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Messages - Ashtar

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
The users are always sorted by join time. I suppose only Lookias knows how.

If you hover the mouse pointer over the sorting button, you see the message "If sorting is off, users will be sorted by the channel visiting order."

I made a request there. I reported a fault too.
Odinist, I've just fixed your issue #18 (this is what, it seems, you've called "a fault") with commit 976c8bf457c18771119afea3c4fa35be2175f74a.

Since this commit it displays the user's logon time, so the message now appears like this: ::)
<This user is idle during 10:57:12; online since Sat May 3 01:30:23 2014.

But I'm not sure if it has anything to do with your "improperly sorting while sorting is off" (rly wtf?) issue. I think it has nothing to do with this, but I'm anyway unable to turn the sorting off -- how did you do this?

This fix (the idle button) will be included in 2.9.1 (you can watch the progress on GitHub), although you may always build the very latest tws-master (or even 3.0-unstable!) for yourself youself.

The sorting thingy will be implemented in 3.0.

Thank you for the fix. In version 2.8 the idle message was similar to the way you say you made it now.

The sorting is easily deactivated at the top right of the program, right above the user list. I click the "Sorting off" button and restart the program. In version 2.8, when it is set not to sort, the sorting is as I prefer. The longer I stay in the channel, the farther I go downward on the list. I can see that those who have been idle or stayed for long, including ChanServ and others, are at the bottom. If I restart the program, I can see that all the users, including the newest, are still sorted as before I left.

Good work with the program. It works well.

Thank you for the effort. It works well.

Something bothers me slightly. When sorting is off, it no longer sorts as before. I could see who had been in the channel for the longest, and the newest users were at top. Now I can only see who has joined the channel after me, and they are sorted at bottom. The rest are sorted randomly. None of the sorting options is of my preference.

I wish the sorting were as before, but I am happy with the update. I am glad to see the program being developed.

Would you like an option to sort by channel join time? JFYI, there is an issue #3 opened on the bugtracker, that is related to sorting. And I haven't investigated how these things works in TWS yet.

I'm sorry, but the way it worked before (when the sorting was off) is not documented (not obvious), so I can't say I've broken some feature. Hence, I think your wish should be considered as a regular feature request. You are welcome to open an issue. ;D

I made a request there. I reported a fault too.

I connect to a game but decide to leave before the game starts. Other games have meanwhile been hosted. Now another game than I joined is marked as if I joined that before.

It is not a serious problem but can be confusing. It never occured in the previous version.

Thank you for the effort. It works well.

Something bothers me slightly. When sorting is off, it no longer sorts as before. I could see who had been in the channel for the longest, and the newest users were at top. Now I can only see who has joined the channel after me, and they are sorted at bottom. The rest are sorted randomly. None of the sorting options is of my preference.

I wish the sorting were as before, but I am happy with the update. I am glad to see the program being developed.

General discussion / Re: Team17 forums closing
« on: June 22, 2013, 11:12 PM »
What will now be Deadcode and Cybershadow's main place to interact with players?

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