Leagues > Leagues

Game #57630, Reported by SnipeR`

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 won against some1 cos ur opponent got  cr8 raping almost the whole game is not a big deal lol

when u beat zippo, crash and artic at ttrr with them finishing the map , u can rly be happy

sniper had some nice turns, and some good knocking. give him credit ;d

though artic really hurt his chances early with some big mistakes. he should feel lucky it was that close at the end ;x

"cr8 raping" is still just an excuse

Your comment haven't sense, if you will comment in all games that the cr8's helped, you will get 50.000 posts.
And your comment involve me because i'm brazillian, don't say no, i know
that's true.
It's sux, i always get in a fight because stupid things...

edit: Tx for the support Franz.  :)

Hey, everyone entitled to their opinions, I strongly believe crate rape happens at least 30% of Ropers on REALLY hard maps, whether they make mistakes or not, I talk about the fact that crates land that are impossible to collect and attack (like the one I watched you and Dead play) like these 2:


This map isn't as bad in theory the way I see it, but still, it happens everyday to multiple players.

You always use the fact someone fell with a bad crate as defense crate raping doesn't exist, while I say that because they got a bad crate it forces them to try and rope faster or panic, which causes them to fall.

What would happen if ArtiC didn't make those mistakes? Still got the bad crates, and still lost? Would you still be in denial, even if he roped as perfect as humanly possible?

This is why I host on the maps I do, if people don't like it, I don't care, the better Roper does win on my maps cuz even the hard crates are possible to attack if you are quick enough.


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