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Topics - philie

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Gaming Central / games with roping elements
« on: September 05, 2021, 05:08 PM »




know more?

Gaming Central / Yupitergrad
« on: December 27, 2020, 10:19 AM »
roping in vr ne1?

Gaming Central / Super Cable Boy
« on: December 01, 2020, 10:31 PM »
looks like someone played too much rr and ssr

Schemes Comments / Scheme #951, Rowy 3.8 submitted by philie
« on: August 07, 2020, 12:55 AM »
scheme updated thanks to 3.8 ;)

Maps Comments / Map #18074, Volcan con tesoro by jesusito1933
« on: May 26, 2020, 09:07 AM »
dinos and a helicopter. what could you want more?

Maps Comments / Map #17997, бабки by narnar
« on: March 06, 2020, 11:58 PM »
omg, how sucky

end of 2nd game lol

TUS Discussion / maps
« on: February 10, 2019, 06:37 PM »
ahm, what is wrong with the maps section?
"Under maintenance."  ???
for some while now.
seems like just broken.

Maps Comments / Map #17358, Thalaatha ( ٣ ) broken by ohms
« on: November 01, 2018, 10:40 PM »
(random) rowy fun approved by denNIS and megAdnan (and myself)
-> added to rowy mappack
now 7 of your maps in there, gj

Maps Comments / Map #11103, Mayhem Islands by ohms
« on: September 16, 2018, 01:25 PM »
my favorite of your favorites xD

Maps Comments / Map #17468, NO MORE by ohms
« on: August 08, 2018, 09:26 PM »
that's sad, i like your maps.

where is #8 ? xD

bui / fos private forum leak episode 4
« on: January 05, 2017, 05:29 PM »
 ;D ;D ;D




bui / fos private forum leak episode 1
« on: December 31, 2016, 02:05 PM »
i'm reposting this, just for completeness reasons.
locked from the start for safety reasons  ;)


everything going on with eS clan goes here now.
first thing i wanted to do was a fake try out with "philie". but i decided to not do that for not getting them suspicious. so i will post a try out with a fake account.
i'd say you all pack out your fake accounts and request a try out. some of us will make it for sure.
eS mass infiltration!!
(dont fear the ops (hi MI), its just fun anyway)

great Phillie!!!
I can't wait xD

damn, wish i had a fake account... anyone have one for me???

lets set some guidlines....   if we do make it into eS, lets not play an clanners...

unless you are currently clanless, then i guess there is no rule against this...

but if you have a clan that you compete with, do not play clanners as an eS, thats against rules, and lame for the people who to play the clanner league competetive..

we just want to get into eS to make a joke of them, and see what they discuss in private...

but how interesting can their private forums be??? there is not a single member in eS that speaks very good english, and they all speak different languges... huahauhauha

i dont even know how the hell they properly communicate with eacother!!

this will still be fun though, once we do get into eS, we can think of new and funny things to do..

but lets not currupt the league games... (hi monkey)

mission 1) gain access to eS headquarters ;D

any volunteer?????

 :D :D :D

any volunteer?????

 :D :D :D

here we go  ;D!/y0u/

have i been too nice? :)

hey guys, im back to worms after a long time playing only every 2 weeks or so.
but i got more time now and want to play some clanners too, so:
i'm looking for a clan :)
i like yours and your attitude and as i can see, you might need some ropers, so here's my try-out application:

gj ! now u need to be active with this nickname on WN  8)

yeah, waiting for an answer, then i'll hang out in ag and wait for professor then ask him for a try out game.
i'll keep you updated..

seems like you need a good story bro

gonna join this operation when im back from poland ;D

avirex, prop him up with me.  im going to say i remember him from wlcl days

EDIT:  I posted up on the thread, tried to give your alias a story.!/

Okay phillie, your 'y0u' alias is officially oldschool haha, if anyone asks, you used to play in 2000-2002 with supreme, powerslave, and kufner (old german players) and havent played since.  Hopefully that will save your post, looks like you are in deep right now.

wtf, you thought you could just make an account in one day and try out?  they immediately suspect you as being an alias ahaha... you should have just tried out as phili... if you were scared you wouldn't make it in, one of us could have aliased to get you in during the tryout :)

Wow haha !
Maybe Walrus post will save you, but this was not a very good approach !

I think the best way to do such a mission, is to start being visible in #AG with an "oldschool looking" nickname (you can get inspiration here
Then try to join some games hosted by eS people.

Make yourself looking like an oldschooler coming back, and try to not give much interest into joining them. Just ask news about the community, and oldschoolers.
They will probably ask you if you got any clan, then you can say that you don't have but you would be interested in joining one to remind you the old days, and if you are a kick-ass roper they will probably ask you to join by themselves !!! Say that you heard about TUS but you never visited the site yet ;)

Btw Walrus, I saw you mentionned SupremE in your post, do you have any news of him ? He used to be a good friend of mine back in the days !

They are right, and you know what?! you should say that you'll bring to them some of yr oOLDSCHOL friends, and here we are!!! and we'll join them rofl! uhauahu

I was "Hokuto" sometimes... i should be him again xD

lmfao darkz even backed up the story hauhauhauah

and i put some bullshit story that eS are gonna cream their pants over.. hauhauha

there was a DSM and we did go 50-0 many seasons, but obviously yOu was not a part of it hahaha

cant believe darkz says he remembers him lmfao, that right there make it golden!! an old school german saying he remembers...

no other FoS should post in that topic, dont make it suspicious!

edit: i even baited them to invite u quicker  with...

"maybe u can join a better clan then eS" lololol they will wanna invite u quick before another clan could get you lmfao

lmao @ darkz hahaha f@#!in rediculous, confirming made up shit.  and i think professor edited your post avi, it doesnt say anything about joining another clan other than eS.  But it looks like the ball is rolling now, this is gonna be great, theyre going to be all over y0u.

i f@#!ing love avirex and wally for this  :-* :-* :-* you guys are amazing

lol he did edit... lmfao.....

ok so ill bet they are interested now!!  lmfao...

yOu is gonna be in eS in no time..

really feeling overwhelemed right now. and awesome we always find the right new members with the fos gen.

But what if they insist on a tryout? Should philie do it or we employ someone else to show them the ropes?

If we really manage to impress them, they will keep y0u in the clan no matter how inactive he is... take reN as an example, he plays once per 2 months but they will never boot him because he is their best roper

ha that ren guy is someone else's alias spy in eS i think.  i think we let philie try out, cause anyone else can't speak german.  if it doesn't work we try the same thing with a different alias.  this could be the greatest triumph of fos and could propell us back to the #1 community huaha.

loooool, there isnt anyone in es who could speak german, but of course i offer my service as translator.

lol good point

loooool, there isnt anyone in es who could speak german, but of course i offer my service as translator.

yee, you should do that but, yes, none there speaks german... i m using my alias in snup and ag, i ll be the next one xD in 2/weeks maybe...

hauahuahauha they taking it  ;D

But what if they insist on a tryout? Should philie do it or we employ someone else to show them the ropes?

If we really manage to impress them, they will keep y0u in the clan no matter how inactive he is... take reN as an example, he plays once per 2 months but they will never boot him because he is their best roper
i say throw on the german flag and give it a go if you see them online bar.

hahahaha lmao!
n1 guys!!
was away for 24 hours and this comes out lol!
ok, if ne1 wants to try out, do it! eS people cant speak german also.
im gonna be away over the weekend, so lets not lose any time. y0u is my mobile phone account, so i can nevertheless check and answer (and accept invite..).
gonna answer now in the thread and ask avi if they got some place left in mm :)

Tomorrow evening/night is reserved for worms, how about I play with them as y0u at 18 gmt? Maybe avirex can accompany me? I've arranged the deletion cup finals against Guaton on 21 gmt, 3 hours should be more than enough.

I'll put a German flag, make a new team, remember not to put /anon gl hf at the start of the game and try not to finger roll xd

Anyone can come up with more details regarding y0u's personality? Just to have something to talk about with them :D

You enlisted in the Deutsches Heer, or german army, and did it for many years after leaving worms.  When you took a civilian job, you saw worms reloaded on steam, you downloaded it, and it was shitty.  Youve hung around tus for quite some time, watching replays and playing offline to get your skills back.  You took a liking to eS' large, family structure hahaha, and want to be a part of it.  You feel like you could really help them in TUS, even though youll never play a single game, lol.  You like how the clan is organized and all the members are really nice, and you think professor is a great clanleader.  Just stroke his massive ego and youll probably get in on the spot.  Gold.  This plan cant not work, you are already in the nerd vagina.

muahahahaha nice one!
maybe after some time we should invite y0u to FoS :)

Very cool xD
Have you barman made the roping tryout yet?

We have to completely fill that vagina auhuah

philie u can paste some conversations with them from snooper, it should be funny too ;D

YEs, and plzzzz don't forget to attach here the replays of yOu's tryout xD

let's get into xD

Have you barman made the roping tryout yet?
nono, I'll hit ag @ 18 gmt

Surely replays will be posted :D

ok, goodluck Barman!

Show them yr power ;)

hahgahagahahagahahgahag they took the bait I think!


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