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Messages - cgar

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bit glitchy and uncut but im lazy and cba fixing it, or using Ghoulgle lol. #1153 - RT Cup - BRR, 2022-09-16, cgar, Big Billy.mkv

General discussion / Re: WormNET Moderations
« on: August 27, 2022, 08:10 PM »
lmao, the solution is to not get so annoyed that you start going on about killing and torture.
Even if a miracle happened and moderation got 100 times better it still wouldn't matter. It can easily take less than a minute to change IP and nickname making it impossible to stop it.
If you want to keep using wormnet you should really learn to chill out more and not let such things get to you so much.
As it stands you are basically these people's ideal trolling target.

General discussion / Re: WormNET Moderations
« on: August 27, 2022, 02:38 AM »
lol, welcome to wormNET. It's pretty much always been like this. Just install wkKick38 and call it a day.
Personally IMO its almost refreshing these days to see such an uncensored space on the internet.
Sure people can be dicks as a result. But you can always retaliate and blow off some steam then kick.

That archive is a bit weird. Justme12_-_Mario-shopper.png is referenced twice in it. So when extracting it asks to overwrite it with another version of itself lol

There are other duplicates too:
xSQDxNathan_-_Mario_2_Shoppa (1).png

Scimon_-_Mario_by_Scimon (1).png
Scimon_-_Mario_by_Scimon (2).png

Wormkit Modules / Re: wkWormOrder v. 1.2.0 released
« on: March 29, 2022, 01:40 AM »
Yea it's basically "Welcome to W:A, where vast hoards of unscrupulous people gaining unfair advantages in secret is totally fine. -- But a mod that promotes doing the same thing honestly is absolutely abhorrent"

The stupid drama in this thread basically killed the forthright openness of the mod and made provoking drama the default, even if all you want to do is see the order of YOUR OWN WORMS.

So yea, download wkSuperEpicCheatyHaxx.dll all you want. So long as you don't admit it the community will apparently be happy 🤦‍♂️

Wormkit Modules / Re: [Suggestion] wkPoliteKick (reason of the kick)
« on: October 30, 2021, 02:32 AM »
Don't think it would be possible unless both sides install it. But if you have to ask trolls to install a module so that you can kick them politely then you are in for a bad time :D
Even If it is possible to cause someones copy of WA to pop up messages without them installing a module though, that's kinna a huge security concern.

It would certainly be nice, but as far as I can see it would only really work if it was an official feature. Which is unlikely since the devs have said they want less kicking, not more.

Wormkit Modules / Re: wkWormOrder v. 1.1.0 released
« on: October 01, 2021, 02:21 AM »
I am disappointed, I looked through this whole thread in the hopes of finding a user with the "Muted" status so I could grab its image for discord, but noone was in mute or under observation, this is such a letdown

Wormkit Modules / Re: wkWormOrder v. 1.1.0 released
« on: September 24, 2021, 11:09 PM »
[...] you should stop encouraging Deadcode about including this noob feature [...]
[...] I saw you being extremely happy [...]
[...] why do you want to form the game in a shape that you prefer to play [...]
[...] you, with your small group of few friends [...]

Erm? What even is this? Are you actually just here to troll?

Wormkit Modules / Re: wkWormOrder v. 1.1.0 released
« on: September 24, 2021, 11:06 PM »
for competitive people will change their team after every match so downloading the team from a previous game is a null strategy.

Previous games? I mean the current game, as it is being written to disk. You can get the order from it no sweat without any message at all. I posted a video a while back a bout it:

There is also wireshark and probably a bunch of other methods. These actual cheating methods have been widespread for some time. This module is more open and widespread yes but it does it honestly. And may even convert some of those who use the sneaky methods over to this more honest method. Which is why I see it as anti cheating not pro cheating.

Wormkit Modules / Re: wkWormOrder v. 1.1.0 released
« on: September 24, 2021, 10:00 PM »
lmao this is still going on? I can't believe people are still calling this thing a cheat lol.

So manually reordering your team before the match and using a piece of paper to store order is fine, but sparing yourself the tedium of using crappy paper in 2021 is apparently a heinous crime? 🤦‍♂️

I've said it before but maybe its been buried too much now. Getting the worm order of everyone in secret is trivial. It is as simple as printing the replay or using one of the other many other methods. ACTUAL cheaters will simply just use these methods instead of this nice honest one that posts a message if it is used to get the team order of the opponent.

So in effect, this module is more an ANTI CHEATING module. Not in the sense that it prevents it, that's currently impossible, but in the sense that it nudges people towards honestly getting the order instead of deceiving their opponent and getting it secretly in the shadows. Something that has been trivially possible for years and many actual legit cheaters will have been fervently exploiting.

Wormkit Modules / Re: wkWormOrder v. 1.1.0 released
« on: September 21, 2021, 07:46 PM »
Yea what the hell. Nizikawa went to the trouble of making this and many other wonderful things for us all. He has taken into account what people have said and modified it accordingly. And for that you just basically spit at him and say he is ruining the game and driving everyone away and sarcastically call him hero?

People who make awesome things should be supported, praised and congratulated, not have to deal with shit like that.

If TUS(MonkeyIsland) decided to make using stuff like this illegal on TUS League matches, or at the very least illegal via disagreement on it's use, would you still want to find a way to do it anyway?

"stuff like this" would need to include pens and paper then, since it is functionally identical.

Wormkit Modules / Re: wkWormOrder v. 1.1.0 released
« on: September 11, 2021, 09:21 PM »
LOL! I like everything about that post. Especially the username xD

Wormkit Modules / Re: wkWormOrder v. 1.0.1 released
« on: September 11, 2021, 12:24 AM »
[...] your points, so yet again you are lying [...]
[...] everyone else, so yet again you are lying [...]
Komito, the sole arbiter of truth.

[...] there is no need to continue this discussion as nizikawa has already mentioned that he will be adding a feature which displays when someone activates this module [...]
[...] I consider this a victory, and appreciate that nizikawa will be adding the feature. [...]
[...] Now I can put this discussion and your lies to rest. :) [...]
Wew, look at you finally catching up with what has been said from the beginning. Not like people have been saying that from page 1 at all. No, not at all :D
I guess it's only natural that you would finally read the discussion eventually. GGs on finally getting there. I wish you well in all your debates and worms games going forward. Good day =)

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