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Messages - Balee

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General discussion / Re: Classy. eS WO 2012.
« on: September 10, 2012, 09:24 AM »
Well said.

General discussion / Re: Classy. eS WO 2012.
« on: September 09, 2012, 11:30 PM »
Professor, you are making it sound like as if your clan was the only one being affected. Thing is, it wasn't. Che was punished too, -15 points, they ended up falling out of the Top5. CfC lost 30 points, fell one place back. TaG lost 105 points, RS lost 130. Yet, you are the only one being angry about it, probably because you are the only one not accepting how the system of fair play works. You do something bad, you get busted, you get punished. Sure, you lost a first place. I understand it must hurt. But what you need to understand is that this wasn't about eS at all. We checked every player who participated, we didn't make exceptions. Heck, I even inspected FFie, DarkOne, Mablak, and several other of my friends, because if I hadn't, it would have been unfair towards everyone else. And I trust FFie checked me. I know I did.
Your problem is that by punishing Kaleu, you lost just enough points to lose the 1st place. But what do you expect? Being part of a clan means whatever you do, it affects your clan. If you win medals, your clan's points rise. If you cheat and you get a penalty, your clan will suffer the consequences. Yet, you are angry at us, angry at the system, angry at anyone who doesn't agree with you, instead of being angry at Kaleu. Did you tell him he did wrong? Did he apologize to the clan for messing up your victory?
You say that just because one player did something wrong, your clan shouldn't be punished for it. Fine, but then everything positive Kaleu did during WO for your clan should also be taken away. In that case, eS would have 698 points, missing the first place by 26 points. You can't just say your clan doesn't have anything to do with its members' faults, but still get points for their victories.

Also, you mentioned us being unfair for punishing people for aliasing even though there are no rules about that. As it was said before, aliasing being a punishable fault is so much common sense, that none of thought it should be written down. Rest assured, it will be during the next WO. But you can't say you haven't been warned, as two players - sm0k and Tavo001, who later turned out to be Twy - recieved penalties for aliasing during WO. When that happened, you should have thought "Ah, apparently aliasing is bad, I should tell my teammates they should stay away from doing that!". Did you do that? If you did, then shame on you, Kaleu, for not listening to the clan leader. If you didn't, why didn't you? But anyways, "no alias" is common sense. I don't know how long have you been playing this game, maybe it isn't apparent for you. I've been playing worms online since 2005, and I never thought I should pose as someone else - whether as an existing player or someone new -, because I take pride in that I am Balee, from the clan UT. It's what I am, with all my positive and negative properties, my mediocre skills, and my undying love for justice. I, personally, have never understood why some people try to hide who they are. Why are they doing it? Are they shy? Do they want to hide that they haven't played in a while? Why? I just don't know. Aliasing is something I don't understand, and probably never will.

Kaleu, you told me in the shoutbox the other day that you did tell the moderator, while you were using an alias, who you were. I'm not saying that isn't true. But if you did tell them, why didn't they submit the results with your name? And why did you have to do it several times, with three nicks in total? And why didn't you email FFie to admit what you have done when you saw sm0k and Tavo001 getting punished for aliasing? Did it not occur to you that you may be doing something wrong? If it didn't, then sorry, but you have a lot to learn before you can call anyone names. You did something wrong while you knew exactly what you are doing. There's no escape from that. If we made a mistake, and you didn't alias, and you even provide evidence that you didn't, we'd of course reconsider. But the fact is you did. You did and you knew you were doing something bad. For that, you deserve your penalty just as much as everyone else who aliased or otherwise cheated.

I'd like to see the end of this entire charade. There was nothing unfair about this. And there was also nothing personal about this. Thing is, I don't even know you guys. I wasn't paying attention to which clan's player I'm checking, why would I? My clan wasn't in that race of yours. If it was, and you'd call me unfair, even though you'd still be wrong, at least you'd have a reason to do so. Now you don't have any reason, except the one that we busted an eS member and you lost the first place. Better luck next time.

Also, I'm just gonna leave this modified list of clans here. I calculated the average points players in each clan had. Of course, the penalties are averaged too. It basically shows the average skill AND involvement of the players in each clan. It speaks for itself, in my opinion.

General discussion / Re: Worms Scheme Contest 2010
« on: January 05, 2011, 10:54 PM »
weee, its a "contest" yet you didnt announce the winner! (greetz nail, nt lacoste) xD
...Hot damn, I *knew* if forgot something! >_<

You should put the name of the scheme creator alongside the scheme title in the written reviews section, credit due!
Good idea, will do it on the weekend. :)

General discussion / Re: Worms Scheme Contest 2010
« on: January 02, 2011, 01:33 PM »
because we are keeping the jury list top secret, people may be a bit more hesitant to participate if they found i was head of the jury.
Wait, who are you and why are you talking about WSC as if you would be part of it?

great, why isn't the jury page opened so? :)

Like I already said, I still have to think about stuff to put there.
And I also am studying for three serious exams next week, so I have little to no time to code.

General discussion / Re: Worms Scheme Contest 2010
« on: January 01, 2011, 05:49 PM »
As of the change of the year, the results are available on the website.

Go to and check them out! We got quite a few great schemes, it was hard to evaluate them. :)

Info about the Jury will be available in a few days - as soon as I figure out what to write there, heh - and there will be links to download the submitted schemes and other files from the results page, so you can try them out! :)

General discussion / Re: Worms Scheme Contest 2010
« on: March 26, 2010, 08:27 PM »
The registration period has been extended until 1st of May. :)

C'mon, send those schemes! :D

General discussion / Re: Worms Scheme Contest 2010
« on: January 02, 2010, 01:39 PM »
The rules have been changed a bit, one person or group can now send up to 3 schemes.
This is to ensure that people with more than one good ideas don't have to choose between them.

General discussion / Re: Worms Scheme Contest 2010
« on: December 31, 2009, 12:02 AM »
pr: It is under development already. :)

lacoste: Well, I think the winner will be announced more like around June. Calling it "Scheme of the year" is something like when the Guiness World Record publishes "Guiness World Records 2010" in February, or something like that. It's gonna be the best recognized scheme of 2010.

HHC: Registering means that you send the scheme and every other related stuff in, so yes, you should register after you perfected the scheme.

(EDIT: "prefected", lol.)

General discussion / Re: Worms Scheme Contest 2010
« on: December 30, 2009, 10:53 PM »
Opera 10.10
when window is resized, links don't work
The links had to be done in a tricky fashion, so whenever the browser window's (ANY browser) width is lower than around 1000 pixels, the menu gets screwed up. I don't know how to work around the problem that was solved like this, so I can't do anything else than recommend that you use full-screen (or at least more than 1000 pixel wide) browser windows.

Dulek: Lolol. :D

General discussion / Worms Scheme Contest 2010
« on: December 30, 2009, 08:17 PM »
Worms Scheme Contest 2010 has started.

Contrary to what some people may think, this isn't a new league. This is a contest where people can send in a new scheme they created, and a jury - whose members are kept secret - will decide which scheme will have the title "Scheme of 2010". :)
Of course, even if a scheme doesn't win, it still can catch on on WormNET, so I suggest if you have a good idea, don't keep it to yourself, but share it instead. :)

The website can be found here: Be sure to read it, there isn't too much text there anyway. ;)
Registration will start on the 1st of January, right after midnight.

If you have questions, feel free to ask. :)

General discussion / Re: Looking for translator
« on: December 13, 2009, 12:54 PM »
Well, beer, I already sent you a mail regarding this, I donno if you got it. :x
If yes, please reply when you can, and I will send you the texts. :) I just collected them for van, and it is exactly one page, lol. :D Not a page full of text, though.

General discussion / Re: Looking for translator
« on: December 12, 2009, 02:55 PM »
van, it'd be nice if you could do a Polish one, yes. :) If you'll email me, I'll send you the texts.
Thank you! :)

General discussion / Looking for translator
« on: December 12, 2009, 12:25 PM »

A project is about to unfold its wing next year, a project called Worms Scheme Contest, or WSC for short.
Like its name suggests, it is going to be a scheme contest.
Initially, I planned to include translations of the site in certain languages, to make sure people not speaking English are not excluded. However, even though, as it stands now, the site will be available in English (duh), German, Spanish, Russian and Hungarian, but one of the most widely used languages is still missing: Portugese.

I would be really grateful if someone with decent English AND Portugese skills would PM/email me, and would translate some texts. If you are worried about that it would be too much work, I can assure you, the text is around one page long in a simple Notepad, maybe even less.

However, this would be urgent, since I plan to launch the site maybe next week, and start the entire contest on January 1st, so if I won't have a Portugese translation, I will have to exclude that language, and possibly quite a lot people from this event.  :(

Thank you for your time.

Leagues General / Re: a question about DoN
« on: November 26, 2008, 07:43 PM »
ppl, what in tarnation is DoN? I HAVE TO KNOW! XD

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