May 04, 2024, 10:27 AM

Game #89794, Viewed 490 Time(s)

Free #11
October 30, 2011, 02:20 AM
Beginner 1080 in Bungee Race before the game. Gained 38|34 points
Absolute Beginner 961 in Bungee Race before the game. Lost 36|34 points

Game Rate
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Players history
1 - 0
3 - 1
1 - 0
3 - 1
Information Game scheme: Bungee Race
Scheme pick: Both pick (Like a 3rd game)
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 136 time(s).
Game Awards
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Game Map(s)

CamelBungee #2 by NinjaCamel
2000 x 800, PNG, 35.1 KB, Downloaded 1063 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[`TdC`RasH`] hgff
[`TdC`RasH`] brb
[molotovscok] hävf
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] hävf
[molotovscok] bungee rofl
[TdC`cRaZy] your the only real danish player left wormi
[molotovscok] dämn bungee
[TdC`cRaZy] cant leave
[RoH`Wormiverse] hush and nullum are here too
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] every country is contractually obligated to have at least one player?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] hah, nullum
[RoH`Darkmaul] yes i'm from kazakhstan
[TdC`cRaZy] indeed darkone
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] mister "I didn't know x-speed wasn't allowed for showcase"?
[RoH`Wormiverse] lol
[molotovscok] rofl
[molotovscok] yea
[RoH`Wormiverse] and vanderspar:)
[TdC`cRaZy] well, what you expect d1
[TdC`cRaZy] hes danish
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] point taken
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] also
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] leading.
[RoH`Wormiverse] i'm definitely leaving now :)
[TdC`cRaZy] lol just joiking wormi
[RoH`Wormiverse] lol
[RoH`Darkmaul] oh f@#! it
[TdC`cRaZy] i wonder hows nc bungee skills now
[RoH`Wormiverse] like that :)
[molotovscok] huh
[molotovscok] not good
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] could be worse
[RoH`Wormiverse] hur går det, numse?:)
[TdC`cRaZy] det går bra
[TdC`cRaZy] er litt tørst
[TdC`cRaZy] efter øl
[TdC`cRaZy] men det får vente til neste helg
[RoH`Wormiverse] er du omgivet af en milliard dåser?
[TdC`cRaZy] haha nei
[molotovscok] cock
[TdC`cRaZy] no chute in bungeerace?
[molotovscok] rofl
[molotovscok] was that a joke?
[molotovscok] :D
[TdC`cRaZy] ;D
[TdC`cRaZy] yah
[molotovscok] huhu
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I demand chutes in bungeerace!
[TdC`cRaZy] n1!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] also
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] stop that, wormi
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] you're doing too well
[TdC`cRaZy] mistet magien?
[TdC`cRaZy] hvad du lave rom
[RoH`Wormiverse] lol
[TdC`cRaZy] laver om
[RoH`Wormiverse] nej, nu kommer han og indhenter mig
[TdC`cRaZy] magien mistet jeg for flere år siden uansett
[TdC`cRaZy] så bare til at forsette
[RoH`Wormiverse] tja, jeg er mest vred over den katastrofe af en klanner jeg spillede i går aftes mod ps
[TdC`cRaZy] hvilket scheme?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] aww
[RoH`Wormiverse] rr og hysteria
[RoH`Darkmaul] hate it
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] dewd!
[molotovscok] rofl
[molotovscok] haha
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] deeeeeeewd!
[RoH`Darkmaul] i have an idea
[RoH`Darkmaul] first to arrive wins
[RoH`Wormiverse] ragequit?:)
[RoH`Darkmaul] only one worm counts :d
[RoH`Wormiverse] lol
[RoH`Wormiverse] if darkone falls now, ok
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] denied
[RoH`Wormiverse] ok, deal
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] that wasn't a fall, because I landed
[RoH`Wormiverse] a very hard landing?
[RoH`Darkmaul] ehehe
[RoH`Wormiverse] bien:)
[molotovscok] rofl
[TdC`cRaZy] denied ;D
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] DEWD
[TdC`cRaZy] camelo is walking in the air
[TdC`cRaZy] he is the jesus of worms
[molotovscok] huhu
[TdC`cRaZy] darkone
[TdC`cRaZy] right clicking to walk fast is not allowed in league games ;/
[RoH`Wormiverse] yeah
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] there we go
[TdC`cRaZy] nice one
[RoH`Wormiverse] skip one turn :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] if you skip two!
[molotovscok] jaj
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] cause I'm a dishonest bastard like that.
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] but I'm dutch, so I can get away with it
[RoH`Wormiverse] han får mig til at græde...
[TdC`cRaZy] hvem?
[RoH`Wormiverse] nederlænderen
[TdC`cRaZy] pga dyktighed?
[molotovscok] asfdafds
[TdC`cRaZy] aw
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] agreed?
[RoH`Wormiverse] fordi han er en numse :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] stop that!
[TdC`cRaZy] stygt sagt av deg ;p
[TdC`cRaZy] bl
[RoH`Wormiverse] hvilket?
[RoH`Wormiverse] lol
[TdC`cRaZy] lol nvm ;D
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] silly person
[RoH`Wormiverse] at han er en numse?
[molotovscok] rofl
[TdC`cRaZy] nei
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] what does numse mean anyway?
[molotovscok] numse = retard
[TdC`cRaZy] can u get up from there camelo?
[TdC`cRaZy] no
[TdC`cRaZy] butt
[RoH`Wormiverse] it means butt
[RoH`Wormiverse] lol
[molotovscok] lmfao
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] meant to do that
[molotovscok] cant
[TdC`cRaZy] its wormis obsession
[TdC`cRaZy] butts
[RoH`Darkmaul] um
[TdC`cRaZy] xD
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] classy
[RoH`Wormiverse] hvordan behandler du din numse forresten?:)
[molotovscok] oh rash!
[RoH`Wormiverse] ewf
[RoH`Wormiverse] esag
[RoH`Wormiverse] e
[TdC`cRaZy] lol, ikkje så bra regner eg med
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] aww
[TdC`cRaZy] rash is here xD
[`TdC`RasH`] im sleeping lol
[molotovscok] rash bandicooooot
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] ow.
[molotovscok] rofl
[RoH`Wormiverse] giv den en salve
[TdC`cRaZy] gir den pikk
[TdC`cRaZy] n1
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] huhuhu
[RoH`Wormiverse] du er jo syg
[molotovscok] cock
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] molotov cock?
[TdC`cRaZy] thats what i just said too nc
[molotovscok] huhu
[molotovscok] brb wc very soon
[molotovscok] ill go for a stick
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] luck.
[RoH`Darkmaul] brb bed very soon
[RoH`Wormiverse] skills:)
[RoH`Darkmaul] i might come back in 10hours
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] lucky skills then!
[RoH`Wormiverse] tu t'amuses bien, dark?:)
[RoH`Darkmaul] nan ça me saoule cette merde
[`TdC`RasH`] lol
[RoH`Wormiverse] cool:)
[molotovscok] rofl
[molotovscok] WC
[TdC`cRaZy] really tough part that one
[RoH`Wormiverse] sefsg
[RoH`Wormiverse] sometimes
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] blehness
[TdC`cRaZy] aw
[RoH`Darkmaul] lets lagout wormi
[TdC`cRaZy] so close
[RoH`Darkmaul] oops pm :))
[RoH`Wormiverse] no, i'm leading:)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] =o
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] lagout is just another term for ragequit in denmark
[TdC`cRaZy] how many games required for po in free league?
[molotovscok] theres no po i think
[RoH`Darkmaul] lol 3am
[TdC`cRaZy] oki
[molotovscok] 4am
[RoH`Wormiverse] soon 2 o'clock again :)
[TdC`cRaZy] yeah
[TdC`cRaZy] turn back clock xD
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] stop falling down, dammit!
[RoH`Wormiverse] farewell, summer time
[RoH`Wormiverse] i will miss you...
[TdC`cRaZy] youll get it next time ;D
[TdC`cRaZy] me too
[RoH`Wormiverse] nu går vi den mørke tid i møde
[TdC`cRaZy] only good part it
[TdC`cRaZy] winter sports
[TdC`cRaZy] non existing for the danish people
[RoH`Darkmaul] bobseligh season starting here :)
[molotovscok] rofl
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] aww
[RoH`Wormiverse] ll
[molotovscok] whats this
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] would've been so nice
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] dämn türtlë
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] must've been a danish koopa
[TdC`cRaZy] who made this silly map anyway
[RoH`Darkmaul] darkone, lets surrender and watch the battle between wormi and nc :)
[molotovscok] loloo
[TdC`cRaZy] joking again, camelo xD
[RoH`Wormiverse] it said "ik bin dunkel eins, kakakka"
[RoH`Wormiverse] gotta be a dutchman...
[RoH`Darkmaul] qonkjghnrohgt
[molotovscok] jajaja
[RoH`Wormiverse] or a frisian
[RoH`Wormiverse] well, same thing...
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] sounds more like danish
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] especially the kakakka part
[RoH`Darkmaul] I hate coloured bungee :p
[RoH`Wormiverse] dutch laughter
[molotovscok] dämn this
[RoH`Wormiverse] ok, rm?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] pump it!
[RoH`Wormiverse] saf
[RoH`Wormiverse] æ
[RoH`Wormiverse] safæga
[RoH`Wormiverse] æwæ
[RoH`Wormiverse] gawæ
[RoH`Wormiverse] æ
[RoH`Wormiverse] gwa
[RoH`Wormiverse] ægæwa
[RoH`Wormiverse] gwaægwaægw
[RoH`Wormiverse] aæ
[RoH`Wormiverse] gwa
[RoH`Wormiverse] ægwaægwa
[RoH`Wormiverse] ægwa
[RoH`Wormiverse] ægwagwa
[RoH`Wormiverse] æægwa
[RoH`Wormiverse] gwæa
[RoH`Wormiverse] gwaæ
[RoH`Wormiverse] ægwagwaæ
[RoH`Wormiverse] gwaæ
[RoH`Wormiverse] ægwa
[RoH`Wormiverse] gwagwaæ
[RoH`Darkmaul] safe, asshole.
[RoH`Wormiverse] lol
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] auto-ignore
[molotovscok] is there way to put autoignore off?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] normally, I'd say something like thaolrethlserhtlihrtiltreot;ah;oretn here, but since I know that uiaslfhlshurtartg, I know that wouldn't be true
<<RoH`Wormiverse>> concentrate and do it gently :)
[TdC`cRaZy] ive been wondering about that too
[TdC`cRaZy] i like to see zippo dkawmdopawkdopawkdpawdkwa
<<RoH`Wormiverse>> i don't have others :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] win
[TdC`cRaZy] n1
[RoH`Wormiverse] time to use teleport
[molotovscok] 30s for that jump loloo
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] could be worse :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I've been stuck under boggy thwomp for too long
[molotovscok] i have too much mates who like to talk alot, cant communicate good cus of this autoingonore shit
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] :<
[RoH`Wormiverse] lol
[TdC`cRaZy] that spot really hates you darkone
[TdC`cRaZy] like who nc?
[RoH`Wormiverse] jeg har forbandet det
[RoH`Darkmaul] ejrknogerzh$
[RoH`Darkmaul] hyt
[TdC`cRaZy] i can only think of dt and nc
[molotovscok] husk, chileans, fos
[TdC`cRaZy] that requires that
<<RoH`Wormiverse>> bounce once to see how you hit the wall:)
[RoH`Darkmaul] why did u make such a sicko map nc :)
[molotovscok] dämn
[TdC`cRaZy] dt and zippo*
[molotovscok] rofl
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] doesn't "molotov cock" give you a hint, maul? =)
[molotovscok] zippo doesnt communicate
[RoH`Darkmaul] molotov scok actually
[TdC`cRaZy] he tryes too xD
[RoH`Darkmaul] bah now it's 2 oclock again
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] stay up, dammit!
[TdC`cRaZy] aw
[RoH`Wormiverse] kakakaka
[molotovscok] 3 here?
[molotovscok] kakka
[molotovscok] lol
[RoH`Darkmaul] can't play anymore
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] aff
[RoH`Wormiverse] use your brain :)
[RoH`Darkmaul] i told u thesame in hyst earlier :)
BeW`DarkOne`TdC uses his brain to bash a wall
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] didn't work :(
[RoH`Wormiverse] darkone annoyed me :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] sounds like just another regular day!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] AnnoyingOne
[TdC`cRaZy] bungeeracing would literally drive me insane
[molotovscok] me too
[RoH`Wormiverse] prøv det
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] o/
[RoH`Wormiverse] oh no
[TdC`cRaZy] nice ;D
<<RoH`Wormiverse>> use tele ;)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Here I cøme
[molotovscok] good job son
[TdC`cRaZy] ive heard of docone, evilone, darkone
[TdC`cRaZy] but never annoyingone
[RoH`Wormiverse] numseone
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] but not MarcOne?
[TdC`cRaZy] oh marcone too ofcourse
[RoH`Wormiverse] svineone
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] EvilOne is someone else
[molotovscok] too high spot ?
[molotovscok] im afraid to fall
[RoH`Wormiverse] griseone
[TdC`cRaZy] imposter?
[molotovscok] cock
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] we may have to kick roy from tdc for being so much better at this than the rest of us
[TdC`cRaZy] i agree
[RoH`Wormiverse] and darkone
[molotovscok] omg
[molotovscok] ill quit before u can kick
[molotovscok] np
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] jump!
[molotovscok] brb tus site
[RoH`Wormiverse] sigh :)
[RoH`Darkmaul] xd
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] o=
[TdC`cRaZy] good thought tho
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] very unlikely that it'll work, though
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] if it's even possible
[RoH`Wormiverse] han har røv i begge ender
[TdC`cRaZy] i guess
[TdC`cRaZy] seen alot of crazy moves in the showcase
[TdC`cRaZy] with bungee
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I started doing pumps with bungee
[RoH`Wormiverse] damn you, darkone
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] aww
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] sorry!
[RoH`Wormiverse] luck of the year
[molotovscok] yah
[TdC`cRaZy] nr
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] luck is a choice!
[molotovscok] luctor
[RoH`Wormiverse] tu peux teleporter, dark :)
[RoH`Darkmaul] wow
[RoH`Darkmaul] amazing
[RoH`Wormiverse] n1 :)
[RoH`Darkmaul] ty
<<RoH`Wormiverse>> they didn't see anything:)
[molotovscok] rofl
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] aww
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] nice try, though =)
[molotovscok] huhu
[TdC`cRaZy] jajaa
[RoH`Darkmaul] delete map from ur saved levels wormi, ty
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] wormi, why are you making it hard for yourself on that jump? =o
[RoH`Wormiverse] i'm tired :)
[RoH`Darkmaul] of you :)
[RoH`Darkmaul] Dr
[TdC`cRaZy] reverse bungee
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] if that were an excuse, then everybody would be making everything hard on everybody
[RoH`Darkmaul] ok
[RoH`Darkmaul] time to sleep :)
[RoH`Wormiverse] reste:)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] sleeping is for noobs!
[molotovscok] rofl
[RoH`Wormiverse] j'ai besoin d'amour:)
[molotovscok] i agree luctor!
[RoH`Darkmaul] not a good advice doctor
[RoH`Wormiverse] we're still leading dark :)
[RoH`Darkmaul] yea
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] you're supposed to finish on the right side of the map!
[RoH`Wormiverse] look below then
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] is "start" danish for finish?
[RoH`Wormiverse] the scoreboard
[RoH`Wormiverse] is what counts
[TdC`cRaZy] lol darkone
[molotovscok] fadsssssssssssssssssss
[RoH`Wormiverse] start is finnish for danish
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] aww
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] =o
[molotovscok] jaja i bet u cant get to the start jaja
[RoH`Darkmaul] luck of the year 2011.
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] best. bungee. ever.
[RoH`Darkmaul] z^fplr"epkhgrt
[RoH`Darkmaul] ht
[RoH`Darkmaul] yj
[molotovscok] omg
[RoH`Wormiverse] since you touched it, you may tele to it :)
[RoH`Darkmaul] cool
[RoH`Wormiverse] time to blow my house up
[molotovscok] ice cold ED is waiting in the fridge
[TdC`cRaZy] i want this dope of yours
[TdC`cRaZy] send me a bottle to noray
[TdC`cRaZy] norway
[molotovscok] i sent one for nino already
[TdC`cRaZy] n1
[TdC`cRaZy] really? haha
[molotovscok] cost 25e lol
[RoH`Darkmaul] gg :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] did he send you a bull in return?
[RoH`Wormiverse] nice
[TdC`cRaZy] to send it?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] niceness :)
[molotovscok] or was it even more
[RoH`Wormiverse] i grant you permission to tele to any part of the map because of that move :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] niceness
[TdC`cRaZy] finally
[RoH`Darkmaul] thank you.
[TdC`cRaZy] gj
[molotovscok] yeah the bull is coming here
[molotovscok] it took almost 2months to arrive to zilia
[molotovscok] by the most cheap way
[molotovscok] and it still cost +25e
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] aww
[molotovscok] nino sent me somehitng in this week
[TdC`cRaZy] 2 months haha
[molotovscok] yeah
[RoH`Wormiverse] gg:)
[molotovscok] i sent ED, finnish coins, finnish rap tape
[TdC`cRaZy] cool
[molotovscok] and some swedish kronors lol
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] =o
[molotovscok] i made a nice bootleg from the rap tape
[molotovscok] ruudolf doupeimmat jumala seivaa
[TdC`cRaZy] you really must love nino ;D
[molotovscok] would be too expensive to send original tape there lolo
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] luck.
[RoH`Darkmaul] yehaaa
[molotovscok] nino loves finnish rap
[RoH`Darkmaul] luck is a choice sir =)
[molotovscok] so i love him too
[RoH`Wormiverse] all skills :)
[RoH`Wormiverse] from denmark
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] oi!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] stop defeating me by quoting things I actually said!
[RoH`Darkmaul] oh cmon
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] aww, nice try
[TdC`cRaZy] l
[TdC`cRaZy] bl
[TdC`cRaZy] n
[RoH`Wormiverse] hejsa crazy
[RoH`Darkmaul] jeg er darkmaul :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] twang
[TdC`cRaZy] longshot!
[RoH`Wormiverse] someone tell crazy to unignore me pls :)
[molotovscok] rofl
[RoH`Darkmaul] "someone tell crazy to unignore me plz"
[molotovscok] crazy unignore wormi ?
[molotovscok] lol
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] crazy! wormiverse is telling us to tell you to unignore him
[TdC`cRaZy] what
[molotovscok] hahaha
[RoH`Wormiverse] lol
[TdC`cRaZy] lol
[RoH`Wormiverse] well, he doesn't answer me....
[TdC`cRaZy] i am?
[molotovscok] press ctrl + f key
[molotovscok] rofl
[RoH`Wormiverse] CRAZY
[TdC`cRaZy] im writing how angry im at him
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] but since you're ignoring him, you won't unignore at the request
[TdC`cRaZy] for not answering me
[TdC`cRaZy] lol
[molotovscok] crazy haha
[RoH`Wormiverse] lol
[molotovscok] HAHAHA
[RoH`Darkmaul] *sigh*
[TdC`cRaZy] ctrl + f1?
[RoH`Darkmaul] ye
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] weeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[RoH`Wormiverse] CTRL f2
[TdC`cRaZy] now i can see what u write
[TdC`cRaZy] why were you on ignore?
[RoH`Wormiverse] f1 is darkmaul
[TdC`cRaZy] non-answering bastard
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] prooooooooobably cause of spam
[TdC`cRaZy] ive ignored you both?
[TdC`cRaZy] sorry :(
[RoH`Darkmaul] f1 is wormiverse, u r the host :)
[RoH`Wormiverse] ah yes :)
[TdC`cRaZy] ive been writing for 15 mins why u dont answer me
[RoH`Wormiverse] thought you were th host)
[RoH`Darkmaul] lol
[RoH`Wormiverse] jeg så dine beskeder
[molotovscok] ROFL CRAZY
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] denied
[RoH`Wormiverse] du er dan en numse ;)
[molotovscok] wondered why that pm rofl
[molotovscok] they were talking more that u rofl
[TdC`cRaZy] watch replay after and loko how many pms i send wormi
[RoH`Wormiverse] lol
[molotovscok] lmfao
[TdC`cRaZy] dark
[TdC`cRaZy] write something
[RoH`Wormiverse] crazy
[TdC`cRaZy] think i unmuted you
[RoH`Darkmaul] hi pig :)
[TdC`cRaZy] there you are
[TdC`cRaZy] i see now you were both grey on my screen
[RoH`Darkmaul] how rude to ignore us :(
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] you can see in the top right if someone is muted
[RoH`Wormiverse] SVAAAAR
[RoH`Wormiverse] SVAAAAR
[TdC`cRaZy] i didnt intend to lol
[RoH`Wormiverse] SVAAAR
[TdC`cRaZy] hahaha
[TdC`cRaZy] yes thats what i wrote
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] jeez, nice one
[TdC`cRaZy] you want another unfriend with norwegian?
[RoH`Wormiverse] tell him to unginore me correctly
[TdC`cRaZy] i wrote
[RoH`Wormiverse] CRAZY!?!?!?!?!
[TdC`cRaZy] wormi why u didnt tell nc before that you were on ignore
[RoH`Wormiverse] answer me you butt with ears
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] numse!
[TdC`cRaZy] xD
[RoH`Darkmaul] crazy i think u still have wormi on ignore lol
[RoH`Wormiverse] tell him to unignore me correctly.... :)
[TdC`cRaZy] i can read u wormi
[RoH`Wormiverse] lol
[TdC`cRaZy] i thought you were messing with me now
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Crazy, if one of the F numbers in the top right is grey, then they're on ignore
[TdC`cRaZy] they are not anymore!
[RoH`Wormiverse] så svar mig dog ;)
[TdC`cRaZy] lol du var jo ironisk ;P
[TdC`cRaZy] haha skjønte jo det
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] why not? wormiverse clearly deserves to be ignored!
[RoH`Wormiverse] lol
[molotovscok] cock
[molotovscok] forgot this
[TdC`cRaZy] rofl
[RoH`Wormiverse] mente min pm
[TdC`cRaZy] now all the way up again
[TdC`cRaZy] what a scheme
[molotovscok] lol
[TdC`cRaZy] neverending this scheme
[RoH`Darkmaul] what a map :d
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] what's worse
[TdC`cRaZy] almost like bng
[molotovscok] I SUCKED
[TdC`cRaZy] bngs worse
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] this is not one of the hardest maps
[RoH`Darkmaul] rat map doesn't take 1h :d
[molotovscok] this game was just slow
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Taz made a beast of a map
[TdC`cRaZy] damn all this game i thought wormi and darkm went ragequiet
[molotovscok] or orbik
[RoH`Wormiverse] lol
[TdC`cRaZy] what happened to good old roh i thought
[`TdC`RasH`] im gonna stop sleeping behind my pc and go to bed lol
[`TdC`RasH`] cyazz
[molotovscok] PIIIS
[TdC`cRaZy] hahaha rash
[RoH`Wormiverse] reste :)
[molotovscok] i hope u enjoyed
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] "RoH's not gonna get a coolest clan vote this year!"
[`TdC`RasH`] i did lol
[TdC`cRaZy] rash
[TdC`cRaZy] u been atching all game
[`TdC`RasH`] a bit long lol
[molotovscok] kool
[RoH`Wormiverse] we have it already :)
[molotovscok] u should watch it to the en
[molotovscok] d
[`TdC`RasH`] some parts yea
[TdC`cRaZy] keep watching rash
[RoH`Darkmaul] rash?:)
[TdC`cRaZy] when we first come this far
[TdC`cRaZy] we have to finish it
[TdC`cRaZy] ive been watching all game
[RoH`Wormiverse] on t'aime, rash :)
[TdC`cRaZy] with quiet rohs
[`TdC`RasH`] during half of the game i thought camelo was d1 lol
[RoH`Darkmaul] rash has us on ignore too i bet :D
[TdC`cRaZy] haha
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] cause I was leading the green forces? :)
[RoH`Darkmaul] eh connard? :D
[molotovscok] lol rash
[`TdC`RasH`] yea probably =)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] then camelo restored the natural order
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] and you thought "f@#!! camelo wasn't leading?"
[molotovscok] huhu
[RoH`Wormiverse] hi
[`TdC`RasH`] i was like wtf he is a noob ;)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] nice save
[TdC`cRaZy] nice retreat
[RoH`Wormiverse] thx
[RoH`Darkmaul] rash smells :)
[`TdC`RasH`] LIESS
[TdC`cRaZy] now wormi will say his ass does
[molotovscok] jaja
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] he smells of tents
[TdC`cRaZy] and rash will say
[RoH`Wormiverse] my numse does :)
[TdC`cRaZy] yes cause of tents
[TdC`cRaZy] btw guys
[TdC`cRaZy] wheres agnos?
[molotovscok] here
[RoH`Wormiverse] with his agnelle :)
[molotovscok] in da tent
[`TdC`RasH`] gogogo camelo finish this map lol
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] niceness
[molotovscok] next
[TdC`cRaZy] aww
[TdC`cRaZy] vnt
[RoH`Wormiverse] on va gagne:)
[`TdC`RasH`] i wanna sleep lol
[RoH`Darkmaul] lol
[RoH`Darkmaul] t
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] can't believe you didn't lose your turn there, maul!
[TdC`cRaZy] no bungee left
[molotovscok] rofl
[RoH`Darkmaul] skillz mate
[`TdC`RasH`] rofl
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] =o
[TdC`cRaZy] touch counts? lol
[molotovscok] no
[`TdC`RasH`] u dit the finish its enuff for me rofl
[`TdC`RasH`] hit*
[TdC`cRaZy] lol it doesnt count?
[molotovscok] huhu
[TdC`cRaZy] why not
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] but not for us!
[molotovscok] no
[TdC`cRaZy] like in rr
[molotovscok] lol
[TdC`cRaZy] touch finish
[molotovscok] cus this isnt rr
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] ahoy there
[TdC`cRaZy] who made this rules
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] stop that.
[RoH`Wormiverse] greetings sir
[TdC`cRaZy] d1 u invented bungee right
[RoH`Wormiverse] bloopy did
[RoH`Darkmaul] j'arrive =)
[molotovscok] lol c razy
[TdC`cRaZy] haha bloopy
[RoH`Wormiverse] je t'attends:)
[TdC`cRaZy] bloopys crazy
[TdC`cRaZy] in a good way
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] didn't Lyndon invent bungeerace?
[RoH`Darkmaul] can you let the host after nc finish, i wanna know at what time i will finish
[RoH`Darkmaul] 6-7 am
[RoH`Wormiverse] with bloopy
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Lyndon/Squiffel
[RoH`Wormiverse] WITH BLOOPY
[TdC`cRaZy] calm down dane ;D
[RoH`Wormiverse] ok, bed time soon
[RoH`Darkmaul] yea, once i finished.
[molotovscok] rlfl
[TdC`cRaZy] i invented ninjacamel
[`TdC`RasH`] nosss
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] o=
[RoH`Wormiverse] lol
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] why am I leading?
[`TdC`RasH`] pro
[`TdC`RasH`] pro
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] Right.
[RoH`Darkmaul] pro
[RoH`Darkmaul] pro
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] pRoH
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] pRoH
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] pRoH
[RoH`Wormiverse] almost
[TdC`cRaZy] nt
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] aww
[RoH`Wormiverse] pro
[RoH`Darkmaul] next time let's rather minemadness clanenr it will be faster :d
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] weeee
[RoH`Wormiverse] no thx :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] or fort
[RoH`Wormiverse] there won't be a next time
[RoH`Wormiverse] i'm done with tdc :)
[`TdC`RasH`] or wascar ;)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] wascar is quite fast paced, though
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] unless you go for 100 laps
[molotovscok] rofl
[`TdC`RasH`] yea we could play 25 wascar
[RoH`Darkmaul] 4x15 = aa lot
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] but still, it won't take an hour
[TdC`cRaZy] wormi u serious?
[RoH`Darkmaul] totally.
[`TdC`RasH`] rofl i had wormi on ignore too
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] LOL
[RoH`Wormiverse] jajajja
[RoH`Darkmaul] go wormi go
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] oh my
[molotovscok] lol
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] that looked rather nice
[RoH`Darkmaul] only first worm count :d
[TdC`cRaZy] when did he say so much to be put on ignore?
[RoH`Wormiverse] lol
[`TdC`RasH`] dunno lol
[RoH`Wormiverse] jeg faldt og spammede som en gal
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] he spammed after a screw up
[`TdC`RasH`] didnt notice even when u speak about it rofl
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] way back
[TdC`cRaZy] lol'
[RoH`Wormiverse] but now i'm winning
[TdC`cRaZy] u were here then rash?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] in fact, he probably spammed during the hysteria
[TdC`cRaZy] i didnt see u write
[RoH`Wormiverse] humiliating darkone once again
[TdC`cRaZy] maybe ive had u on ignore too man
[`TdC`RasH`] yea i was, kinda sleeping on my pc lol
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] and WA decided it was bae enough to put auto-ignore on for multiple rounds
[molotovscok] almost again
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] bad*
[TdC`cRaZy] bungeerace is good medicin for sleeping
[RoH`Darkmaul] Gg guys
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] we haven't finished yet!
[RoH`Wormiverse] almost
[RoH`Darkmaul] ahha
[TdC`cRaZy] aw
[`TdC`RasH`] nt
[molotovscok] huhu
[TdC`cRaZy] im sure i can sleep 6 hours
[TdC`cRaZy] and game will still be going xD
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] pff
[RoH`Wormiverse] pushed you down :)
[`TdC`RasH`] rofl crazy
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] so little faith, crazy!
[RoH`Darkmaul] bah
[RoH`Darkmaul] wormi is finishing now,
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] that bungee jump Dulek had in his Showcase was on this map
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] and I pulled that move off a couple of times, too
[TdC`cRaZy] the only one close to finish is nc
[RoH`Wormiverse] same here
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] see? even wormiverse!
[RoH`Darkmaul] Go dane go
[TdC`cRaZy] very dry joke that one
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] deniedness
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] that. looked familiar
[RoH`Wormiverse] copycat
[molotovscok] ohhh
[molotovscok] hadnt raps on
[TdC`cRaZy] hey guys lets race back after finish?
[RoH`Wormiverse] lol
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] o/
[`TdC`RasH`] LIES
[RoH`Wormiverse] ok
[molotovscok] now SNTC FAMILY ISplaying
[TdC`cRaZy] nc put on some eminem
[`TdC`RasH`] we should play it too crazy, we would own in bungee race
[RoH`Wormiverse] or MC einer
[molotovscok] cock
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] finnish eminem?
[TdC`cRaZy] yeah im sure haha
[TdC`cRaZy] i know nc hates him
[molotovscok] rash ill finish next
[TdC`cRaZy] cause its mainstream rap
[RoH`Wormiverse] afg
[molotovscok] what?
[`TdC`RasH`] i hope, or no tent for tonight =)
[molotovscok] MC RUUDOLF
[RoH`Wormiverse] MC NUMSENBAR
[`TdC`RasH`] mc donald !!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] weeeeeee
[molotovscok] and KCMD-MAFIA
[molotovscok] SNTC FAMILY
[TdC`cRaZy] kkk finish now xD
[molotovscok] rofl rash
[TdC`cRaZy] ymca
[molotovscok] huhuhu
[molotovscok] TEFLON BROTHERS
[molotovscok] VÄHÄISET ÄÄNET
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] maul's going to try to use the bungee from midair glitch
[RoH`Wormiverse] AWD
[RoH`Wormiverse] SVINEDREGEN
[TdC`cRaZy] de glade vikinger lol
[RoH`Wormiverse] lol
[TdC`cRaZy] ole ivars
[RoH`Darkmaul] maul is sleeping
[molotovscok] OMG
[molotovscok] OMG
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] aww
[TdC`cRaZy] counts?
[RoH`Wormiverse] bl!
[TdC`cRaZy] what
[molotovscok] i forgottttt
[TdC`cRaZy] finish
[`TdC`RasH`] u lieddd
[molotovscok] sry rash
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] forgot what? =o
[molotovscok] how to jump there
[RoH`Darkmaul] no crazy the point of bungee is to succeed teh jump :p
[`TdC`RasH`] gogo d1 !!
[RoH`Wormiverse] bl!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] that looked familiar
[`TdC`RasH`] noisss
[RoH`Wormiverse] and a hahaha
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] RAGE-CTRL-F1!
[RoH`Wormiverse] fwakpofkwafp
[RoH`Darkmaul] hey d1, I thiink you have me on ignore, p alt + f4 plz.
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] k.
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] wait.
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I could read that!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] win.
[RoH`Wormiverse] lol
[RoH`Wormiverse] well
[RoH`Darkmaul] rguiothnbgrth$
[RoH`Darkmaul] tyhty
[RoH`Wormiverse] too late :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] is that french?
[RoH`Darkmaul] yea
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] niceness
[`TdC`RasH`] !!!!!!!!!!!!
[RoH`Darkmaul] FINALLY
[`TdC`RasH`] pro
[TdC`cRaZy] niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice!
[`TdC`RasH`] pro
[`TdC`RasH`] pro
[`TdC`RasH`] pro
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] :D
[RoH`Darkmaul] pro
[RoH`Darkmaul] pro
[RoH`Darkmaul] prop
[RoH`Darkmaul] pro^p
[RoH`Wormiverse] the turn is void, sorry
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] pRoH
[molotovscok] :d
[`TdC`RasH`] gj !!
[RoH`Wormiverse] pls re-do
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] not danish enough?
[molotovscok] tt rash
[RoH`Darkmaul] it's nc's map tho
[`TdC`RasH`] i can sleep in peace now rofl
[RoH`Darkmaul] game is void
[TdC`cRaZy] i too said gj
[molotovscok] lolooooooo
[TdC`cRaZy] n1
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] that turn was too hax
[molotovscok] but
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] doesn't count
[TdC`cRaZy] wooooooot
[RoH`Wormiverse] draw!
[TdC`cRaZy] haha
[RoH`Darkmaul] ahahahahhaha
[TdC`cRaZy] nc started?
[TdC`cRaZy] seriously?
[molotovscok] no
[TdC`cRaZy] we have to rematch?
[RoH`Wormiverse] yeah, we can say so :)
[RoH`Wormiverse] rm i'm afraid :)
[molotovscok] doctor started
[RoH`Wormiverse] gg: )
[`TdC`RasH`] well this time i go to bed
[TdC`cRaZy] oki
[`TdC`RasH`] cyaz mates héhé
[RoH`Darkmaul] well gg tdc
[RoH`Wormiverse] lol
[RoH`Darkmaul] lol
[RoH`Darkmaul] héhé
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] wasn't I second?
[`TdC`RasH`] gg
[RoH`Wormiverse] dark has to finish too
[RoH`Wormiverse] and darkone
[molotovscok] maybe
[TdC`cRaZy] gg
[molotovscok] dunno
[molotovscok] PEACE
[molotovscok] but i was second last
[molotovscok] or
[molotovscok] last
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I don't remember
[RoH`Wormiverse] nc was first
[RoH`Darkmaul] um
[molotovscok] lol
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] nc definitely wasn't first
[molotovscok] nope
[RoH`Darkmaul] wormi d1 me nc
[RoH`Wormiverse] don't be foolish, tdc
[molotovscok] i think i was last
[RoH`Darkmaul] i just gave the right order
[RoH`Wormiverse] i can great and powerful friends in tus....
[RoH`Wormiverse] have*
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] who needs friends when you have UNLIMITED MOD POWERS?
[RoH`Darkmaul] now battle between me and d1
[RoH`Darkmaul] til dawn if needed
[molotovscok] rofl doctor
[molotovscok] huahu
[RoH`Wormiverse] =????
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] can't even skim!
[RoH`Wormiverse] skal vi spille en rr imens??
[RoH`Darkmaul] well
[RoH`Darkmaul] it's a gnight :d
[TdC`cRaZy] seng her etterpå xD
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] defhliudhgilsrhtd
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] and such.
[RoH`Wormiverse] lol
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] and I had it, too :<
[RoH`Wormiverse] darkone, i'll send you my amazing showcase replays :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] don't you have any dull showcase replays? :)
[RoH`Wormiverse] one replay being this one
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] would make it easier for me to beat you
[RoH`Wormiverse] even my dullest replays would beat yours
[RoH`Darkmaul] can't even skim
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] only because you get 5 bonus points out of sympathy
[TdC`cRaZy] plop
[RoH`Darkmaul] noob
[molotovscok] jaja
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] he wasn't trying to skim!
[TdC`cRaZy] ok im going to bed now
[RoH`Wormiverse] and you get 10 because of cueshark
[RoH`Wormiverse] ok
[RoH`Wormiverse] sov godt min dreng :)
[molotovscok] huhu
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I get penalties to make it fair for the others :<
[molotovscok] peacee
[RoH`Wormiverse] og jeg ignorede dig ikke :)
[RoH`Darkmaul] gnight crazy
[TdC`cRaZy] hehe nei
[TdC`cRaZy] ill stay abit longer
[molotovscok] lol crazy
[TdC`cRaZy] not that tired
[RoH`Wormiverse] lol
[molotovscok] doctor need to finish
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] ROFL
[molotovscok] omg
[RoH`Wormiverse] ok....
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I seriously hate that losing momentum all of a sudden physics there
[RoH`Wormiverse] because your loss vs me becomes bigger and bigger for each turn?
[RoH`Darkmaul] hey dark
[RoH`Darkmaul] i'm coming!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] hey dark
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I'm going!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] at least
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] that's the idea
[RoH`Wormiverse] vil du drømme om mig i nat? :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I just wanted to kill Mario.
[TdC`cRaZy] deg og numsen din
[RoH`Wormiverse] lol
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] NUMSE
[TdC`cRaZy] mario shopper map
[TdC`cRaZy] all chicken23 talks about these days
[RoH`Wormiverse] yeah
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] infinite loop?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] that's a finish, right?
[RoH`Wormiverse] ich lache.
[RoH`Wormiverse] yes, indeed, it's the finish
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] o/
[molotovscok] huhu
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] now I can quit with my conscience cleared!
[RoH`Wormiverse] when you stand on it, you are done
[RoH`Wormiverse] Sir.
<<RoH`Wormiverse>> easy :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] he called me sir!
[RoH`Wormiverse] Sir Numsenbar
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] but I never joined that clan!
[RoH`Wormiverse] should i call you TdC then? :)
[RoH`Darkmaul] XDDD
[TdC`cRaZy] niice
[molotovscok] the deadly cocks
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] |Fsushaefpihasojtis
[molotovscok] omg
[TdC`cRaZy] aaaw
[molotovscok] bl
[molotovscok] blbl
RoH`Wormiverse laughs a bit....
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] stop pushing me away from the finish, wormiverse!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] that's hax, dude!
[RoH`Wormiverse] finished
[RoH`Wormiverse] gg
[RoH`Darkmaul] Gg
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] alt-f4 then!
[RoH`Wormiverse] hax again?:)
[RoH`Wormiverse] gg
[RoH`Darkmaul] AHAHAHAH
[RoH`Wormiverse] HAHAHAHA
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] ROFL
[RoH`Darkmaul] bl d1
[RoH`Darkmaul] we won
[RoH`Wormiverse] you're done, shortcuts are allowed :)
<<RoH`Wormiverse>> gentle:)
[TdC`cRaZy] lol, friend of mine just msg me
[TdC`cRaZy] hes on vacation in germany
[TdC`cRaZy] he lost his wallet
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] =o
[TdC`cRaZy] 100 euros and all his credit cards
[molotovscok] oooo
[RoH`Wormiverse] there are many thieves down south :)
[molotovscok] rofl i almost got infarct
[molotovscok] thought maul finished
[RoH`Wormiverse] he did
[TdC`cRaZy] lol
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] map error
[molotovscok] really?
[RoH`Wormiverse] no error
[molotovscok] nah
[TdC`cRaZy] infarct haha
[molotovscok] rofl
[molotovscok] i was minimized
[TdC`cRaZy] i imagine in my head
[TdC`cRaZy] the picture of it
[molotovscok] lmfao
[RoH`Darkmaul] chakkman just msged me lol he stole a wallet from some norvegian
[RoH`Wormiverse] lol
[RoH`Wormiverse] af hvad?
[TdC`cRaZy] but that friend of mine is the most distre person in the world
[TdC`cRaZy] lol darkm xD
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] 100 euro and credit cards?
[TdC`cRaZy] yeah
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] camelo
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] he went this way
[RoH`Darkmaul] yes i won.
[RoH`Wormiverse] lol
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] well, that was pointless
[RoH`Wormiverse] nice :)
[RoH`Wormiverse] although you hqave finished already ;)
[molotovscok] ?
[RoH`Wormiverse] coward
[molotovscok] im confused now
[molotovscok] i was reading rap forums
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] he walked over the cloud above the finish
[RoH`Wormiverse] he took the shortcut through the clouds
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] and he fell through
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] dammit, stay up!
[TdC`cRaZy] awwwww
[RoH`Wormiverse] keder du dig?:)
[TdC`cRaZy] litt?
[RoH`Wormiverse] :(
[TdC`cRaZy] du?
[RoH`Wormiverse] jo, egentligt
<<RoH`Wormiverse>> nice:)
[RoH`Darkmaul] chicken.
[RoH`Wormiverse] typical dutchmen jajaja
[TdC`cRaZy] extra gravity going down there?
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I keep getting raped by WA, so yeah, taking is easy :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] there we go
[RoH`Wormiverse] han raser mod mig
[TdC`cRaZy] wooooooo ;D
[molotovscok] gj
[RoH`Darkmaul] i'm coming
[molotovscok] huhu
[RoH`Wormiverse] laaaag
[RoH`Darkmaul] it's my turn :)
[RoH`Darkmaul] i can still finish :)
[RoH`Wormiverse] ou have finished :)
[TdC`cRaZy] in your dreams
[RoH`Darkmaul] noob d1
[TdC`cRaZy] gj darkone
[RoH`Wormiverse] we won
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] can't even fall through a damn cloud :(
[RoH`Wormiverse] you need to believe :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] there we go
[molotovscok] rofl
[molotovscok] haha
[RoH`Wormiverse] therefore we won
[RoH`Darkmaul] i did it first
[RoH`Darkmaul] roh won.
[RoH`Darkmaul] u can do it without jumping aswell
[TdC`cRaZy] neber
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] sub pixel movement
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] there we go
[RoH`Wormiverse] Sorry TdC.
[RoH`Wormiverse] Better luck next time!
[molotovscok] np ROH
[TdC`cRaZy] gg roh, well done
[RoH`Wormiverse] lol
[TdC`cRaZy] you deserved the win
[RoH`Darkmaul] thx
[TdC`cRaZy] im going to bed now
[molotovscok] me too
[RoH`Wormiverse] ok
[molotovscok] gngng ppls
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] there. 5 finishes.
[TdC`cRaZy] cu later marcy
[RoH`Darkmaul] that's the only part rok will read in the complain :)
[RoH`Wormiverse] good ngiht
molotovscok..BeW`DarkOne`TdC: u wanna report?
BeW`DarkOne`TdC..molotovscok: sure :)
[RoH`Wormiverse] sleep like sweet butts :)
molotovscok..BeW`DarkOne`TdC: jaja
[molotovscok] GNGN PPLS?
[RoH`Wormiverse] :(
[molotovscok] piis!
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] I'll try to skim it
[RoH`Darkmaul] let me try first
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] ok
[RoH`Darkmaul] one try
<<RoH`Wormiverse>> 8gg:)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] "whoops" :)
[RoH`Wormiverse] how silly:)
[RoH`Darkmaul] gg :)
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] that looked familiar
[molotovscok] huhu
[RoH`Wormiverse] it's called a darkone
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] aww
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] can't even skim
[BeW`DarkOne`TdC] noob
[RoH`Darkmaul] ROFL
[molotovscok] pulp
[RoH`Wormiverse] GG
[molotovscok] 99
[RoH`Darkmaul] !

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