Schemes > Schemes

Scheme #4232, BS submitted by Kradie

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--- Quote ---Don't change the friction, I liked it, because makes f3 weapons more useful when a worm is not close to a wall. Also as you said you don't have to wait the worms sliding to recover from the fall. Also, it has intermediary values something rarely seen, because usally people use maximum friction. The way the scheme is you can do a very small slide, that's interesting.
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Alright I pretty much agree with this so I won't make changes. Unless large amount of people start to say otherwise.

--- Quote ---Well, I'd like to play this scheme on this map first to have an introductory experience. Playing with you, maybe? I would make a different kind of map but closed like this one (for better roping around), and with special zones for each weapon to attack efficiently with them. I could also make a variation of this scheme implementing concepts of another project scheme of mine I still not released because I still need to test it with people and work on it.
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You can always look for me on WormNET, or here on TUS, so we can arrange a game no problem.

Sometime variation can prove to be more approachable for the community. So I look forward to see what you choose to bring forward.

We can play one day then. Ah, I realised this idea already existed now. It was a scheme from Worms Scheme Contest called Shopper for Weapons by Wolverine, a brazilian guy. He didn't upload the scheme to TUS. Although, his scheme (sent around 2009-2010) seems to have no rubber settings and the map is just like regular city shopper maps, with some spots with weapon sprites. I believe the gameplay is not as fun as your 3.8 scheme and probably harder to attack someone. Anyway, new or not, your scheme is taking the concept to live again in WA.


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