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Messages - kron

Pages: [1] 2
Just found out about this now, it's amazing! Makes Worms a lot more pleasant on a 1440p monitor. Cheers and thank you Steps.

General discussion / Re: Whats up wermz!
« on: October 29, 2014, 05:10 PM »

General discussion / Re: Stuff aboutM the past, mixed subject soup
« on: August 09, 2013, 04:57 PM »
There are far too many points to touch upon, but there really is no way to quantify who was the best at this or that... like people have mentioned already, there were FAR more players back then, not to mention this was well before TUS was basically the only relevant Worms-related site. I see that Avi is still being Avi, and will probably always continue to be the same troll with an inflated sense of skill and worth.

Furthermore, what I do not understand is why so many people who don't even really play this game anymore spend so much time chatting it up in the forums. You have time to get into thread debates, but not play? ffs...

This catty behavior is precisely why I don't get involved with TUS, or play leagues, or even really do clanners aside from the once-in-a-blue-moon match anymore. W:A was a lot more fun 'back in the day' when people played for fun, made friends, and attempted to show off their skills rather than to rack up a record that ultimately doesn't mean anything at all except to the relative handful of people who give a crap. A lot of better players these days basically don't even play matches unless it's for a league of some sort. I've come and gone from W:A many times and just came back again recently after a long break and it seems like every time I come back, the community is more ridiculous, self-righteous, and and troll-like.

I personally wish that TUS was a community only rather than a league system because it would force people to get back to the roots of what made W:A great in the earlier years. This whole thread perfectly encapsulates why I and many other old school players are reluctant to be a part of the "community" anymore. Ya'll sound like a bunch of old women.


NBR / Re: wassup bithces
« on: January 03, 2012, 02:44 AM »

General discussion / Re: Markings on your monitor- okay or not?
« on: December 02, 2011, 04:19 PM »
Impossible to enforce, making creating such a rule a complete waste of time. You can say it's not okay all you want but you won't be able to stop anybody from doing it.

General discussion / Re: The november "SUPER RETARD" AWARDS
« on: November 30, 2011, 07:21 PM »
umad bro?

Gaming Central / Re: Little Big Planet 2
« on: November 23, 2011, 04:20 PM »
My friend and I made a great drinking game out of LBP2 and a custom map. Search for Shark Survival (the map might be mispelled as "shark surrival"). All you do is run from islands and floating platforms and try not to get killed by a swarm of sharks.

The drinking game element: 1st one to die takes a shot of whiskey. We got pretty shitfaced that night.

General discussion / Re: Animal Jumping Tutorial
« on: November 23, 2011, 02:24 PM »
Kron <3

It's just strange we can still find new phenomena in a game that's been out for 12 years.

Ahoy Mab! Good to see you are still pwning the wormage.

I was pretty amazed when I started reading that post, I never thought I would see anything like this ever written up. However, in the heat of a 15 second elite turn, I doubt the ability of most wormers (including myself, due to my reckless style of play) to be able to reference information like this in their thought process and make some sort of calculated, godlike accurate sheep route happen. Really cool read nonetheless.

General discussion / Re: Animal Jumping Tutorial
« on: November 22, 2011, 09:17 PM »
Wow. Just wow.

General discussion / Re: Show us your worms-workplace!
« on: November 18, 2011, 09:50 PM »
Epiphone is not fake, it's the exact same guitar made from the exact same pieces, just put together elsewhere and that makes it cheaper.

False. Cheaper wood, cheaper components, cheaper craftsmanship.

1) Gibson bodies are 1 piece. Epiphones are 2 or 3 pieces of wood glued together.
2) Gibson necks are 1 solid piece (obviously disregarding fingerboard, etc). Epiphones range from 2-3 pieces glued together depending on the model.
3) Epiphone hardware is much cheaper. That means cheap, crappy tuning heads, lower quality electronics, much lower quality pickups (on most models, I understand Epi had a Zakk Wylde LP with EMG 81/85s at one point), lower quality / less durable frets.
4) Fingerboard quality is a day and night difference. Most Epiphones have coarser, more porous wood, whereas Gibsons have higher quality, smoother, harder and durable fingerboards.
5) Fingerboard decals - Gibson uses Mother of Pearl inlays whereas Epiphone uses much cheaper inlay material.
6) Body binding and neck binding, also much lower quality on Epiphones.

This is all off of the top of my head, there's a lot of other differences that don't come to mind right now.

You can feel the difference just by picking up both guitars and playing for a few minutes. The Gibson will be heavier due to the higher quality wood, sound clearer due to higher quality pickups, play better with a better fingerboard and frets.

Anyway, here's a pic of my desk at work today. This isn't my office, I'm consulting here for a few months. In any case, game industry = FREE BEER FRIDAY WOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

General discussion / Re: Show us your worms-workplace!
« on: November 18, 2011, 03:21 PM »
and kron, what a nice room!! nice colors, nice guitars, nice floors, nice chair... yeah man!!  looks like a nice place to relax... i just said nice an awful lot of times... thats nice!

Yeah man, it's my f@#!in' man room of ultimate manliness, my fortress of solitude to jam out and decompress. Every man needs a place to be away from the woman and just be manly and sit around and grow their beard.

Ano - love the indoor stone in your basement, that's rad as shit!

General discussion / Re: Show us your worms-workplace!
« on: November 18, 2011, 01:56 AM »
Yeah, that definitely wasn't me. I was never really one for cigarettes, I just liked smoking some green back then and now still when I'm drunk. AAAAAWWWWYYYYYEEEEAAAAA.

I probably posted pics of me snowboarding, being drunk, and possibly guitarness back in '02.

General discussion / Re: Show us your worms-workplace!
« on: November 17, 2011, 07:38 PM »
Too bad I don't actually have a pic where you can view my computer. I'll try and get one sometime if I every remember to come back here. My visits to say hi to old wormy friends are too few and far between! I'll update the original post with another pic showing another guitar. Cheers all :).

General discussion / Re: Show us your worms-workplace!
« on: November 17, 2011, 04:14 PM »
Haven't played worms in many years but this is my man-room where I pwn n00bs and shred guitar.

TUS Discussion / Re: Hello strangers
« on: July 05, 2011, 02:09 AM »
Shit man, I thought you were f00kad00k. Talk about a fail.

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