May 01, 2024, 10:09 PM

Game #221497, Viewed 346 Time(s)

Default #3, Allround #2
August 23, 2017, 07:41 PM
Absolute Beginner 754 in BnG before the game. Gained 42|52 points more
Absolute Beginner 1040 in BnG before the game. Lost 51|52 points more

Game Rate
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Players history
1 - 1
1 - 2
3 - 1
3 - 4
Information Game scheme: BnG
Scheme pick: Loser's pick
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Game Chat(s)
[VoK`TdC] hf
[NBRthewalrus] glhf
[RS-Krivoy-PoC] hf
[TdC`Senator] hf
[NBRlales] poor FaD
[TdC`Senator] :D
[NBRlales] xD
[NBRlales] new rule, eh?
[RS-Krivoy-PoC] brokenheart
[VoK`TdC] oh lol
[NBRlales] bl VoK
[VoK`TdC] sitter i think :(
[NBRthewalrus] ya
[NBRthewalrus] -35
TdC`Senator..VoK`TdC: sun pit���� heitt���� nade ittees
[VoK`TdC] i die 35 or nade my self ?
[TdC`Senator] nade urself
[NBRthewalrus] no
[NBRthewalrus] just skip 1 imo
[VoK`TdC] ok
[NBRthewalrus] dont blow urself
[TdC`Senator] 1 skip for 35 damage to wally. not a bad trade
[NBRlales] btw u lost at -35 ;p
[VoK`TdC] hmm he gets 3 shots for me now so its fine i think
[NBRlales] I understand that
[NBRthewalrus] i just told him to skip so i could repeat shot
[NBRthewalrus] huahaha
[TdC`Senator] u understood the new rule, lales?
[NBRlales] ah lol
[NBRlales] no
[NBRthewalrus] actually this would be a good idea
[VoK`TdC] what new rule ?
[NBRlales] wrong hole ... as my wife said to me
[TdC`Senator] the map is cut in half and both teams have 1/2 of the map
[NBRlales] yes
[VoK`TdC] its good
[NBRlales] continue explaining, ty
[VoK`TdC] no stupid distance fights enimore
[NBRthewalrus] bah
[TdC`Senator] u can still teleport in the middle but then the opponent can teleport close to u if he likes
[NBRthewalrus] good
[NBRthewalrus] who wants to pile in the middle at the 15 min mark
[NBRlales] did u read ñlast post¿
[NBRthewalrus] meet me there for the battle royal
[TdC`Senator] i hate wally's hide
[NBRthewalrus] ooo
[NBRthewalrus] aaaa
[NBRthewalrus] actually harder to bounce now
[NBRthewalrus] nice
[NBRlales] thx
[NBRthewalrus] no
[NBRlales] better x2 bounces
[VoK`TdC] lol
[TdC`Senator] close
[NBRlales] ;p
[VoK`TdC] never that aim -,-
[TdC`Senator] played too much wmd lately
[NBRlales] use x2 bounces at pin
[NBRthewalrus] vn
[RS-Krivoy-PoC] noice
[NBRthewalrus] pro shot
[NBRlales] ty ty
[NBRlales] gj
[NBRthewalrus] bastarddd
[TdC`Senator] thx
[NBRthewalrus] that pixel scares me
[NBRthewalrus] haha
[VoK`TdC] t
[NBRlales] yw ;)
[NBRthewalrus] vok has angle now
[NBRlales] I have an order, I have to obey ;p
TdC`Senator..VoK`TdC: pit��s saada isommaks tota aukkoo wallyyn
TdC`Senator..VoK`TdC: ei osu noin pienee reik����
[NBRlales] nade at his back to trap himwould benice
[NBRlales] ;S
[NBRlales] there, right
[NBRlales] Oops
[NBRthewalrus] damn
[TdC`Senator] lol
[TdC`Senator] u cant do that
[VoK`TdC] yes i can
[NBRlales] xDD
TdC`Senator..VoK`TdC: et voi menn�� suljettuun paikkaan
[NBRthewalrus] ahaha\\\
TdC`Senator..VoK`TdC: ja teh�� siit�� hidee
[TdC`Senator] vok can do anything
[NBRlales] xDDDD
[NBRthewalrus] ahahaha
TdC`Senator..VoK`TdC: no se on s����nt��jen vastasta
[NBRthewalrus] calculated
[NBRlales] bounces r mines
[NBRthewalrus] open me up
[TdC`Senator] lel
[NBRthewalrus] i was gonna tele there too
TdC`Senator..VoK`TdC: onha
[TdC`Senator] that place is not on your half of the map though :d
[NBRlales] let me help you
[NBRthewalrus] i think hes still on his half
[NBRlales] He is
[TdC`Senator] i was talking about u
[NBRthewalrus] me?
[NBRthewalrus] my hide illegal but vok not?
[NBRthewalrus] ahaha
[TdC`Senator] u said "i was gonna tele there too"
[NBRlales] VoKin our side now, since I moved him
[NBRlales] cow cow
[NBRthewalrus] i was kidding
[NBRlales] ;)
[TdC`Senator] lol vok is on our side by a large margin
[NBRlales] let me sit properly, i was playing like DeaD
[NBRthewalrus] ya thats what we said
[NBRthewalrus] we though u were talking about something else
[NBRlales] Is all good Senator
[NBRthewalrus] damn
[NBRlales] All is*
[TdC`Senator] vok took illegal hide
[NBRlales] Im gonna try finnish, damn english
[TdC`Senator] he was darksiding
[TdC`Senator] he should have teleported away instead of opening
[VoK`TdC] all do that in bng.... senator should stfu thing he dont know anything
[NBRthewalrus] lol
[NBRlales] u still playing with brazilians?
[NBRlales] funny like they hide and shot
[TdC`Senator] not against me
[NBRlales] ugha
[VoK`TdC] go make complain after we lose xD
[NBRlales] Senator will
[NBRlales] 1st complaint by clan mate in a TUS game
[VoK`TdC] ye :D
[NBRlales] woot
[VoK`TdC] sitter ? :D
[NBRthewalrus] dunno
[NBRthewalrus] was close
[NBRlales] Krivoy can check it
[VoK`TdC] think it was
[VoK`TdC] not sure
[TdC`Senator] keep playing
[NBRlales] at least remember how many HP u lost
[NBRthewalrus] 26
[NBRlales] vn
[NBRthewalrus] or 28
[VoK`TdC] ns
[TdC`Senator] t
[NBRthewalrus] dunno
[TdC`Senator] wait
[TdC`Senator] who shot a sitter?
[NBRlales] walrus <==> Vok
[NBRlales] 3 mins
[NBRlales] 3,2,1... somene asking
[NBRlales] o+
[NBRlales] wrong fruits ;O grapes
[NBRlales] a new hide made
[NBRlales] joder
[NBRthewalrus] aww
[TdC`Senator] lel
[NBRlales] n/c
[TdC`Senator] ridiculous
[NBRthewalrus] whew
[NBRthewalrus] aaaaa
[NBRthewalrus] putilla
[NBRlales] It deserved at all
[NBRlales] gg
[VoK`TdC] gg
[NBRthewalrus] gg
[NBRthewalrus] ok we must kill senadore now
[TdC`Senator] impossible
[TdC`Senator] still long
[NBRthewalrus] f@#!
[NBRlales] just now, fu ;D
[NBRthewalrus] aww
[NBRthewalrus] whew
[NBRlales] ty <!
[NBRthewalrus] sanadore means business
[NBRlales] in what language?
[TdC`Senator] whaat
[NBRthewalrus] in sendorian
[NBRthewalrus] ns
[NBRlales] t
[NBRlales] Sanador ( Spanish ) = man/woman who take care and give health to others
[NBRlales] Senador = Senator
[NBRthewalrus] ha
[NBRlales] Healer, ok
[NBRlales] uhh
[NBRlales] g1
[NBRthewalrus] alright
[NBRthewalrus] ns
[NBRlales] job putilla
[TdC`Senator] t
[NBRlales] ;S
[NBRthewalrus] nt
[NBRlales] t
[NBRthewalrus] senadore is ruthless
[NBRthewalrus] we must not underestimate our opponent
[NBRlales] ofc not
[NBRthewalrus] gg
[NBRlales] gg
[NBRlales] wait me there Raikkonen
[NBRthewalrus] ns
[TdC`Senator] t
[NBRthewalrus] vn
[NBRlales] ty ty
[TdC`Senator] lel
[NBRthewalrus] ooo
[NBRlales] ...
[NBRthewalrus] senator still in lockon mode
[TdC`Senator] wtf
[NBRthewalrus] oof
[NBRlales] ALERT !
[NBRthewalrus] nt
[NBRlales] Done
[TdC`Senator] stop with blue wind
[NBRlales] ahoy !
[NBRlales] gimme 1 bar red win then ^^
[NBRthewalrus] vn
[NBRlales] ty mate
[TdC`Senator] how many blue winds in a row?
[TdC`Senator] like 10
[NBRlales] we r opposite sides, then all blues for me
[NBRlales] I think WORMS works that way
[NBRlales] wind*
[NBRthewalrus] ya
[NBRthewalrus] its good
[NBRlales] yup
[TdC`Senator] wtf
[NBRlales] careful 4s
[TdC`Senator] still no touch
[NBRlales] COÑO
[NBRthewalrus] wow
[TdC`Senator] scary
[NBRlales] uhhh bl
[TdC`Senator] i said stop with blue wind
[NBRlales] JODER
[NBRlales] all bluewinds before these was full or medium, try to zook me u2
[TdC`Senator] ty
[NBRthewalrus] vn
[NBRlales] and with LG too?
[NBRlales] stop it, ty.
[NBRlales] all players play with nades 99%, when i use zooks noone happy ;p
[NBRlales] Ty.
[NBRthewalrus] nt plop
[NBRlales] thx
[TdC`Senator] ops
[NBRlales] n push?
[TdC`Senator] 4 mins to SD
[NBRlales] curvy putilla fail
[NBRlales] sup with SD?
[NBRlales] I didint read a thing about it
[NBRthewalrus] nothing hasppens
[NBRlales] ah lol, someone wantedput SD at roper and BNG, i was scared
[TdC`Senator] health goes to 1 like in inter
[NBRlales] scared again
[VoK`TdC] why not 2vs2 bng hp still 200hp....
[VoK`TdC] should be 100-150
[VoK`TdC] this take too long
[TdC`Senator] we suck
[NBRlales] we playing horrible, we all, then 1 hour
[NBRlales] usually 1vs1 14-21 mins / 2vs2 45 mins
[NBRlales] gj
[NBRthewalrus] ns
[TdC`Senator] thx
[NBRthewalrus] nt
[NBRthewalrus] lol
[TdC`Senator] xD
[NBRlales] sad ;D
[NBRlales] btwim agree at 150hp in BnG
[NBRlales] que cojones !
TdC`Senator..VoK`TdC: e
[VoK`TdC] ns
[NBRthewalrus] ns
[TdC`Senator] t
[NBRthewalrus] holy shit
[NBRlales] can we have a break plz? ;p
[NBRthewalrus] this is still ging on
[NBRlales] 1 min only
[TdC`Senator] wtf was that again
[TdC`Senator] u need to give good night kiss?
[NBRlales] still not, ty
[RS-Krivoy-PoC] game to the last
[NBRlales] u know next wind is same, true?
[NBRlales] tele
[NBRthewalrus] omg
[VoK`TdC] u.u
[NBRlales] what a shit
[NBRthewalrus] what a game
[NBRthewalrus] lol
[NBRlales] what a ... xD
TdC`Senator..VoK`TdC: ei vaikuttanu helpolta
[RS-Krivoy-PoC] gaming to the last
[NBRthewalrus] oooooooooo
[RS-Krivoy-PoC] nice long game
[RS-Krivoy-PoC] shet
[TdC`Senator] gg
[NBRlales] gg
[NBRthewalrus] g
[VoK`TdC] gg
[NBRthewalrus] wild game
[RS-Krivoy-PoC] gg
[VoK`TdC] ye
[RS-Krivoy-PoC] comeback

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