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Topics - nadiya8040

Pages: [1]
So I recently discovered this DOS worms-like game from 1998... What do Worms fans like you think of it?

I've been actually thinking... If nothing normal works on running Project X in, especially for new OS like Windows 10+... I wonder if porting to do work greatly for those. For starters, I've kind of wished to have somebody able to decompile the wkPX.dll file into c# with a program... So ermm... If anyone is able to volunteer to port it to, It'll be a great help on keep Project X mod running smoothly without having to downgrade.  :)

But in the meantime, It's an unfortunate that I'm unable to run Project X due to...

Maybe because I run this mod in Windows 10 Laptop, The Republic of Gamers.

I apologize for non-perfect English but...
With this Wormkit... I would like to overhaul the speech folder...
Edit: Okay, maybe SpeechOverhaul Folder would work better, as separate. If the team's SpeechOverhaul set to none, the classic speechbank folder and layout will be used instead.

:-\ However, With this Wormkit, I believe the replay won't play the same sounds unlike the classic ones.
But I think there can be a lot of configurable options for how speech works as well globally, if lucky, and for individual team.

Something like that..

confront --> youllregretthat, justyouwait, illgetyou, goaway, leavemealone
mock --> stupid, oinutter
screwup --> bummer
die --> byebye, ohdear
fire --> fire, watchthis
proud --> amazing, brilliant, excellent, perfect
airstrike --> incoming, orders
panic --> takecover, runaway, whatthe, uh-oh
panic_grenade --> grenade

Additionally, ouch.wav will also be played after just fall damage.
At single turn, If the player worms took more damage than enemy worms in total, traitor.wav sounds will be played instead.

New optional voices:
surf.wav - Plays when using Ninja Rope.
taunt.wav - Manually plays when using voice commands. (ONLINE ONLY?)

Files in folder after overhaul:
airstrike2.wav (optional)
confront2.wav (optional)
confront3.wav (optional)
confront4.wav (optional)
die2.wav (optional)
fire2.wav (optional)
mock2.wav (optional)
ooff2.wav (optional)
ooff3.wav (optional)
ow2.wav (optional)
ow3.wav (optional)
screwup2.wav (optional)
panic2.wav (optional)
panic3.wav (optional)
panic4.wav (optional)
proud2.wav (optional)
proud3.wav (optional)
proud4.wav (optional)
traitor2.wav (optional)
(… There may be more i did not list but the rest of them will use normally.)

With the overhaul, You can freely add new voice lines without limits. You would need to add number at the end of filename if you have multiple files in same sound name and want the files randomly played after condition.

(Overtime it will be updated.)

TUS Discussion / Files Basic Info Needed & Username Change
« on: March 04, 2022, 03:29 AM »

Uhh.. Ummm... Would you mind adding some information to the basic info of Files? It doesn't have any texts in the basic information at all. And If you're not gonna add the info, Then what's the point having the basic info page for the Files? :(

Also, Is it possible for me to change my username from Orange_Ball to nadiya8040?

TUS Discussion / New Board Suggestion
« on: January 20, 2022, 08:21 AM »
I think several Worms-related topics in Off-topic board deserves one new board, called "Worms Creativity" or "General Worms Discussions" in Other Things, together. Thoughts?

Off Topic / Star Strikers
« on: August 10, 2021, 10:41 AM »
A project about eight worm team represented as different critter species based from other series. kinda inspired by Edoardo Moretti's War'n'Guns

A determined military mole who guides his teammates to victory. His weapon of choice? Bazooka line.
A robot that can build several unique weapons, and an expert grenadier.
A trickster cat sneaks his way and ambush his enemies, usually places explosion weapons, such as dynamite, behind their back.
A poptop who was joined later after being recruited from the lost island, Her preference weapons is close combat skills, such as Fire Punch and Dragon Ball.

Comic #1:

Wormkit Modules / wkJellyWorm Discussion (by nizikawa)
« on: May 24, 2021, 04:48 AM »
A Project X-clone module is in works by nizikawa
We're so far able to add custom weapons in the game.
Source Code of wkJellyworm:
By the way, You can also drop the custom weapons idea for this module in this topic and I'm sure hope we Wormers would look at them.

I believe this module can have all of Worms Unlimited stuffs and weapons, like Bowling Ball.
More info about Worms Unlimited here:

Gameplay Demo Video can be seen here:

Files Comments / File #799, DDR Announcer
« on: July 05, 2016, 09:00 AM »
Love that voice! It is so funny as great. :)

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