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Game #238474, reported by Camper

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The most frustrating thing, even more than the keyboard error crashing my last turn, is that at 15:57, I could have won with an HHG. It was an easy shot, and I got it on my first try... but in the actual game I didn't even stop to think about the possibility of that, because I wanted to take advantage of as much worm-selection time before SD started as I could, which meant taking as short turns as possible. And ended up seeing it after I teleported, at which point it was already too late.


--- Quote from: Deadcode on September 28, 2023, 03:32 AM ---The most frustrating thing, even more than the keyboard error crashing my last turn, is that at 15:57, I could have won with an HHG. It was an easy shot, and I got it on my first try...

--- End quote ---

it could have ended at 14:42, cluster or uzi down on the crate. wind was kinda strong to the right, but still if the flames rain down on the worm + the blast radius also bites off a little HP, it should be 21 HP


--- Quote from: Lupastic on September 28, 2023, 03:48 AM ---it could have ended at 14:42, cluster or uzi down on the crate. wind was kinda strong to the right, but still if the flames rain down on the worm + the blast radius also bites off a little HP, it should be 21 HP

--- End quote ---

Not really.

Well technically, it "could have". But that attack being successful is extremely unlikely. Out of 61 non-TA tries, the best I got were two instances of 11 hp damage, one of 12 hp, and one of 15 hp. Not enough to kill the 22 hp worm. A lot of the time the cluster bomb didn't even make it down to the crate; it's a tricky shot even getting it through. And most of the time it did, it only did 1-3 hp damage.

It took me 69 TA tries to get the win with the Cluster Bomb like this, and it required using the auto-aimer to make it fall on the right side of the crate (which didn't happen in any of my non-TA tries). Doing it with the Uzi might not even be possible, and if it is, would probably take thousands of tries at least, because in all of my tries in which a significant amount of damage was done, most of it was from the clustlets, not the fire; the initial fire hits quickly push the worm out of the way of the fire.

Zalo the moler:
Frustrating or not, Camper is a great player and he deserves to win some games once in a while too. Playing with others, sure, isn't a charity where we give wins to make people feel better BUT lets not be obsessed with wins at all costs or else people won't enjoy playing with us. I am always happy for Danie when he outsmarts me or punishes me for my confidence in Mole. In the same way I was happy to see Lupastic beating me in SuperSheeper when he pulled off some truly impressive moves to me, and I've been in SuperSheeper for as long as I have been in Mole. If I were to count all of my defeats in which Danie won only because I realised too late that my worm was open, or I didn't see that I could try something, then the list would be long.

Just keep an eye for such possibilities in the future, experiment, be risky but first of all HAVE FUN in league games, and we should all be happy we still have some people to play with, rather than be unhappy because we "were able" to win, and we didn't. The argument that "we deserved to win, but something stopped us" might be applied to >50% league games if you find things here and there.

Zalo the moler:

--- Quote from: Lupastic on September 28, 2023, 03:48 AM ---
--- Quote from: Deadcode on September 28, 2023, 03:32 AM ---The most frustrating thing, even more than the keyboard error crashing my last turn, is that at 15:57, I could have won with an HHG. It was an easy shot, and I got it on my first try...

--- End quote ---

it could have ended at 14:42, cluster or uzi down on the crate. wind was kinda strong to the right, but still if the flames rain down on the worm + the blast radius also bites off a little HP, it should be 21 HP

--- End quote ---

Much better situations Deadcode had in 27:12 where he could have simply hugged the max-left girder from its left side (standing on the thin layer of the snow) and use Uzi through the Snow to kill 1 Hp guy, but he decided to waste his turn on that silly mine, while the water keeps going up and time is running away... *sigh* maybe even a HHG placed on the left of the Dangling Pointer would have killed that 1 hp.

In 30:02 that very same Holy granade could have pushed mine straight into 1 HP. It wasn't a guaranteed kill, but the number of chances to kill in that game was numerous. In that turn, every reasonable player would have blowtorched to right to escape himself and to activate the mine in order to open the pathway for his 3 worms to Camper's worm, and have at least SOME chance to kill Camper before flood takes over. Instead, Deadcode decides to abandon the mine that he put there, abandon his teammates, and to waste yet another turn to teleport his worm to the very end of the map for a... crate?, totally blowing up his chances to have enough time to invade Camper with his 3 worms.

31:34 - yet another turn wasted on walking around and not opening any wall to Camper, nor doing anything. Dangling Pointer was literally begging here for a long girder on his right for a pigeon set-up /

33:22 - Deadcode wakes up to invade his opponent, but with one isolated worm that will never be able to have a turn again... like... what were those moves? Camper simply did better.


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