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Messages - FoxHound

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Wormkit Modules / Re: wkTerrainSync
« on: February 21, 2024, 12:39 AM »
how do u make maps work, i coped and pasted in mspaint to make mirrored map from mapgen but it wont work in wa

I'm a MS Paint map maker, and unfortunately, Paint alone cannot make maps work in WA (PNG ones I'm saying). I use Gimp to set 64, 96, or 112/113 colors. GIMP is free software and you only click on two or 3 buttons to convert colors for WA. Don't forget that maps dimensions must be divisible by 8.

Edit: by the way, you probably just forgot how to make maps, because you have some with Original, Elaborate, Good Graphics and other wild tags, while the recent map I participated has a completely new and unreleased scheme, not to say other creative parts of the map, such as sbs' "one shot roping" and the map didn't even receive Original tag. The map I made with sbs called DFW City took more testings and more time (not to say it has a trailer and a scheme icon gif of 20 handmade frames) than the BigBilly's coop project and the map didn't receive much tags.

Leagues General / Re: Could we update the TFL Boom Race scheme?
« on: February 20, 2024, 11:36 PM »
In my opinion there should be save state rule for Bungee Race. Walking back to the bungee spot is torture for me. I think teleporting back to it or jetpacking is quality of life. There should be a rule about this. I really don't enjoy playing bungee race, just because you need to walk the same paths many, many times during many turns, and it's definitely not fun to play this way.

Teleport back to the checkpoint you were should be a mandatory rule for Bungee Race. Teleport would need SDET. Jet Pack doesn't need SDET. Teleport is easier to go back, though. I prefer tele than jet.

About LDET for bungee, I think it will be like playing boom Race in single shot mode if no LDET, only rare, lucky or few exceptions would be able to progress without loosing the turn. Not sure about it, but definitely it is a skill to avoid the worm loose control.

Leagues Games Comments / Re: Game #240675, reported by Sbaffo
« on: February 19, 2024, 12:01 AM »
I'm not a BnG player. But I think I'm in favor of adding reaim feature and all other BnG rubberworm or TS features since always. I think reaim is not even the most polemical feature, for me is that Anti-lock power that the max power is harder to achieve, and the power starts regressing until reach zero and release the weapon on your own worm.

EDIT: and by the way, yes I am totally in favor for less turn time for BnG. 7 seconds is a great value, and also it is the name of a song that I love and the lyrics are in 3 different languages and basically talk about racism. In my interpretation of the lyrics, 7 seconds is the time that someone will wait to see if someone will look at your skin color and treat you good, with respect. If 7 seconds pass and no good treatment happens, then it's better to go away and don't talk to that person.

So yeah, basically 7 seconds in BnG is the time you have to give a respectful shot and apply 46 damage to the opponent.


ZaR / Re: Rope schemes without parachute
« on: February 18, 2024, 11:03 PM »
It all depends on what you want to see.  Do you want speed roping in rope race?  Parachute and LDET.  Do you want consistency rope race?  No parachute.  ZaR roper is a more punishing, more luck based roper than 15sec TUS roper.  I appreciate all of them, especially the legendary CaveZaR, but for rope race I generally like parachute and people trying faster techniques than just trying not to fall.

My option is TUS big rr should have LDET/para to make it as fast as possible, now it is basically a don’t fall competition.  TUS already has a lot of schemes that basically destroy you if you fall just once I.e. roper, ttrr.  I’d like to see these schemes become less punitive for greater variety.

I completely agree.

Actually, rubberworm is what you need to make it as fast as possible.

You don't need to use f keys at all as rope is the only thing you have and need.

You bounce instead of fall and don't ever have to wait to shoot rope again.

You even have new tricks you need to learn that can actually make you get round parts faster than what was even possible before.

It's a completely new game and IMO it's for the best of the best as there are less limits. Which means it all comes down to how physically fast you are and your endurance.

I completely agree.

Wow, I never thought old school people would be saying this about LDET and Rubber bounciness. I'm surprised.

LDET or Rubber bounciness confirmed for future RR scheme? If Rubber bounciness, the value of it should be discussed. 20%, 40%, 50%, 70%?
I'd say something between 10 and 40 percent, but I would have to test a lot to reach a conclusion.

Congratulations to Danger135 for the gold medal. I considered trying a bit more, but honestly it would be very hard to beat Danger. My resolution wouldn't help either. Congratulations to all the others that participated. LeTotalKiller got the Bronze.

Leagues General / Re: Could we update the TFL Boom Race scheme?
« on: February 14, 2024, 03:54 PM »
Sdet all race schemes.

There are Board Game maps that were not designed for SDET (Weapon use doesn't end turn). Well, at least if you play with the wind rule, SDET would mess things up. If you play without wind rule as "task race", then maybe all maps should be ok with SDET. But, I'm really not sure, because Board Game always surprises.

I think big rr should be the same scheme as tower, and Lupa should be able to pick it whenever he wants, but I guess it’s a personal choice for komo for his TRL baby.  Tower roperace is still a big rope race.  Also - it’s just f@#!ing silly, how would you be able to differentiate a tower from a big rr?  For example, SiD’s Guitower is just a typical big rr, but you rope to the top, not an evil big tower like some.  Where does a big rr end and a tower begin?  It would be virtually impossible to tell which maps fall into tower category and which are big rr maps.  Who will determine which is which?

I think Big RR and Tower should be separated. Why? I think most Towers are evil, they have humor, if you fall you NEED TELEPORT, at least for funners, even with anti-sink and 1 worm. I already suggested a feature I call Save State that players go back to a saved position pressing a button. This is needed for bungee race and all other races. Anti Sink helps, but not all maps explore Anti Sink feature, and there are parts of the map that are on top and there's no access to the water, it's bad that a map maker needs to always make maps with water at the bottom to "force save state" using anti sink.

Big RR doesn't need teleport. In this case, teleport will annoy players as Lupastic stated. Removing teleport from Big RR would be a good thing. Although, I think Deadcode or other devs should really think on a solution for these weapons that annoy the gameplay. For example in the scheme settings it would be amazing to select an option to ignore a determined weapon when pressing an F-key, or only pressing shift + F-key for that weapon. This would be great specially for f12 too. It would be a scheme specific thing or maybe something that players could configure, maybe even during the game.

There are many cases of maps that are in the grey area, middle term between two gameplay styles. I think that playing BIG RR and TTRR is a huge difference in terms of gameplay. Someone good in Big RR would suffer against a TTRR player. I think unifying everything and call this RR is not ok for competitive play. The same for Tower and Big RR.

I think each league scheme should receive an official mappack with a pattern of maps, because for example, I know that is not a famous scheme and not played competitively yet, but Boom for Weapons can be very different in terms of gameplay on each map you play. There are very evil maps and there are very easy maps. There are maps that explore the use of skunk a lot, there are maps that don't use skunk. Someone good with skunk would have advantage on certain maps, people good with some crazy combos would be good on other maps. It's complicated to select which map would fit best for a league, but I think that removing evil maps would be a great thing, this to all schemes. Evil maps are challenge maps, not good gameplay maps. Evil maps might be fun to play offline, not fun to play online.

To sum up: Big RR and Tower are different schemes. They deserve a proper scheme, because they need. In my point of view, I think that Big RR could receive a more conservative scheme that will be well seen for most players, specially the old school ropers. While Tower could receive a modern scheme, with LDET or even Rubber bounciness. Because the scheme is less serious anyway. I know that it is a hardcore gameplay scheme, it is serious in this sense, but I'm saying that compared to Big RR it has way more weird parts, creative gameplay, unexpected things you need to do, and when you fall it can really make you go behind other players. Falling in Big RR is not the same thing.

EDIT: We could also separate Creative/Handmade Big RR from Program-made/predictable, symmetrical, constant Big RR map.

Seems a great system. I will say again that I agree with this classification system. I liked that some alternative schemes are being considered too. So, it's not necessarily always the same old schemes that were already being played since always. I like the idea to play each game a different scheme type. This way, there is no complain about rope or ground schemes.




I would enjoy playing on this. Next step is a Ladies and Gentlemen terrain.

If you don't want a terrain to be shared or appear, you can put on Level Legacy folder, it will not spread if you do this, and you can have it on your computer, just without using it.

I remember downloading Yotsuba terrain from Discord, I think it is a Terrain by Nizikawa, but I'm not sure. It can be some random player and someone just threw the link on WA server. Using Discord search we might discover who is the author.

Off Topic / Re: Mug shots / Post your face !
« on: February 11, 2024, 06:41 PM »
Carnival time.


Off Topic / Re: ALL Hip-Hop & Rap FANS POST HERE!!!!!
« on: February 08, 2024, 11:22 PM »

It does sound like Linkin Park. I loved it. Mike Shinoda and Mr. Hahn, they still exist!

By the way, not sure if this is exactly the best example of a Hip Hop song, but the group has a good influence of rap. This one of my favorite songs, it is sang in Spanish language, but it also features the Brazilian famous singer Maria Rita singing in Portuguese language.



Bug Report / [SOLVED] Not a bug, but a serious issue.
« on: February 05, 2024, 10:26 AM »
Why Anti-LGBT flag is available for download here? 99% of the comments against it were deleted and the flag is still available for download.

I don't understand this. Is it ok to spread hate on TUS? I don't think so.

44 min 52 sec dodging meteors according to the log. In real life, that would be 17 min 36 sec dodging meteors I think (considering only the retreat time). Wow! I doubt I'll beat your record. But, at least I beat you once in our 2 rounds online of this scheme. You won the other, though. The others were still learning how to use Jet Pack and press enter. I hope we play more FEA funners or other schemes! It was fun today, long time I don't play Neocombat with 6 players, all of them beginners, unfortunately you were without teams to play (only as spectator), my bad, I didn't see this. The players enjoyed a lot Neocombat, we played 3 rounds!

Leagues Games Comments / Re: Game #240350, reported by Ledan
« on: January 31, 2024, 01:45 PM »
What about official mappacks for the league schemes? I think that's the best solution. The Mappack can be increased with new maps tested and approved by the community.

Maps / Re: Can we have a section for Grenade Wars please?
« on: January 31, 2024, 01:41 PM »
This post reminds me this topic:

I agree with Komito. And I think more categories should be added.

Kill The King
Big Kaos (big islands)

I can make a list again of the ones I feel that are more important.

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