June 05, 2024, 05:14 PM

Game #99366, Reported by Husk, Viewed 1570 Time(s)

TRL #7
February 01, 2012, 08:53 PM
Finland TdC bf dS
Sum: Absolute Beginner 984 in TRL: BnG before the game. Gained 45|45 points
United Kingdom HNN b2b
Sum: Absolute Beginner 984 in TRL: BnG before the game. Gained 45|45 points
Canada ea b2b
Sum: Absolute Beginner 984 in TRL: BnG before the game. Gained 45|45 points
Poland dt ea FoS
Sum: Beginner 1114 in TRL: BnG before the game. Lost 45|45 points
Poland RoH rM ae
Sum: Beginner 1114 in TRL: BnG before the game. Lost 45|45 points
Poland dP pH Kf BoM
Sum: Beginner 1114 in TRL: BnG before the game. Lost 45|45 points

Game Rate
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Players history No players history is available for singles 2v2 or 3v3.
Information Game scheme: TRL: BnG
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Downloaded 215 time(s).
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1920 x 696, BIT, 0.85 KB, Downloaded 6 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
mm`barman [gl hf]
[madogb2b] pls right
[TdC`Husk`b2b] have fun
[mm`barman] that's gonna take like 40 minutes
[Dub2b] Not vs b2b
[madogb2b] oh good cos i want right
[dPxChelsea] Poland against b2b :D
[mm`barman] lol that too
[madogb2b] ye im starved this is wrong
[madogb2b] i dunno why i agreed
[Dub2b] me2 I was bout to eat something lol
[TdC`Husk`b2b] I was about to masturbate furiously
[madogb2b] bhahaha
[mm`barman] lol
[dPxChelsea] lmao
[mm`barman] damn gotta put nametags on
[mm`barman] I don't know which worm is mine XD
[madogb2b] dawww
[Dub2b] Danger!
[dPxChelsea] ploop him :D
[TdC`Husk`b2b] gg xD
[dPxChelsea] no chance
[madogb2b] xd
[mm`barman] gj
[TdC`Husk`b2b] first blood!
[bb`r3spect] ty
[madogb2b] eep
[dPxChelsea] we are winning !!
[TdC`Husk`b2b] go polska!
[mm`barman] 596 vs 600 hp
[mm`barman] XD
[madogb2b] lol so many hp to go
[dPxChelsea] better now xd
[madogb2b] thx
[mm`barman] blarf :S
[mm`barman] didn't have angle
[Dub2b] shot
[mm`barman] realized that too late
[TdC`Husk`b2b] goal
[Dub2b] I see our next hide
[dPxChelsea] me too xd
[madogb2b] further!
[madogb2b] damn
[TdC`Husk`b2b] we should all just tele down there in one pile xD
[madogb2b] yea right on that girder
[madogb2b] someone hit pls
[dPxChelsea] wkoncu ja bede xDD
[TdC`Husk`b2b] do it
[mm`barman] 3rd no wind for us
[TdC`Husk`b2b] plooop
[mm`barman] everyone had one
[dPxChelsea] ja jebie
[madogb2b] few
[mm`barman] and 3rd miss
[mm`barman] XD
[dPxChelsea] 1 for me 1 for Rescect and 1 for Barman xD
[mm`barman] gs
[TdC`Husk`b2b] t
[dPxChelsea] n
[madogb2b] beauty!
[madogb2b] .3
[TdC`Husk`b2b] close!
[madogb2b] i dont think i can do it cos its right in the middle of those trees
[mm`barman] lol
[dPxChelsea] looooool
[TdC`Husk`b2b] 2 - 0 =)
[bb`r3spect] lol
[mm`barman] be glad no one thought of getting there early
[dPxChelsea] ploop hole loading xd
[dPxChelsea] ns
[madogb2b] im gonna go on girder so np
[TdC`Husk`b2b] boom nice!
[bb`r3spect] vn
[Dub2b] Thanks
[madogb2b] lovely
[madogb2b] :D
[dPxChelsea] :D
[mm`barman] job!
[bb`r3spect] vn
[dPxChelsea] thx
[madogb2b] ee
[dPxChelsea] it was rewange xD
[TdC`Husk`b2b] the hell
[Dub2b] Danger
[TdC`Husk`b2b] sorry coek
[madogb2b] fack pix
[madogb2b] np
[TdC`Husk`b2b] nice!
[mm`barman] t
[madogb2b] ah get in
[Dub2b] dahhhhhhhh
[mm`barman] uh oh
[Dub2b] Wasn't as bad as it looked
[madogb2b] not sure what u meant
[bb`r3spect] n1
[mm`barman] t
[TdC`Husk`b2b] sorry for fuxing up ur hide ),:
[madogb2b] no worries
[madogb2b] we're kinda close tho
[dPxChelsea] what weather do you have ? :D
[mm`barman] ouczh
[dPxChelsea] ns
[mm`barman] gj
[madogb2b] thatll do nicely
[TdC`Husk`b2b] t
[madogb2b] ns
[TdC`Husk`b2b] sorry respect for only attacking u =) they are all random shots lol
[bb`r3spect] vn
[dPxChelsea] gj
[mm`barman] tx
[bb`r3spect] np :)
[mm`barman] yeah, it's much harder to plan shots in 3v3
[mm`barman] for me at least
[madogb2b] lool
[Dub2b] Danger
[mm`barman] <---- this way
[TdC`Husk`b2b] xD
[TdC`Husk`b2b] bl bar
[mm`barman] f@#!
[madogb2b] aw
[dPxChelsea] knew
[bb`r3spect] wind
[dPxChelsea] dobrze ze granat a nie zooka
[madogb2b] damn short
[dPxChelsea] 4th no wind xd
[dPxChelsea] nd 4th fail
[dPxChelsea] and*
[TdC`Husk`b2b] yea shit happens ae
[dPxChelsea] my tree ;<
[Dub2b] I need lg
[Dub2b] I cant normal anymore
[TdC`Husk`b2b] ouch!
[mm`barman] naw no push
[TdC`Husk`b2b] hahaha
[mm`barman] lol
[bb`r3spect] haha
[bb`r3spect] xd
[mm`barman] vbl
[dPxChelsea] double push ziom
[TdC`Husk`b2b] double fail
[mm`barman] but XD
[dPxChelsea] me Husk and Barman 157 hp xDD
[Dub2b] 3 worms with 157
[bb`r3spect] xd
[mm`barman] r3spect and dub 160
[dPxChelsea] xDD
[dPxChelsea] 5th no wind :D
[madogb2b] damn
[dPxChelsea] so next wll be for me xd
[mm`barman] FFS
[TdC`Husk`b2b] nt!
[bb`r3spect] close
[mm`barman] tx
[dPxChelsea] and 5th fail :D
[madogb2b] wrong worm
[TdC`Husk`b2b] nice!
[dPxChelsea] n
[Dub2b] ns
[mm`barman] ow
[mm`barman] n
[TdC`Husk`b2b] f@#!that , it was goal
[TdC`Husk`b2b] 2 - 1
[bb`r3spect] aw
[mm`barman] not bad
[Dub2b] pwoar
[madogb2b] colin windhax.exe?
[mm`barman] push'd
[madogb2b] bastard
[TdC`Husk`b2b] n push
[madogb2b] facck
[dPxChelsea] gj
[bb`r3spect] ty
[mm`barman] ooo
[mm`barman] gj
[dPxChelsea] t
[madogb2b] thx for bank
[dPxChelsea] xD
[madogb2b] :P
[bb`r3spect] gj
[mm`barman] ae
[mm`barman] tx
[TdC`Husk`b2b] well thrown
[madogb2b] ah come on
[bb`r3spect] sea
[dPxChelsea] ^^
[mm`barman] goood
[dPxChelsea] t
[TdC`Husk`b2b] lol wind
[madogb2b] n
[mm`barman] aff
[bb`r3spect] vn
[mm`barman] thx
[madogb2b] anywhere but there
[dPxChelsea] n
[mm`barman] oh gj
[bb`r3spect] thx
[Dub2b] again anywhere but there lol
[TdC`Husk`b2b] sitter!
[madogb2b] ye
[dPxChelsea] :D :D
[dPxChelsea] :D
[TdC`Husk`b2b] nice!
[mm`barman] wow
[madogb2b] n
[bb`r3spect] :D
[mm`barman] vn
[bb`r3spect] GJ
[madogb2b] gooo
[dPxChelsea] thx :D
[mm`barman] porra viento
[madogb2b] same as last time
[mm`barman] :S
[madogb2b] WIND
[madogb2b] f@#!s sake
[madogb2b] husky u blind
[madogb2b] xd
[bb`r3spect] hi nade
[bb`r3spect] xd
[TdC`Husk`b2b] nade says hi!
[madogb2b] wind says wtf
[TdC`Husk`b2b] coek says something but I dun listen to him
[mm`barman] dang
[madogb2b] too much
[madogb2b] or little
[mm`barman] gj
[madogb2b] i dont even
[dPxChelsea] rozdzielili WAs przynajmniej
[bb`r3spect] kurde
[mm`barman] bye bye bank?
[madogb2b] nah
[madogb2b] still there
[TdC`Husk`b2b] lmfao
[mm`barman] ;S
[madogb2b] job
[TdC`Husk`b2b] wtf dub xD
[mm`barman] n1
[mm`barman] uh oh
[Dub2b] wow
[madogb2b] ooh
[bb`r3spect] pechowa dziura xd
[madogb2b] wind
[madogb2b] thank the lord
[madogb2b] xd
[TdC`Husk`b2b] k
[madogb2b] ah
[madogb2b] hate for colin lol
[madogb2b] nice push tho
[TdC`Husk`b2b] t, sry bar
[mm`barman] everyone wants to get rid of me
[TdC`Husk`b2b] ploop
[madogb2b] short
[madogb2b] i guess
[madogb2b] what a waste
[mm`barman] if I lose I will alt f4! you have been warned
[TdC`Husk`b2b] oh wait he moved!
[mm`barman] XD
[TdC`Husk`b2b] n open
[dPxChelsea] thx
[madogb2b] ntnt
[mm`barman] n1
[bb`r3spect] gj
[dPxChelsea] trudne to to nie bylo xd
[dPxChelsea] gj
[TdC`Husk`b2b] n throw
[bb`r3spect] vn
[mm`barman] tx
[Dub2b] lol
[madogb2b] lol
[madogb2b] what are the chances
[bb`r3spect] xd
[TdC`Husk`b2b] 2-2
[mm`barman] LOL
[dPxChelsea] trolololololo
[mm`barman] XD
[mm`barman] awesome
[TdC`Husk`b2b] we r even!
[bb`r3spect] wee
[mm`barman] vn
[TdC`Husk`b2b] nice!
[dPxChelsea] ns
[Dub2b] ns
[madogb2b] damn
[mm`barman] aee
[bb`r3spect] ;)
[bb`r3spect] thx
[TdC`Husk`b2b] xD
[madogb2b] lucky 13
[TdC`Husk`b2b] preparing for the plop? =P
[madogb2b] aww
[TdC`Husk`b2b] nt!
[mm`barman] whew
[mm`barman] :O
[TdC`Husk`b2b] ns nonetheless
[madogb2b] thx]
[madogb2b] ooh open
[mm`barman] oho
[madogb2b] but my other hide is less good now
[mm`barman] eeeeeek
[Dub2b] Great
[mm`barman] wow lol
[madogb2b] hi
[dPxChelsea] hahahhahahhaha
[dPxChelsea] xDD
[TdC`Husk`b2b] woot
[TdC`Husk`b2b] xD
[bb`r3spect] loool
[TdC`Husk`b2b] blindubneedsg xD
[dPxChelsea] kurewa
[TdC`Husk`b2b] !
[dPxChelsea] lol power
[TdC`Husk`b2b] oh c'mon
[mm`barman] booo
[TdC`Husk`b2b] sry |:
[madogb2b] again
[madogb2b] i think some wind hax or what
[TdC`Husk`b2b] nice xD
[dPxChelsea] vn
[bb`r3spect] vnnn
[mm`barman] dang
[mm`barman] no grave
[mm`barman] tx
[dPxChelsea] 4 hp more...
[dPxChelsea] or 5
[dPxChelsea] xd
[mm`barman] 5
[madogb2b] do telecide
[bb`r3spect] aaaaaa
[mm`barman] ho
[TdC`Husk`b2b] do a barrel roll!
[mm`barman] do a nade roll!
[Dub2b] Sorry
[dPxChelsea] gg
[bb`r3spect] gg
[TdC`Husk`b2b] xD
[mm`barman] *alt f4*
[madogb2b] gg
[mm`barman] gg
[TdC`Husk`b2b] gg
[Dub2b] gg
[dPxChelsea] -__-
[TdC`Husk`b2b] 3 - 2
[madogb2b] vfn
[Dub2b] ns
[mm`barman] wow n
[dPxChelsea] fuuuuuu
[TdC`Husk`b2b] t
[bb`r3spect] kurwa vn
[dPxChelsea] ;(
[TdC`Husk`b2b] nt!
[dPxChelsea] zSS
[mm`barman] niee
[bb`r3spect] nie
[bb`r3spect] lnieieie
[bb`r3spect] nienenienieni
[mm`barman] lol
[mm`barman] XD
[dPxChelsea] xDDD
[dPxChelsea] glupi nie jestem :D
[Dub2b] Trust me
[mm`barman] nt
[bb`r3spect] t
[TdC`Husk`b2b] ehm
[Dub2b] lol
[TdC`Husk`b2b] bounce > to chelsea
[Dub2b] gg
[mm`barman] gg
[madogb2b] aw
[madogb2b] gG
[TdC`Husk`b2b] gg
[bb`r3spect] gg
[madogb2b] damn
[madogb2b] moved me at least
[mm`barman] still there
[TdC`Husk`b2b] gg xD
[madogb2b] and i got angle now i guess
[bb`r3spect] pf
[madogb2b] no
[dPxChelsea] ;/
[mm`barman] nade 10 + push + knock + grave dmg
[dPxChelsea] yea it was my idea
[madogb2b] xd
[mm`barman] ns
[TdC`Husk`b2b] vn!
[dPxChelsea] ploop me xd
[mm`barman] raczej nie, tele daj
[mm`barman] ooooo
[TdC`Husk`b2b] nice!
[TdC`Husk`b2b] 3 - 3 goals
[dPxChelsea] otworzyli go jak puszke sardynek
[madogb2b] if it went all the way in ;/
[mm`barman] hmm
[mm`barman] evilness
[mm`barman] :S
[TdC`Husk`b2b] ok
[dPxChelsea] lol
[TdC`Husk`b2b] xD
[dPxChelsea] kurwa
[dPxChelsea] t
[madogb2b] ns
[TdC`Husk`b2b] t
[madogb2b] hm kinda
[mm`barman] D:
[mm`barman] bl
[dPxChelsea] !!!
[TdC`Husk`b2b] n
[madogb2b] aw
[TdC`Husk`b2b] gg
[madogb2b] gG
[bb`r3spect] wee
[Dub2b] gg
[mm`barman] finally XD
[bb`r3spect] gg
[mm`barman] gg
[dPxChelsea] gg
[bb`r3spect] ja gg chyba
[madogb2b] nop
[mm`barman] a nie
[bb`r3spect] xd
[dPxChelsea] gj
[mm`barman] vn
[bb`r3spect] ty
[TdC`Husk`b2b] that works =D
[madogb2b] shoulda moved ;d
[bb`r3spect] gg
[mm`barman] move!move!move!
[madogb2b] gG
[TdC`Husk`b2b] n gg
[mm`barman] gg
[Dub2b] gg
[dPxChelsea] damn
[mm`barman] thiugh you didn't really need 5
[mm`barman] ;D
[madogb2b] nah well something slightly different
[madogb2b] xd
[madogb2b] felt awful doin it but there ya go
[dPxChelsea] o_0
[madogb2b] damn
[madogb2b] fp?
[mm`barman] hoh
[TdC`Husk`b2b] dunno ae
[TdC`Husk`b2b] was nt
[mm`barman] good
[dPxChelsea] ;/
[madogb2b] ee
[TdC`Husk`b2b] nt
[TdC`Husk`b2b] was close =P
[dPxChelsea] damn
[madogb2b] noo
[dPxChelsea] kurwa identycznie
[TdC`Husk`b2b] see ya dub ae (=
[dPxChelsea] 1 pixel w lewo
[mm`barman] minimalnie mniej mocy
[dPxChelsea] albo moc
[mm`barman] albo 1 pixel w lewo albo tak, ale z mniejszym powerem
[mm`barman] :P
[TdC`Husk`b2b] nt!
[dPxChelsea] o kurwa
[mm`barman] aj nie ten kat ;D
[dPxChelsea] teraz se nie poceluje za pomoca drzewka xd
[madogb2b] :)
[madogb2b] lol
[TdC`Husk`b2b] vn!
[mm`barman] n1
[madogb2b] it was fp after all that
[madogb2b] lool
[mm`barman] wjhew
[TdC`Husk`b2b] n =D
[TdC`Husk`b2b] push =)
[mm`barman] nie masz kata
[dPxChelsea] kurwaaaa
[dPxChelsea] mam nadzieje ze mu zawadzi
[madogb2b] :)
[TdC`Husk`b2b] vn!
[madogb2b] gG
[mm`barman] shit
[mm`barman] :S
[TdC`Husk`b2b] gg :D
[mm`barman] gg
[madogb2b] :)
[TdC`Husk`b2b] that's my dog!
[madogb2b] :)
[bb`r3spect] shit
[mm`barman] how did we lose
[mm`barman] xD
[TdC`Husk`b2b] hahaha
[madogb2b] loool

Author Topic: Game #99366, Reported by Husk  (Read 1503 times)

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Game #99366, Reported by Husk
« on: February 01, 2012, 08:53 PM »
was good game :) we so close :P

Offline Husk

Re: Game #99366, Reported by Husk
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2012, 08:54 PM »
gg (= nice shots all

Offline barman

Re: Game #99366, Reported by Husk
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2012, 08:55 PM »
ARGH how did we lose! We were leading big at one point :d

gg :)
« Last Edit: February 01, 2012, 09:36 PM by barman »
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Quote from: Statik
barman's fails are best

Offline cOke

Re: Game #99366, Reported by Husk
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2012, 08:55 PM »
hahahaha what a game ;D

Re: Game #99366, Reported by Husk
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2012, 08:58 PM »
ARGH how we did lose! We were leading big at one point :d

gg :)

because u eliminate first :P u leader our team bar :)

Offline darKz

Re: Game #99366, Reported by Husk
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2012, 09:27 PM »
lol team b2b vs team Polska. xD
I remember knowing who it was but dont remember exactly what I knew
~ Dubc 2010

Offline Wolfgang

Re: Game #99366, Reported by Husk
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2012, 10:06 PM »
nice game
16:26: Husks> tell now xD more demon soul cannot be wolfy MAYBE??? 
16:26: TaG`Wolfgang> DUNNO IF IM WOLFY OR A DEMON 

Offline cOke

Re: Game #99366, Reported by Husk
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2012, 10:30 PM »
gG Poland :P