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Messages - StepS

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Announcements / Re: WormNET Service Updates
« on: January 03, 2021, 04:07 PM »
The most massive HostingBuddy schemes update has just occurred.
The following schemes have been updated to accommodate the current play styles and make maximum use of v3.8 features:
  • Battle Race
  • Big BnA
  • Big Rope Race - 1 worm, antisink, no teleport, 40s turn, 0s automatic retreat
  • BnA - balance update
  • BnG - circular crosshair and cycled power.
  • Boom Race - multishot and phased teams now enabled. New: weapons can go through teammates but still damage them.
  • Bungee Race
  • Bungee Shopper - handpicked TestStuff features for balance.
  • Burning Girders - more fire on the map allowed.
  • Darts - Low Gravity is now permanently enabled and thus removed from the scheme. All worms and weapons fully phased.
  • Elite - always no knocking.
  • Fort - auto-place by ally optionally available.
  • Ghost Knocking - always yes knocking.
  • Golf - retreat removed.
  • Hysteria - random worm order.
  • Jetpack Race - scheme was totally broken. Now 25s turn + 5s grenade retreat.
  • Kaos Normal - 52s, 3s hotseat, 5s automatic retreat, no invisibility/crateshower (kaosmod3)
  • Mine Madness
  • Parachute Race - wind is now unbiased and does not depend on a worm's location on the map.
  • Plop War
  • Rope Race - wind removed, antisink on. (including all other Race schemes except Parachute Race)
  • Shopper (including all its variants) - balance update
  • Solid testing
  • Super Sheep Race
  • Surf Shopper - handpicked TestStuff features for balance.
  • TTRR
  • Team17 - WormsLeague scheme with glitches disabled.
  • Testing
  • Tower Rope Race - now in sync with Big RR
  • Warmer - maximum keep control and SWAT enabled.
  • Wascar
Four brand-new schemes have been added:
  • Aerial SD
  • Kaos Pro - 45s, 5s hotseat, 5s automatic retreat, no damagex2/crateshower (kaosmod4), no french sheep strike
  • Power Prodder
  • Black Hole BnG (Rubber BnG)
You can download the schemes for private use under this post. Please report any irregularities you see with any of the schemes after this update.

General discussion / Re: Updates for HB schemes:
« on: January 03, 2021, 03:56 AM »

Announcements / Re: Worms Armageddon v3.8.1 Released
« on: December 31, 2020, 02:13 PM »

Won't we be able to play the game without Steam? This was bad!
If you want to play the game without Steam, get the GOG edition.

Tech Support / Re: SuperFrontendHD not working with Wine
« on: December 30, 2020, 10:30 PM »
It's a known issue and the only workaround right now is to disable windowed mode.

Bug Report / Re: Error Loading Tusscheme in 3.8
« on: December 25, 2020, 05:54 PM »
HostingBuddy has been updated to v3.8.1.
You can now use the new schemes and features on Team17's server. New documentation is available here:

To achieve antisink now you can use !antisink

Announcements / Re: WormNET Service Updates
« on: December 25, 2020, 05:35 AM »
HostingBuddy version 3.8.1 which was previously in use on the Community Server, is now live on Team17's WormNET.

  • HostingBuddy is now multi-process. This means that should a crash happen, it will no longer drop all games, and any performance issues with one game do not affect other games. The crash at 2020-12-23 23:58:22 +0000 is the last crash of such kind. In the future if you see a similar mass outage it is most likely server outage rather than a HB crash. In addition, a crash in a game process is less likely than a WormNET server crash.
  • You can now host the Kaos scheme. Scheme settings currently used by HB:
  • You can now use all of the 3.8 features. Users of versions older than 3.8 will no longer be able to use HB.
  • The list of features is as follows:
    • !nocrates <percentage> - sets chance of no crate falling, or 255 to use the default. (aliases: nocrate, nc)
    • !constantwind [on|off] - toggles constant wind. (aliases: cwind, cw)
    • !wind <number> - sets percentage wind. (aliases: wi)
    • !windbias <number> - sets bias for right worms getting left wind (and v/v). (aliases: windb, wb)
    • !gravity <number> - sets acceleration due to gravity. (aliases: grav, gr)
    • !terrainfriction <number> - sets proportion of velocity retained during collisions with terrain. (aliases: friction, tf, fr)
    • !ropeknocking <number> - sets strength of rope knocking in %, or 255 for channel value. (aliases: knocking, knock, rk)
    • !phasedwormsallied [off|worms|worms+weapons|worms+weapons+damage] - sets the things that allied worms aren't affected by. (aliases: phasedallied, pwa, pa)
    • !phasedwormsenemy [off|worms|worms+weapons|worms+weapons+damage] - sets the things that enemy worms aren't affected by. (aliases: phasedenemy, pwe, pe)
    • !explosionspushallobjects [on|off|default] - sets whether explosions will push all objects or not. (aliases: explosionspushobjects, objectspushedbyexplosions, epao, ope)
    • !pneumaticdrillimpartsvelocity [on|off|default] - sets whether hitting a worm with a pneumatic drill causes it to more proportionally to the drilling worm's velocity. (aliases: drillimpartsvelocity, pdiv, div)
    • !petrolturndecay <number> - sets the rate per turn at which petrol bomb flames shrink. (aliases: pturndecay, pd)
    • !petroltouchdecay <number> - sets the rate at which petrol bomb flames shrink when touched by worms. (aliases: ptouchdecay, ptd)
    • !maximumflameletcount <number> - sets the maximum number of flamelets on the map. (aliases: maxflameletcount, maximumflamelets, maxflamelets, flames, mfc)
    • !maximumprojectilespeed <number> - sets the maximum velocity at which a projectile can move. (aliases: maxprojectilespeed, maxprojspeed, projectilespeed, projspeed, mps)
    • !maximumropespeed <number> - sets the maximum speed at which roping worms can move. (aliases: maxropespeed, ropespeed, speed, mrs)
    • !maximumjetpackspeed <number> - sets the maximum speed at which a jetpacking worm can move. (aliases: maxjetpackspeed, maxjpspeed, jetpackspeed, jpspeed, mjps, mjs)
    • !unrestrictrope [on|off] - removes some rope restrictions to make it more similar to the rope found in Worms 2. (aliases: improvedrope, rope+, ur, ir)
    • !maximumcratecountonmapatonce <number> - sets the maximum number of crates on the map at once. (aliases: maximumcratecountonmap, maxcratecountonmap, maximumcratecount, maxcratecount, maximumcrates, cratelimit, maxcrates, mccomao, mccom, mc)
    • !suddendeathdisableswormselect [on|off] - toggles whether sudden death enables worm select. (aliases: sddisablesws, sddws)
    • !suddendeathwormdamageperturn <number> - sets the health each worm loses per turn if Sudden Death is set to nuke. (aliases: sdwormdamageperturn, suddendeathdamageperturn, sddamageperturn, suddendeathdamage, sddamage, sdwdpt, sddpt, sdd)
    • !battyrope [on|off] - toggles whether worms stay on ropes/jet pack at the end of their turns. (aliases: battyropes, batty, br)
    • !roperolldrops [disabled|ropeonly|ropeorjump] - sets which weapons, if any, can be used during a rope roll. (aliases: ropedrops, rrd)
    • !ximpactlossofcontrol [on|off] - toggles whether a high velocity horizontal collision causes loss of control. (aliases: ximpactloss, xiloc, xil)
    • !keepcontrolafterbumpinghead [on|off] - toggles whether a worm keeps control after an upwards vertical collision on the rope. (aliases: kcabh)
    • !keepcontrolafterskimming [losecontrol|keepcontrol|keepcontrolandrope] - sets what happens to the control and roping state after a worm skims. (aliases: kcas)
    • !falldamageistriggeredbyexplosions [on|off] - toggles whether a worm incurs fall damage immediately after being pushed by an explosion. (aliases: falldamagetriggeredbyexplosions, explosionstriggerfalldamage, fdistriggeredbyexplosions, fdtriggeredbyexplosions, explosionstriggerfd, fditbe, fdtbe, etfd)
    • !undeterminedcrates [on|off|default] - sets whether the contents of weapon/utility crates are determined on collection rather than on drop. (aliases: undetcrates, udc)
    • !undeterminedfuses [on|off|default] - sets whether mine fuses are determined on trigger rather than on creation. (aliases: undetfuses, udf)
    • !pausetimerwhilefiring [on|off] - sets whether the turn timer is paused whilst a worm is firing its weapon. (aliases: firingpausestimer, pause, ptwf, fpt)
    • !lossofcontroldoesntendturn [on|off] - sets whether events that cause loss of control will cause the turn to end. (aliases: lossdoesntendturn, stoicworm, locdet, lcdet, ldet)
    • !weaponusedoesntendturn [on|off] - allows multiple weapons to be used in a single turn. (aliases: weaponsdontendturn, shotdoesntendturn, multishot, wudet, wdet, sdet)
    • !wudetdoesntblockanyweapons [on|off] - prevents "Weapon use doesn't end turn" from blocking Earth Quake, Armageddon, and Indian Nuclear Test. (aliases: wudetdoesntblockanyweapons, wudetdoesntblockweapons, wdetdoesntblockanyweapons, wdetdoesntblockweapons, sdetdoesntblockanyweapons, sdetdoesntblockweapons, unlockwudetweapons, unlockwdetweapons, unlocksdetweapons, etaodbaw, wdbaw, sdbaw, uww, usw)
    • !gameenginespeed <number> - changes the speed at which physics and sound effects occur. (aliases: enginespeed, gamespeed, ges)
    • !fractionalroundtimer [on|off] - sets whether the round timer will count down fractions of a second rather than just whole seconds. (aliases: fracroundtimer, fractionaltimer, fractimer, frt)
    • !automaticendofturnretreat [on|off] - sets whether retreat time is triggered when turn time expires. (aliases: autoendofturnretreat, autoendturnretreat, automaticretreat, autoretreat, aeotr)
    • !healthcratescurepoison [dontcure|collectingworm|allwormsinteam|allalliedworms] - sets which poisoned worms health crates cure upon collection. (aliases: healthcurespoison, hccp)
    • !sheepheavensgate [explode|fuse|odds|explode+fuse|explode+odds|fuse+odds|explode+fuse+odds] - sets which options the "Sheep Heaven" option enables. (aliases: shg)
    • !conserveinstantutilities [on|off] - causes instant utilities to be consumed one at a time rather than all at once. (aliases: conserveutilities, conserveutils, ciu)
    • !expediteinstantutilities [on|off] - causes instant utilities to be consumed immediately in situations when they would normally be saved. (aliases: expediteutilities, expediteutils, eiu)
    • !doubletimestacklimit <number> - the number of times a double turn time utility can be activated in a given turn. (aliases: doubleturntimestacklimit, dtstacklimit, dtsl)
    • !indianropeglitch [on|off|default] - allows the rope to be fired straight down if selected while the worm is moving. (aliases: indianropetrick, indianrope, irg)
    • !herddoublingglitch [on|off|default] - allows jumping at the right moment to release more Mad Cows than usual. (aliases: herddoubling, hdg)
    • !jetpackbungeeglitch [on|off] - allows activating the Bungee from a Jet Pack. (aliases: jpbungeeglitch, jpbg)
    • !anglecheatglitch [on|off] - allows the Longbow and Baseball Bat to be fired at unusual angles by selecting them while moving. (aliases: anglecheat, acg)
    • !glideglitch [on|off] - toggles the glide glitch, where some collisions can cause a worm to continue moving rather than landing. (aliases: glide, glg)
    • !skipwalking [disabled|possible|facilitated] - whether skipwalking is disallowed, allowed, or made possible during retreat time respectively. (aliases: skw)
    • !blockroofing [allow|above|everywhere] - whether roofing is allowed, or how it is blocked. (aliases: roofing, roof)
    • !floatingweaponglitch [on|off] - whether it's possible to drop detonation-on-impact weapons in a way that causes them to float and not detonate immediately. (aliases: floatingweapons, floatingweapon, fwg)
    • !terrainoverlapphasingglitch [on|off] - whether objects will move freely if they intersect with land. (aliases: terrainoverlapphasing, topg)
    • !autoplacewormsbyally [on|off] - sets whether automatic worm placement attempts to group worms by allied colour. (aliases: placewormsbyally, autoplacebyally, apwba)
    • !circularaim [on|off] - sets whether holding up and down doesn't cause aiming to stop at the top and bottom. (aliases: circaim, cira, ca)
    • !antilockaim [on|off] - sets whether aim is reset to a random value between turns to prevent easy repeat shots. (aliases: reaim, ala)
    • !antilockpower [on|off] - sets whether holding space does not fire the weapon at full power, but instead power starts decreasing. (aliases: alp)
    • !wormselectiondoesntendhotseat [on|off] - sets whether worm selection allows hotseat time to continue. (aliases: wormselectdoesntendhotseat, wsdoesntendhs, wsdehs)
    • !wormselectionisnevercancelled [on|off] - sets whether worm selection is allowed throughout the turn, even after moving. (aliases: wormselectisnevercancelled, wsisnevercancelled, selectwormanytime, wsinc, swat)
    • !girderradiusassist [on|off] - sets whether the game prevents you moving your mouse too far away to place girders. (aliases: gra)
    • !bloodlevel <number> - sets the amount of blood in %, or 255 to use the channel default. (aliases: bll)
    • !rubberwormbounciness <number> - sets the coefficient of restitution of worm bounciness. (aliases: rwbounciness, rubber, rwb)
    • !rubberwormairviscosity <number> - sets the air resistance for objects such as projectiles. (aliases: rwairviscosity, rwviscosity, visc, rwav)
    • !rubberwormairviscosityappliestoworms [on|off] - sets whether air viscosity applies to worms too. (aliases: rwairviscosityappliestoworms, rwviscosityappliestoworms, viscappliestoworms, rwavatw)
    • !rubberwormwind <number> - sets the level of influence the wind has over objects that aren't normally pushed by wind. (aliases: rwwindinfluence, rwwind, rwwi, rww)
    • !rubberwormwindinfluenceappliestoworms [on|off] - sets whether wind influence applies to worms too. (aliases: rwwindinfluenceappliestoworms, rwwindappliestoworms, rwwiatw, rwwatw)
    • !rubberwormgravitytype [unmodified|standard|blackholeconstant|blackholelinear] - sets the RubberWorm gravity type. (aliases: rwgravitytype, rwgravtype, rwgt)
    • !rubberwormgravitystrength <number> - sets the extent to which objects will be affected by RubberWorm gravity. (aliases: rwgravitystrength, rwgravstrength, rwgs)
    • !rubberwormcraterate <number> - sets the number of crates which appear at once. (aliases: rwcraterate, rwcr, craterate)
    • !rubberwormcrateshower [on|off] - toggles constant crate shower. (aliases: rwcrateshower, rwcs, crateshower)
    • !rubberwormantisink [on|off] - toggles anti-sink (puts worms back on land if they touch water). (aliases: rwantisink, rwas, antisink)
    • !rubberwormrememberweapons [on|off] - causes all weapons to continue to be equipped by a worm after firing. (aliases: rwrememberweapons, rwrw, weaponsdontchangeautomatically, wdca)
    • !rubberwormextendedfusesherds [on|off] - allows fuses/herds from 1-10 seconds. (aliases: rwextendedfusesherds, rwextendedfuses, rwefh, rwef, fuseex)
    • !rubberwormantilockaim [on|off] - resets the aim angle to 0 degrees after each shot. (aliases: rwantilockaim, rwala)
    • !rubberwormkaosmod <number> - sets utility crate probabilities identified by the selected Kaos Mod number. (aliases: rwkaosmod, kaosmod, rwkm, kaos)

Note that there is currently a known issue where WebSnoop does not show more than one game, this is being looked into.

Announcements / Re: Worms Armageddon v3.8.1 Released
« on: December 23, 2020, 10:46 PM »
Are you going to release a patch for GOG users as well? Because right now the offline installer is still at the old version (
GOG Galaxy is already at 3.8.1. The offline installers may take a few days to update as they pass through GOG.

General discussion / Re: WormNET is down - No news anywhere?
« on: December 19, 2020, 11:15 PM »
I appreciate everything people have done for WA, but it's really bad to just take the usual service down without even telling us about planned maintenance, that's actually a really sh*t thing to do.
I'm not sure who you are blaming here?
As already said, we don't know why Team17's server went down. They themselves probably don't know either since it must've been an accident. We also do not control it and we can't bring it back up. In any case, we will not know before Monday.

Because of this, the Community Server was launched ahead of time to let people play. This is NOT in any way linked to the planned eventual replacement of the Team17 server.

So the official server is down for good?
No it is not. I don't know where you even get such ideas. I'm sure when Team17 gets back to office on Monday, they can figure out and fix it, but until then this is all we have.
We cannot assume it is "down for good" unless we get an official confirmation, anything else is wild speculation, nothing more.
Also this is not the first time that a Friday breakage of this kind happens.

It just took me some time to realize that I have to do something about my connection (e.g. switch to the community server, which is usually empty), because it was just forever "connecting, please wait"
This is incorrect. The game actually throws a "Switch to community server list? Yes/No" dialog box when connection fails. The vast majority of people did not have to go into settings, the server list just gets enabled when you click "Yes" on connection failure.

If you did not get such a dialog box, that means you did not wait long enough, or there is something wrong with your network setup that causes it to never fail (I can't imagine there being a reason for it).

General discussion / Re: WormNET is down - No news anywhere?
« on: December 19, 2020, 06:37 PM »
Why noone coming to the community server? At least it's up and running
I'm seeing the same volume of joined/left as on the official server.
The difference is purely in those who stay connected, as in, most snooper users have not reconfigured their programs to connect to the community server. So it feels like there are less people, when in fact we have the same number of lobbies created as on Team17's WormNET.
Keep in mind that eventually will become the main server for reasons described in this post. However, it was not planned to happen now as it's still under development and this downtime was not accounted for. Yesterday, a lot of bugs were fixed and the work actively continues.

Tech Support / Re: Problematic slow-mo gameplay
« on: December 07, 2020, 09:11 PM »
That is normal roping speed.
What you're probably referring to is not slow motion but smooth motion. Before 3.8, the game would render at 50 FPS, which made everything jerky / jumpy. With 3.8, the game will render movements at 60, 120 FPS and more, depending on your monitor's refresh rate. It is much more pleasant to the eye. The effect is purely visual, the actual speed is the same.

Tech Support / Re: Bot
« on: December 04, 2020, 08:34 PM »
Traditionally, WormNET bots other than those approved by higher-ranking members of the community (such as Deadcode and CyberShadow) have not been allowed unless communicated in advance. The rules have since then been relaxed, limited to "as long as nobody complains about your bot, you can run it". The recent bot wave has prompted negative reactions from the community and below I'll explain some of the reasons.

Spamming the channel:
  • Does not reach the promotion goal because people who are supposed to be targeted, leave and join within a short timespan. They never get to see or read the message. Additionally, the message shows up in gray, which does not bring sufficient attention to it.
  • People who do stay in channels for longer already know, get their backlog spammed, and do not wish to see the messages again. The community is expanding, a lot of which is on Discord, with most of the people getting their information on leagues and other things from outside of the game. With the recently-added Discord bridge, people are forced to set up filters to eliminate the spam which they shouldn't have to do.

Clearly we need some guidelines for promoting a static service (such as a league website). So, going forward, the following rules are going to be enforced:
  • Promotion of the same type of content via private message (PM) once per day for each unique nickname running the default WA client - on join or a while after join. Private message arrives instantly and guarantees the recipient has seen it. Channel is not spammed. The language must be friendly and the links promoted free of any fraud.
  • Promotion to snooper users is limited to once per week.
  • Promotion of no more than two additional distinct types of content allowed per the above rules. Any additional bot aliases for the same bot (if used) must be communicated to Worms developers.
  • Promotion on #AnythingGoes: allowed for events that are taking place within 2-3 hours, such as tournaments. Please leave at least 20 minutes of room between each message.
  • Be aware that while private messages do not have anti-flood as strict as #AnythingGoes does, there is still a tangible limit on the amount of data you send via PMs in a short timespan. It is your own responsibility to design algorithms respecting this limit.

If any of the above is violated and/or reports from users are received on such violations, the bot may be terminated. If you are using WebSnoop, be aware that you risk losing access to WormNET services (such as HostingBuddy) as the result.

These rules are not yet enforced, however you are to expect this to be the case in the near future. This post will be updated when they are finalized and this starts getting enforced on WormNET. As time passes, some of the limits may be expanded upon. A wiki article will soon be created for this as well.

KradieBot received a short ban as a warning in anticipation of these upcoming guidelines.

Other worms games / Re: Worms Rumble
« on: December 01, 2020, 05:55 PM »

General discussion / Re: Winter Olympics 2020
« on: November 30, 2020, 10:21 PM »
Hey guys, the current plan is to start WO in the second half of December. Stay tuned for more updates

For the first time ever, WO will have Discord notifications and matchmaking, with pairings, lobby joining and hosting as part of Discord channels. This means we can easily get dozens of players for any given tournament, provided enough people enroll into the notification program.

Tech Support / Re: 3.8 update problems
« on: November 20, 2020, 06:20 PM »
Hi everyone, I got 3.8 update and after I set graphics to OpenGL 4.0 (shader) it gave me the following window:[attachment=1]
When I switch it back to Direct3D 9 it works fine.
My laptop is Dell Latitude E5410 with Intel HD Graphics.
Your graphics card is very weak and does not support OpenGL 4.0 with fragment shader. You cannot use OpenGL Shader.
You can use this utility to check what versions of OpenGL are supported:

Announcements / Re: Worms Armageddon v3.8 Released
« on: November 16, 2020, 11:55 PM »
Is it not going to be possible to connect to wormsNet with older Versions after this upgrade?
It will be possible, but HostingBuddy will refuse to host games for you and let you into games.

wait, what?! did something happen to backwards compatibility or sth?!
HostingBuddy is separate from other lobbies hosted on WormNET and the block would only affect HB users. HB developers have decided that implementing network compatibility with older clients in HostingBuddy similar to WA's model would be a waste of resources and a maintenance burden going forward.
Compatibility efforts focus primarily on allowing older user-generated content to be used on newer versions, however when necessary, network compatibility is optionally provided. Having older version users in lobby impacts the ability of other people to enjoy new features and fixes.

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