June 10, 2024, 05:18 AM

Game #74909, Viewed 240 Time(s)

Classic #20
June 21, 2011, 07:24 PM
Novice 1317 in BnG before the game. Gained 41|34 points
Inexperienced 1203 in BnG before the game. Lost 25|34 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
1 - 0
2 - 3
7 - 1
47 - 32
Information Game scheme: BnG
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
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Game Chat(s)
[Dulek`ps] hi camp
[Dulek`ps] hf
[RoH`chakkman] n map
[ps-Maciej] hf
[ps-Maciej] thx
[RoH`lales`ea] hf
[campz0r] siema Duli
[Dulek`ps] kinda closed trees to the right
[ps-Maciej] niiizej
[campz0r] niiiezej
[ps-Maciej] jak nam rozwala to sie teleportniemy
[ps-Maciej] i put 6 teles btw
[campz0r] Wormi, polsa :D
[ps-Maciej] hf
[ps-Maciej] mamy lepsza strone
[ps-Maciej] rozwala nam troche i mamy hidy
[RoH`chakkman] wormi tatches comlumbo atm with his mom camper
[RoH`chakkman] he cant answer you
[ps-Maciej] ns
[Dulek`ps] ty
[campz0r] Kinda anoying you you talking polak
[RoH`chakkman] n
[ps-Maciej] and n push
[RoH`lales`ea] kindaerkurwo
[ps-Maciej] ;o
[ps-Maciej] my fav wind
[ps-Maciej] weeee
[ps-Maciej] too strong
[ps-Maciej] dobra pierwszy shot sie nie liczy
[ps-Maciej] weeeee
[ps-Maciej] nt
[ps-Maciej] teraz go mam xd
[ps-Maciej] jakby dobrze walnal
[ps-Maciej] to moze mnie plopnac
[ps-Maciej] xd
[RoH`chakkman] eheheh
[Dulek`ps] aw
[RoH`chakkman] nt
[ps-Maciej] thx
[ps-Maciej] wind :D
[ps-Maciej] oi oi
[ps-Maciej] eeeeej
[ps-Maciej] az mi sie nie chce wierzyc
[RoH`lales`ea] screen lag
[RoH`lales`ea] im gonna close MSN
[ps-Maciej] ttrr 3rd?
[campz0r] who won and waht scheme was first?
[ps-Maciej] Dulek lost wxw xd
[campz0r] Dulek lost?
[campz0r] you lost.
[Dulek`ps] I lost
[Dulek`ps] :P
[ps-Maciej] perfect!
[campz0r] you did
[Dulek`ps] ns
[ps-Maciej] almost..
[ps-Maciej] ale patrz
[ps-Maciej] zaraz go plopne
[ps-Maciej] niech tam zostanie
[campz0r] plop ? XD
[campz0r] stop it
[ps-Maciej] nieeee
[ps-Maciej] dawaj tego blizej
[ps-Maciej] Ty nie umisz tak
[Dulek`ps] umim!
[Dulek`ps] raz mi sie w zyciu udalo
[ps-Maciej] ta kurwa plop, chcial;es go w prawo plopnac xD
[RoH`chakkman] :P
[ps-Maciej] ja juz mialem aim na niego
[ps-Maciej] trzeba bylo tego blizej
[RoH`chakkman] lales...
[RoH`chakkman] phew
[ps-Maciej] rofl
[ps-Maciej] how lame
[RoH`lales`ea] shut up lame
[RoH`chakkman] wasted too much time
[RoH`lales`ea] explain me the meaning of this word
[ps-Maciej] no dawaj
[Dulek`ps] hm mocniej moglem,
[Dulek`ps] ;/
[ps-Maciej] kurwa jaka lama widziales?
[ps-Maciej] 4 sec plasko
[Dulek`ps] widzilaem
[RoH`lales`ea] lame = 4s nades ? explain me
[ps-Maciej] co za pedal
[Dulek`ps] grajmy swoje
[ps-Maciej] zaraz go zajebie
[Dulek`ps] + almost horizontal :P
[RoH`lales`ea] take this lame player
[ps-Maciej] i am not lame like you :)
[ps-Maciej] so far i used only 5 sec lg and zook lg
[ps-Maciej] bl
[RoH`lales`ea] lame lame lame, explain me the meaning of word plz, Maciej
[RoH`lales`ea] ^^
[Dulek`ps] play guys
[RoH`lales`ea] and stop B-lame
[Dulek`ps] shhhhh
[ps-Maciej] lame is what youre doing
[RoH`lales`ea] nice explanation
[RoH`chakkman] lol
[ps-Maciej] we told you, 4 sec horizontal
[ps-Maciej] don't be stupider than you are
[RoH`chakkman] was a last second shot so what
[RoH`chakkman] happens
[RoH`chakkman] no need to discuss lameness half an hour now
[Dulek`ps] przestan go obrazac
[Dulek`ps] ja jebie
[Dulek`ps] zawsze to samo
[RoH`lales`ea] stupider* .. explain me the meaning of this word too plz
[ps-Maciej] stupid person don't know meaning of stupid word
[RoH`chakkman] free at last
[RoH`lales`ea] well this mean ur nick in polish? :)
[ps-Maciej] o ja
[RoH`lales`ea] ja ja
[ps-Maciej] no my nick is just my name
[RoH`lales`ea] ah ok
[RoH`lales`ea] ty 4 info
[ps-Maciej] but we change one letter in your nick and it means gay in polish
[ps-Maciej] lalus
[RoH`chakkman] hm amciej
[RoH`chakkman] u need that?
[Dulek`ps] stfu
[RoH`lales`ea] nahh i dont trust in u :;D
[Dulek`ps] I'm sick of his
[Dulek`ps] this*
[Dulek`ps] lales threw last second shot
[ps-Maciej] ja jebie zaraz zaczne 4 sec tez rzucac
[RoH`lales`ea] ale beka of u Maciej :)
[Dulek`ps] it looked lame coz it was LAST SECOND shot
[Dulek`ps] no need to call him idiot, dumbass, stupid etc
[RoH`lales`ea] ciota is gay, not lalus :p
[Dulek`ps] just play
[ps-Maciej] homoseksualista is gay too
[RoH`lales`ea] u need to learn polish i think :)
[RoH`lales`ea] lwell, nvm, peace and love
[RoH`lales`ea] lets play
[Dulek`ps] tak
[Dulek`ps] tez siedz cicho :p
[Dulek`ps] po prostu nie mial juz czasu
[RoH`chakkman] vamos putilla
[ps-Maciej] no to sie rzuca 3 sec
[RoH`chakkman] make me proud
[ps-Maciej] pionowo
[ps-Maciej] zreszta sam wiesz
[ps-Maciej] knocknalem tego to nie moze juz 4 sec rzucac xd
[ps-Maciej] bad
[RoH`chakkman] i wonder when i last placed a girder in bng
[RoH`chakkman] i cant remember
[RoH`chakkman] like 1-2 years ago
[RoH`chakkman] girdes shouldnt be allowed anyway i guess
[RoH`chakkman] nt
[ps-Maciej] but for protecting too?
[RoH`chakkman] hm?
[ps-Maciej] cos girders are alowwed
[ps-Maciej] so don't know what you are talking about :p
[RoH`chakkman] only for bouncign nades
[ps-Maciej] so it is
[RoH`chakkman] split!
[RoH`chakkman] yeah but they should be disallowed in general
[RoH`chakkman] not even for bouncing
[RoH`chakkman] so useless
[ps-Maciej] niezle im idzie
[Dulek`ps] gites
[ps-Maciej] ja po tej spadam
[ps-Maciej] bede wieczorem
[ps-Maciej] ok?
[Dulek`ps] juz mamy wieczor xd
[ps-Maciej] no to jak bedzie ciemno xd
[RoH`chakkman] no offence but whts the point in a hide where u only have one angle
[ps-Maciej] bedziesz pozniej?
[RoH`chakkman] so u have to repeat the same shot forever
[Dulek`ps] he can bank nades
[RoH`lales`ea] helping
[RoH`chakkman] so what shot can he do apart from 3 sec nade
[RoH`chakkman] and zook if he has lucky wind
[ps-Maciej] 5 sec lg 4 sec and zook
[ps-Maciej] ns
[RoH`chakkman] thx
[ps-Maciej] troszke otwporzylem :p
[Dulek`ps] nie pomagaj mu! ^^
[ps-Maciej] ano fakt
[ps-Maciej] xd
[RoH`lales`ea] 1 step more and hit
[ps-Maciej] and 5 sec max too
[campz0r] sho
[Dulek`ps] gj
[campz0r] t
[RoH`chakkman] n
[ps-Maciej] thx
[RoH`chakkman] almost lol
[ps-Maciej] nt
[RoH`lales`ea] fatty zoka
[ps-Maciej] mozesz tez zooke
[Dulek`ps] ja jebie
[ps-Maciej] taki sam ;p
[Dulek`ps] ta
[ps-Maciej] nooo tak
[ps-Maciej] xd
[ps-Maciej] juz moglo w ten cypelek trafic
[ps-Maciej] widzisz to kurwa?
[ps-Maciej] zajebie go
[RoH`lales`ea] xD! hes eating his words
[RoH`chakkman] sigh
[RoH`lales`ea] ops whisper
[ps-Maciej] 1 more
[ps-Maciej] and you are dead lamer
[RoH`chakkman] -.-
[ps-Maciej] he wanted this way
[RoH`chakkman] see maciej that's why u never had a chance to join roh :)
[ps-Maciej] because i'm not lame?
[ps-Maciej] that's sad
[RoH`chakkman] pretend u changed but ur still the same as always
[ps-Maciej] i will not respect ppl who do everything for win, killing nice game
[Dulek`ps] no prawie
[ps-Maciej] 4 sec
[ps-Maciej] no max
[ps-Maciej] ;o
[ps-Maciej] pokaze Ci
[Dulek`ps] daj mi jeden strzal zeby przypomniec jak powera dobrac
[ps-Maciej] albo nie teraz
[ps-Maciej] awww
[Dulek`ps] hmm
[Dulek`ps] come on...
[ps-Maciej] myslalem ze 27 ubiejsz
[ps-Maciej] i wiem ze chciales xd
[Dulek`ps] przeciez mowisz, ze go zajebiesz
[Dulek`ps] :P
[ps-Maciej] yhym
[ps-Maciej] gg
[ps-Maciej] lol
[ps-Maciej] no nieeeeee
[ps-Maciej] ja pierdole
[ps-Maciej] co za skurwysynstwo
[Dulek`ps] ano
[ps-Maciej] 2 sec
[RoH`lales`ea] word*
[ps-Maciej] a patrz, teraz go nie tragie i znowu mnie za 35 zajebie
[RoH`chakkman] :P
[RoH`lales`ea] vn
[RoH`chakkman] thx
[Dulek`ps] n
[ps-Maciej] bad game
[ps-Maciej] because lame
[RoH`lales`ea] gj
[RoH`lales`ea] gg*
[campz0r] woa
[campz0r] RoH came back
[RoH`lales`ea] never gones
[RoH`lales`ea] :p
[campz0r] on da game :b
[RoH`chakkman] bad game coz insults :)
[ps-Maciej] with lame shots everyone could
[campz0r] ns !
[RoH`lales`ea] ns Duli Dulek
[RoH`lales`ea] gg
[Dulek`ps] ty
[ps-Maciej] insults would never be if not lame f@#!ing shots
[campz0r] 1on1 now
[campz0r] cool xD
[ps-Maciej] which killed me
[ps-Maciej] check it Campi
[ps-Maciej] and lales took me over 100 these shots
[campz0r] Its bng mate
[campz0r] happens.
[RoH`chakkman] ye, its lame by itself
[ps-Maciej] it not happens
[ps-Maciej] there are only happens lame players
[campz0r] Already happened. xD
[ps-Maciej] watch it
[RoH`lales`ea] gj
[RoH`chakkman] t
[ps-Maciej] GJ??????????
[ps-Maciej] are you f@#!ing kidding me!?
[RoH`chakkman] lol
[campz0r] Im glad im not playing :D
[RoH`lales`ea] go to play rope child
[ps-Maciej] you call gj lame shot?
[RoH`chakkman] ye that was so lame
[RoH`chakkman] completely planned tho
[RoH`chakkman] banked shot to hit him
[ps-Maciej] sure
[RoH`chakkman] whats lame about that
[campz0r] To be honest, I love wining lame hahaha
[campz0r] but hate losing
[RoH`lales`ea] nice zillian thinking :)
[RoH`lales`ea] <3 camper
[campz0r] Im not single
[campz0r] sorry.
[RoH`lales`ea] and peace :)
[campz0r] vns
[RoH`chakkman] n1
[RoH`lales`ea] gs
[Dulek`ps] thx
ps-Maciej..campz0r: look how tunnel they made by killing me, those were lame rolling nades
[ps-Maciej] n1
campz0r..ps-Maciej: hauha, chill dude.
ps-Maciej..campz0r: how can i chill? while we lose by lame
[RoH`lales`ea] yup
ps-Maciej..campz0r: because of*
campz0r..ps-Maciej: Rembmer bOr's clanner?
[RoH`chakkman] mofo
campz0r..ps-Maciej: We won, it will happen here.
[Dulek`ps] phew
[RoH`lales`ea] n clean at least
[RoH`chakkman] ya but
[campz0r] betta move ;x
ps-Maciej..campz0r: bor clanner where we both sucked?
[RoH`chakkman] he'll hit me now
campz0r..ps-Maciej: no
[RoH`chakkman] not
ps-Maciej..campz0r: aaaaaaaaah
[RoH`lales`ea] finish him then
campz0r..ps-Maciej: where they played 4 secs every nad.e
[RoH`lales`ea] hes bored
ps-Maciej..campz0r: i see
[RoH`lales`ea] :p
ps-Maciej..campz0r: ye
[RoH`lales`ea] n push
[RoH`chakkman] t^^
campz0r sends his skills to Dulek
[RoH`lales`ea] bl campz
[campz0r] not enough
[campz0r] xD
[Dulek`ps] hah plz no ^^
[RoH`lales`ea] :)
ps-Maciej..campz0r: i'm off after this game, but i will be later, we can play some rr clanner then with Dulek
[campz0r] haha
[campz0r] shhhhhh
[Dulek`ps] ok, MORE
ps-Maciej..campz0r: i feel here so cool in rr, we can beat everyone
[Dulek`ps] so I hit maybe
[campz0r] kk
[RoH`chakkman] :(
ps-Maciej..campz0r: today*
[Dulek`ps] go go campi
[RoH`lales`ea] arf
campz0r sends moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee skills
[Dulek`ps] I don't feel anything
[RoH`chakkman] :D
[campz0r] so you dont wanna skils.. lol
[campz0r] U wanna another thing huh :p
[Dulek`ps] not enough!
[Dulek`ps] shame
[ps-Maciej] Dulek no xd
[campz0r] Maciej
[campz0r] help me
[campz0r] send also
[Dulek`ps] I thought Comfortably Numb will do the job :(
[ps-Maciej] /o/ /o/ /o/
[ps-Maciej] we make wave for Dul
[RoH`chakkman] this could go out either way
[campz0r] ~~~~~ o/
RoH`lales`ea is sending POWA to Dulek too ==========> ( . )Y( . )
[campz0r] good lales
[campz0r] more
[ps-Maciej] better!
[RoH`lales`ea] ;)
[ps-Maciej] wave halped
[campz0r] (.(
[ps-Maciej] zook
[Dulek`ps] nah I miss ;p
[ps-Maciej] or dunno
[ps-Maciej] xd
[campz0r] 8================D
[ps-Maciej] so if you miss better zook xd
[campz0r] zOKA THAT TRHEEE
[ps-Maciej] pomysl sobie ze nawet laki by trafil
[ps-Maciej] ns
RoH`lales`ea is sending POWA to Chakkman now =============> ( . )Y( . )
[Dulek`ps] lol after so many tries ;p
[Dulek`ps] ty
campz0r blocked sending.
[ps-Maciej] hahaha tutaj trafosz XDDDDDDDD
[RoH`chakkman] hm
[RoH`chakkman] thought he would go more far
[ps-Maciej] lol Dule scores here easy xd
[ps-Maciej] like every shot
[ps-Maciej] gg
[RoH`chakkman] gg
[RoH`lales`ea] gg
[RoH`chakkman] cu guys

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