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Game #231937, reported by Deadcode

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Zalo the moler:
12:53 - That is when me or Deadcode diconnected. My plan was to eventually use Scales + Armageddon. At 12:53 I would have taken all the time left to block myself from "Out of bounds" worm, by putting long vertical girder on his bottom right, with 3:00 min left to Sudden Death. I had 7 Girders which is more than enough to continuously settle singular and double blocks, slowly moving down to the bottom left, up to the moment when Deadcode loses his Worm Select and ability to consistently break through my walls. On 1st such a turn I would have used Scales, making my worm extremely healthy, and then even if Deadcode would attempt to break through, I could still use armageddon during which all Deadcode's worms would have been very weak.

Deadcode on the other hand continues having his negative habit of "assuming" that he would have my worm exposed for rope + banana kill and now he is taking his 2nd Free win from me, after he already took 1st free win a few weeks ago when I also had 150 hp worm and plenty of girders.

It's my last game with this individual. Him not losing a single turn to continuously break through to my worm, being so close to SD, with me having 7 girders is just extremely unlikely. I doubt Deadcode would have been prepared for my Scales in the first place, to dig into my worm at all costs. Free win is just a robbery in that case.

maybe we could play a different scheme for the next TRL season finally xd


--- Quote from: GonZaLO on May 01, 2022, 12:46 AM ---12:53 - That is when me or Deadcode diconnected. My plan was to eventually use Scales + Armageddon. At 12:53 I would have taken all the time left to block myself from "Out of bounds" worm, by putting long vertical girder on his bottom right, with 3:00 min left to Sudden Death. I had 7 Girders which is more than enough to continuously settle singular and double blocks, slowly moving down to the bottom left, up to the moment when Deadcode loses his Worm Select and ability to consistently break through my walls. On 1st such a turn I would have used Scales, making my worm extremely healthy, and then even if Deadcode would attempt to break through, I could still use armageddon during which all Deadcode's worms would have been very weak.

Deadcode on the other hand continues having his negative habit of "assuming" that he would have my worm exposed for rope + banana kill and now he is taking his 2nd Free win from me, after he already took 1st free win a few weeks ago when I also had 150 hp worm and plenty of girders.

--- End quote ---

Your opportunities for girdering yourself in, separated from rope access by all of my worms, were quite minimal. You would have had to go underneath Out of bounds, and it would not have been hard at all for me to break in, because Out of bounds was right there with access to whatever girder you made. Each time you added a girder you would have to reduce the amount of space you had access to. And Sudden Death was 3:44 away, meaning I'd be able to select that same worm to break through each one of your barriers for a large number of girders. If you managed to keep doing that, waiting out your entire turn time, until Sudden Death, it would mean you'd have had to use 5 girders, and your lair would be considerably shrunken by that time, behind all the layers of broken girders.

Either that or you would have had to rope over to somewhere else and girder yourself in there. But you couldn't do that in the chamber with the Sheep Launcher and Homing Pigeon crates, because the opening was too large to be blocked with a girder. The only two sensible areas where you could have done it were the crevice to the right of the Sheep Launcher crate, or the crevice above Infinite Loop. Both of which were very small and almost certain not to have any crate drops. And if you did that, you'd have used up your rope. And yet still I could just teleport one of my worms inside, and you wouldn't be able to kill it immediately. Your only option at that point would be to girder-block that worm, but it would be easy to break through and you'd rapidly run out of space to even place girders in the small crevice.

You said you thought maybe you would have been able to do a double-block at some point, but I doubt that. As for when Sudden Death came about, I could just teleport inside your blocked-off area, likely possible to do in a spot where if you managed to kill me, it would open the girder. You almost certainly would never get a chance to use both the Scales and the Armageddon.

As for the Armageddon, my worm Infinite Loop was in a rather safe spot, likely to survive (and he'd be my first worm to get a turn after SD started, so he'd be the one I'd teleport inside your lair, where he'd be approximately just as likely as you to survive the Armageddon). Dangling Pointer was in a spot where he would likely be hurt badly, and if you'd used Scales before it, almost certainly die. Out of bounds was likely to not be hit at all by the Armageddon. So the chances are very high that I would have had at least one alive worm to rope over and use the Banana Bomb on you, and likely two worms, in which case I could just sacrifice one of them to make the Banana Bomb do 400ish hp of damage (whereas your worm would have had 265 hp after using Scales, or less if done after SD started) – not that I'd probably need to, as you'd at that point probably be very close to the ocean level.

--- Quote from: GonZaLO on May 01, 2022, 12:46 AM ---It's my last game with this individual. Him not losing a single turn to continuously break through to my worm, being so close to SD, with me having 7 girders is just extremely unlikely. I doubt Deadcode would have been prepared for my Scales in the first place, to dig into my worm at all costs. Free win is just a robbery in that case.

--- End quote ---

I never would have agreed to play with you until after I had implemented recovery-from-disconnection, except that you joined my game hosted in #AG (with the title "T17 1vs1") – which I hosted without any expectation whatsoever that you would show up – and you expressed a strong desire to play. This caught me off-guard. If you had asked me on Discord, I would have said no, not until I've implemented recovery-from-disconnection. The lobby chat:

--- Quote ---[2022-04-30 22.00.26] [Deadcode] Hmmm I'm not up for TRL right now, can we do funners?
[2022-04-30 22.00.26] [GonZaLO] 1 min brb
[2022-04-30 22.00.32] [GonZaLO] ahhh not really = (
[2022-04-30 22.00.48] [GonZaLO] I need a few matches more to qualify for POs
[2022-04-30 22.01.35] [Deadcode] Well
[2022-04-30 22.01.36] [Deadcode] hmmm
[2022-04-30 22.01.43] [Deadcode] ok
[2022-04-30 22.01.58] [Deadcode] though I wanted to add recovery-from-disconnection before playing our TRLs
[2022-04-30 22.03.00] [GonZaLO] wait
[2022-04-30 22.03.06] [GonZaLO] so it's actually possible?
[2022-04-30 22.03.09] [GonZaLO] to have something like this?
[2022-04-30 22.03.15] [Deadcode] Yep, but not yet, haven't implemented it yet
[2022-04-30 22.03.20] [GonZaLO] lets play ranked then?
[2022-04-30 22.03.34] [Deadcode] TRL
[2022-04-30 22.03.36] [GonZaLO] okay

--- End quote ---

And BTW, you're supposed to include your disconnections when posting ranked results (reporting multiple replays at once), just like how draws are included. Yet you never do this, and I consider that to be very dishonest.

Anyway, I've now tried various scenarios. In some of them you do actually win, but in most of them I win. If you had shown a better attitude, I would probably have been willing to change my mind about this and ask MonkeyIsland to remove this win without any further exploration of scenarios. But you've shown such a nasty attitude, I don't particularly want to play with you ever again either, and thus I don't particularly feel inclined to throw away this win.

We will have to play if we're paired in the playoffs, though. So...

I'm going to try to implement online-continue-from-replay this week. If I manage to do it, I challenge you to continue this game with me. If you manage to win or draw, I'll ask MonkeyIsland to delete my win. If you win, you can then report it as your win. Of course, it won't be like a real continue-from-disconnection; we've both know each others' weapon inventories, and I've had a chance to try some scenarios with TA while you haven't, so it's not particularly ideal or fair. But playing against someone who disconnects as often as you is far from ideal or fair, too. It's a really ugly situation and there's currently no really good solution. We really should not have played before I have implemented continue-from-disconnection.

I would go as far as to conjecture that you probably get a certain winning edge from your frequency of disconnections. It wears down the opponent psychologically, having to deal with your disconnections. I don't think it's at all fair to always throw those games out when the disconnector wasn't 100% certain to lose.

If the situation were reversed, and I was the one who disconnected in a scenario like this, I would be happy to let you take the win. So, I really do believe your attitude about this has been quite nasty.

Anyway, here's a way the game could have gone after your disconnection. It's just one example, the first one I tried, with no luck manipulation or retries. You actually could have roped and Dragon Balled Infinite Loop at 19:37. In that case your chances might be pretty decent. Of course, I don't know that I would have done that with Infinite Loop. A girder seems to be a good thing to do there instead (at 18:54).

Here's a replay based on what DC did and a few other scenarios

Zalo the moler:

--- Quote from: Senator on May 01, 2022, 12:38 PM ---Here's a replay based on what DC did and a few other scenarios

--- End quote ---

seriously Senator...? Do you really think Deadcode would have uploaded any replay in which he is dead? You know that he wouldn't, I know that, even Dream knows that. Stats are literally all that this guy cares about. Many of his moves there are completely absurd. It proves to me that this guy is clueless about the most basic decision making that I would follow. He is only tough in "theory", playing chess with his own self, and then in practice he would lose 3 matches in a row. In one of his replays he even teleports underneath to me, on the slope next to the water :D not even knowing for sure what weapons I have, yeahhhhh.... I wanna see that :D Pffff, he would NEVER do such a crazy decision, and everybody who has played against him perfectly knows that. Before my post he even claimed that there would have not been any chance for me to use scales + arma in the first place, before he realised it was a silly thing to say, considering the incoming SD. By playing on time and pulling game down to SD I was 20% likely to lose, 20% to win and 60% likely to pull a draw. Good luck getting your cheap points in further games from other people, and playing chess with yourself, Deadcode.


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