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Messages - ArtecTheFox

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8 9
Leagues Complaints / Re: j0hny
« on: December 09, 2013, 06:05 PM »
I hate how pecet is seen like an angel here...

Who said that? xD Of course I am not, I also make mistakes. You know, nobody's perfect.

Let's give up any insults showcase here. I'm gonna explain such pieces of the conversation:

[00:16:41.74] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] a ja sobie tez tylko dla jaj [But I also did it for the heck of it.]
[00:16:43.38] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] i co? [And what?]
[00:16:50.22] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] lyso Ci, nie? xD [It hurts you, right? xD]

Okay, that time I just couldn't have handled myself and hence come up with a better statement. I can apologise for this one but here:

[00:17:29.12] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] ej masz racje jestem polak robak cebuulak xd [Hey, you're right, I'm a Polish worm, a redneck. xd]
[00:17:49.58] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] troche humoru, Jezu [A bit of humour, Jesus...]

I was just showing my distance to him, that I didn't really care what he said about me, I mean I just wanted the game, if not the case he went away for just being upset, I wouldn't even think about creating this thread. Well, I still want to play that one and somehow, I don't really give a damn about the conclusion/final verdict of the complaint. It's up to the 'bosses'.

I didn't write this seriously, I don't understand why he complained about it on the forum, and not solved this problem like a man just between us :D

Well, j0hny, it ought to be rather you, who would share an example with me and finally talk to me directly, even though this thread is still active. (I'm even surprised you haven't done it, yet!) I haven't blocked you and I'm not even going to therefore, as long as I haven't reported it as a free victory, you can still play the league with me. :) 'Nuff said!

Leagues Complaints / Re: j0hny
« on: December 08, 2013, 09:02 PM »
I mean that with such a character, probably dont have many friends, and that why I didn't want play with you, it's because, I didn't wanted talk with you, because your behavior upset me.

I'm not offended him, and ''gimbusek'' is just a statement his behavior.
I dontt understand his jokes, and he doesn't understand my jokes, we not right for each other, and it would be better as we will be avoided.

That's not a reason to ignore me completely. I had already offered you to play the free TUS league and you rejected it because of my "bad attitude" towards you. I've already seen matches (along with the proposals) between taner or Mink and someone else, and I've never seen any avoiding attempts like that in their cases, yet. Another fact is that I can remark your offensive actions towards me from the logs anytime, would you like to read them carefully while being remarked for the public? How's "gimbus" not an offence for you? Explain your own point of view of the word, please.

You could just play with him instead of ragequit. Thats all...


Leagues Complaints / Re: j0hny
« on: December 08, 2013, 07:01 PM »
haha I was kidding about it :D he could tell his favorite scheme :)
I didn't write this seriously, I don't understand why he complained about it on the forum, and not solved this problem like a man just between us :D

I wanted to do so but... it's YOU who refused to play the league with me at all! Can't you realise it, yet? You were totally quiet in the Patree's lobby and when you came back to #AG after that, you only managed to say that "now I see why I don't have friends". Plus, how could I understand you're joking by that statement? On the other hand, I was just also kidding with that penalty sticker and you didn't get it as a joke, surprisingly, Mr. Wiseguy.

Leagues Complaints / Re: j0hny
« on: December 08, 2013, 06:27 PM »
omg lol :D I didn't know that this so offend you xdd That I called you a ''gimbusem'' it because, you behaved like him.
I apologize if you are so much offended, but you're the first to call me a ''dick penalty''
nevermind :D I do not understand your jokes.

Well, from my personal research it seems to me like it's you who felt offended and there's no evidence in all the content I put here that I felt so. I guess it's another act of your arrogance – I didn't call you a "dick penalty" like you pretend, I just virtually gave such a sticker to you, moreover, you haven't even bothered asking me about the TUS league, yet. Please don't make a mountain out of a molehill.

Leagues Complaints / [SOLVED] j0hny
« on: December 08, 2013, 04:08 PM »
Yesterday, I got issues with the guy called j0hny. It all started when I asked him for a free TUS league on the Mole Shopper funner lobby. He agreed and the funner started. Then I told him about my pick but he refused to tell his until I point out the schemes I dislike. I gave him free choice, so he can choose any scheme, even some one I may don't know but he still keep asking me about it and I got pretty mad right after I realised the way how he wants to choose his own pick. So I told him that I'm giving him the so-called "karny kutas" ("penalty dick" – a famous Polish sticker) and the statement of it was just supposed to be funny but not offensive in any way. And then he started an argument, he called me a "gimbus" (an informal Polish word that means a school pupil of Gymnasium, a part of education in Poland, in a contemptuously way but in this case it's a simple insult that means a person acting like a casual 13-16-year-old teenager), that "my girlfriend left me" and some other abusements towards me. I didn't want to make/raise any flame wars, I just wanted to prevent him from doing it but he got me, eventually and refused me to ask about anything.


07.12 22:47: to #AnythingGoes:  j0hny`UC`pH> !host mole
07.12 22:47: j0hny`UC`pH: QUIT :Joined Game

The log from the Mole Shopper gameplay along with the English translation written in yellow:

[00:00:00.00] [HostingBuddy] Have lots of fun, and the best of luck!
[00:00:00.00] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] gl hf ya'll
[00:00:00.00] sW`RunAway funzz
[00:00:01.28] [j0hny`UC`pH] njoy
[00:01:19.54] [j0hny`UC`pH] jaki pick grasz? [Which pick do you want to play?]
[00:01:29.50] Fox`PeCeT`DOS..j0hny`UC`pH: Minowe szalenstwo [Mine Madness.]
[00:01:34.32] [j0hny`UC`pH] k
[00:01:46.08] [j0hny`UC`pH] w co nie lubisz grac? [What games do you dislike?]
[00:02:27.64] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] ady dobra, daj, co tam chcesz [Ah, it's alright, pick anything you want.]
[00:03:15.14] [j0hny`UC`pH] ok tylko musze sie dowiedziec w co nie lubisz grac 'D [OK, I just want to get to know what games you don't like. :D]
[00:03:16.90] [j0hny`UC`pH] :D
[00:04:08.52] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] heh
[00:04:19.60] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] a po co Ci ta wiedza? [For what do you need such knowledge?]
[00:04:47.62] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] hmmm
[00:04:56.56] [j0hny`UC`pH] bo nie wiem jaki pick wybrac :D [Because I dunno what to pick. :D]
[00:04:57.86] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] Godmax wants to play his game specially created for me
[00:05:00.30] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] heh
[00:05:08.36] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] to powiedz wpierw to, co masz na mysli [So let's say your thoughts, firstly.]
[00:05:17.00] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] zreszta, nie moge odwolac Twojego wyboru [Anyway, I cannot reject your choice.]
[00:05:20.40] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] zasad nie znasz? [Dunno the rules?]
[00:05:27.94] [j0hny`UC`pH] wiem [I know.]
[00:05:37.46] [j0hny`UC`pH] ale chce wybrac to w co nie lubisz grac :D [But I want to choose a game you don't like. :D]
[00:06:26.72] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] oopsie [about the turn]
[00:06:55.40] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] w to co nie lubie [A game that I don't like...]
[00:07:06.00] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] i tu juz masz u mnie wielkiego kutasa na droge [And from now on you've just got a big dick from me for the journey.]
[00:07:15.56] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] ta slynna nalepka [That famous sticker.]
[00:07:23.58] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] karnego, znaczy sie, kutasa [I mean, a penalty dick.]
[00:07:25.66] [j0hny`UC`pH] what is wrong with this crate?
[00:07:48.08] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] to Ci powiem, ze nie trawie CTF, bo luckerskie to jak nic [So I can tell you that I can't stand CTF's cuz they're 'luckery' like nothing...]
[00:07:58.26] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] i w ogóle chujowe [...and shitty in overall.]
[00:09:09.62] [j0hny`UC`pH] a ciebie co? Dziewczyna rzucila? [And what's with you? Your girlfriend left you?]
[00:09:24.32] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] i co kryjesz swoja osobowosc [And what's with you hiding your own identity?]
[00:09:25.94] [j0hny`UC`pH] nie uwiera Cie? [Doesn't it pinch you?]
[00:09:28.64] [sW`RunAway] ops
[00:09:29.40] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] juz mi paru o Tobie powiedzialo [Some people have already told me about you.]
[00:09:59.74] [j0hny`UC`pH] ze jaram zielsko? [That I smoke weed?]
[00:10:01.88] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] rofl [about the turn]
[00:10:02.44] [j0hny`UC`pH] D:
[00:10:09.30] [j0hny`UC`pH] nawet na youtubie mi to pisali xd [They've even told me about it on YouTube. xd]
[00:10:24.50] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] jak to ma spowodowac u mnie ból dupy, to sie gleboko mylisz [If this is gonna cause my butt hurting then you are very mistaken.]
[00:10:45.18] [j0hny`UC`pH] ty naprawde masz jakis problem :D [You've really got some problem. :D]
[00:10:55.00] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] i sie podnieca lol [And he's getting excited, lol...] [I was speaking of j0hny here]
[00:11:02.36] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] wiesz [You know...]
[00:11:09.18] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] ja tylko jedno pytanie skrytykowalem [...I've only criticised that one question from you...]
[00:11:15.38] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] a Ty myslisz, ze ja cie w ogóle [...and you think that I'm doing it in general.]
[00:11:46.10] [j0hny`UC`pH] nie uwiera cie? [Doesn't it pinch you?]
[00:12:09.24] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] ej, a Ty sie czujesz dobrze? [Hey, you're feeling alright?]
[00:12:17.22] [j0hny`UC`pH] ale nie uwiera cie? [But doesn't it pinch you?]
[00:12:17.98] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] bo ciagle nie przestajesz tematu "o dziewczynie" [Cuz you're still not finishing "the girlfriend" topic.]
[00:12:23.10] [j0hny`UC`pH] ten kij co go masz w dupie :D [That 'stick' you have in your ass. :D]
[00:12:30.54] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] aha
[00:12:39.56] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] fajny masz styl [You have a cool style.]
[00:13:01.82] [j0hny`UC`pH] wyluzuj kolo bo ci rzylka pieprznie [Chill out, dude, or you'll get your brain melted.]
[00:13:19.24] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] powiedzialem, ze przestajemy [I've said that we're finishing it.]
[00:13:51.80] [j0hny`UC`pH] sam zaczoles i nawet nie wiem o co, ale nie ty jeden gimbusek na swiecie [You started it yourself and I don't even know for what but you're not the only "gimbus"'ey on the world.]
[00:13:58.68] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] "gimbusek" ["Gimbus"'ey.]
[00:14:13.90] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] a wszystko tylko z jednego pytania [And all that coming from just one single question...]
[00:14:21.72] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] wiesz, ja Cie w ogóle jeszcze nie okreslilem [Well, I haven't even described you.]
[00:14:33.68] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] a to, ze ktos tam cos o Tobie mialo byc potraktowane jako ostrzezenie [And the fact that I said some stuff that someone had something about you was just ought to be taken as a warning...]
[00:14:36.48] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] a nie jako obelga [...and not as an insult.]
[00:15:27.82] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] po prostu nie fair sie pytac, jakich schematów ja nie lubie [It's just not fair to ask what scheme I dislike...]
[00:15:32.06] [j0hny`UC`pH] ja sie pytalem (dla jaj) jaki styl najmniej ci odpowiada, a ty mi o jakis kutasach wyjerzdzasz, pomysl czy to jest normalne? [I asked (for the heck of it) what style you approve least and you're talking about some dicks, think about it, is it even normal?]
[00:15:32.84] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] tylko po to, by mi/innym dopiec [...just to tease me/others.]
[00:16:26.36] [j0hny`UC`pH] nie wiadomo za co dostalem od Ciebie jakiegos kutasa, i teraz wychodzi na nie ze to ja jestem winny [I don't know the reason for getting some dick from you and now, it turns out that I'm the guilty guy.]
[00:16:29.42] [j0hny`UC`pH] wiesz co bujaj sie [You know what, get lost.]
[00:16:31.80] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] lmao xD [about the turn]
[00:16:41.74] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] a ja sobie tez tylko dla jaj [But I also did it for the heck of it.]
[00:16:43.38] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] i co? [And what?]
[00:16:50.22] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] lyso Ci, nie? xD [It hurts you, right? xD]
[00:17:29.12] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] ej masz racje jestem polak robak cebuulak xd [Hey, you're right, I'm a Polish worm, a redneck. xd]
[00:17:49.58] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] troche humoru, Jezu [A bit of humour, Jesus...]
[00:18:38.30] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] to nabroilem xd [about the turn]
[00:21:51.36] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] ufff
[00:22:33.20] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] gj
[00:22:33.40] [sW`RunAway] 99
[00:22:35.38] *** sW`RunAway is quitting
[00:22:35.44] [j0hny`UC`pH] gg
[00:22:36.40] *** sW`RunAway is quitting
[00:22:38.26] *** sW`RunAway disconnected due to quitting
[00:22:38.28] [HostingBuddy] sW`RunAway has disconnected: Connection closed(1 kill) to Ritas (Fox`PeCeT`DOS)
[00:22:54.16] *** **H?îR ßÂ?Đ$** (sW`RunAway) forced out by disconnection due to quitting
[00:23:55.74] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] a, i nie zalapales metafory z "karnym kutasem" [Oh, and you didn't get the metaphore about "the penalty dick".]
[00:24:01.70] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] ale mniejsza o to, jebac to [Never mind, f@#! it.]
[00:24:04.70] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] gg
[00:24:07.82] *** j0hny`UC`pH is quitting
[00:24:12.98] *** j0hny`UC`pH disconnected due to quitting
[00:24:13.00] [HostingBuddy] j0hny`UC`pH has disconnected: Connection closed

Back to #AG:

07.12 23:14: j0hny`UC`pH: JOIN :#AnythingGoes
07.12 23:14: Fox`PeCeTfull> ej [Hey...]
07.12 23:14: Fox`PeCeTfull> to moge hostnac? [Could I host?]
07.12 23:14: j0hny`UC`pH: QUIT :Joined Game
07.12 23:15: j0hny`UC`pH: JOIN :#AnythingGoes
07.12 23:15: j0hny`UC`pH: QUIT :Joined Game [he joined ShopperForPatree, managed to find him there quickly]

Coming to the ShopperForPatree lobby:

[2013-12-07 22.15.00] ••• Fox`PeCeT`DOS is joining a game on DirectIP named "", hosted by Direct IP
[2013-12-07 22.15.00] ••• Successfully joined game. Players are: HostingBuddy, Patree, Caio, j0hny`UC`pH, Fox`PeCeT`DOS
[2013-12-07 22.15.00] • Welcome to Patree's game, Fox`PeCeT`DOS.
[2013-12-07 22.15.01] [Patree] rules all or kick
[2013-12-07 22.15.04] *j0hny`UC`pH* tus free
[2013-12-07 22.15.04] • The owner has kicked Caio.
[2013-12-07 22.15.04] ••• Player parted or was kicked: Caio
[2013-12-07 22.15.07] • Selecting a random Shopper map from WMDB...
[2013-12-07 22.15.08] • Sending Husk_-_Swordmen's_grave.png [island (file), no borders (file), 0% water level (file)]
[2013-12-07 22.15.11] [Patree] rules pecet? (:
[2013-12-07 22.15.12] *j0hny`UC`pH* co sie obraziles na mnie? [The hell, have you taken offence at me?]
[2013-12-07 22.15.14] [Fox`PeCeT`DOS] cka xd
[2013-12-07 22.15.17] • Selecting a random Shopper map from WMDB...
[2013-12-07 22.15.18] • Sending AngelTimi88_-_Paints_Flowers.png [island (file), no borders (file), 2% water level (drops) (file)]
[2013-12-07 22.15.19] • Selecting a random Shopper map from WMDB...
[2013-12-07 22.15.20] • Sending Kilgore_-_PantoShop.png [island (file), no borders (file), 0% water level (file)]
[2013-12-07 22.15.21] • Selecting a random Shopper map from WMDB...
[2013-12-07 22.15.23] • Sending Indi_-_Ice_Cold_Shopper.png [island (default), no borders (default), 0% water level (default)]
[2013-12-07 22.15.39] *j0hny`UC`pH* jakiego picka masz? [What's your pick?]
[2013-12-07 22.15.42] ••• Player parted or was kicked: j0hny`UC`pH [as you can see, he totally ignored me here]

And again, back to #AG:

07.12 23:16: j0hny`UC`pH: JOIN :#AnythingGoes
07.12 23:16: Fox`PeCeTfull> lecz sie
07.12 23:16: Fox`PeCeTfull> gosciu [Take your medicine, dude.]
07.12 23:17: j0hny`UC`pH> teraz juz wiesz dlaczego nie masz przyjaciol [Now you know why you don't have friends.]
07.12 23:17: Fox`PeCeTfull> co [What?]
07.12 23:17: j0hny`UC`pH: QUIT :Hosting a game: k4tsis

I keep in mind that I may deserve a free victory for the free league match (when Mine Madness was supposed to be the pick of mine) but before any actions like that, I want to hear the final opinion from the judges. I'm attaching the proofs, as well.

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #603, TC Cup #3
« on: November 12, 2013, 10:22 AM »
13,14,15,17.11.2013 at 13-17 gmt. say date  :)

OK, let's make it on 13th November this year, at 13:00 GMT.

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #615, TUS Team17 CUP 2v2
« on: November 09, 2013, 11:35 AM »
Totally cannot play on Thursdays and Fridays. I'm available on late Monday and Tuesday afternoons and feel free to post here any time proposal for Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday because there's a large chance I'm gonna agree with that.

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #608, Banana Show by Gelio Cup
« on: November 08, 2013, 09:50 PM »
How soon?

Right now. Don't worry if it's too short – I may consider some random or already-planned events to extend it a bit if strongly needed.

Promotion Project / Re: Tus Movie !?
« on: November 07, 2013, 09:46 PM »
Well, sorta, but would like to mix these clips with a bigger variety of schemes played (not just roping- or perfect aiming-oriented schemes), put statements/commentaries about their gaming experience there and maybe even give some chance to poorer players who would like to introduce themselves in the movie by showing off stuff of theirs... Some encouragement acts from the WA/TUS community sound profitable to me.

Promotion Project / Re: Tus Movie !?
« on: November 07, 2013, 03:19 PM »
It could contain informations sbout how to start WA on new Windows, what is Tus + so skillfull showcase moves,
and it not need to be lon, even 30 - 60 secounds is enaugh,

Speaking of these skilful showcase moves, we could actually make a huge collab presentation – many wormers would have their 10-20 seconds to show some best move(s) they've achieved so far but what I'd like to express here is the will to put emphasis on the amount of peeps starring in the actual video. The beginning of the movie would be a short, one and half a minute tutor about launching WA on nowadays machines with a brief showcase of TUS website.

The significant thing here is the director – to manage to pick and merge the right clips made by the participants of such a collab.

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #603, TC Cup #3
« on: November 07, 2013, 02:03 PM »

Friday 14 GMT?

Too early to me, sorry, this time I'm in academy, yet. But I'm free during both Saturday and Sunday.

Knockouts have just started! Good luck and have fun there, the deadline will be set soon.

Okay, I've extended the deadline to 27th October but this is the latest term to offer. The latest.

Leagues Games Comments / Re: Game #156082, reported by PeCeTfull
« on: October 21, 2013, 08:50 PM »
gj guys keep it up :)

Thanks, it is really appreciated. ;)

Moreover, I'd like to thank MarianRV very, very, very much for some of his moves and tries (he's getting better for real and that's the coolest thing about it), especially for the last one – if not that one, most probably we would have already been wasted! ;D

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #601, Mine Madness #3
« on: October 19, 2013, 10:02 PM »

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