Schemes > Schemes

Scheme #4427, GS - T17 Parody submitted by Echiko


I actually checked without downloading, because I spent sometime watching the Senator vs Zalo t17 stream.

I didn't open with SchemeEddy to see the powers, because I'm on smartphone and I'm trusting the powers shown by TUS. Girder power could be set to 255 to have infinite radious to increase the girder annoying capacities

I plan to create a section for joke schemes on Scheme ideas.


--- Quote from: FoxHound on April 11, 2022, 02:42 PM ---I actually checked without downloading, because I spent sometime watching the Senator vs Zalo t17 stream.

I didn't open with SchemeEddy to see the powers, because I'm on smartphone and I'm trusting the powers shown by TUS. Girder power could be set to 255 to have infinite radious to increase the girder annoying capacities

I plan to create a section for joke schemes on Scheme ideas.

--- End quote ---

Lol you even downloaded that and given suggestions? xDD Well alright, nice idea! :D

where is the 100% concrete donkey drop from the weaponcrates? :-[ this aint no girder shopper without that!


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