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Messages - King-Gizzard

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Files Comments / Re: File #2462, Trippy
« on: July 05, 2022, 07:37 PM »
The same terrain just darker? Changing it up would be quite a lot of work and I'm not sure it would look better for it. This terrain was deliberately a bit garish, popping out against a dark background.

Files Comments / Re: File #2564, Ocean
« on: June 08, 2022, 09:58 AM »
Awesome job Sibasha!  I love the colours, objects, and the unique bridge.  I hope you do more :)

Files Comments / Re: File #2462, Trippy
« on: June 05, 2022, 01:59 PM »
I've updated the 2-layer/parallax background for this terrain (much better detail and separation)

Files Comments / Re: File #2208, Cosmic Terrain
« on: June 03, 2022, 10:45 PM »
Thanks!  I've just updated again (last time, promise ;D) - Nizikawa suggested a way to add more colours for the background. It's now much cleaner looking with less dithering.

Files Comments / Re: File #2208, Cosmic Terrain
« on: June 02, 2022, 11:45 PM »
I've redone the background on this: larger 2-layer/parallax mountains (wkTerrainSync feature), plus larger asteroids with higher FPS

General discussion / Re: Tool Assisted
« on: May 26, 2022, 10:45 AM »
I agree, it's a shame that it's been released to a select group who may have then shared it with those they trust.  If it can be exploited in its privately released state, maybe it already has been.  Here's hoping a public version gets released soon, or that Nizikawa continues with his version so that replays can be loaded (even if not re-saved).  I have a bunch of replays that I've kept for when this tool/feature becomes available.

Updated to version 2.0.  Replaced / improved some objects. Thanks to Kradie for the feedback. 

I wouldn't say it didn't work just thought the green popped a bit more. I think both are good. What do you think.:

Ignore the mushroom, it's an object from the first terrain so it would load.  I'll be doing 32 new objects for this

Full resolution here :

I think the green works best.  I've been playing around with background layer animation, looks pretty cool.  Once all of that's sorted I'll start adding objects.

You'd end up with something like this :

Check out the grasses in the tile sheet. I quite like the green one used on world 1-2. Also not perfectly smooth which might be more interesting

I'll have a look and see if it works when I get chance. The sprites are here : ... world 1-1?

I've updated this one to make the sky a bit brighter (it was difficult to see dark elements on objects)

Thanks all!

I've released an update (1.4) with some small tweaks:
 - The bridge now sits lower (fits the SMW style more)
 - Replaced object with gliding Mario
 - Dark edges are now slightly brighter (more visible when background turned off)
 - Brighter sky (dark edges more visible)
 - Object probabilities and vertical positioning tweaked.

I'd agree but nothing surprises me any more in clown world.  Check out these Voice NFT's that sold out in 10 minutes, 8888 of them! :

I think these guys will make enough money for their efforts to be worthwhile, then they'll either pull the rug and disappear or make their excuses, "we never hit our target but thanks for the cash... enjoy your snail pics! BYEEEEE!"

I find all this quite fascinating so I joined the discord and asked a few more questions publicly. At first Metaman said he had no problem 'doxxing' himself, then he went back on that saying :

"I founded one of the UK's leading investment networks, QVentures, if you take 2 mins to research this you should get the confidence you need in my long term approach and fundraising abilities" ... "For this project we've chosen to use pseudonyms in line with almost everybody in the space. That's not to say that we won't answer questions of those that want to dig deeper or that we're trying to hide anything. Having a modest level of anonymity provides a level of confidence that we're not going to get the small majority of 'crazies' turning up at our doors or trolling us. I think this is a right that deserves to be protected, especially when operating in the metaverse."

"To earlier points, investing into NFT projects is risky, even with fully doxxed teams, there's no recourse either way and for those that have multiple ventures they've spent years working on (as our team does) there's a value in keeping things siloed. I can tell you that we haven't built a smash hit game before, we haven't had a successful NFT project and we haven't built a massive de-fi protocol before."

"What I can tell you is that in the core team you have a very successful entrepreneur that knows how to raise money and bring in the talent that's needed, a PhD technologist who works tirelessly to solve problems and obsesses over the detail, a veteran artist who is passionate and very highly regarded with an exceptional network and a younger artist with mad skills who sweats blood to get the details right."

What's interesting is they don't plan to formally engage with developers until they've reached 75% of their 'mint' target.  That's 6666 out of 8888 NFT's which at 0.08 ETH each is 533 ETH, which is about $1.6 million at todays value.  Even if they only move 50% of their NFTs, that's a million dollars in their pocket and no game.  At least with Kickstarter, backers get their money returned! 

99% of the activity on the Discord is hype around the NFT's, very few details about the plan for the actual game but they say it will have 100 weapons plus special edition weapons released periodically.  No one on their Discord is cynical about it because those who plan to buy NFTs are obviously looking to flip them for a profit, so they pump the hype as well.  IMO, the game promise is just the dangling carrot to help create NFT value. I'd be amazed if they produce any game.

So you don't have a game. You'll sell some randomly-generated pictures that no one really owns to generate a LOT of money for yourselves, and on trust, you promise to deliver a game but don't really have to.  That's pretty high risk isn't it, but zero risk for you.

You'll appreciate transparency and trust is key with these things.  As with crowd funding platforms like Kickstarter, people don't hide behind anonymous accounts.  What are the real names and backgrounds of Metaman, Rugman, Fomotion and Teazy? Investors probably want to know who they are investing in.

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