June 11, 2024, 04:36 PM

Game #19917, Reported by Chicken23, Viewed 707 Time(s)

Classic #11
March 01, 2010, 11:15 PM
Rookie 1291 in BnG before the game. Gained 22|22 points
Absolute Beginner 887 in BnG before the game. Lost 22|22 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
2 - 0
18 - 3
18 - 6
264 - 143
Information Game scheme: BnG
Scheme pick: Loser's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 111 time(s).
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Game Map(s)

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1920 x 696, BIT, 1.53 KB, Downloaded 10 time(s)

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1920 x 696, BIT, 1.09 KB, Downloaded 11 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[GuatOnCKC] oe hay sabio algo de twy?
[xTdCxfada] hf :)
[Dead-Tag] no wn
[AlbinoCKC] hf
[GuatOnCKC] Dx
[Dead-Tag] no conecta las llamadas wn
[TdC`HHC] hmm
<<GuatOnCKC>> who picked this?
[TdC`HHC] i have cocktail nuts (?)
<<Chicken23CKC>> tdc
[Dead-Tag] iwal me preocupa la wea si ta la caga alla
[TdC`HHC] should get me through the game
<<Chicken23CKC>> this shouldnt take long. the map will be gone in 5mins
GuatOnCKC..Chicken23CKC: k , gl
[GuatOnCKC] si se po
[GuatOnCKC] si aki muestran
[GuatOnCKC] ke ta la pura caga
[GuatOnCKC] robando y weas
[Dead-Tag] ee
[TdC`HHC] map seems decent, bit weird, but ok
[GuatOnCKC] igual se entiende ke roben comida
<<xTdCxfada>> let's focus :)
[GuatOnCKC] pero salen weones robando electrodomesticos po wn
[GuatOnCKC] na ke ver
<<TdC`HHC>> ye
[GuatOnCKC] onda un culiao con un refri en la espalda
[Dead-Tag] vez q veo las noticias me imagino q vere al twy ahi entremedio roibando hariona
[GuatOnCKC] osea pal pico
[GuatOnCKC] xDDDDD!!!!!
[Dead-Tag] a sipo
[Chicken23CKC] uh oh
[Dead-Tag] +pero tambien kizsas es gente perdio todas sus weas materiales
[AlbinoCKC] brb
[Chicken23CKC] u guys watch the ice hockey finals yesterday?
[xTdCxfada] nope ^^
[TdC`HHC] i saw 3rd period and OT, was good :)
<<xTdCxfada>> not bad :)
[Chicken23CKC] indeed
<<Chicken23CKC>> do u wanna try and hit hhc?
[xTdCxfada] atf
GuatOnCKC..Chicken23CKC: im gonna try get hhc
[xTdCxfada] kinda cheap
[xTdCxfada] :(
[TdC`HHC] the medal-ceremony was cool too
<<Chicken23CKC>> xD
[Chicken23CKC] yea
<<Chicken23CKC>> xD is happy face?
<<Chicken23CKC>> Dx is sad?
<<GuatOnCKC>> ye xD
[Chicken23CKC] first blood
<<GuatOnCKC>> xD is like a face laughing
<<GuatOnCKC>> gj btw
[Chicken23CKC] n
[TdC`HHC] wow
[TdC`HHC] nice
[xTdCxfada] second blod ;)
<<xTdCxfada>> thanks
<<xTdCxfada>> your turn :)
<<TdC`HHC>> oooh the pressure.. x)
<<TdC`HHC>> aii
<<xTdCxfada>> lg from your place would be good but if you can't you'd better use 4 sec i think
[GuatOnCKC] lol widns xD
<<TdC`HHC>> i can't lg
[GuatOnCKC] winds*
<<Chicken23CKC>> the worm close to us is fada, hes nice bnger.
[xTdCxfada] arf
[TdC`HHC] aw
[TdC`HHC] close
<<Chicken23CKC>> well was back in the day
<<Chicken23CKC>> HHC is more old school than me
[GuatOnCKC] aw
[GuatOnCKC] f@#! it
[xTdCxfada] .. :x
<<TdC`HHC>> 3 on the left should do, on the right is impossible
<<GuatOnCKC>> it was sitter lol
[Chicken23CKC] want him to nade himself?
<<TdC`HHC>> meh
[TdC`HHC] hm
[TdC`HHC] little overdone maybe
[GuatOnCKC] i will lol it was sitter
[TdC`HHC] up to fada
[GuatOnCKC] sry btw , was unintentionally
[xTdCxfada] was kinda sitter to be honest :( and not like he couldn't do it otherwise :)
[TdC`HHC] k
[xTdCxfada] thanks
[TdC`HHC] thanks guaton
[xTdCxfada] let's focus to the game now :)
[Dead-Tag] ?
<<TdC`HHC>> good point :l
[xTdCxfada] don't kill yourself yt ;)
[TdC`HHC] :x
<<xTdCxfada>> it's fine, we still lead :)
[TdC`HHC] ns
[GuatOnCKC] nice xD
[Chicken23CKC] ty
<<TdC`HHC>> :o
[TdC`HHC] damn your hide chick
[xTdCxfada] ^^
[Chicken23CKC] its hard for me to hit fada tho
[Chicken23CKC] although i have a cunning plan
<<xTdCxfada>> zook maybe :)
[Dead-Tag] ta temblando conchetumare
[GuatOnCKC] xD
<<TdC`HHC>> :/
[GuatOnCKC] otra vez wn
[Dead-Tag] uta la wea tiembla y keo pal pico
<<xTdCxfada>> it's fine, it's very easy for me to get yup :) now
[Chicken23CKC] damm
<<TdC`HHC>> can't you make another 45 zook? :o
[GuatOnCKC] nt
<<TdC`HHC>> would be nice ^^
<<Chicken23CKC>> it could of exploded on impact :(
[Dead-Tag] casi salgo corriendo
[TdC`HHC] nt
<<xTdCxfada>> destroy chicken hide and we got it :)
[GuatOnCKC] puta , se cortó la luz aki xD
[GuatOnCKC] ahi volvio
[Chicken23CKC] damm you
[GuatOnCKC] xD
[Chicken23CKC] i need the full power for the timing
[xTdCxfada] huhuh
[Chicken23CKC] and that puts too much disance on it
[Chicken23CKC] distance*
[GuatOnCKC] omg
[Chicken23CKC] i think if i aim 1 more to the right it wont clear the tree that u just hit
[Chicken23CKC] so no more trying my lg 5 floor bank :'(
[GuatOnCKC] :(
<<TdC`HHC>> i'm pretty far off :(
<<xTdCxfada>> no, this was good :)
[xTdCxfada] huhué
[Dead-Tag] voy a warmear
[GuatOnCKC] oe
[Dead-Tag] cya gl
[GuatOnCKC] oe
[xTdCxfada] bounce :)
[Dead-Tag] chao guata
[GuatOnCKC] no te salgai con alt f4
[Dead-Tag] a
[GuatOnCKC] o se caerça
[Chicken23CKC] dont dyscn us
[Dead-Tag] ok
[GuatOnCKC] salte saliendo normal
[GuatOnCKC] weno
[GuatOnCKC] chau dead
[GuatOnCKC] nos vemos
[GuatOnCKC] cuidate
[Dead-Tag] iwal
<<TdC`HHC>> o boy :/
<<GuatOnCKC>> nice xDDD
<<Chicken23CKC>> :D
<<TdC`HHC>> hm nade might backbounce unto me, be careful
<<xTdCxfada>> yep :)
<<xTdCxfada>> this is fine =)
<<GuatOnCKC>> let me hhc , try to get rupa
<<TdC`HHC>> nice one
[GuatOnCKC] lul
<<xTdCxfada>> thanks :)
<<Chicken23CKC>> ok
<<TdC`HHC>> ui
<<xTdCxfada>> close :)
<<xTdCxfada>> if i got red wind i'm on chicken :)
[GuatOnCKC] uh
<<Chicken23CKC>> i'll teleport soon
[Chicken23CKC] nice wind.
[Chicken23CKC] n
[GuatOnCKC] ah cmon
<<xTdCxfada>> vn :)
<<TdC`HHC>> aiming for chick..
<<TdC`HHC>> :/
<<xTdCxfada>> rofl np :)
<<TdC`HHC>> :)
[Chicken23CKC] sorry
TdC`HHC raises his fist
[TdC`HHC] s'ok
[xTdCxfada] eep
[Chicken23CKC] i got the bounce down.. but yea
[Chicken23CKC] shame about the bounce away, was cheapish
[TdC`HHC] whew
<<Chicken23CKC>> rupa's hide owns
[xTdCxfada] we did hit chicken yaltaa :)
[TdC`HHC] :)
[Chicken23CKC] woah
<<xTdCxfada>> 'ill show you a hide maybe
<<TdC`HHC>> k
<<Chicken23CKC>> that sucked lol
[xTdCxfada] arf
<<TdC`HHC>> i think i'm having a decent one here, not getting much hits so far
<<GuatOnCKC>> xD
<<xTdCxfada>> in case you get some :)
<<TdC`HHC>> yeah
[GuatOnCKC] again lol
[Chicken23CKC] u hit tho
[Chicken23CKC] :p
<<xTdCxfada>> nice :)
<<TdC`HHC>> ty
<<TdC`HHC>> i like windy zooks :)
<<xTdCxfada>> arf my turn to get nice wind ^^^
[TdC`HHC] hmm roof
<<TdC`HHC>> nice
<<TdC`HHC>> lead :D
<<Chicken23CKC>> hit whoever u find easiest
<<xTdCxfada>> thanks but bad timing, could have been better :)
<<GuatOnCKC>> f@#! im sucking so hard lmao
[xTdCxfada] wind patch anyone ? ;-)
[TdC`HHC] :)
[Chicken23CKC] woah
<<GuatOnCKC>> its rly annoying how hhc is playing lol
[xTdCxfada] i've anti wind lol
<<Chicken23CKC>> yeah.
[xTdCxfada] eep
<<xTdCxfada>> i'll get chicken :)
[GuatOnCKC] -.-
[Chicken23CKC] dont do a zippo
[TdC`HHC] uh?
[Chicken23CKC] ?
[GuatOnCKC] ?
[xTdCxfada] huh ?

[GuatOnCKC] :(((((((((((((8
[GuatOnCKC] lol
[TdC`HHC] gl hf
[xTdCxfada] there's like only one side here ^^
[TdC`HHC] looks ok though
[Chicken23CKC] normally abit of tweaking isnt bad
[TdC`HHC] :o
[Chicken23CKC] but i start off like this when i make a bng map
[TdC`HHC] yeah good idea
[Chicken23CKC] prefer it, then add / take away some bumps
[xTdCxfada] :(
[TdC`HHC] bl
<<xTdCxfada>> let's focus :)
[TdC`HHC] btw, upload both replays
[Chicken23CKC] yup
<<xTdCxfada>> tele :)
[Chicken23CKC] u changed the sd options!? :p
<<TdC`HHC>> yeah.. man
[TdC`HHC] yeah, water rise, but no actual water rise
[TdC`HHC] it was the official uhh veg's league scheme
[GuatOnCKC] wind hax
<<TdC`HHC>> hail!
<<TdC`HHC>> vn
<<xTdCxfada>> :)
[TdC`HHC] btw chick, your fb team17 is pretty messed
[TdC`HHC] lots and lots of nana's :/
[Chicken23CKC] hmm
[Chicken23CKC] someone needs to get the scheme from the wwp t17 channel
[Chicken23CKC] and just remove the two select worms
[TdC`HHC] ya
[Chicken23CKC] the tus scheme is messed too
[Chicken23CKC] you get loads of sheeplaunchers, hhgs, miniguns, long bows
[TdC`HHC] yeah i know, it's hard to find a decent one nowadays
[xTdCxfada] hax
[xTdCxfada] :p
GuatOnCKC..Chicken23CKC: im scared lol
[Chicken23CKC] its like all the same kind of catoergry weapons
<<xTdCxfada>> please aim for chicken i don't like seing him aiming for me :p
<<TdC`HHC>> k
<<TdC`HHC>> oh boy..
[TdC`HHC] thanks for being there guaton :/
<<xTdCxfada>> lol no problem you got one :)
[Chicken23CKC] once i got 5 bows, 4 earthquakes, and sheeps
[TdC`HHC] lol
[Chicken23CKC] that the range of weapons is smaller and isnt as varied
[TdC`HHC] yours is pretty good, but there's just too many awesome weaps in it
[xTdCxfada] héhé hard to aim us each other chicken :)
[TdC`HHC] with the 50 bows and the nana's and all that stuff
[Chicken23CKC] yeah
[Chicken23CKC] as bow is 100 damage
[Chicken23CKC] yea fada
<<TdC`HHC>> i'm gonna nade next..
[Chicken23CKC] lw made a t17 scheme
[Chicken23CKC] but removed nana's and other special weapons
[Chicken23CKC] i think thats sad.
[GuatOnCKC] yup
[GuatOnCKC] and its better
[TdC`HHC] :o
[Chicken23CKC] u just wanna reduce the chances of them, not make it impossible
[GuatOnCKC] the t17 with that scheme is mmore fun
[TdC`HHC] i think so too, you gotta increase the normal weaps probability though
[TdC`HHC] nana should be a real exception
[TdC`HHC] aw
<<xTdCxfada>> nt :)
[Chicken23CKC] sometimes in fb scheme u get like 4 aquas in a game
[xTdCxfada] reallu close :)
[Chicken23CKC] ;-/
[GuatOnCKC] ah cmon :/
[TdC`HHC] yeah, the sd weaps are in there a lot as well
[xTdCxfada] aw dude :(
[Chicken23CKC] what scheme are you guys using in your t17's?
[GuatOnCKC] pff
[TdC`HHC] i was using yours.. but it's very problematic like i said
[TdC`HHC] and before that dmitry's cup scheme
[TdC`HHC] which has no superweaps
[TdC`HHC] so Ninja is sending me one
[Chicken23CKC] dont have any old ones laying around?
[TdC`HHC] to use
[TdC`HHC] hmm don't think so
[Chicken23CKC] from 2002-04 era?
[TdC`HHC] i did save some schemes, but maybe only my own special gametypes
[Chicken23CKC] how is your brother?
[Chicken23CKC] hes not too far away from me in canada
[TdC`HHC] he's fine :)
[TdC`HHC] very busy, but he's doing great
[TdC`HHC] ye
<<TdC`HHC>> yay
[Chicken23CKC] im just on the bc boarder
<<xTdCxfada>> nice :)
[Chicken23CKC] mini still coding?
[TdC`HHC] he went to see the olympics in vancouver
[TdC`HHC] yeah he is
[Chicken23CKC] n
[Chicken23CKC] aw
<<TdC`HHC>> close
[Chicken23CKC] phew
[xTdCxfada] hard angle :(
<<TdC`HHC>> we shouldn't kill guaton, i fear chicken on his own, with twice the turns
[Chicken23CKC] he would be a nice recuit for tdc
[TdC`HHC] hm
[TdC`HHC] can't really do much else than 3
[Chicken23CKC] although mini is probably still in the clan
<<xTdCxfada>> i need to tele but where ;(
[TdC`HHC] he is
[Chicken23CKC] n
[TdC`HHC] ns
[GuatOnCKC] t
<<TdC`HHC>> hmm, on the bump to your left?
<<TdC`HHC>> the small one?
<<TdC`HHC>> nice
[Chicken23CKC] last second aim
[Chicken23CKC] lol
<<xTdCxfada>> i'll :)
[xTdCxfada] yep :)
[Chicken23CKC] sigh
[xTdCxfada] hysteria glory :p
[xTdCxfada] nope
[xTdCxfada] lol
<<TdC`HHC>> oh damn
[Chicken23CKC] gg
[xTdCxfada] gg
[TdC`HHC] gg mate
[TdC`HHC] was going for chicken..
<<xTdCxfada>> aw in fact you only have 25 not that bad idea :)
<<TdC`HHC>> yeah, but one shot against the tree and i'm dead
[TdC`HHC] ns
[GuatOnCKC] hysteria ftw lmao
[Chicken23CKC] gg
[TdC`HHC] gg
<<GuatOnCKC>> :D!!
[xTdCxfada] gg :)
<<TdC`HHC>> man, that guy is unstoppable
[Chicken23CKC] phew
<<xTdCxfada>> two shoot and he's dead :)
[Chicken23CKC] gg
[xTdCxfada] gg :)
[TdC`HHC] gg
[GuatOnCKC] xDD!!!

Author Topic: Game #19917, Reported by Chicken23  (Read 709 times)

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Offline HHC

Game #19917, Reported by Chicken23
« on: March 01, 2010, 11:27 PM »
sorry about the scheme.

You still got it Tom.. had my white flag ready but you nailed me before I could even use it. Gg.  ;)

edit: bottom 2 clans in the standings :'( Gogogo!  :-[
« Last Edit: March 01, 2010, 11:35 PM by HHC »

Offline Chicken23

Re: Game #19917, Reported by Chicken23
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2010, 01:15 AM »

bad seaosn for us so far!

Offline Crazy

Re: Game #19917, Reported by Chicken23
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2010, 12:10 AM »
<<Chicken23CKC>> the worm close to us is fada, hes nice bnger.
[xTdCxfada] arf
[TdC`HHC] aw
[TdC`HHC] close
<<Chicken23CKC>> well was back in the day


Re: Game #19917, Reported by Chicken23
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2010, 09:54 AM »
<<Chicken23CKC>> the worm close to us is fada, hes nice bnger.
[xTdCxfada] arf
[TdC`HHC] aw
[TdC`HHC] close
<<Chicken23CKC>> well was back in the day


Ouch that hurt :(

Offline Crazy

Re: Game #19917, Reported by Chicken23
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2010, 11:32 PM »
Haha sure it doesn`t, it gives you motivation to get back to the level you once had!

Offline pr

Re: Game #19917, Reported by Chicken23
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2010, 11:51 PM »
[Chicken23CKC] dont do a zippo
[TdC`HHC] uh?
[Chicken23CKC] ?
[GuatOnCKC] ?
[xTdCxfada] huh ?


Zippo has become a common noun XDDD