH 36
[UC`MarianRV`pH] yea,I agree with that
[UC`MarianRV`pH] damn,sry again Sensei
[UC`MarianRV`pH] I feel just too damn worthless recently
[UC`Piki1802`dS] ey
[UC`Piki1802`dS] dont use my tactic
[UC`Piki1802`dS] calm down and apologize is what I do
[UC`Piki1802`dS] xd
[UC`MarianRV`pH] tactic?
UC`MarianRV`pH 50
[UC`Piki1802`dS] jk lol
[UC`MarianRV`pH] damn
[UC`MarianRV`pH] why can't I be in-game like I am outside the game :/
[UC`Piki1802`dS] thats up to you xd
[UC`MarianRV`pH] and rofl,I did 3 shots without failing,new best for me
UC`MarianRV`pH 63
[UC`MarianRV`pH] ow,forgot the "gg" on first map
[Sensei`hcp] you're a /me 33
Sensei`hcp 33
[Sensei`hcp] you're a psycho case ;) when you started leading you start to feel sorry and shit
[Sensei`hcp] need to grow up sometimes ;)
[UC`MarianRV`pH] you should forget the in-game me xD
[UC`MarianRV`pH] I'm very friendly outside the games regarding pts xD
UC`MarianRV`pH 79
Sensei`hcp 47
UC`MarianRV`pH 92
[Sensei`hcp] gg
[UC`MarianRV`pH] sadly not gg
[UC`MarianRV`pH] with my damn behaviour again :/

UC`MarianRV`pH hopes he counts rebounds well this time
[UC`MarianRV`pH] gl,hf
[Sensei`hcp] hf
[UC`MarianRV`pH] I think I got it about rebounds now
UC`MarianRV`pH 30
Sensei`hcp 20
[UC`MarianRV`pH] y
UC`MarianRV`pH 60-
Sensei`hcp 50
[UC`MarianRV`pH] hi
[UC`MarianRV`pH] lol,what have I done
UC`MarianRV`pH 90
Sensei`hcp 70
UC`MarianRV`pH 140
[UC`MarianRV`pH] ok,since I'm not sure for the earlier rebound
[UC`MarianRV`pH] I'll count 20
UC`MarianRV`pH 130
Sensei`hcp 100
[Sensei`hcp] you should count nothing i think
[Sensei`hcp] not 20 ;)
UC`MarianRV`pH 160 then
[Sensei`hcp] but whatever.. you remember that just after you hit 50
[UC`MarianRV`pH] 130+50-20
[UC`MarianRV`pH] well,I don'
[Sensei`hcp] so it again makes you a little cry bitch
[UC`MarianRV`pH] 't want to do unfair things
Sensei`hcp 110
[Sensei`hcp] yeah right ;)
[UC`MarianRV`pH] so I substracted the 20 too
[Sensei`hcp] just shut up
UC`MarianRV`pH 190...
[Sensei`hcp] would you substracted that if you didn't hit 2 50's
[Sensei`hcp] ?
[UC`MarianRV`pH] yes
[Sensei`hcp] lying piece of shit..
[UC`MarianRV`pH] ...
[Sensei`hcp] :)
[UC`MarianRV`pH] n
Sensei`hcp 160
UC`MarianRV`pH 220
[UC`MarianRV`pH] oh well,I guess I should be hated
[UC`MarianRV`pH] vn
Sensei`hcp 210
UC`MarianRV`pH 250
Sensei`hcp 240
[UC`MarianRV`pH] really gtg,cya later
[UC`MarianRV`pH] gg

Author Topic: Game #194098, reported by MarianRV  (Read 2191 times)

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Offline Sensei

Game #194098, reported by MarianRV
« on: July 03, 2015, 12:47 PM »
Remind me to not play anymore with this adolescent crew in w:a.
Their behaviour and lies are just pathetic..

Maybe mods should make a league just for them.. Put some Hello kitty maps and shit...

Offline Mega`Adnan

Re: Game #194098, reported by MarianRV
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2015, 01:50 PM »
Why? Did Marian said something pathetic again? O_o

Adnan, you are Mega, not Micro and not even faint  :D So fight till the end please.

Offline MarianRV

Re: Game #194098, reported by MarianRV
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2015, 01:59 PM »
Why? Did Marian said something pathetic again? O_o
Don't ask.. xD

Online Triad

Re: Game #194098, reported by MarianRV
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2015, 02:21 PM »
Remind me to not play anymore with this adolescent crew in w:a.
Their behaviour and lies are just pathetic..

Maybe mods should make a league just for them.. Put some Hello kitty maps and shit...

According to your attitude I saw on game chat, you also can be qualified for that league maybe. Just stay calm next time. :)

Although I get it, I gtg excuse is very lame, and he stayed without any problems and played another games after as well.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2015, 02:39 PM by Triad »

Offline MarianRV

Re: Game #194098, reported by MarianRV
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2015, 02:48 PM »
Remind me to not play anymore with this adolescent crew in w:a.
Their behaviour and lies are just pathetic..

Maybe mods should make a league just for them.. Put some Hello kitty maps and shit...

According to your attitude I saw on game chat, you also can be qualified for that league maybe. Just stay calm next time. :)

Although I get it, I gtg excuse is very lame, and he stayed without any problems and played another games after as well.
And then I really left,u know.Luckily my dad was around so I could "earn" some time xD

Offline Sensei

Re: Game #194098, reported by MarianRV
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2015, 03:15 PM »
Remind me to not play anymore with this adolescent crew in w:a.
Their behaviour and lies are just pathetic..

Maybe mods should make a league just for them.. Put some Hello kitty maps and shit...

According to your attitude I saw on game chat, you also can be qualified for that league maybe. Just stay calm next time. :)

Although I get it, I gtg excuse is very lame, and he stayed without any problems and played another games after as well.

Don't know what's wrong with my attitude m8 ;) I know he can play but he tries to run away. He wanted to leave cause he was afraid of losing again.  And you're aware of that too, so really don't think you should mention anything about me and my attitude.

Btw in third game he counted score that shouldn't be counted, and he "remembered" that after he scored 2 bulls.. Like: "i'm fair player and shit"..

I think this mode can be pretty funny with those kind of players in it. At least, now i get why so many wormers refuse to play darts. It looks like amateur and unprofessional scheme atm. Pretty good job moderators have to set this right, I would not like to walk in their shoes.

« Last Edit: July 03, 2015, 03:16 PM by Sensei »

Offline spleen17

Re: Game #194098, reported by MarianRV
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2015, 04:39 PM »

Don't know what's wrong with my attitude m8 ;) I know he can play but he tries to run away. He wanted to leave cause he was afraid of losing again.  And you're aware of that too, so really don't think you should mention anything about me and my attitude.

Btw in third game he counted score that shouldn't be counted, and he "remembered" that after he scored 2 bulls.. Like: "i'm fair player and shit"..

I think this mode can be pretty funny with those kind of players in it. At least, now i get why so many wormers refuse to play darts. It looks like amateur and unprofessional scheme atm. Pretty good job moderators have to set this right, I would not like to walk in their shoes.

That is not what he means by attitude... you are within your right to report if he quit mid-game, it is calling him a bitch etc in chat which is kind of stooping to his level. Just ignore Marian when he gets like this.

And I disagree with what you say about darts being unprofessional... a lot of effort has gone into it to make the game as fair as possible. Beginners don't like it sometimes because they don;t know all the rules, but everything has been done with fairness in mind. Once you know all the rules you will understand that, it started off as a funny / luck-based scheme but it is almost all skill now, which not many WA schemes are.

« Last Edit: July 03, 2015, 04:50 PM by spleen17 »

Offline MarianRV

Re: Game #194098, reported by MarianRV
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2015, 04:44 PM »
Gonna bring some anti-stress pills with me in the next TRL :/

Offline spleen17

Re: Game #194098, reported by MarianRV
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2015, 05:15 PM »
Gonna bring some anti-stress pills with me in the next TRL :/

Blaze it!  :D 8)

Offline MarianRV

Re: Game #194098, reported by MarianRV
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2015, 05:17 PM »
Gonna bring some anti-stress pills with me in the next TRL :/

Blaze it!  :D 8)
You forgot to add "FAGGOT" !! >:(

Offline spleen17

Re: Game #194098, reported by MarianRV
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2015, 05:27 PM »
Gonna bring some anti-stress pills with me in the next TRL :/

Blaze it!  :D 8)
You forgot to add "FAGGOT" !! >:(

I did not want to sound offensive haha  :P

Offline MarianRV

Re: Game #194098, reported by MarianRV
« Reply #11 on: July 03, 2015, 05:31 PM »
Gonna bring some anti-stress pills with me in the next TRL :/

Blaze it!  :D 8)
You forgot to add "FAGGOT" !! >:(

I did not want to sound offensive haha  :P
No worries,I know you're a good guy :)

Offline spleen17

Re: Game #194098, reported by MarianRV
« Reply #12 on: July 03, 2015, 05:44 PM »
Nah I'm bad grrrrr  >:( :D

Offline MarianRV

Re: Game #194098, reported by MarianRV
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2015, 05:51 PM »

Offline TheKomodo

Re: Game #194098, reported by MarianRV
« Reply #14 on: July 03, 2015, 06:01 PM »
I think this mode can be pretty funny with those kind of players in it. At least, now i get why so many wormers refuse to play darts. It looks like amateur and unprofessional scheme atm. Pretty good job moderators have to set this right, I would not like to walk in their shoes.

That's just not true at all Sensei :(

Darts is not unprofessional at all, Darts is one of the most professional specialized schemes WA offers along with Elite and Intermediate.

We put so much time and effort into this scheme:

Making beautiful maps that don't have flaws in them so they can be played easily and without luck, making Darts one of the most competitive and luckless schemes ever created.

As far as we know it's impossible to cheat without being easily detected, you don't need special keyboards or keychangers etc to be great at it.

Darts is simple to learn the basics, but very hard to master and beat someone like me who takes it VERY seriously and practises a lot.

We manually host dS Tours on our forums, we host Tournaments, Challenges, Team Challenges, Marathons and anything else we can think of.

We generally have a mature and friendly atmosphere where we always have a good laugh together.

The only person with a bad attitude in Darts is MarianRV, if your experience with him gives you a bad impression of Darts I suggest you stop playing with him and play more with the people who won't insult you when they lose, who won't pick the same maps over and over to gain a lame advantage, people who just enjoy playing Darts and relaxing with friendly conversation etc...

Sensei we were so happy to see you take such a big interest in Darts, you made a nice map, you have played so many games and Tours in such a small amount of time, you have amazing potential to be one of the best players in Darts, it would really be sad to see you stop playing Darts because of 1 person who everyone knows has a bad attitude...

Please chill out and just enjoy it with the rest of us :)