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Messages - Waffle

Pages: [1] 2
FD / Re: FD Diary
« on: July 28, 2014, 09:44 AM »
FD versus NNN xD
We played a couple of FuWaTe matches, which is an interesting and fun mix of Soccer, Volleyball and Squash.
Had a great time and I hope we can repeat this someday!  :-*

/EDIT: NNN won every single match, though ^^

FD / Re: Trip to Worms
« on: April 23, 2014, 01:59 PM »
where are those worms from? did you make them yourself?


Yeah, the word "worms" has no meaning in the german language.
It's one of the oldest cities of germany. The name changed many times very slightly in the past 2.000+ years. From "Bormetomagus" finally into "Worms"

I thought wurm was an old germanic word for dragon

English "Worm" = German "Wurm".
German "Worm" = no meaning.
Don't know anything about dragons in this content, but might be :D

The plush worms were advertised on the Facebook page of Team17 some years back.
They are sold on the shop "GameOnStuff" on facebook. But now there are many other pages where you can buy them.
Link to GameOnStuff:
There are 3 sizes: keychain, medium, large.
Here's an image of Andy Davidson with the large one for scale xD

They aren't the best quality, though..

FD / Re: Trip to Worms
« on: April 22, 2014, 05:23 PM »
Yeah, the word "worms" has no meaning in the german language.
It's one of the oldest cities of germany. The name changed many times very slightly in the past 2.000+ years. From "Bormetomagus" finally into "Worms"

FD / Trip to Worms
« on: April 22, 2014, 04:26 PM »
Hey guys, I just drove my way down to Worms (Germany)
just to play some Worms Forts with my Worms at the Forts of Worms.
But after walking a little around in Worms, I found this
Yes, you see right, a Worms brewery.  :D
Their mascot is not a Worm, but close enough!
My pals just love their beer!  :-*

Why not simply calling it Wormtube as in

I am currently working on animating the 4 Wormsongs (title songs of Worms games).
Each Wormsong is one Video
I'm still working on the first scene and I just restarted the project, because i want to use a different 2D-animation software.
But I already know exactly how each scene is going to look like.
I make the Voice-Acting, the drawings and some of the music.
I could need some help with the music later...

The reason for all this is that I felt something listening to those great songs. I actually think they are really emotional if you think about them, but it's hard to do so the way the narrator of the original songs is speaking (fast and unaccented).
Therefore and because of the fact that many people don't know the wormsongs at all, it's my self-imposed duty to share what I feel and see when I listen to them songs.

The current plan is to release the first animated Wormsong in the middle of may and it would be great to have it on that youtube channel.
This first movie will leave some questions open, which will keep unanswered until the very last movie.
Sorry for that, but you will need to wait quite a while for the last one..

General discussion / Re: Worms Age
« on: December 07, 2012, 02:46 PM »
I do not have a girlfriend, Rok.
Anyways, thanks, that link helped me a little, although Team17's worms are no real earthworms (they have eyes, hands and a mouth)
But it is said, that Worms live ~6.5 years.
The average human lives 70 years.

Since Team17's Worms are something between human and earthworms (they even speak our language), i am pretty sure, that i can refer to both forms of life.

let's assume, that Team17's Worms reach the age of 7, that would mean, that a 2 year old worm already used 28.5% of its lifetime.

A human that already lived for 28.5% of its lifetime is nearly 20 years old.

Mmh. This would mean, that a worm at the age of 5 is like a human at the age of 50.

But although I say "Hello young Sir" to 50 year-old guys, i do not personally think that they are "young".. But Boggy B IS YOUNG!!

AAh, this doesn't make any sense.

/EDIT:  GOT IT! It's quite obvious and I ask myself why I didnt know the solution way earlier.
Team17's Worms can reach an age of 17 years! Sounds logical, huh?

This would mean, Boggy B was in human-age about 8 years old when his father left him. And oh my gawd, it's f@#!ing sad if the parents leave their 8 year old kid .. forever..
BUT an 8 year old kid CAN handle this situation with the right spirit filled with VENGEANCE for his fallen father!!

Mistery solved.

8 years when his father left and about 21 years when he finished his training and entered the warfare.
an 8 year old kid is about half the size of a grown up.. Boggy B got six times as tall in those 3 years, but that doesnt matter to me anymore, worms grow in a different way as humen and i assume that a 5 year old worm is ALMOST grown up, it can get up to 3.5 inch instead of those 3 inch. (3.5 is the half of 7 and numbers always have any relation to 17)
That sounds ok to me, I thank you all for your help!

General discussion / Worms Age
« on: December 04, 2012, 03:54 PM »
Hi everyone, I've got a huge problem in my brain..
Got a general question about Worms / the Wormsongs..
I've already tried contacting Team17 and Bjorn Lynne, no answers..

So, let's start..
How old do those animated Worms get, how long do they need to grow up from a baby to an adult and how tall can they get?
Some Data:
Wormsong 1995 "[...] When he was two, his father had left, never to return, 3 years he had waited for his chance to fight, 3 years of training [...]"
Wormsong 1995 "[...] Three inches tall and armed to the teeth, a fine soldier he made, and his name was 'Boggy B'"
Wormsong 2003 "We join Clagnut, son of Spadge, [...] This was the moment he had trained for since he was only half an inch long!"
Wormsong 2011 "This young worm was gripped with fear, but on the eve of battle, his mission was clear!"

Assuming, that Clagnut was 2 years old when he started to train, worms at this age are 0,5 inch long and grow 6 times larger in the following 3 years (3 inch at the age of 5).
Boggy B, who is at least 5 years old at Wormsong 2011 is declared as "young".
Being two years old means being a baby if you look at human, but Boggy B was old enough to care for his own after his father left.

But I don't like the idea of Boggy B being "old" at this time of his life. It's way more emotional having a crying baby waiting for his dad to come back home, recognizing that this will never happen and getting ready for warfare...

What do you think?
How old and how tall can worms get? For example Boggy's father (at wat age are worms pubscent?)...

I don't know much about real earthworms, but maybe you do and maybe you can refer to that.

Leagues Complaints / Re: Game #114008
« on: June 21, 2012, 02:02 PM »
Wow, that actually makes sense. I agree, close this topic :)

Leagues Complaints / Re: Game #114008
« on: June 14, 2012, 03:05 PM »
A skip after over 16 Minutes? Wohoo.

The Sprite of my Worm definitely touched the wall, I was sure about that, but I didn't hear the sound that usually comes after bouncing off a wall, so, yeah. maybe there was 1 little pixel between the actual worm inside of the worm sprite and the wall .. But does that really count as a cow? The visible part of the worm touched the wall with his whole tail.
I just didn't want to talk any further about this with jooako, since he was tons of pixel away from a wall some turns before and didn't even reply. That just didn't feel fair to me, and since he kept on saying that I cowed and that i should watch the replay after the match, I said 'count that as a skip'

And yes, as far as I know, tus rule is, that you are allowed to grab the crate after cowing and then skip.
Well, even if I cowed, I didn't skip, but I didn't attack either.

He attacked right after his cow (and 'technically skipped' many turns afterwards). That's like comparing apples to oranges.

And I wouldn't even complain about that cow that cost me 8hp, if he didn't call me a cow afterwards.

Leagues Complaints / [SOLVED] Game #114008
« on: June 13, 2012, 09:42 PM »

I want this game to be deleted, not to count it as a tus-game.
My opponent cowed, didn't skip and attacked me again in the next turn.
Read the Comment below this game for further information and / or watch the replay.

Leagues Games Comments / Game #114008, Reported by Jooako
« on: June 13, 2012, 09:29 PM »
On your turn that starts at 00:07:50.90, you didn't touch one wall (You didn't even come close to it) and you gave a f@#! about what I said afterwards.
In your next turn, you touched all the walls, grabbed the crate and placed a dynamite right on the head of my poor worm.
(No skip)
You cowed!

About my turn, that started at 00:14:38.88, you said that I cowed, which confused me. Now I checked it and I didn't cow there.

I don't want this game to be listed here. Let it be a non-tus game or otherwise a win for me.

Off Topic / Re: new shoes!
« on: April 05, 2012, 07:27 PM »
Well I'm fine with my 3 year old Steel Toes xD

Leagues Games Comments / Game #95315, Reported by DENnis
« on: December 20, 2011, 04:43 PM »
Wohooooow, what a quick but awesome game.
vgj DENnis!
Only a few little misses when Y2JID had that hard hide.

General discussion / Re: Show us your worms-workplace!
« on: November 18, 2011, 11:13 AM »
That's where the uncle Doctor works in, hell yeah, it's a waffle!

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