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Messages - Random00

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 79
Championship 2016 / EAC 2016 - Closing Ceremony
« on: March 01, 2017, 02:09 PM »
Final Ranking of EAC 2016

Top 3 are

Congratulations to Almog for winning EAC 2016! After finishing #2 or #3 for five consecutive times, he finally made it all the way to the top! Very nice job!

Matches won: 12
Matches lost: 1
Game ratio: 38:14

Prize: Trophy + $200
Lost against: WhiteRqbbit

Second place goes to Lukz. On the 10th matchday, he lost 2-3 to Almog and thus wasn't able to finish on top. Nevertheless a great performance once again by Lukz. Congratiulations!
Matches won: 10
Matches lost: 2
Game ratio: 32:14

Prize: Trophy + $100
Lost against: Almog and daiNa

And the 3rd place goes to Random00.
Matches won: 9
Matches lost: 3
Game ratio: 33:16

Prize: Trophy + $60
Lost against: Almog, Lukz and Csongi

Further rankings

#04 - Csongi - $40 prize
#05 - daiNa - $20 prize
#06 - Free
#07 - franz
#08 - Hussar 
#09 - WhiteRqbbit
#10 - VoK
#11 - Jakka
#12 - Crazy
#13 - lales
#14 - lalo

for more details please check

I gave free wins to all opponents of Jakka. These were Free, Hussar and lales. They all received a 3-0 win for their game with Jakka, as Jakka didn't make any contact. The two remaining games Lukz vs. Crazy and Random00 vs. VoK were left unplayed. The reason for this is that it was not clear whose fault it was, that the game could not be played.

There will be trophies for the top 3 players, which I just ordered. It might take some time until I can send them to you, so please be patient.

Thanks everyone for playing. And for your patience with me. I promies to do better next time.
See you 2017!

Championship 2016 / Re: EAC 2016 - Meeting-Point
« on: January 30, 2017, 08:50 PM »
SPWs moderation is missing  :'(

It is, indeed.

Sorry for letting all of you wait for such a long time. I was in hospital and had a surgery, but that's basically just an excuse. I should have found the time to bring eac 2016 to an end it deserved. I failed to do so and I'm deeply sorry for this. This is not how I want to moderate such a great tournament and I hope that I will do better in the future.

Nontheless, I want to give some effort in finishing off the remaining games. I sent out PMs to everyone who has missing games. This will not be an endless mission; the final deadline is 28th of February (yes, this seems like a lot of time, but I can not expect games to be played in 1 week after such a long break).

Championship 2016 / Re: EAC 2016 - Meeting-Point
« on: December 15, 2016, 04:43 PM »
Winn/Loss ratio > direct match.

So, Lukz can still win EAC, if he wins both of his remaining games, Almog loses to Csongi and Lukz ratio is better after all these games. It's quite hypothetical, but it's still possible.

The standings on the page always take this into account, thats why at the moment I'm placed before Csongi even though I lost to him.

Championship 2016 / Re: EAC 2016 - Meeting-Point
« on: November 20, 2016, 10:53 AM »
The servers are not the best... it's down for me right now as well.
Should be up again soon.

Championship 2016 / Re: EAC 2016 - Meeting-Point
« on: September 28, 2016, 03:58 PM »
Unfortunately Lalo and I cannot meet this week. We scheduled to play on September 4th, Tuesday, at 19GMT.

Ok, thanks for the info.

Championship 2016 / EAC 2016 - Meeting-Point
« on: September 03, 2016, 04:29 PM »
EAC 2016 - Meeting-Point

Please use this thread to find a date where both, you and your opponent, are available to play your weekly match.

The rules for the tournament haven't changed since last year and can be found on the EAC 2016 rules page.

  • One game (bo5) of Elite per week
  • Winner reports
  • Deadline is Sunday, 20:00 GMT every week
  • Make dates for games early, so you won't get in trouble with the deadline
  • No games should be played earlier than the EAC 2016 schedule page states

Only a fair match is a good match :)
So, good luck and have fun everyone!

I'll unlock this topic as soon as the page is ready and EAC starts.

Sign-Ups / Re: ea - Join-Up
« on: September 03, 2016, 02:18 PM »
Welcome in, VoK!

Championship 2016 / Re: EAC 2016 - Announcement
« on: August 30, 2016, 06:20 PM »
Sign ups are closed now!

We plan to start EAC on next Sunday, 4th of September. :)

Championship 2016 / EAC 2016 - Announcement
« on: July 29, 2016, 02:19 PM »

Last year, sign-ups started end of June, now it's already end of July. Time is running way too fast.
Anyway, as you might have guessed already, there will be an EA championship this year :)

And sign-ups are starting right now, right here.

The rules and conditions to join didn't change compared to last year's edition and can be found below.

Since SPW is pretty busy with his job at the moment, I will take care of the admin stuff alone. This means that you should CC me in your PMs ;)

conditions to join

You must be a member of .
You must be active already and in the following months.
You have to agree to all conditions and rules.
You must have a account.
You must have a valid email address.
Your sign-up request has to be accepted.

prizes / structure of payouts

Trophy & Cash $200
Trophy & Cash $100
Trophy & Cash $60

prediction game

Up to you if you want one or not.


$420 by SPW
$100 by Random00


You are not allowed to quit the championship without a very good reason.
You are not allowed to manipulate games during the whole event.
You have to be fair and doing your best making each round / date possible.
By joining, you automatically accept all conditions and rules.


games / rounds

You have to play against each opponent a best-of-5 series; one opponent per week.
You have to play all your games in the channel #PartyTime.
The host has to set up the cup mode (best-of-five) in the scheme.
If both players want to host, make a rehost after 2 games, and so on.
The normal Elite-Scheme must be used in every game.
No Rope-Knocking and /rs, ts etc. mode allowed!
No maps from mappacks allowed, only new maps made then and there with the editor. This doesn't mean that you necessarily have to edit the map, random maps are fine as well.
All games have to be played in one session. Only exceptions to this rule are unexpected events
(e.g. losing internet connection between rounds) or if both players agree to delay the game.

reporting, ranking & complaints

Like last year, we use the same page.
The ranking table will also be found there.
For every complaint you should use "TUS-Forum" / - Section.
The judge is Random00.

deadline / challenges

You will have one opponent per week to play a best-of-five challenge.
Deadline for each round will be Sunday, 20:00 / 08:00 pm GMT..
Organize a date with your opponent as fast as possible to get the games done. Use any client like msn, icq, mIRC, WormNet or pm your opponent with a copy to Random00.
If your games couldn't be played until the deadline, the judge will decide what is going to happen. Also, you can use the - Forums about any problems and / or statements.

We want a nice active championship and to make this possible, we need all of you to do your best to keep our event fair and active. Please ask yourself honestly whether you are really able to join it and play until the very end. We don't accept any bad excuses and we will do everything we can to make sure there are no such things in the championship as avoiding, not playing in time, etc. The moderator crew will also inspect every player interested in joining and try not to be dissapointed if there is a problem with letting you join this championship.


copy / paste next yellow part and sign with your nickname. Do this post in this thread. As soon you get your Personal EAC-Avatar, you're 100% in!

I want to sign-up to the championship by accepting all conditions and rules. I will do my very best to make every game possible and I won't quit it before the end. I will be fair and will respect any other participants and also the moderators.

By >>>yournickname<<<

After you sign-up, we will confirm it as soon as possible.

Let's get it rollin'!


ea / We're not dead!
« on: June 01, 2016, 06:48 PM »
Hi guys,

although one might argue that ea is dead, lalo managed to make it in ea. Welcome aboard! :)

... and we started the planning of this year's eac  8)
There's no official date yet when we will start, but there will be the eac 2016, so better get in shape to be ready for it! :D

Best regards,
Random00 & SPW

Do you seriously intend to reset the stats of big bears like barman
I voted for the reset :-*

me too. Overall standings should be a representation of the current skill level of a player.

Championship 2015 / Re: EAC 2015 - Meeting-Point
« on: December 01, 2015, 06:15 PM »
he doesn't respond to me neither... meh :/

Championship 2015 / Re: EAC 2015 - Meeting-Point
« on: November 01, 2015, 05:54 PM »
eac 2015 - Pending Games

Main Deadline: 1st November 2015, 20:00 GMT

:-\  Matchday 6: Free vs. Spoon_head
Spoon_head still has internet problems. This is getting cirtical. Does anyone have news about this topic?

:-\  Matchday 7: Almog vs. Spoon_head
Same as for the game Free vs. Spoon_head.

:-\  Matchday 8: Spoon_head vs. Csongi
Same as for the game Free vs. Spoon_head.

:-\  Matchday 9: Lukz vs. Crazy
Crazy offered some times, but Lukz did not respond so far. Lukz is risking a free win for Crazy, if the silence continues

:-\  Matchday 9: Casso vs. Spoon_head
Same as for the game Free vs. Spoon_head.

:-\  Matchday 9: Ray vs. Kaleu
Date: Today, 17:00 GMT

:-\  Matchday 9: SPW vs. Chicken23
Date: Today, 18:00 GMT

warned: Spoon_head
kicked: -

Leagues Games Comments / Game #200000, reported by daiNa
« on: November 01, 2015, 10:12 AM »
200k games. Congratz TUS (and daiNa for this specific win ;) )

Championship 2015 / Re: EAC 2015 - Smalltalk
« on: October 30, 2015, 04:15 PM »
I think Ray's recent match against Free showed what EAC games are all about. Leading 2-0, then losing the next 2 rounds and still have enough spirit and fighting power to win the deciding game #5.
Really glad that Ray faced it and was rewarded with this win. :)

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