Schemes > Schemes

Scheme #948, RopeLeague submitted by HHC


Btw, it's remarkable how much these old league schemes are similar to the ones we still play. Apart from some small fixes everything's still the same.

The turn times are all the same, 15 sec for rope, 20 for elite, 45 for t17. So are almost all of the options, apart from the crate % and crate contents. Weapons are fairly similar. BnG has been stripped and so has rope to some extent, but in Elite it's all the same weaps we use today.

You'd think those boons at T17 would know jack to create a proper league scheme, but dämn, these schemes sure have survived the test of time.
And still, there's elements in these schemes that seem even intricate to test today. Like 1 or 2 big weaps in BnG (holy; petrol) and rope (dyna;sheep) that can be used to overturn the game. Not to mention the element of switches in T17, no anchor in BnG and crates in Elite that are still sometimes proposed to be brough back into the scheme.

edit: if you wanna dl them all at once, you can use this link:
(includes wormsleagueAM & PRO as well)


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