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Topics - TheKomodo

Pages: 1 ... 68 69 [70] 71 72 ... 76
Leagues Complaints / [SOLVED] #37677
« on: September 01, 2010, 11:49 AM »
Delete this game, at absolutely no time did I say I was going to play TuS singles with him, this was just a practise game for the b09 we will play later, and even that won't be TuS, just a little challenge.

I already declared over a month ago I will never play TuS singles ever again, so I don't know where he gets this was a TuS game from.


And Zippo, it's not 1-0 out of 9 games yet, like I said this was a practise, the only thing I said was, "play serious"

And quit bragging, I played MUCH better and smoother than you in this game anyway, I would have beat you if I hadn't forgot I had nade set to 1s.

I admit it was my own mistake for not paying attention, but the fact still stands so far i've shown I am a better "Roper" than you with the way I played.

TUS Discussion / Bug?
« on: August 30, 2010, 08:50 AM »
When viewing overall standings both clanners and singles, it won't let me view it in % order, I click winning percentage but it does nothing...

Leagues General / Clanner Percentage
« on: August 29, 2010, 01:20 AM »
I was wondering what my personal win percentage for clanners I have played in for each clan I have been in (on TuS) and I was pretty impressed with my achievements :)

CKC: 57-7 - 89.06%
cFc: 29-9 - 76.31% (So far)

And not just BnG ! :O

I went through all MY recent games (clanners) and just put a mark down for every one I won, and every one I lost, then calculated the percentage, I am interested in know what everyone elses is.

If you can be bothered and have the time, then let's see those statistics please !

The Brag Board / No wind LG zook with a surprise [BnG]
« on: August 28, 2010, 02:30 AM »
Shot at 22:30

Leagues Complaints / [SOLVED] #37620
« on: August 28, 2010, 01:15 AM »
Ok, we just played mm 3 games, roper/elite/bng.

They wanted 1 more roper but we didn't fancy that, then Shyguy PM's me and tells me we can do 2 more picks, and they will let us pick BnG again, so avi suggested they pick Elite we've agreed, then lalo says he has time for 1 elite only, djflow hosted, before we started the game I even said, join me after this for the BnG, no one said no, they didn't even say in-game, or pre-game-chat that it was only one game.

After the Elite I hosted up, avi comes in and says "why join you? we agreed 1 game only" Then left...

In ag he is telling us we agreed to 1 game only, which is blatently not true, lalo said he can only play 1 game, not me and lalo, so how does this mean the rest of us can't? Besides OoO was on mIRC at the time to do the BnG with me also.

Now Shyguy is saying that before djflow hosted avi said "ok 1 elite then"

I never even seen this, I was busy looking at the hostbox, neither did any other cfc member, because if we did, we would have mentioned the fact we have agreed to 2 new picks. Not 1 Elite.

There should be 3 options here.

Delete the Elite match because they don't want to play our pick.

mm owe us a BnG.

Or we report a free win BnG.

Roster / Welcome skime and lacoste !
« on: August 27, 2010, 08:57 PM »
A big welcome to skime and lacoste, they have both shown a great amount of skill and progression at BnG, they both have alot of passion and enthusiasm for it, and they have a warming amount of respect for everyone else in b2b, and all other players for that matter, they have proved themselves worthy of wearing the b2b tag !

Siema zioms !

a2b Tournaments / a2b Weekly Tournament Results - Week 10
« on: August 26, 2010, 09:02 PM »
Thanks for everyone who took part, here are the results !

Well done for this weeks champions.

1st: wormf00d/surgeon
3rd:yanme/shui (4th place forfeited)
4th: catcherr/Ryu


** Semi-Final **

Prankster/wormf00d Vs catcherr/Ryu - Prankster/wormf00d win
Komo/OutofOrder Vs yanme/shui - Komo/OutofOrder win

catcherr/Ryu left, so no 3rd place decider

*** Final ***

Komo/OutofOrder Vs wormf00d/surgeon (Prankster left, so surgeon took his place)

wormf00d/surgeon win 2-1

See you all next week !

a2b Weekly BnG Tournament - Thursday 26th August 6:00pm GMT

In worms channel - #PartyTime

2on2, knockout style.

a2b rules and a2b scheme to be used ONLY.

Let's have some more players this week?? Be nice to have at least 4 teams this week... 8 teams would be awesome :D

Rules are as follows:

# No straight bazooka shots.
# No sitters.
# No repeat shots.

    * If you hit someone for 34 HP or less with a shot, you can't use that same shot again until you have either hit them with a different one, or you or they have moved.
    * If you hit someone for 35 HP or more with a shot, you can't use that same shot again until either you or they have moved.

# No 5 second grenades unless used with low gravity or max bounce
# All shots should be aimed to explode on impact with the opponents worm.
# Re-aim the crosshair between every turn, regardless of whether you landed a hit last turn or not.
# Don't teleport too close to your opponent's worm (try to stay at least half the map away).
# No notching unless you can't help it (ie, your perfect aim is 1 or 2 taps off vertical).
# No telecides (teleporting on your opponent when you have low health in order to inflict grave damage on them).
# No defensive girders, only use girders for bouncing nades.

Good luck and Have fun ! - Remember, you gotta be in it, to win it !

Leagues Complaints / [SOLVED] w2Roper
« on: August 25, 2010, 06:39 AM »
This is regarding game #37032 mm Vs cfc

We lost 52 points for this game, it was a w2Roper, before I continue my clanmates played the game I didn't so they must have obviously accepted this, I can accept them losing, but this is what bothers me, even if we had won, we would gain less points.

w2Roper is NOT the same as a normal Roper, there is different tactics and gameplay altogether, so why should we lose points for a different scheme from a scheme we gained alot of points with?

w2Roper should be a seperate scheme, just like Shopper and WxW, as they are the same concept, with different rules as well.

Who else agrees?

And before avi comes on here moaning at me, even if this wasn't my clan, or we had won the game I would still be posting this.

Leagues Complaints / [SOLVED] #36643
« on: August 21, 2010, 05:15 PM »
Please void this game.

We picked BnG, about 5 minutes into it doH surrendered, I don't want to report it because we didn't win it, I don't want to clan if I can't even play my pick, so seeing as they surrendered, and we are not reporting, its only fair to void both games.


a2b Tournaments / a2b Weekly Tournament Results - Week 9
« on: August 19, 2010, 08:17 PM »
Thanks to everyone who played this week, no problems whatsoever, and it all went smooth and fast :)

Hope to see you all next week as well :)

Here are the results:

1st: shui
2nd: lales
3rd: lacoste
4th: lombrices

Congrats to shui for winning this weeks a2b BnG Tournament :)

CMV vs lombrices / lombrices wins
alanis vs lales / lales wins
Wertigo vs lacoste / lacoste wins
obscure vs shui / shui wins

lacoste vs shui /  shui wins
lales vs lombrices /  lales wins

*** Final ***

lales vs shui / shui wins

*** 3rd Place Decider ***

lombrices vs lacoste / lacoste wins

Leagues Games Comments / Game #36443, Reported by antohaby
« on: August 19, 2010, 10:01 AM »
Lol zippo, EVERY game you say "asdasd asdads asdasdas dasdasdasd asd asd asd asd", can't you ever take 1 loss, with pride? lol

a2b Weekly BnG Tournament - Thursday 19th August 6:00pm GMT

In worms channel - #PartyTime

1on1, knockout style.

a2b rules and a2b scheme to be used ONLY.

Rules are as follows:

# No straight bazooka shots.
# No sitters.
# No repeat shots.

    * If you hit someone for 34 HP or less with a shot, you can't use that same shot again until you have either hit them with a different one, or you or they have moved.
    * If you hit someone for 35 HP or more with a shot, you can't use that same shot again until either you or they have moved.

# No 5 second grenades unless used with low gravity or max bounce
# All shots should be aimed to explode on impact with the opponents worm.
# Re-aim the crosshair between every turn, regardless of whether you landed a hit last turn or not.
# Don't teleport too close to your opponent's worm (try to stay at least half the map away).
# No notching unless you can't help it (ie, your perfect aim is 1 or 2 taps off vertical).
# No telecides (teleporting on your opponent when you have low health in order to inflict grave damage on them).
# No defensive girders, only use girders for bouncing nades.

Good luck and Have fun ! - Remember, you gotta be in it, to win it !

How do you sign up for these? Also why the hell is w2rope in there? That isn't a classic scheme...

This would make a good team for UK:

Komo/dibz/Chicken23/Nail :D

The Brag Board / Classic plops, 2 games running [BnG]
« on: August 13, 2010, 12:12 AM »
Omfg this is like, the best thing ever for me, I can't believe I done this, these 2 games were literally right after the other, watch them in order please, LOL !!!

2 plops, 3 shots :D

Thats a record :D

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